The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 340 39. There is also the power of liberation in the belated death

Chapter 340 39. There is also the power of liberation in the belated death
Wolverine, a powerful mutant, super powers of immortal healing, beast perception, and steel claws and skeletons covered with adamantium alloy, these can all be summed up in one!
Wolverine's only superpower is "survival".

He is truly "undead" and has almost no weaknesses other than being able to drown.

Of course, not dying doesn't mean invincible. In fact, in all of Wolverine's battles, there are many times when he can't beat his opponents, making his immortality a terrible torture.

Halle's kinetic energy bullet obviously couldn't hurt Logan, the flying bullet only pierced his skin, and didn't even leave any marks on his Adamantium alloy skull.

Just a few seconds later, Logan, who was covered in blood, stood up again.

All his injuries have healed, and nothing has changed at all except that his clothes are more torn.

He rubbed his forehead, sighed, and looked back at Mason and Harley. The Captain was taking out a wheelchair, and Harry was helping the weak White Queen Emma out of the magic suitcase.

The expression of asking for warmth was as if he was trying to curry favor with this "mother-in-law".

"Won't you show us around this place, Logan."

Mason pushed the wheelchair and looked back at Wolverine. The old Emma in the wheelchair maintained her spiritual power to make her look like the extremely beautiful White Queen.

She looked at the ruins of Xavier College in front of her with a nostalgic and complicated look, and said in a hoarse voice:
"Come on, Logan.

Besides Mason, I'd love to hear the truth about that night and the answers you can give me.I was out there when Scott died, and I feel entitled to know how my boyfriend's last night was spent. "

"Is your relationship with him really that good?"

Logan lit a bloody cigarette and complained:
"You just treat Scott as another plaything, Emma, ​​just like what you did to Namor, the majestic king of the sea was trained by you to be a loyal dog that licks your toes."

"Maybe it's because you don't know how to have fun as a rough guy? But guess, when we were friends, did I ever stop you from licking my toes?"

The White Queen in the wheelchair covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

She didn't deny Logan's accusation, and made Harry next to her blink her eyes. She suddenly realized that her "mother-in-law" didn't seem to be a good person when she was young.

Mason, who was pushing the wheelchair, was not surprised by this.

The White Queen, the well-known Queen of the Sea, is powerful but has a bad personality. She takes pleasure in playing with men. It is not surprising that she does anything excessive.

The old wolf stood up and removed the twisted and rusty iron gate in front of the weeds, and a group of people walked along the blasted ground to the desolate ruins ahead.

The main body of the college, which was supposed to be in the style of an ancient castle, has collapsed into disrepair, just like the abandoned Wayne's ancestral house in the world of war, and it is used as a location for ghost movies.

But it's definitely better than the other ruins in the wasteland.

There are no refugees who have taken root here, so that everything here still maintains the scene after the Doomsday War 17 years ago.

Logan led the way ahead, leading the three of them to the X-Men's underground base like a tour guide, and embellished with cigarettes one after another, talking about the story of that night in a hoarse voice:

"There were more than 40 people here at the time."

他 说:

"In addition to me, there are Scott and the others. We are divided into three groups and take turns to be on duty. Although it was calm at that time, there was already a dark tide in private, especially in those few days when the news of the secret alliance of super villains has been circulating. Everyone is vigilant.

The professor was away that night.

He was summoned by the Illuminati to discuss some private matters, Hank accompanied him, and Qian Huan and I were on duty here."


A collapsed entrance that went deep into the ground was smashed open by Logan, revealing a dilapidated hidden passageway amid flying rubble. He pushed open the half-closed door and walked in, continuing to say:
"At around midnight, we received a message from the Avengers asking for help, and Steve Rogers said that they were besieged by a large number of villains and needed support.

Then came Baxter House, then Attilan.

Almost all the places where superheroes gather have sent out a call for help, and the situation seems to have suddenly become anxious.

This made me immediately sound the alarm.

But Xavier Academy was also invaded. An energy bomb penetrated the ground and shot into the base, triggering a big explosion. Qian Huan...she... died right in front of me. "


The door at the end of the dark passage was also violently kicked open, and the place where the tragedy happened that night was in front of us.

There was a glimmer of light from overhead, allowing Mason to see a distorted female skeleton lying in the masonry amidst the miserable ruins. The cause of her death was that her head was pierced by twisted steel bars.

Her identity can be vaguely seen from the uniform on her body.

Li Qianhuan, a member of the X-Men Reserve, is Wolverine's apprentice.

