The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 344 43. A certain evil god: Hahaha, look at those Kryptonians who were beaten up by the Hulk

Chapter 344 43. A certain evil god: Hahaha, look at those Kryptonians who were beaten up by the Hulk like a dog


The blue flying motorcycle flew over the chaotic city of New Babylon. Harley, who was constantly hitting the accelerator and accelerating, looked at the burning city below with the windshield. She couldn't help complaining:

"The way it burns here reminds me of Gotham, it's the same chaotic place, even the way it burns is exactly the same.

Hey, old wolf, why are you keeping a cold face? "

She looked at Logan Hautley, who had changed into a strange bare-arm battle suit in the car body, wearing a helmet that looked like a bat silhouette, and asked in a long and sharp voice:

"Didn't you make a decision? Swear in front of Little Sweetheart that the murderer will pay with blood. Are you afraid?"

"Well, I'm really scared."

Facing Harry's inquiry, Old Wolf looked at his clenched fists, and said in a low voice:

"But I'm not afraid of failure or death, Halle.

I'm afraid I won't be able to fight like Mason wants me to when he needs me.I haven't popped my claws in 17 years, and I really can't guarantee how much power I have left from that year.

I'm afraid."

"Are you afraid of disappointing my little sweetheart?"

Although Harry was crazy, she was very smart, so she chewed gum and said:

"Like the night 17 years ago, you let your mates down?"

Logan was silent.

After a few seconds, he sighed and said:

"I probably understand why Mason chose you to be with him. Under the crazy appearance hides a heart of insight into the world. You remind me of a guy I used to hate.

Well, I'm probably crazy.

But I really hope that Wade can appear here, at least we can have one more cannon fodder and a meat shield, although it means that we have to endure his broken mouth.

You should be quiet when you are on the road to death. "

"I see Mr. K!"

Harley was not in the mood to listen to the old wolf's self-pity. She twisted the handlebar in the air and let the flying motorcycle charge towards the ground in a 90° vertical attitude.

Mason below was approaching the "Spicy Crispy Palace" full of guns under the obstruction of a group of Hydra elite guards with the blue beetle.

But this time, Mason didn't use his super speed to clear the miscellaneous soldiers. Instead, he grabbed Johnny's gun and another hand-made "King Kong" and kept firing forward.

Each shot was very precise, blocking the advance of the Hydra elite in front with the firepower of the two guns.

"I'm coming!"

Harley's cheers came from overhead, and Mason looked up. His crazy beauty jumped up from the flying motorcycle, and like a gymnastics champion, the moment he put the flying motorcycle in the bag, he flipped and smashed at the enemy in front of him.

When it landed, Wasteland Venom's black and gray battle suit was instantly covered, and Harley, who had been injected with super soldier serum, formed her favorite circus performer costume.

With a "boom", when the slender Harley landed, a vicious "Venom Attack" came.

The scattered black tentacles pierced through all the Hydra cannon fodder in an instant like a flowering sea urchin, and helped Mason clear the way ahead in the sweep of the scythe that turned into a biological blade.

After the hydra fell down in unison, the old wolf in the air hit the ground in a classic landing posture of old-school heroes.

But the enemy has been cleared by Harry, leaving no room for his steel claws to play.

"I feel like one more near-kill I can take a shooting game that's been stagnant for a long time to the next level."

Mason sighed, retracted his pistol and opened his arms, very cooperatively caught the pounced Harley in the air, and moved forward like a combo skillfully.

That's the only way Harley would be happy, and if she wasn't happy about that high-pitched voice, she'd want to be shot twice in the head.

Mason never asked for trouble.

"Ahem, it seems that we disturbed your kiss, I'm so sorry."

Barbara's teasing voice sounded from the side, and Mason let go of Harry and turned around, only to see Firestorm pulling Batgirl and Eagle Eye to the ground one by one.

They also broke out.

"Yo, Logan, you're wearing that wretched suit again?"

Eagle eyes saw Logan's classic arm-baring attire, and immediately curled his lips and said:

"Remember what we said about your taste before? What color is not good? Do you have to use shit yellow? Is it really like Wade complained, he chose red clothes because he couldn't see the blood coming out, and you chose shit yellow Pants, for the same reason?"

"Ah, the nasty tongue-in-cheek Hawkeye is back."

The old wolf complained:

"Mason, you really shouldn't have given him those eyes, it would be nice to let him continue to be a self-pitying blind man."

"Although Wade's dirty jokes have never been annoying, but I am more concerned about my teammates now."

Mason shrugged his shoulders and looked at Barbara, who was reading the data of three experimental power armors remotely with faint blue light emerging from his eye sockets. After a while, she said to Mason:
"They can still hold on. Zod has defeated two enemies. Kara and Bizarro's progress is a bit slower, but they shouldn't have a big problem winning."

"They better hurry up!"

Logan squatted down, touched the ground and felt the gradually strengthening vibration, he said:

"A terrifying guy we all know is released. The Hulk is coming this way, and with the strength he can break Thor's neck 17 years ago, he must be even more difficult to deal with now.

We need three immature Kryptonians to join forces to stop him and buy Mason enough time to complete the awakening of his ability. "

"We stay here and set up a blocking line of defense."

