The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 341 40. Unexpectedly, all this is in the plan of Mason Cooper, Lord Red Skull

Chapter 341 40. Unexpectedly, all this is in the plan of Mason Cooper, Lord Red Skull
The story is divided into two parts. While Mason and Old Wolf were making a final "summary" of what happened on Doomsday Night 17 years ago, Eagle Eye, a group of people, had also entered New Babylon.

This city used to be New York City, but now it is obviously weaker than the bustling metropolis 17 years ago.

The great transfer 17 years ago has transferred all the remaining people out of the entire wasteland world, and those who stay here are "worthless" lives.

Criminals, prisoners, and some unlucky people who have not caught up with the transfer due to various reasons, their number is less than 0.001% of the total, even after 17 years, the life wandering in this wasteland is estimated to be less than a few One hundred thousand.

Barbara complained about it when she first came here. This place is even worse than the Caribbean world in the doomsday era.

And the vast majority of these pitiful numbers of less than 10 people live in the city of New Babylon. Of course, they are not enjoying life here.

Basking in the wasteland's hot and crisp rule and wanting to enjoy happiness is a beautiful thing that can't even be imagined in daydreams.

Ruled here is the "Doomsday President" Lord Red Skull. He was also the leader of the villain's counterattack 17 years ago. It was he who led the team to break through the Avengers' stronghold and strangled his old enemy Steve Rogers to death with his own hands.

However, the president who single-handedly contributed to the doomsday wasteland actually has another identity.

One of the 12 members of the A-level council of the Stars Association, the most low-key one, almost never attends any activities in the Stars Fort, and even if he goes, he will disguise himself, so that no one knows the real identity of this guy.

He is a "die loyal" of the Warlock faction, and he serves as the governor of this wasteland world just like the old Green Goblin. According to the disclosure of the White Queen, the responsibility of the Red Skull in this world can be described as great, making it impossible for him to leave easily.

But it is impossible for such a big villain to let him play "Wasteland Play House" peacefully. He will always come up with some tricks to "entertain" himself.

Like now.

"toot toot"

The sound of the communicator sounded in the room of the "White House", which is a "imitation" built in the city of New Babylon, surrounded by blood-red flags to show that this place is the headquarters of Hydra of supreme majesty.


A gloved finger pressed on the communicator, and a hoarse voice came from the swivel chair facing away, saying:
"what's up?"

"Your Excellency, the 'deliverer' has arrived. It's Hawkeye Clint Barton. The old blind guy is asking to meet the leader of the 'rebels', and he says he's brought the last legacy of the Avengers, To be handed over to us as a weapon against the Hydra order."

A flattering voice rang from the phone, like a hidden vicious dog that was about to ask its owner for permission before killing someone.

"Ha, the little mouse should hide in his hole and live in fear until the last day of his life, instead of jumping out so openly to provoke a hungry cat."

The fellow in the chair laughed, and with a dark pleasure he waved his hands and said:

"Hawkeye-sama is a once noble avenger, he must be taken care of properly. In addition, if you meet my 'colleagues', remember not to startle the snake."

"President Doomsday" Red Skull turned his chair, his blood-stained face showed a hideous face, and said:
"Although uninvited and uninvited guests who step into other people's homes are disgusting, but we are people who know etiquette, so we must treat them well.

If you can catch them, remember to bring them to me.

I have a lot to tell them and I know they have a 'gift' for me too. "

"Got it, Mr. President."

The person on the other side promises:
"I will bring the Hydra guards to approach them and invite your guests to your palace. You will not be disappointed. But I may need to ask for the help of His Excellency the Winter Soldier."

"Go, sure."

Red Skull snorted and hung up the communication.

This villain was in a good mood, he got up from his chair, hummed a strange German song, stepped on his military boots and walked into his collection room.

While changing into his favorite "battle suit", he looked at the "collections" on three walls in front of him.

Captain's buckler, Iron Man's suit, Black Panther's incomplete helmet, Thor's armor, She-Hulk's bikini, Vision's core processor, etc.

These are all collected by him himself, and they are all the remnants of his once helpless enemy, but now they are displayed here in a pleasing posture.

Unlike other A-level personnel, Red Skull has no interest in all kinds of strange things in the parallel world system, and he rarely even participates in external development, but it's not because he doesn't want to.

He just can't.

These are two completely different concepts.

For him, his most glorious victory was achieved in the hearty Doomsday War 17 years ago, but his fate then slipped rapidly after the apex.

As the sorcerer said, he made a rather risky wrong decision when that dark dawn came, and that decision ruined all his "prospects."

Let him, the most outstanding hero in the doomsday war that year, be forgotten by "friends", and be imprisoned in this wasteland like a prisoner for the rest of his life.

If there were no accidents, this would be his end point, but now, the "accident" he had been looking forward to came.

