The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 345 44. Mr. Hulk wants to send 3 little red flowers to Krypton babies who are doing well

Chapter 345 44. Mr. Hulk wants to send three little red flowers to Krypton babies who are outstanding
"Wasteland Hulk's strength is still increasing! It's close to five krypton! Zod was injured and his speed has slowed down. Bizarro's freezing ray can contain Hulk.

But only a little bit.

This guy is a monster! "

The battlefield where the three Kryptonians and the Wasteland Hulk fight also has its own BGM, but it is more like an excited narrator live broadcasting the "land reclamation process" of the K team 2.0 attacking the world boss in the team communication.

Annoyed, Barbara manipulated the Fenrir armor with its shell removed and jumped to the side of the blue beetle. The cowboy boy was protruding a camera from the shoulder of the alien armor, and was analyzing the battle while recording it. By the way, "implement rebroadcasting".

"You give me to be quiet!"

Batgirl, who was the frontline commander, held down her timid but broken-mouthed team member with one hand, and said sharply to him:
"First of all! Forget your ridiculous use of Zod's full punch as a 'one kryptonian' combat unit, it's so insulting.

Second, show me your presence and see how your legs are shaking.

Finally, use your bragging scarab combat system to find a way for me!There is no monster in this world that cannot be defeated, and that guy must have a weakness that we haven't discovered. "

"Weakness? No, at least the scarab system at this stage cannot be analyzed."

The blue beetle had a sore face.

The bio-detector on his chest was about to burst into flames, but in the scanning vision of his cosmic weapon, the Hulk monster in front of him almost showed a "perfect form" with a hexagonal distribution of combat power.

Not counting strength, defense, regeneration, or even the beast's instincts in battle and the angrier and more terrifying forms are nearly indestructible.

The cowboy kid said in a shocked tone:

"Zod was able to stop it when it charged out at the beginning, but look now! It only took a few minutes for it to grow to the point where it can press three Kryptonians.

It must have some sort of 'growth mechanism', Barbara.

If we can't break through its defense all at once and make it weak, it will continue to become stronger under the attack of external forces, and the more we hit it, the more it hurts.

Our Kryptonian trio spent too little time in the yellow sun. Compared with the genuine superman, it is not a star and a half. I have recorded the strength data of Superman. Can't compare to the limit!
That mighty fist seemed to be tickling the Hulk.

But maybe try an energy attack?
At least this is the only suggestion that the scarab system gives me now, besides running away quickly. "

"Firestorm, did you hear that? It's your turn to play."

Batgirl immediately accepted the suggestion, and while manipulating Fenrir's armor to continuously shoot high-energy particle beams, she shouted at her energy-type team members.


Under Barbara's command, Firestorm, who was punched by Hulk, returned to the battlefield after taking a rather snake-skinned position from high altitude in the next moment, and "burned himself and exploded" when he was close to Hulk.

The terrifying atomic flames almost exploded close to Hulk's facial features, and Hulk screamed in pain, covered his eyes and backed away.

This also allowed Bizarro, who had been held by Hulk, to escape.

Although the strange demon is naive, when did he suffer this kind of grievance?Bizarro, who was being used as a "warhammer" for several minutes, was also very angry. He rushed forward and wanted to use a set of Kryptonian military punches on Hulk.

But then, Batgirl stopped him.

"The energy attack works! Tactics change! The Kryptonian trio open the hidden syringes on your arms, seize the time when the superhuman medicine takes effect and repel him as soon as possible, it is best to take him out of the city.

Firestorm is preparing for the atomic bombing of the largest equivalent! "


Zod, the black-clothed Superman suspended in the air, touched his swollen face. He, Kara and Bizarro exchanged glances, and hammered the black wrist armor on his left arm at the same time, injecting the needles inside into their subcutaneous blood vessels.

This injection needle mixed with trace elements of krypton is a special disposable product made by Fire Storm to assist Mason, and the technological content is quite high.

The injection was completed in an instant, and the moment the superhuman drug entered the body, the three Kryptonians felt as if a fire was ignited in their bodies, just like the feeling of a beautiful yellow sun in the earth's orbit for a month.

Endless power gushes out from the body.

It's refreshing but also full of an urge to "smash something".

Hulk, who was blown out in front of him, roared angrily, and the twisted hunk pushed away the stone ruins of the collapsed house that was pressing on him.

Its body was bigger than before, and the muscles of its entire face were distorted to an exaggerated level, and every breath brought a scorching air column.

"Wait a minute! Don't be impulsive."

Barbara activated the anti-superman module of Fenrir's armor again and planned to play in person, but at this moment, a gentle spiritual force came from afar, pouring into the heart of Batgirl who was about to give it a go.

"Shoot the Frustrated Hulk into weakness, Barbara, your firepower can't kill him just yet."

"Huh? Who are you?"

While activating the mind protection program, Barbara asked vigilantly:

"Sudden appearance at such a time makes people doubt your origin."

"I'm Emma, ​​we met in Attilan."

