The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 353 52. The Doom Squad has made great achievements, and the K Legion is so terrifying

Chapter 353 52. The Doom Squad has made great achievements, and the K Legion is so terrifying

When Mason left the underground base and returned to the surface with some emotion and sadness, the search for the ruins had been completed.

The "collection" of the Red Skull was dug out from under the ruins by two of Harry's dogs, and the "authentic goods" from the Avengers and superheroes were all messily packed into a big bag by Harry inside.

At this time, her image is very similar to that of the powerful "Snitch" who just made a big one. When Mason walked out, she was waving the captain's buckler and trying to throw it out, making the dog catch it like a Frisbee. Pick it up.

She had a great time, and it seemed that the miserable ruins around her and the serious scene in the distance where the last batch of villains were being taken into Attilan didn't affect Harley's good mood at all.

This scene once again made Mason sigh the joy that heartless people can always live, and enjoy this simple pleasure.


Harley ran over cheering, leaving behind two dogs who were wagging their heads and wagging their tails for the buckler. She looked at Mason with bright eyes, but Mr. K stretched out his hands to pinch her cheeks and pulled them back and forth.

It's like a joke between brats.

But such a childish approach rarely appeared on Mason who had been chasing and prudent, which made Harley a little surprised. Afterwards, Mason took her by the arm, and for the first time actively lowered his head and kissed her plump lips.

He said softly:

"This trip is going to trouble you, Harry."

"So this is a reward?"

"Robin Girl" blinked her eyes, reached out her hand in dissatisfaction and slapped Mason's buttocks hard, and made a loud sound. She whistled in a rascally way:
"That's not enough reward. You're sending beggars. I'll collect interest when I get back to Osborne Tower."

"Uh, is the flirting between the two of you over?"

Barbara's voice sounded on the team communication, and she said in a drawn out voice like a tired parent:

"If it's not over, let's wait. It's just that the world will be over in 10 minutes. We still have enough time to wait for you to stay here tenderly. Do you want to spend another 10 minutes to communicate with negative distance?
It's all right!
Isn't it that he will die soon, and everyone is not in a hurry. "

"Okay, Barbara, don't talk so sourly."

Mason said helplessly:

"I didn't forbid you and Grayson to enjoy the two-person world. It's not my fault that you didn't go there. Have you cleaned up? What does the swordsman say?"

"She can come anytime."

Batgirl reports:
"She told us to pack everything up and then she would jump over and pick us up in a minute and send us back to Osborne Tower and she asked if you needed more preparations?"

"Need it! Take over the communication."

Mason squinted his eyes and said something, and then the communication with the swordsman was transferred to Mason. He was not polite, and pulled Harry towards the entrance of Attilan City, and said to the other side:

"First of all! There is a traitor in the Akers team, and all our operations were sold to the warlock by that guy. I have enough reasons to suspect that your Utopia has been seriously infiltrated, and you haven't discovered it yet."


The swordsman's exclamation immediately sounded from the communication, with strong disbelief and anger.

She questioned:

"Do you know who it is? I'm going to kill that bastard who eats inside and outside! Colluding with foreign enemies is the number one felony in Utopia! He deserves to be cut to pieces."

"I don't know, you need to calm down, because what I have to say next is what matters."

Mason said to the swordsman:

"You immediately send a message to the Cleaner Corps as the battle master, reporting that the world has been invaded by foreign enemies, the Weapon X project is under serious threat, and the manager of this world has died in battle and urgently needs support.

And urge them as fast as possible! "

"I don't have that authority, Mason."

The swordsman replied very painfully:
"Although this world is our hometown, it has always been managed by the Warlock. I can't directly contact the Cleaner through him, and it's just a wasteland world, and the Cleaner won't take care of it."

"No, the secrets of this world are much more terrifying than you imagined. I will talk to you slowly after I go back."

Mason corrected:
"But believe me, this place is of great significance to the Cleaner Legion, once you send a message, they will immediately come to help here.

I need you to make the situation more threatening, the more serious the better, and it is best to trick the conquerors into sending here for support.

Go find the hunter!

It only takes ten minutes to ask her to help hold the warlock. "

"You want to kill them?"

The swordsman recalled, she said:
"Barbara just told me that you have activated the world destruction device, so you plan to reap more results? But if Warlock already knows that you are the one who played tricks in that world, it is inevitable that he will not jump the wall in such a big loss."