Eagle Eye took a bag full of special arrows from Mason, and he said to the others:

"The Hulk gang and their cannon fodder from the wasteland have been raging in the city, and the Red Skull sent all the Hydra soldiers out to fight them.

But the X-Men in his hand can't stop the Hulk. I just saw that madman eat Magneto raw.
That guy has become the most disturbing and unstable factor.

And I have a feeling he seems to be after an 'old friend'. "

"I have to go with Mason."

Logan stood up, and he glanced back at the "Spicy Crispy Palace" behind him, he said:

"I'm going to get rid of the Red Skull. Mason's safety can't be guaranteed without killing him. That guy has control over the Weapon X project."

"Can you do it alone?"

Clint asked a little worriedly. He was very aware of Logan's situation. As the old wolf himself said, he hadn't pulled out his steel claws for 17 years.

It is really hard to figure out how much power the once feared Wolverine still has today.

"I am undead, and I still have Adamantium in my body."

Logan moved his shoulders and said expressionlessly:
"Even if I can't be beaten, I can at least last longer. I am the most suitable person. Even if I become a beaten meat shield, no one here is more suitable than me.

Hulk's roar!Did you hear that?

He is coming! "

"Act, just follow Logan's plan."

Mason waved his hand, took off a little devil skull pendant shining dark red from his neck, stuffed it into Barbara's hand, and said to the team members beside him:

"Stay here and block the Hulk. If you can't hold it, just crush the talisman. The swordsman master will take you out. So far in this journey, the established goal has basically been completed, and you can retreat early."

"how about you?"

Barbara looked at the pendant in her hand, stared at Mason, and said with fire in her eyes:
"Are you planning to leave me and go desperate again?"

"I have the confidence to guarantee that no matter how desperate I am, someone will come to save me."

Mason shrugged and said softly:

"But in that case, it would be a burden for you to stay here, don't worry, Barbara, I haven't officially said goodbye to Gordon, and I haven't planned to leave the Gordon House yet.

Watch out for the Kryptonians, don't let them get on top.

This Hulk is a bit dangerous.

He can kill Thor, which means he can also kill Kryptonians who have not yet grown up. "

"Well, I'll take a look at them."

Batgirl knew she couldn't hold back Mason, so she could only nod in agreement.

She watched Mason and the old wolf rush to the "White House" not far behind, and Harry followed of course. She has always been a staunch supporter of the doctrine of "Where Mason goes, she goes".

Barbara didn't stop her plan either.

Once you are in a hurry to get Quinn out of the "chaotic evil" camp, it is equivalent to being attacked, so let her go.

"Zod, Kara, and Bizarro!"

Barbara stared at the horrific Hulk who was like a world-destroying monster tearing apart the city and rushing towards the terrifying figure howling. She instructed in the team communication:

"End the battle as soon as possible, come to my coordinates and join us! Rookie pioneers, your last assessment is here! We have to stop this Wasteland Hulk.

Better to beat him. "

Batgirl said so, but after only a few minutes of fighting the Wasteland Hulk, she realized that the small goals she set for her new team members might be a bit too "difficult".

"He's coming from the left! Hold on, Carla!"

Barbara Gordon, who had just avoided a flying rock, manipulated the Fenrir armor, got up in disgrace and fired from the shoulder cannon, and screamed in the team communication:

"We can't let him go any further! The ground vibrations he created have begun to affect the stability of the underground structure. Mason and Harry are still below! Push him out!"

"It's easy for you to say! You can do it!"

With disheveled hair, the super girl who had just been beaten up turned around and yelled unceremoniously, but she still smashed the ground while her legs were charging and swung her fists towards the bulldozer-like behemoth in front of her.

She planned to use Kryptonian brute force to push back the monster in front of her to a safe area, so her fists slammed into Mad Hulk's abdomen with the force of breaking rocks, causing the dark green to almost black muscles to vibrate.

This blow with all its might made the Hulk, who grabbed Bizarro's leg and slammed Zed frantically, take a few steps back, a painful expression appeared on its ugly face, and a few traces of blood flowed from the corner of its mouth.

But then the bloodshot eyes of the chaotic eyeballs swelled again, and the released beast roared and swung its fists, so fast and so fast that Kara had no time to dodge and could only cross his arms to block in front of him.

She flew out.

It was as if a fired cannonball couldn't resist the impact at all. With its limbs swinging and wiping its eagle-eyed head, it slammed into the spicy palace behind, easily smashing the white marble door.

This scene made the eyes of the blue beetle who was watching the battle tremble, and his teeth chattered.

Right now, the "War of Gods and Demons" between the Wasteland Hulk and the three Kryptonians has escalated to the point where players like him can't participate in it at all. All the warning modules that can work in the entire scarab armed system are sending out lethal-level attacks on the blue beetle. Warning, none of the alien weapons he's currently unlocked can do any effective damage to the Hulk.

The three Kryptonians are Ts who carry the damage, Firestorm is the main damage force, Barbara and Hawkeye are scraping, and he belongs to the "lying corpse boss" wandering around the battlefield, but his life detector is working at full capacity .