That voice answered in Batgirl's heart:

"Mason has us as your backup, and we'll be there when you're in trouble.

My child once talked to me about the Hulk, and he wanted to study this strange life, so as his nominal mother, I would naturally be willing to help you capture this beast, in order to express some of my apologies to Mason.

Black Bolt is here too, and he'll be in charge of the final blow.

Remember, you just need to knock the Hulk into weakness, don't trigger his anger any more.

Hulk absorbed too much nuclear radiation 17 years ago in order to defeat Thor, and the 17 years of anger suppression and dark indulgence have pushed this abnormal life born from gamma energy into another life level. "

"Mason's mother?"

Barbara flicked her tongue in surprise, and stopped the Fenrir armor's rush mode. She complained:

"Well, it's always good to have one more choice in this situation."


Wasteland Hulk grabbed a few tons of rocks and smashed them into Fenrir's battle armor, and was crushed by Barbara's steel fists. At the same time, this guy's provocation also received the most direct response.

Zod in the strengthened state flashed at near the speed of light, his silent face gritted his teeth at this moment, and blasted a full blow to the most powerful opponent he encountered in the first 30 years of his life.

Terrible power plus terrifying speed brings double terrifying kinetic energy.

This punch broke the defense on the spot!
The Wasteland Hulk's head was raised, his huge body was off the ground, his eyes were full of consternation, but then Kara's second punch hit its back spine, and the bones cracked.

It's a pity that Kara didn't learn a few things from "Spine Veteran Doctor" Bane, otherwise Hulk could consider giving Hulk the authentic "Broken Back Healing Technique" of the League of Assassins at this opportunity.

But right now it's not a big problem.

Cheering, Bizarro flew over to catch the third punch, using a full blow of "throwing on the earth" to drive the floating Hulk into a higher sky.

Although every time you have to do your best to punch the more angry Hulk, the cooperation between the three has been adjusted to a good level when they were beaten before, and they alternately punched continuously in the air. A smooth CQB sent the Hulk out of burning Babylon in a matter of seconds.

It was like a gray-green meteorite across the sky, crashing into the Gobi Desert in the distance at supersonic speed.

"Hulk's strength is still increasing! Warning! He's adapting quickly to this level of attack! What a monster! He's wounded, but not bad enough.

work harder! "

"Battlefield Observer" Blue Beetle chased the team members while reporting his own biological detection results. He shouted:

"Firestorm, adjust your flight trajectory, and tilt it to the lower left by 7.53°, so that the falling routes of you and the Hulk overlap to maximize the destructive power of the nuclear explosion!"

"Shut up. Reyes, I'm adjusting"

Firestorm's extremely strenuous voice was almost squeezed out from between his teeth.

While gathering the most powerful atomic energy flames that he can control currently in his body, this superman also needs to adjust his flight direction according to the blue beetle's calculation.

Fortunately, there are two brains operating in his body at the same time, otherwise, the terrifying workload of this two-line operation would be enough to overload his pig brain and explode on the spot.

"One more punch! Look at this weak punch! To a beautiful friend!"

Bizarro made a very shameful "Superman Out" power-charging gesture in the air. He aimed at the Wasteland Hulk who was waving his palms in the air to counter Karla, and roared:

"Bad Enemy Mason Hopes By Bizarro Will Give You A Pointless Victory!!!"

He roared and rushed down, so fast that Zod and Carrara, who had already retreated, had no time to stop. When Bizarro's "victory fist" hit Hulk, the grinning Wasteland Hulk also slammed his heavy palms Beat hard together.

Hulk Wasteland Impact!


The invisible sonic boom blasted Bizarro out like a heavy hammer, and the Wasteland Hulk obviously adjusted his posture in the air and was about to counterattack. However, the fire storm that came flying in the next moment crashed into the wasteland that was charging In Hulk's arms.

Afterwards, a dazzling mushroom cloud exploded in the sky, just like a day in the sky.

But neither the energy impact of instant high temperature melting everything, nor the tearing of kinetic energy, nor deadly radiation can kill Hulk.

Like Wolverine, the only remaining superpower of the crazy Hulk who has been tortured in the wasteland for 17 years is "survival".

It fell miserably to the flattened ground below, but under the attack of All Things Turned to Ashes, it still struggled like a hobbled beast trying to get up.

This scene caused the blue beetle to feel shocked again, and he whispered:

"Besides the destruction of the world, I really can't imagine what kind of attack is needed to kill this monster."

But his words are obviously a bit too absolute.

Because in the next moment, there is an invisible sound wave that is enough to break mountains and crack rocks from the air, gather at one point, and in the perfect manipulation without the slightest energy leakage, it is like a "sonic scalpel" that precisely tore Hulk's burned body The skin, and then the energy that slams into the heart makes it fall to the ground all at once.

"Its weakness has always been in it, but you have not discovered this."