"You mean, if I don't do this and be a good baby, he will let me go?"

Mason said coldly:
"Since we have already shown each other's cards, what is there to talk about? In the situation where he dies or I die, I don't mind giving him the whole time.

That shameful traitor wants to kill me?

As long as he can overthrow you, the hunter and the forces behind you first, I am not without support. If he can't, he can only suffer the loss of being dumb.

And believe me, swordsman, when I tell you the truth about what happened here, you'll want to strangle him with your own hands.

do it.

Do it now!

Take your time, I promise you won't regret it.

That's it, pick us up in 10 minutes. "

After Mason cut off the communication, he stood at the entrance of the energy gate of the alien city Attilan suspended in mid-air, looking back at the ruined city of New Babylon behind him and the endless wilderness in the distance.

The few days I experienced in this hometown world appeared in my mind one by one like a flashback memory scene.

The encounter with the old wolf, the robbery of the courier, the hurricane in the ruins of San Francisco, the wasteland venom, the destruction of Hammer Fall, etc., although this journey is not the most thrilling story Mason has ever experienced, but there is no doubt that it is absolutely true. His most memorable trip personally.

Beside Mason, the members of Team K also stood here looking at the ruins in front of them.

Their complexions were different, but without exception, they all maintained solemnity and solemnity. Hearing that the cowboy kid Blue Beetle was finally chosen by the old wolf, he was already crying like a motherfucker.

This kind of plot of tough guys going to death can always touch the hearts of young people who are too impulsive.

Professor Stein, who has seen many changes in the world, recorded the scene in front of him in his notebook. His life has entered his twilight years, but this does not prevent him from still being able to perceive new truths from new experiences.

"How about it?"

Mason picked up a cigarette and sniffed it under his nose, and whispered to the super "thorny" Kara El next to him:

"Do you still think I'm a bastard who tricked you?"

"You're still a badass bat-baby in my mind, there's no question about that."

Carla, who was still in the torment of rejection, was wrapped in a blanket. Instead of looking at Mason, she just said in a hoarse voice:

"But K-Squad isn't too bad to be hopelessly bad. As for what I think, does it matter? I'm already on board. Well, don't look at me like that.

I admit we're doing something right, and I won't stand against you again, Mason.

Or, Mr. Captain. "

"Very good, not so stubborn as to be incurable."

Mason shrugged, patted Zod who was beside him with the same solemn expression, turned around with Barbara and Harry and walked into the floating energy gate behind him.

Black Bolt is already waiting to set sail in the palace of Attilan, and only needs the swordsman to tear time and space to give an accurate phase coordinate, and the city can break away from this hopeless wilderness and enter a new world.

Ten minutes later, the swordsman arrived as scheduled.

The black space-time rift was opened, and Mason, who was standing in Attilan's royal garden and looking at this wasteland, also looked away, and bid farewell to his hometown and friends in his heart.

"You know that the legend about Team K has already started to circulate among the B-level members of the Stars Club, right?"

The swordsman standing next to him leaned on the soul blade to maintain the space-time rift that Attilan could transfer, she whispered:
"Every operation involving the K-team will cause heavy losses to the companions of the Stars, and any world that you have opened up will inevitably perish. They have already called you the 'Doom Squad'.

Now even our hometown will be ruined by you, the name of 'bad luck' is really terrifying. "

The yellow-haired girl Liana pouted and said:

"If I didn't know your details, I would also want to stay away from you, you unlucky bastards."

"Just laugh."

Mason glanced at her, and the old god said:

"Hurry up and laugh quickly. I'll tell you the truth later. I'll see if you can still laugh."


Barbara picked up a glass of wine in the garden and handed it to the frowning Robin girl sitting on the chair. She rarely saw Harry maintain such a serious state. It was as rare as seeing Erha suddenly serious. Get up and think about the problem.

Batgirl asked curiously:
"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"I do not know either."

Harry took a sip from the wine glass, wiped his mouth, rubbed his head and said:
"But I seem to have forgotten something important. Let me think about it, ah! I remembered, that crazy woman! That crazy mutant woman released by me and Kevin.

We haven't found her yet.

Where the hell has she gone? "


With Harry's scream, the whole of Attilan disappeared in the space-time rift opened by the swordsman.

The master-level energy manipulation allowed the cracks after they left to be quickly healed, leaving no trace of space-time disturbance, and only a few minutes later, seven explosive sonic channels exploded on the ruins of New Babylon.

