The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 354 53. The sharp contradictions have been accumulated for a long time, and I just set a sma

Chapter 354 53. The sharp contradictions have been accumulated for a long time, and I am just a small fire

On the top floor of the Fort of Stars, in the meditation room of the warlock's great mentor, the warlock who had just rushed back had not had time to activate his crystal ball, and the precious thing turned into fragments of wreckage before his eyes.

This thing is tied to a specific world.

It shattered so violently at this time, it meant that that world had also perished in the parallel world system.

This scene made the warlock stunned, and then an indescribable sense of frustration erupted in his heart. He rarely lost control and grabbed the precious mysterious bamboo slips in his hand and threw them on the ground, and then pulled down the collection in the meditation room like a madman. frame, let those precious things shatter everywhere on the ground.

"Hoo, hoo"

The low panting sound represented the uncontrollable emotions in the Grand Teacher's heart at this time, but he was a vicious guy after all, and he had to keep calm when his home was stolen.

Then he stared at a magical mural on the opposite wall to suppress the anger in his heart.

He squinted his eyes and thought for a moment, stretched out his hand, and a very delicate demon skull fell into his hand. After the magic power was injected, he asked the other side:

"Johnny! Aren't you over there? What's going on?"

"My mother was crushed with bricks. I'm still trying to repair my poor skeleton. Look at this desolate look. I'm going to be laughed to death by those bastards."

The voice of the crazy head of the ghost knight sounded from the skull with eyes lit up, and he said with a sense of melancholy and regret:
"Hey, the gutter is really overturned. Look at me, I can get myself into such a mess with just one mission. It seems that it's time to retire. I don't know which lucky guy will take over my shift."

"Don't play stupid!"

The Warlock scolded coldly:

"Do you think I really believe that you, the head of the Ghost Knights, were defeated by a B-level person? I can understand that the resentful Red Skull would take the opportunity to make trouble, but you actually stood by at the critical moment?"

"Do you fucking believe it or not!"

His Excellency Johnny Skeleton also lost his temper, and he cursed rudely:
"Do you want me to send my broken body in front of you for you to see with your own eyes? That bastard is a B-level personnel? Shit! If the B-level personnel in your place are so powerful, you still want to mess with the conqueror!

The fighting power of that guy and his team members is definitely A-level, you idiot, even among the conquerors, you belong to the middle-class guy.

you see!
It's all because of the inaccurate information you provided, so I was surrounded and kicked by people alone.I haven't troubled you yet, how dare you beat me up?
Are you able to take a trip to hell?
See if I don't sew your stinky mouth shut!

If you like making small reports, go ahead and see who Mephisto trusts more?Holding a lot of resources in my hands, my house was stolen by a brat. If I were you, I would find a rope and hang myself.

Damn I have to go to Hell's Crucible to put myself back together.

This broken one is so powerful that it was almost crushed.

I don't want to scold you anymore, that's all. "

After finishing speaking, the cursing guy rudely hung up the communication. The angry warlock master smashed the skeleton in his hand to the ground, and sweared all kinds of uncivilized obscenities again.

This clearly shows that Ghost Rider is deliberately indulging Mason Cooper's actions, otherwise how could things go so badly?

Ghost Rider's Eye of Judgment is a real lore in the face of the members of the Stars Club with bloody hands. Even the A-level personnel can't stand it, and the Grand Master will be seriously injured if he tries hard.

It should have been safe with Johnny in charge.

As a result, the damn ghost knights are all a group of [-]-year-old boys, and a loyal and loyal mentor like me can't handle it at all!
Although Mephitos was successfully promoted, his vision for choosing knights is still as bad as before!

He thought so.

But soon something that bothered him even more happened.

The question from the headquarters of the liquidators was sent to him. Headed by Steve Rogers, the commander of the third sequence of the conquerors, the seven conquest commanders collectively demanded that the warlock master immediately issue a written document detailing the important sources of troops of the conquerors. The truth of the seriousness of the destruction of the world and the one-off expulsion of fifteen conquerors that just occurred.


This shit pot is all on my own head.

The Warlock stared viciously at the interrogation document sent to his desk.

He didn't care about the reprimand in the letter. The conqueror was not limited to the source of troops in his home world. Although the loss this time was heavy, it was not a bone-shattering one.

What really gave him a headache was that in a sense, he was responsible for this matter. When he realized that Mason was smuggling, he could follow the rules and catch that guy out, but he ordered it privately. The Red Skull tries to put Mason Cooper into the awakening process in his home world.

His original intention was to activate the obedience program in that guy's genes, so that he could bring this outstanding pioneer into his own ranks.

This should be a foolproof thing, who would have expected things to go to this point?
If those gangsters really want to make a big mess, he will definitely not be able to escape the responsibility. Although the destruction has no direct cause and effect with him, the charge of "negligence of duty" cannot be escaped.