This is only the first body.

"Her death angered me."

Logan half-kneeled on the ground, and the old wolf's thoughts seemed to return to that night 17 years ago.

Suppressing the discomfort and anger churning in his heart, he reached out to collect Li Qianhuan's skeletal body and put it in the body bag he carried with him.

No one bothered the process.

Mason and Halle were waiting by the side, while the White Queen sighed in the wheelchair. As a spiritual master, she probably already guessed the direction of the next story.

The fact is indeed as she expected.

"I frantically searched for the attacker, and then, in the Damaged Lands, I saw Doctor Octopus rushing into the base, followed by Ulysses Klaw, the bastard, and Scorpion and Rhino rampaging.

I realized something was wrong, and I wrestled with them, calling out to Scott
He never responded. "

Logan got up and staggered to go deeper.

As he walked, he said:

"More and more supervillains stormed the base, the Absorber, the Red Hulk, the Green Goblin, the Purple Man... One by one, they swarmed up to fight me.

I can't stop them, there are too many of them.

I need support.

I'm calling for Scott, I'm calling for Warren, I'm begging them to come here, there are kids in the academy who don't know how to fight.

We have to protect them, it's our duty as the X-Men.

But I keep getting no response.

I can only kill!

Crazy kill!Do everything to kill!My beast sense turned me into a crazy predator, I don't know how many times I've swung my claws and got my head off
that blood.

Those smells stimulate me, I feel like I can win.

I know I can win!

I must win!

Yet that night's bullseye was surprisingly powerful."

He staggered into the base's main control room.

Mason pushed the wheelchair and followed Harry. The moment he entered there, Harry covered his mouth to keep himself from exclaiming. The White Queen on the wheelchair even closed his eyes, unable to bear to look at the miserable scene in front of him. scene.

Mason stared straight ahead blankly.

The small main control room was full of corpses, lying here and there, some had their heads pierced by steel claws, and some had their necks torn by sharp knives.

The most miserable one was almost torn to shreds abruptly.

Seventeen years have not changed the display in this "tomb", so that the dead and victims of that year are displayed here in the posture when they died.

But just looking at their contorted movements when they were dying is enough to guess their despair and bewilderment at that time.

They didn't seem to anticipate that they would be attacked at all.

"I don't know how many times I was killed, but every time I came back to life quickly, their counterattacks became more and more fierce, and I heard them provoking that I was going to die.

But I am not afraid at all. "

Logan fell to his knees with a thud.

In front of his eyes was a corpse wearing a black battle suit and red special goggles. It was like a mummified corpse, but it could be seen from the traces on the battle suit.

He died miserably in excruciating pain as if he had been hacked into pieces.

The old wolf couldn't hold back the remorse and pain rolling in his heart anymore, he reached out tremblingly and touched the corpse tortured to death by his own hands, and said sadly:
"I killed them all and spared not one.

Like the end of all Wolverine stories, the hero wins hard after a hard fight, and even the most difficult bullseye was pierced by me through the heart.

I was out of breath.

I thought I had won, I thought I could protect those kids and my peers, as I had sworn when I was invited by the professor to join the group.

It was they who took me in and turned a man who was as misanthropic as a beast into a hero.

It was never the X-Men that needed Wolverine.

Yes I need them.

My family, my fellow citizens, I thought I'd finally protected them, but...but when I came to my senses, that's all I saw.

it's me!

It was I who killed my brothers and sisters with my own hands."

The atmosphere in the entire base froze to the extreme for a moment.

Only the deep howling of the old wolf passed by, it was the final release of the despair that had been suppressed for 17 years, and Harry held Mason's arm in extreme anxiety.

She couldn't imagine how desperate Logan would be when he learned the truth that night 17 years ago, and the method of this damn tragedy reminded Harley of a terrible person, a person she hated so much.

She whispered to Mason:
"It was a joke, a deadly joke, sweetheart, by Mr. J! Absolutely him! He may not have come, but his plan was carried out.

Others are not so wicked and crazy.

The other one ran it all, though I don't have any proof.

But I'm sure!
This is definitely his handwriting.

He loves seeing heroes crumbling under his toy, he enjoys the sarcasm and suffering, and looking at Logan now, that's exactly what he's always wanted to do with Batboy. "

Mason was silent.

Rao had already guessed the truth when he talked to Logan with golden apples at Hautley Farm before.

But at this moment, seeing the infiltrating hell scene in front of him, and looking at the desperate old wolf, he still felt a kind of shock.

