The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 343 42. Both X-Men and K-Squad are combinations of letters in their names. Why is there such

Chapter 343 42. Both X-Men and K-Squad are combinations of letters in their names. Why is there such a big gap?
The "balloon nuclear bomb" of the Hulk Gang failed to detonate in the end.

It has flown over New Babylon, but it was discovered by the re-enacted X-Men under the command of the Red Skull for the first time. With the "youth version" of Magneto, it is almost impossible for an iron bomb to explode at high altitude. possible thing.

Before the rusty tactical nuclear bomb entered the throwing procedure, it was disassembled into harmless components in an exquisite way by the concentrated magnetic force in the air, and then was crazily accelerated in the magnetic field into a flying "electromagnetic cannon shooting". The green leather balloon and everything on it were torn apart.

But this cruel scene didn't even arouse the slightest interest of Papa Banner.

He didn't comment on the tragic death of his eldest son at all, but drove his Hulk gang and all the cannon fodder to rush to New Babylon City.

As a city on wasteland, of course there is no city wall and no need for city walls.

Therefore, in the face of the wasteland bullies rushing in at an accelerated rate, the Hydra soldiers who were fighting with the K team had to allocate part of their strength to fight against the Wagggggh who was right in front of them!

And this gave the K team, which was fighting hard, a chance to break out.

Following Barbara's order, everyone gave up their target at the same time and began to try to retreat with the fire support of the mechanical ant colony and drones.

To be honest, this job is very difficult.

Because all of them, including Barbara, are facing more than one X-Men entanglement, and they are not all mediocre.

Zod was engaged in "mixed doubles" by Storm Girl and Beast Hank, a close partner, while Kara was suppressed by Cyclops and Colossus.

Bizarro faced Red Tank and Gambit, and Blue Beetle was played and applauded by sister Psylocke and brother Saber-toothed Tiger.

Even Firestorm, who went to entangle Magneto, encountered two "comrades" who also played with fire, Sunfire and Flamestar.

To be honest, the current hard power of the K team 2.0 has already surpassed all the B-level pioneer teams of the Stars Club, but facing the re-engraved and unweakened version of the X-Men still put them at an absolute disadvantage for a while.

This is not to say that the K team is not strong enough, it's just that it will take time for the players to realize their potential.

Right now, the only one who has the upper hand in the battle of New Babylon is actually the bat girl Barbara who usually does not show up.

She was stopped by the combination of "dog man and woman" or "black and white lover" of dagger and cloak, and then summoned the mechanical ant colony to help in the battle, but it was of little significance to face the ground forces that could teleport at any time.

But the ant colony bought Barbara time to "change weapons".

When Dagger and Cloak were about to launch a teleportation raid on Barbara who was hiding in a bunker, they were shocked to find that the master hacker had also played "gun fighting".

Facing the attack of mutant lovers, Barbara chose to use two guns to give the answer.

"bang bang bang"

The piercing gunshots echoed in the messy space of the burning building, and Batgirl charged forward while aiming.

Originally, bullets were no threat to mutants who could teleport, but the moment the two sides fought, the teleporting cloak realized that they had fallen into a trap.

The double guns in the hands of this woman dressed like a black bat were fired!

Those bullets can automatically track the target.

Batgirl only needs to roughly aim the muzzle at the target, and the smart bullets fired can complete a sharp obtuse corner and shoot into the target's body while the prosthetic body is locked.

The two epic-level smart pistols "Ximura" specially made by Mason for her were sprayed into a silver-gray with a sense of technology. Take a beating.

What's more terrible is that the mechanical ant colony has surrounded them in this closed space. In desperation, the cloak can only take the dagger and teleport out of the bunker.

However, Barbara sneered and didn't chase after her. She turned around and threw her flying claws before jumping off the chaotic street.

A few seconds after the successful breakout, a large number of flames exploded continuously in midair.

It was Batgirl who detonated the released flying ants without hesitation, and used these precious elite machines to blow up the dagger and cloak in mid-air. The final landing point of the couple was the ground where the mechanical ants gathered.

Well, may they love each other in hell.

"Mason! Support!"

While locating the traces of her teammates in the chaotic city of New Babylon, Barbara shouted to the captain outside the city:
"They're entangled, and if I can't break out, I'll have to ask the Kryptonians to inject doping."

"Don't panic, I'm coming."

Mason didn't panic, he instructed:
"Hawkeye's signal has been restored. He seems to have won the battle. Go join him and move to the 'palace' where the Red Skull is. The follow-up X-Men don't need to be knocked down.

Unless the Red Skull doesn't want their own city, the Hulk gang will take care of them.

Let our Kryptonians take another beating.

This can effectively stimulate their superhuman potential hidden deep in their bones. You and Hawkeye will help Firestorm, and the Blue Beetle will leave it to me. "

"Roger that!"