He just wants to be free.

The freedom is not given by others, but obtained by himself. As for the future of this world and even the entire parallel world, he doesn't care.

The doomsday president of this world reached out to open an exquisite glass cabinet, took out a small box from it and put it in his arms. He pulled up the hood of Captain America Steve's blue suit in front of the full-length mirror, admiring the wearing of his old enemy's battle suit. Clothed himself, he fixed the captain's round shield behind his back.

He guessed that there must be a fierce fight today.

And he is ready to die, which has nothing to do with bravery, but the expected death is on the way.Like Logan and Hulk, Red Skull wants to die at the hands of others.

He's been hiding in his "dog cage" planning for this day for 17 years, so why bother?
Being a villain, being happy is the most important thing.

Fully armed, he turned his head and looked at the full-length mirror beside him. He looked in the mirror like a perfect combination of Steve Rogers and the Red Skull, with a weird smile on his hideous face.

He touched his neck and said:
"This is a great head, I don't know which hero will be cheaper?"

"hail hydra!"

When the Doomsday President in his combat uniform walked out of his collection room, the Hydra guards all over the passageway in front of him raised their arms in unison, shouting slogans representing order and power in this world.

They are not really loyal to Hydra.

It's just the "heroes" selected by the Red Skull from the city of New Babylon. They shouted this slogan just to prove their camp and allegiance to the leader.

Red Skull ignored them at all.

As he strode towards his presidential office, he casually said to a man in full-face armor who was following him:
"Activate the X-Arsenal! Get the new batch of 'little guys' ready to move their bodies before being sent to Conqueror HQ.

Well, going all out to defeat the offensive of the guests is the correct way for colleagues in the Stars Association to greet each other.

My dear Mr. Mason seems to want to know the secrets of this world. Of course, I will happily share with him, provided that he survives the first wave of offensive.

If it's just self-important trash, it's meaningless anywhere. "
"I still think you're asking for trouble."

The red spider car is driving slowly on the streets of New Babylon. Eagle Eye is holding a dilapidated war bow and wearing coquettish little sunglasses, perfectly interpreting the identity of a down-and-out blind man. Prosperous" city, said in a contemptuous tone:
"Master Mason told you that this was a planned ambush. I don't understand why you came here to die? If you really lived enough, then you should have been honestly killed by me in the canyon. right."

"Shut up! Drive hard and don't hit anyone."

Clint Barton, who was leaning on the seat with his eyes closed, said impatiently:

"It's impossible to explain the truth to a little wasteland girl like you. You can't understand all this, and I'm not in the mood to tell you."

"But now I'm running with you, and the potion tastes really disgusting."

Ashley Parker, who drank Polyjuice Potion and disguised herself as an old wolf, complained:

"You should at least tell me your plan so I can be prepared, don't you Avengers always have a plan when you do things? Poor Barbara Gordon sure has a plan, but she won't tell me.

Obviously I have joined them"

"No, boy, you're far from joining them."

Probably because he couldn't bear the chatter and childishness of his rebellious daughter, Eagle Eye took out a wine jug and took a sip. He had no interest in the surrounding scenery controlled by the Red Skull and serving "order".

He whispered in a tone of words and deeds:

"Just like when I was picked on by Nick Fury, it's not the end when they allow you to act with them, it's just the beginning.

If you really want to integrate into them, you have to fight for what they are after at least a few times. You can understand this as the 'challenge to join the club' when you joined the Wasteland Gang.

In such a chaotic organization, you need to use violence to make others submit to you, but under Mason, you have to display some more valuable qualities. "

"I think I'm great!"

Ashley frowned and listened to her father's teaching, she retorted unconvinced:

"I think I can beat Barbara and Blue Beetle, they are weak!"

"What about the Kryptonians?"

Eagle Eye snorted and said:
"Under Mason, even Kryptonian can only be the main soldier. The way he picks his teammates is obviously not only based on strength, which reminds me of those days in the past.

The same is true of Nick Fury, they know how to know people and make good use of them.

If you want to go further in this group, you'd better learn from others with a humble heart, otherwise you will be eliminated soon, just pull over at the bar in front. "

Eagle Eye said something, and the spider car quickly stopped on the side of the road.

He and Ashley got out of the car and picked up the silver-gray mechanical box that had been escorted all the way from the rear, and hobbled into the bar like a broken-down blind man.

It's clearly been taken down here.

It was full of vigilant guys, all of them were dressed like ordinary people, and they seemed to be well-trained, but the more so, the only little expectation left in Hawkeye's heart was quickly dashed.

It appears that Mason was right.

The so-called Rebels never existed, and for a former Avenger, he knows exactly what it's like to have a group of Rebels operating behind enemy lines for 17 years.

These people in front of you.
Too high profile.