"Is this Mason Cooper so evil? I thought the gossip about the 'Doom Squad' was unbelievable, and the rumors that seem outrageous now seem to have some truth.

There seems to be Constantine in the K team?
Well, this makes sense. He dared to keep the Tuan Mie Engine by his side and still be free for such a long time. This Mason really has some skills. I really underestimated him before. "

The warlock master teacher walked out of his meditation room with a gloomy face.

He went to the hunter's office to ask for an explanation, because in the past 15 minutes, he was forcibly dragged into the conference hall by the hunter on the grounds of "discussing the world invasion plan".

This made him perfectly miss the "golden time" to save his hometown.

This must have been intentional by the hunter!
The K team is the sequence under the hunter, and the too close personal relationship between Mason Cooper and the hunter is no secret among the three mentors.

and swordsman
The warlock thought that the guy who used to try to provoke him in various meetings did not show up today.

This is never normal.

Reminiscent of the news I got from the eyeliner of the Aix team before, it should be that the swordsman personally rescued the K team from the home world just now.

These two guys who didn't like each other actually joined forces on matters related to Mason Cooper?
Where does that kid have such charm?

The door of the office was blasted open by violent magic power, and its sharp and noisy shock wave swept all around, blowing all the documents on Hunter's desk to all directions, and also made Hunter, who was sitting on the chair, writing and drawing with a pen, suddenly look up.

Through the mask, Ciri looked at the great warlock mentor who walked in like a bull full of anger, and asked in a surprised tone:
"What are you doing? You ate a dinosaur whip, so angry?"

"You just cooperated with Mason Cooper to destroy an important resource world! It caused a terrible loss to the Cleaner Corps, and the Council will investigate this soon."

Warlocks don't play tricks with hunters either.

He said in a gloomy tone:
"I don't know why you took such a big risk to protect a Class B personnel, but I guess your reckless move will definitely make the forces behind you very dissatisfied.


I can pretend I didn’t see the small moves before, but this time, you crossed the line.”

"What are you crazy about?"

The hunter suddenly got up and said in a cold voice:

"What does it mean that I cooperated with Mason Cooper to destroy a world? You just talk nonsense if you have evidence? Do you know what it means to slander an extremely loyal master with this reason?


Are you here to find fault? "

"I just want to tell you how much trouble your reckless behavior will get you into!"

The warlock sneered and said:
"Evidence, of course I have it, I just need to check the location of Mason Cooper these days"

"Ahem? I thought I heard someone calling me just now?"

Before the warlock finished speaking, Mason's voice came from the living area of ​​the hunter's office.

Holding a handful of Gwent cards in one hand and a glass of wine in the other, Mr. Captain made a leisurely gesture and raised his glass to the wide-eyed Warlock.

他 说:

"Hello, Warlock Your Excellency, I haven't thanked you for the space wonder that you helped me find before, it's really useful! It's indeed the greatest spellcaster born in the history of Kama Taj in our hometown.

It's a pity that Master Gu Yi was a little blind.
But it's not his fault, who made Gu Yi over there be a bad old man with a weird temper, and his old eyes are dizzy and he can't see clearly the wolfish heart of some people. "


The warlock stared at Mason, then at the hunter, and said:

"What are you doing here? Destroying your hometown makes you happy, so you came here to share the joy with your superiors? You are in disaster, Mason."

"I have no idea what you're talking about. As for what I'm doing here, I'm somewhat embarrassed to say it."

Mason shrugged, took a sip of his wine and glanced at the hunter, he said softly:

"However, it has always been the duty of a loyal and brave member of the Stars Club like me to meet the various needs of the superior in all aspects. You seem to be very interested in my whereabouts in the past few days?


I've been here for a few days now.

As for what I'm doing. Let your imagination run wild. "

"Don't think about it."

The hunter pushed the mask, put out a deck of Gwent cards, and said:

"We were just playing cards all night, but Mason has been with me these days, so your baseless accusation of destroying a resource world is not valid.

As the great mentor of the Stars Association, I can provide him with an alibi. Do you want to investigate further?Alright, let’s go to Lord Destiny to apply for permission first.

Oh, I forgot, you have to wait until it wakes up next time, at least a few months, right? "

"Squad K's world gate has not been used, you can investigate it, Your Excellency Warlock."

Mason put down his wine glass, shuffled the cards in his hand, and said calmly:
"Squad K has always been abiding by the law. The official members I have registered have their own missions. They have never been close to the sadly destroyed resource world you mentioned.