Barbara took a deep breath, took out a bottle of refreshment and poured it into her mouth. A few seconds later, with the low sound of the engine, a Batmobile smashed through the wall and galloped towards the direction of Hawkeye's signal.

Less than 2 minutes later, Batgirl flicked her tail and made an emergency stop, appearing on the side of the street that was already in flames.

In front of her eyes, Eagle Eye, who was covered in blood, was sitting on a headless corpse and smoking a cigarette. Ashley Parker beside him was yelling and pecking each other with Li Qianhuan, who was trying to sneak up on them. Mutual exchange.

"Not bad, old man."

Barbara crouched on the black motorcycle, looking at Eagle Eye and the silver mechanical arm that was still emitting sparks under his feet, she pouted and said:
"Can you still fight? We need support over there."

"Of course you need support. Who would send a group of recruits into such a battlefield?"

Eagle Eye, who seemed to have untied the knot in his heart, exhaled a smoke ring, put the Hades war bow beside him behind his back, and stood up shaking the scandium alloy war knife.

He was not in good shape after defeating the enhanced version of the Winter Soldier one-on-one, but it is clear that the chaos in front of him has aroused the former Avenger's fighting spirit.

He caught the healing potion thrown by Barbara, and drank it as if drinking alcohol, and threw the empty medicine bottle behind him without looking back.

The bottle precisely hit Li Qianhuan who was fighting with his daughter on the back of the head, causing the latter to stagger.

The wasteland spider girl yelled and rushed forward, against the energy sparks flying all over the sky, she snapped the replica Li Qianhuan's neck with a rough naked twist.

"I knew drinking was not a good habit for a shooter, my hands were shaking! Damn, I aimed at that chick's ass"

Eagle Eye complained.

He said to Barbara:

"You and my daughter drove the spider car to keep up. I requisitioned your cool motorcycle. Let the old man take you two little girls to see how awesome the Avengers are."

"Don't scratch my motorcycle, this is a limited edition modified by my brother."

Batgirl grinned and jumped out of her car.

The unrestrained Eagle Eye blew a whistle and straddled it, twisted the accelerator and rushed far away, completed an almost impossible 90° right-angle turn on the next street, and galloped all the way to the position where the firestorm was fighting hard under Barbara's instructions .

He is old.

He was so old that he couldn't even hold a sword. Fighting off a Winter Soldier cost most of his life. He was no longer as brave as he used to be.

However, at this time, the strong wind was blowing head-on on the bat bike, but it made Clint Button feel that he seemed to be getting younger every second.

It's as if those good old days, long forgotten, are back.

"Sit tight, Natasha"

He said to the empty back:
"You look so hot today, I want to invite you to a date, hehe, it would be nice to say that earlier."

"Hey! old man."

Ashley Parker's displeased and disdainful voice sounded in the team communication, and she scolded:
"Don't speak out the obscenity in your heart, it's disgusting! I can hear it."

"so what?"

Eagle Eye pouted and hit the accelerator again, he said:

"I'm divorced from your mother, you little bastard who cares who I date? You two will remember to rush up to attract attention and give me a chance to sneak attack.

Watch me shoot those two arsonist bastards with Pym particle arrows! "

Mason who activated the speed force ring appeared in the chaotic city of New Babylon amidst the beating yellow light spots. The moment he stopped, the blue beetle screamed and smashed at Mason's feet.

The cool alien scarab combat system on his body will be in a mess. The alien weapon that has only been unlocked to the second stage is completely unable to deal with the terrifying melee combination of Psylocke and Saber-toothed Tiger at the same time.

Being able to survive for so long in front of the two re-enacted dark X-Men is entirely due to the excellent defense of the scarab system.

The cowboy boy from Texas finally no longer regards this development as a legendary adventure, because he really felt the pressure of death, which made this little guy who usually has a broken mouth very silent at this moment.

He is making progress, and his compatibility with the scarab system is also rising rapidly. If he is given a little more time, it is estimated that the force restriction of the third stage can be unlocked on the spot.

But unfortunately, the time left for him to appear on the stage has ended.

At this moment, he fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment, just in time to make contact with Mason's eyes looking down. When the four eyes met, he saw the deep disappointment on Mason's face.

"This is the end of the destructive weapon that rampages the universe?"

The captain deliberately sarcastically said:
"You still want to join the Justice League when you can't even beat two second-line X-Men? You have no energy at all, kid, stand aside and let your captain teach you what fighting is."

While speaking, Mason tapped his hand on the luggage, and the one-handed sword embellished with golden eagles jumped into his palm. It was the Su Jie's eagle sword that was given to Lord Catwoman for self-defense before.

Selena couldn't use it after she got the Venom Suit and the Mantra Cattail Whip, so the Isu weapon was returned to Mason.

This kind of weapon has always been able to exert its real destructive power only in the hands of the Isu blood, so when Mason held the sword, the beating edge almost formed a layer of "flowing blade like fire" outside the blade.