"Are you the Lord Hawkeye who has been in touch with us?"

A chunky man in a white windbreaker stood up with a smile on his face. He quickly stepped forward and took Hawkeye's cold hand, saying:

"Our organization really welcomes you. We have no shortage of supplies but urgently need an excellent commander like you to lead us to resist the tyranny of the Red Skull.

We've got a solid base in the city, and it only takes one successful sneak attack to unseat that tyrant. Of course, we'll need a few more weapons.

I mean, the unconventional kind to stand up against the Red Skull's stormtroopers of HYDRA made up of supervillains. "

"Of course, I brought you the necessary weapons!"

Hawkeye turned his head and gestured to "Logan" beside him. He put the suitcase in his hand on the table, and stretched out his hand to open it in a complicated and tedious way.

While the liquid nitrogen used for refrigeration was flying, the sophisticated mechanical box was slowly opened under the surprised and excited gaze of the man in front of him, finally revealing 99 fortifiers that looked very advanced and futuristic.

Hawkeye took a step back and said:
"Super Soldier Serum! Made by S.H.I.E.L.D. for a backup plan before Doomsday, it took me a decade to find it in the Brazilian wasteland.

Now it's yours.

It only takes one injection to harvest 99 heroes as powerful as the captain.

Of course, I have a small request. "

"You say."

The short and fat man's eyes were full of joy. The treasure in front of him was enough for him to make great achievements in front of the President. He looked at Hawkeye and said very sincerely:
"As long as we can do it, I will do my best."

"Leave one for me."

Eagle Eye sat on a chair leaning on his dilapidated war bow, a smile from the bottom of his heart appeared under the blind glasses, and he whispered in a low voice:

"I've had enough running away, and I want to fight one more time, against the bastard Red Skull who destroyed everything, in this city we swore to protect and failed to protect.

I mean
I don't want to prove that I am better than anyone else, but I want to take back those things that have been taken back with my own hands! "

"Of course you deserve it."

The short and fat man froze for a moment, then immediately took out a dark green enhancer from the box and handed it to Hawkeye. At the same time, Barbara's voice sounded in Hawkeye's ears:

"The Hydra commando has surrounded the bar where you are, and fire support is on the line. Clint, we granted your last wish, now tell me your answer."

"My answer is."

Eagle Eye stood up and clasped the "Super Soldier Serum" in his hand under the watchful eyes of a group of "rebels". He grinned and said in a low voice:
"Let's burn this filthy place to ashes!"

The moment the others pulled out their guns, Clint grinned and smashed the "serum" in his hand to the ground. At the same time, the miniature bombs under the 98 serums in the box exploded.

No fragment damage was done.

But those dark green liquid splashes turned into dangerous fear gas when they came into contact with the air, and the billowing green smoke enveloped all the ambushes in the bar and the approaching Hydra commandos on the surrounding streets.

Ashley behind Hawkeye had already put on a breathing mask, but Hawkeye himself took a deep breath of the dark green fear gas.

This kind of thing that can catalyze fear can cause anyone to burst out the most terrifying picture in their life to defeat the will. However, at this moment, Clint Barton showed a hint of "enjoyment" in his hands and feet.

The images of the fiasco 17 years ago rolled back and forth in front of his eyes, but fear
Fuck the fear!

The fear of my whole life was used up in that night of running in embarrassment, and all that remained in my body was anger.


Hades' warbow flicked away from Hawkeye's hand, unsheathed like a sharp knife in the fearful smoke.

The fat man who raised his gun and cried loudly in front of his eyes was pierced by an arrow, and he put on the bowstring in the cruel drawing. The golden fire rolled and was shot at the air circulation machine in the bar. A few seconds later, there was a more violent explosion in the bar. This burst.

Flame burns, fear reigns.

Eagle Eye, who was wearing the Ronin battle suit, swung his knife comfortably and casually, chopping down the offals that approached one by one.He kicked his daughter away who was frightened by his fighting posture.

Said indifferently:

"Stay here! The next battle is not for a rookie like you to participate in. Show me how powerful your father is."

Of course Ashley was upset, but before she could refute, a tall figure fell from the sky.

He broke through the wall and appeared in the chaos. The guy was wearing a Hydra battle suit, his silver mechanical arms rattled, and only a pair of gloomy eyes were exposed under his messy hair.

"Well, Winter Soldier."

Eagle Eye stretched out his hand to put on the mask of the battle suit. He looked at the former "comrade comrade" in front of him, and pierced with the scandium alloy sharp blade in his hand, piercing the heart of a guy who rushed from behind the thick smoke.

Blood splattered, Ronin put his knife back into its sheath, hooked his fingers at the Hydra warrior, and said:

"The bastard who stabbed us in the back, come!"

"Go forward and die!"

(End of this chapter)

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