Or, are you actually implying that a mentor who has made great achievements and is loyal to the stars will break the rules and send me privately into the territory controlled by you to do something that sounds terrible?
Even in your capacity, you can't talk about this kind of thing without evidence. "

He stared at the gloomy warlock, pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, and said softly:
"And take a step back, do you think that destroying a world is a great deed and feat that a poor and weak B-rank member like me can do alone?
Ahem, what I'm about to say next may be a bit disrespectful, but are you crazy?
Sir Stephen Strange? "


The utterance of this real name caused the dark magic power entangled in the warlock to produce a sonic boom out of thin air, which represented that a cold killing intent had risen in his heart.

It seems that Mason has really found a lot of "big news" that should have been buried long ago in his hometown world.


It's all Johnny's negligence!
Seeing the warlock's head up, the hunter coughed and put his hand on the sword hilt beside the chair.

At the moment when the two sides were confronting each other, a big yawn sounded from the door of the office, and the disheveled yellow-haired girl swordsman was holding an apple, leaning against the door with a sleepy look.

she says:

"What are you doing here? It's so lively? It's so noisy that people can't sleep? Hey, Warlock, I just heard that my hometown world is finished.

what is going on?
Hasn't that world always been under your management?

Don't you think you should explain to me why?Although that place has nothing to do with me, but I still want to know what you did there all these years? "

The swordsman grabbed the apple in his hand and took a bite. The juice splashed all over her eyes and she narrowed her eyes and said vaguely:
"Look, we mutants who don't love grandma and grandpa don't have much talent, and there are only two pathetic seats in the Council of Hope.

Alas, in this terrible era, you are being bullied by people with intentions everywhere, and you don't know when you are being used privately.

But I guess you know the extreme character of us rude guys, we will kill anyone who dares to mess with us. Well, stop sticking here, go back and wash your face.

You look tired and haggard. "

Liana dragged her soul blade and walked into the office amidst sparks splashing from the blade on the ground. When passing by the warlock, she lowered her voice and said in devil language:
"By the way, wash your neck, Stephen! Those scandals you did will not be free, I promise, you are fucking dead! Pray that Mephisto can save you, a loyal servant.

By the way, pray your mince conqueror friends are good enough to put your shredded corpse together perfectly but I don't think I will give them the possibility to try.

So, be careful when you do bad things recently, lock the door when you sleep, and don't give me a chance! "

The atmosphere in the office became dead silent.

The hunter stroked the hilt of his sword, looked at the silent warlock, and said softly:

"Are you going by yourself? Or shall we send you out? Traitor Your Excellency."


The warlock took a deep breath.

He knew that his biggest secret had been exposed, and there was no point in pretending now, so he reached out and took off the dark hood that had been covering him for 17 years.

There was a white-haired but wickedly handsome face, and the most bizarre thing was that there was a black eye between his brows.

He looked around at the hunter, the swordsman, and Mason who stood not far away and looked at him with cold eyes, and said:
"Are you planning to go to war?"

"Look at what you said, how can the three of us fight?"

The hunter took off the mask and brushed her long silver hair. She put the sharp sword in front of her body and stroked the shattered space with her fingers. She said in a regretful voice:

"We are all dogs of Lord Destiny, and our power comes from the same source. Once Lord Destiny wakes up, don't we all have to obediently obey orders?"

The swordsman took a bite of the apple, looked at the warlock with dead eyes, and said:
"So, even if there is a conflict, it must be resolved before it wakes up next time. I mean, blood for blood, tooth for tooth."

"good very good!"

The warlock grinned an evil grin.

He took a step back and waved his hands, as if calming down suddenly, he said:
"If the words are clear, there will be no misunderstandings. After distinguishing who is a friend and who is an enemy, everyone will not be afraid of being accidentally injured again.

In fact, I have always felt that it is too cumbersome for the stars to have three great mentors. They restrain each other so that we can't do anything. I am tired of this kind of fighting and wrangling.

Two colleagues, and Mason Cooper, this time I admit my fault.

But next, it depends on who is more clever. "

He waved his black magic floating cloak, turned and strode away.

The office door also slammed shut the next moment. The swordsman took a bite of the apple in displeasure, glanced at the Gwent card in Mason's hand, and glanced at the hunter again.

she says:

"Are you lying to him on purpose, or are you really doing something? How about I come later?"

"Of course I lied to him!"

Ciri covered her eyes with a headache and sat back on the chair.

Although she still didn't understand what immoral things Mason had done this trip, but he was able to make the warlock who had always been a sinister man so angry that he declared war on the spot, which showed that this guy must have done something terrifying again.

She pouted and said:

"Mason, I'll give you a few minutes to sort out the language, and then give me a work report. Just take away the Gwent cards you touched, bastard, who allowed you to touch my cards?

Did you know that's the most important thing in a witcher?
I cut your paw, believe it or not! "

(End of this chapter)

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