"His strength has increased again! Barbara, she was still at the strength of 'two krypton' before, but she broke through the peak again when she hit Kara just now, and now she has reached 'four krypton'.

Is there no limit to this bastard's strength growth? "

The blue beetle exclaimed in the team communication, the dark green monster in front of him had already made him feel panic from the bottom of his heart.

Especially the latter used Bizarro to lift his leg as a warhammer and beat it, coupled with the angry but helpless screams of the strange demon superman, the cracked ground and the shaking and collapsing buildings in an earthquake are even more impressive. Can't afford to resist.

Is this really life that can be bred in this world?

In fact, it's no wonder that the blue beetle has such doubts in his heart, after all, the Hulk in front of him looks so strange.

Now it is very different from the Hulk in its normal form.

Although the real Hulk is also very violent, at least he still has basic rationality to communicate with people. Although his muscles are green in appearance, they are also smooth.

Weird but still human.

But the chaotic eyes of this guy in front of him were full of destruction and madness, and there was no trace of reason left.

The muscles of its body are pitted, covered with some kind of moss-like fungal organisms, and there are mutated bone spurs supporting the skin to pierce through.

The angrier it is, the closer its body color is to dilapidated gray and black.

It is indeed difficult to say exactly what it suffered in the nuclear war 17 years ago to become what it is now, but what is certain is that the creature in front of it can no longer be called a normal "Hulk".

Maybe it should be called "Mindless Hulk"?
Its incredible power growth rate alone is very abnormal, and it is no wonder that it was able to break Thor's neck in the Nevada desert 17 years ago.

Just as Logan suppressed Wolverine for 17 years, Father Bruce Banner, who formed the Hulk Gang, also suppressed Wasteland Hulk for 17 years.

But it's not how kind-hearted Papa Banner is.

It's purely because once this guy comes out, the situation will become as out of hand as it is now.


There was a sound from the ruins behind.

The wobbly Kara-El stood up from the impact-type pit. She felt that the bones in her hand had been broken, but the self-healing of the Kryptonian was taking effect.

This stubborn Kryptonian girl was also angered.

She roughly tore off the experimental power armor that was dismantled by Wasteland Hulk, and wiped the blood oozing from her nostrils.

Then he shattered the rocks under his feet, rushed to the battlefield with a whoosh, and continued to contain the powerful enemy with Zod, who was also beaten badly. They punched one left and one right, and continuously cooperated to beat Hulk to the ground. Raise your arms to block.

Kara seized the opportunity to use Kryptonian combat skills to "flash" behind the Hulk at supersonic speed, ready to give the big man a hard blow to the back of the head.

However, the monsters in the wasteland seem to have eyes behind them. During the fast-paced battle, their bodies suddenly fell short, and Kara's sneak attack was punched in the air. Seeing that the supergirl's sneak attack failed and was about to be caught by Hulk's big hand, Zod immediately rushed over. Carla was turned on.

He had to dodge himself and was caught by Hulk's calf, who was getting bigger and had broken through five meters.

This Wasteland Hulk is awesome.

Holding a Kryptonian leg in each of his left and right hands, he yelled at the resistance of the two who shot out heat rays and freezing rays but couldn't break through the defense, and waved his arms again to perform the most famous "Hulk combat technique" Use the ultimate skill.

Hulk · Heaven and Earth Return · Double!
"boom boom"

Zod in the left hand and Bizarro in the right were repeatedly beaten to the ground within a second, causing the ground to crack and rubble.

Fortunately, the Kryptonian's head is hard enough to be used as a wind hammer to break the stone, otherwise, this brute force blow will definitely cause brain necrosis of the two unlucky Kryptonians on the spot.

And if the savage and powerful Wasteland Hulk can still speak.

Maybe at this time, looking at the two Kryptonians who were stunned by him like a mouse, he would add "such a weak god on earth" to complete the wasteland re-enactment of the famous scene in front of him.

To be honest, it's really not because Bizarro and Zod are not strong enough.

As far as the strength level of the monster Hulk in front of you is concerned, you have spent more than 20 years mastering your own strength to a perfect superiority, but you will also end up being beaten in the same way.

However, as a representative of "idealist strength", Dachao will definitely choose to explode at the last moment due to inexplicable reasons, and just have a wave of extreme counter-killing.

Therefore, from this perspective, the reason why Zod, Kara, and Bizarro are not strong enough, and have not yet reached the apex of the Kryptonian bloodline, is probably because they have not yet learned the "idealism" of Clark Kent. Hang cheats.

They still have a chance to "enlighten themselves", but facing the Hulk of the Wasteland who is strengthening all the time, they have to learn quickly.

Get moving!

Super smart!

Move me!

If you don't use your brain, you're really going to die today!
 Push the book Push the book!The old author's new book, "The Godslayer in the Beautiful World", is of excellent quality and absolutely beautiful!Wall crack recommended.

  The link is below, interested brothers can click to enjoy.

  In addition, this month's monthly ticket reaches 11, and the update will be added on the [-]th of next month, and the update from the leader "Mianyue Toyohime" brother will also be released at that time~ I love you all.

(End of this chapter)

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