This is what the enemies he faces in the future want to do to him and his companions.
"Your spirits affected by the beast's perception have always been a big problem, Logan."

Old Emma in the wheelchair sighed and said:

"They chose a good time to complete this scene. In the absence of the professor, perhaps only a superficial spiritual guidance is needed to allow you to play such a killing.

But it must be more than the guidance of a second-rate villain to make it like this.

You were not only bewitched that night, but also strengthened.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for you to defeat the entire X-Men with a pair of forty. Our compatriots did not choose to escape in such a desperate situation, but to fight you to the end here.

This is not normal!

Scott would not make such a stupid choice, he would definitely take people out and block you here after realizing that you have been mind-controlled.

Therefore, they must have been bewitched.

It's not all your fault. "

"What's the point of saying that now?"

Logan lowered his head and knelt beside Cyclops Scott's body in a penitent posture.

There is no tear in his eyes, perhaps all the tears of regret in the desperate night 17 years ago have been shed.

After telling all the secrets, he seemed to have completed the last ceremony in his life, and his soul seemed to have left his body and joined his brothers and sisters here.

All that remains here is a body waiting to die.

He said hoarsely:

"I did something wrong. I destroyed the X-Men. I made a big mistake. If I didn't go crazy that night, Scott would have taken his countrymen to support Steve Rogers.

They can survive and go to support more places.

Perhaps the nuclear war that destroyed the world could also be terminated at the last moment, and the world would not fall into the current bleak situation.

It was me who screwed up everything.

The world died because of me, Emma, ​​and Mason, the sinner I've been waiting for, hiding like a coward in the California desert.

Now I can finally face it all, and die peacefully after repenting.

come on.

Kill me.

Give relief to me who should have died 17 years ago but still live today. I don’t want to live anymore, it’s too painful.I have killed Wolverine in my heart, and Logan Hautley should be buried here today. "

Emma and Harry stopped talking, they looked at Mason, obviously waiting for Mason's decision.

The captain didn't say much.

He took off the Johnny's gun from his waist and loaded it. He strode up behind Logan, who was kneeling there, raised the pistol and aimed it at the back of his head. Logan closed his eyes and said in a hoarse voice:

"Bullets can't kill me."

"But it can numb you to feel pain and we can test to see if Wolverine is dead."

Mason said something in a low voice, then pulled the trigger.

The bullet accelerated to the extreme kinetic energy roared into the back of the old wolf's head, blood splashed and made his body shake, and then a distorted bullet was squeezed out by the muscles and fell to the ground.

It won't kill him.

But Mason didn't stop, and kept pulling the trigger in an extremely stable manner, allowing a magazine to be emptied within a few seconds, and also causing Logan's back of the brain to bleed profusely.

The impact knocked him flat on the face, just level with Cyclops' eyes.


In the twilight beside him from the Shattered Grounds above, Mason reloaded the magazine, and in the muzzle smoke he said:

"Are you sober?
If not clear enough I can continue until you understand the situation.

Logan Hautley!
I don't comment on what happened 17 years ago, but when you already know that you have been conspired to make a big mistake, it is disappointing not to find the real murderer but choose to remain anonymous like a waste.

Perhaps, as you said, Wolverine was killed by you that night, and became the No. 40 X-Men who died by your hands.

But I want to ask you."

He bent down, grabbed the old wolf by the collar, lifted him from the ground, and scolded him:
"Wolverine is long dead, but Logan is still here! What? Is old Logan Hautley a jerk who can't fight? Just let the bastards who played you get away with it?"

The blood of these people was shed in vain, right?
You are just a node in a dark plan, and they have to drive you crazy to stop the rescue of the X-Men and make the heroes of the whole world feel sad under the siege of villains.

But that's not their purpose!
Only in a world that has been swallowed by despair can outsiders play the role of savior aboveboard, and you people are just stepping stones for their shining debut in the light.

That's my organization.

I am all too familiar with this set.

Your enemy is there!

In the past, you couldn't catch their traces. I don't blame you. They blocked the world so that you had nowhere to seek revenge, but now, they have reappeared.

You want to die, you can! "

Mason let go of his fingers and let Logan slip to the ground. He shouted to the old wolf under his feet:

"Look at these bones, you have to pay your revenge before you die! I have a plan, Logan, and I need someone who is not afraid of death to help me carry it out to the last step.
You want to be free, right?
But how can you drink with them in hell if you don't take a cup of the blood of your enemies before you go to see your old friends? "

(End of this chapter)

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