This kind of special channel dedicated to the operations of the Cleaners and Conquerors is extremely destructive. Their opening makes it seem like fireworks are going off on the dead ruins, and it is unknown what kind of information the swordsman sent to the Headquarters of the Cleaners. In short, the first In a wave of clearers who landed, there were only ten plundering motherships for troop transport.

This formidable procession was led by fifteen conquerors.

Perhaps due to some special considerations, these fifteen conquerors were all strong men who were reproduced from the template of the X-Men. After they landed, they didn't waste any time and went straight to the underground base.


The sealed gate of the base was twisted open by a terrifying force, and the low sound of collision and energy cutting alarmed Logan who was leaning deep in the base.

The old wolf didn't know what happened, but he knew that the person who appeared here at this time must not be a friend.

So he grinned, reached out and knocked on the energy capsule next to it that had turned into purple and was slowly operating like a smoldering flame, and said to Captain Atom lying in it who had absorbed energy to the limit:

"I guess this is the 'friends' that Mason specially found for us because he was afraid that our journey to hell would be too lonely. That young man really never forgets to show his warmth.

Can you hold on? "

"it is ready."

Captain Atom suppressed the pain of restless energy, he said in a difficult tone:
"Start it, it won't hurt, it's just a moment, and it'll all be over."

"Then bear with it."

Logan exhaled a puff of smoke ring, and reached out to follow Mason's instructions to enter the password in the energy capsule. Because the corresponding components were missing, this process had to be done manually, which is why the old wolf had to stay here.

A special probe sticks out from the bottom, and merges into Captain Atom's completely quantized body.

This is the "detonation" procedure, and it only takes ten seconds of guidance to make the violent power in Captain Atom explode in the most destructive way.

The Red Skull, who was tightly chained to the energy cabin, had a premonition that the end was coming.

He struggled crazily, yelled and cursed, and tried his best to use the psychic power emanating from Professor X's brain in his skull to influence Logan and Captain Atom.

But the former was wearing Lao Wan's helmet, while the latter had already entered the detonation process, with terrifying purple arcs of light burst out from both eyes.

Neither of them cared about the Red Skull's yelling, they regarded it as an accompaniment to death's funeral, not to mention, the feeling of going to hell amidst the enemy's swear words is really special.

With the shouts and roars, the mighty conquerors are close at hand.

Logan stopped at the intersection leading to the energy cabin. Among the body bags all over his body, he spat out the cigarette butts at the corner of his mouth, facing the familiar faces in front of him, and pierced out from his fist with steel claws that were slightly melted but still ferocious.

A rebellious sarcasm and laughter appeared on the face that had completely recovered to the face of his youth.

The conquerors in front of them realized that something was wrong when they saw the rising purple light. They turned around and fled, just like a group of cowardly little ghosts who dare not fight the old wolf with its paws in the end, and go straight to hell. fight.

"During those years of being imprisoned, I always wanted to see the stars in the hometown of stars, but the stars here are not bad."

Captain Atom's staccato voice resounded in the burst of purple light in the darkness, and he said to Logan:
"Come on, Wolverine, I'll applaud you."

"Ha, as you wish, my friend, with blood!"

Roaring, Logan rushed forward, and in the light that annihilated everything behind him, he stabbed the claws in the back of Cyclops the Conqueror fiercely.

The bloody light appeared at the first moment, and disappeared in the white light in the next instant.

It was as if a special singularity was opened here, where the white light diffused, the steel, the earth, and the Mothership of the Cleaners were decomposed into the most humble stardust in the universe.

It looks slow, but it is actually very fast, covering the entire world in just a few seconds.

"Starlight. So beautiful."

The ghostly aftermath echoes in the silence of all things, and then dies forever.

Logan also closed his eyes in this destructive beam, like a veteran who has fought for countless years, he can finally stop and take a rest.

In the 17-year-late end of the world, he seemed to see his former friends appearing in front of him with smiles, Professor X, Jean Gray, Cyclops who had just been killed by him again, Iceman, Little Rascal , phantom cat
Well, the last phantom cat with disheveled hair and hair like a madwoman is especially real.

"What the hell is going on?"


His already fragmented hand was grabbed, and under Logan's astonished gaze, a space-time rift opened, and the next moment, he disappeared in this silent doomsday.

Like an inconspicuous wave when destruction comes.

(End of this chapter)

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