The voice of the White Queen rose in the heart of the blue beetle, and she said with a little difficulty:

"You can't be tough with the Hulk, you have to guide it to attack itself, that is, Bruce Banner, the sleeping personality in this monster
But it's not your dullness, you've done pretty well.

However, there is obviously a lack of a psychic power user in your team. "

A few minutes later, the three Kryptonians landed on the edge of the nuclear explosion crater. The atomic nuclear explosion of the fire storm only simulated the process of the nuclear explosion, and did not leave much deadly radiation. It can be said that it is the cleanest energy weapon.

The wounded Bizarro was supported by Zod, and the strange demon superman was eager to see the current situation of the monster in front of him.

But as the dust was dispersed by Kara's super breath, it was no longer the ferocious wasteland monster that appeared at the bottom of the impact crater, but a naked old man in his place.

"Ah, I didn't die again."

Weak, he didn't even look at the members of Team K who surrounded him, and just cursed rudely:

"You bastard intruders, with such weak fists, how can you be a destroyer? Bah, a bunch of bastards! Can't even satisfy an old man's last wish to die?

What a waste!

Sad waste! "

"Catch him. Then come back, everyone, something happened here."

Barbara's voice came over the team comms, and she said:

"Someone opened the gates of hell. I really miss Jarcon's bad jokes now, he definitely has a common language with the guy who came out of this gate."
While Team K was fighting the Hulk with all their might, another team split into two was also advancing.


The crisp sound of gunfire sounded in the empty "Spicy Crispy Palace". The head of a Hydra sniper guarding on the second floor exploded. Mason put down his pistol, and a line of prompts popped up from the character card in front of him:
Complete a precise headshot and remote execution, and the proficiency of shooting skills will be improved, currently at Lv5.


He breathed a sigh of relief.

Breaking through again with his stagnant shooting skills made him feel better, but when he led Harry and Logan forward, the closed wooden door in front of him shattered open.

A figure in black armor stepped forward.

He stood alone in front of the three of them, his body sank slightly, and his hands spread out. Under the surprised gazes of Mason and Logan, the sharp Edman alloy wolf claws pierced out of the guy's fists.

A cold and cruel atmosphere surged in this small silent hall.

"It's your space-time alien!"

Harry pushed the old wolf, but was corrected by Mason:
"No, this is not a space-time alien. Don't use it indiscriminately when you learn a term. Harley, this should be called a clone. It is a younger Logan Hautley."

He looked up and down the Red Skull Hydra lieutenant in front of him, turned his head and glanced at Logan who was making the same preparatory action, and said:

"He's younger than you, fiercer than you, stronger than you, and also infused with Adamantium alloy like you. No matter how you look at it, you have no chance of winning, so do you need help?

I just summed up an 'anti-Wolverine tactics' here. "


The old wolf took a deep breath, staring at another blackened version of himself in front of him, he said:

"You go first, I may need to 'warm up'."

Drops of blood dripped down the old wolf's outstretched fists. Under Harry's wide-eyed gaze, six blood-stained steel claws stabbed out of the old wolf's fist bit by bit.

The weapon that had never been awakened for 17 years was unsheathed, but he let himself bleed profusely, which shows that the old wolf's control over his body has really fallen to a certain level.

Wolverine on the opposite side would not let his sharp claws hurt him.


Harry pointed to the old wolf's rusty steel claws and exclaimed:

"Does Adamantium rust too?"

"No, it's not that it's rusted."

Logan said hoarsely:
"It's me, it's me that's rusty. Give me time, Mason, I'll catch up soon, I promise."


A younger version of the blackened Hydra Wolverine roared and charged.

He didn't have Mason and Harry in his eyes at all, and the old wolf also jumped up at this moment.

Two people with the same name and the same blood bit each other in the air like two lone wolves, just like the fierce battle of wolf kings, the heart and lungs of an old wolf were torn apart when they met each other.

That must have hurt.

Just looking at Logan's grinning expression, it was obvious that he hadn't felt such pain in 17 years.

But he didn't stop waving his claws.

If the opponent tore his chest, he would punch his opponent's waist back with color, and even if his eyes were stabbed, he would grit his teeth and complete his counterattack with a head hammer.

Like a madman who has lost his mind.

Don't care about your own pain, ignore your life and death, leaving only the traces of the steel claws tearing in the blood.Those flesh and blood offered to death will at last prove true courage, and then project fear as a gift in the shattered hearts of the counterfeit.

The old Logan, who was fighting hard, looked very similar to the Blackened Logan.

But in Mason's eyes, it is like the collision of diamond and glass. It may be difficult to distinguish the appearance, but the dusty diamond can be tempered by the fire of despair, but no matter how beautiful the glass is, even a little force can only leave shards on the ground.

To become the man admired by countless people, it is not enough to have an immortal body and sharp claws.

The name of a hero has never been so cheap.

"Welcome home, Logan."

Mason said something in a low voice, he turned and left without hesitation.

He doesn't need to worry about the battle here, the dusk wolf who has returned home will take care of everything.

Welcome back to the battlefield.


(End of this chapter)

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