He drew out the silver pistol at his waist with the other hand, and put on an assault stance just like the little lunatic Damian.

Lingdie, who was opposite him, sneered, and the mutant swordsman, who was a master of weapons, could tell at a glance that Mason's sword-holding posture was a complete novice.

This guy who suddenly appeared can't fight melee at all.

The tall saber-toothed tiger, who was somewhat similar to Logan, also sneered, and surrounded Mason with claw blades and spirit butterflies from both hands.

"It's not that I don't believe you, Captain."

The blue beetle got up and hid behind Mason. While trying his best to break through the scarab's force lock, he whispered:

"But Miss Barbara said that your close combat is a weakness, why don't we run? These two guys can't fly, so I can take you out.

If you can't beat it, it's not ashamed to run away. "

"The spirit butterfly can flash in a short distance, and your rookie reaction can't dodge it. Facing such an enemy, choosing to expose your back is a trick to die."

Mason moved his neck, turned his wrist in a dignified manner and sprinkled golden sword lights, he whispered:

"It's true that I don't like melee combat very much, but I guess, even the X-Men have never been kicked by light"


Mason's figure swayed in place.

A bright red bloodstain appeared on the neck of the opposite saber-toothed tiger.

Under the horrified gaze of the blue beetle and the spirit butterfly, the head of the tall undead mutant slipped off his neck, and then the headless corpse fell to the ground amidst a gushing of blood.

Saber-toothed tiger has the same beast perception as Wolverine, but with the blessing of speed force, his perception can't keep up with the speed of Mason's movement and attack.

Even the pain of being cut off the neck has already returned to hell.

So, you guys who call "Sonic Quicksilver" "Superspeed", do you understand the gold content of FTL?

"It's a good thing this guy doesn't have Adamantium in his neck, and it's a good thing this sword is sharper than a laser in my hand."

Mason glanced at the Psylocke who turned around and ran away, then he turned his eyes to the blue beetle and said:
"Now you know the strength of a strong man who has played Zhenglian twice?"

"It's so scary!"

The cowboy girl expressed emotion from the bottom of her heart. Mason smiled and disappeared again. When he returned a second later, he had a blood-stained katana covered in purple flames in his hand.

"Speed ​​Force is really good, especially in the hands of a decisive person. It is not easy for Barry Allen to resist the temptation of violence once and for all."

He sighed with emotion, and casually threw the blood-stained spoils to the blue beetle, saying:
"Put it away, take it back to your brother Ertong, he will give you more smiles because of it."

The blue beetle holding the blood-stained katana was already frightened by Mason's methods. He didn't dare to resist at all, so he could only ask in a low voice:

"Where do we go now? To save other people?"

"No, let's go straight to Huanglong."

The captain pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, pointed in the direction of the center of New Babylon, and poured a bottle of epic healing potion into his mouth, so as to quickly heal his cracked leg bones and hand bones.

Alas, this speed force is good for everything, but every time it is used, it is the same as the "Seven Injuries Fist".


The terrifying and weird roar suddenly sounded in the city behind Mason, causing him to look back suddenly, and the blue beetle asked out of nowhere:

"what happened?"

"It's nothing."

Mason turned around and said to the cowboy boy:

"It's just... the beast is out of the cage, and the city is over."

At the same time, on the chaotic battlefield a third of the city, Papa Banner struggled to pull his arm out of the broken wall behind him.

With blood all over his face, he looked regretfully at the shattered reading glasses in front of him. He actually liked this pair of glasses he picked up somewhere.

The main reason is that after wearing it, it can add a touch of gentleness to him in the form of "Fire Cloud Cthulhu", so that he will not forget his other identity besides Hulk.

In front of Papa Banner, the vicious red tank is holding the body of a Son of Hulk whose head has been crushed in one hand, striding towards Bruce Banner like a warrior of destruction, with a burning and exploding war car in the background It's as gorgeous as flying fireworks.

"You are so old! Why do you still come to die?"

The red tank, one of the replica Hydra X-Men, yelled at Papa Banner roughly:
"Look at you idiot who dares to provoke Hydra! I'm going to tear you apart!"

"I want to die. I want to die. I just want to find someone in this city who can kill me. You look amazing. Hush."

Faced with the roar of the red tank, Papa Banner, who was lying on the gravel with one third of his bones broken, raised his broken finger and made a silent movement.

A distorted and terrifying smile appeared on the blood-stained face.

他 说:

"You woke it up uh all smell so 'delicious'. Me and it know, it's ok today
Well, fresh dead flesh leaves a fragrance on lips and teeth. "


Several brothers asked me if the arrival of the era of fan death will affect this book. Don't be afraid, no, this book will definitely be finished as planned, trust me.

As for the future, let's talk about it later.

(End of this chapter)

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