The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 355 54. Old A: Old K is so fucking a lucky general

Chapter 355 54. Old A: Old K is really a damn good general
Mason, who got a set of Gwent cards for nothing, recounted what happened in the past few days in the hunter's office.

The swordsman was listening.

Although she has roughly known what happened in her hometown, since she also has to report to Mutant Utopia, she must figure out the cause and effect.

As a result, after listening to this trip, the hunter could barely maintain his expression, but the swordsman immediately exploded with anger.

Especially after Mason told the real cause and effect of the Weapon X project, as well as the mutant conqueror breeding workshop and the details of how Professor X's body was desecrated by the Red Skull, this reckless mutant has already gritted his teeth and pulled out the sword of the soul, and wants to run Find that big bastard warlock to have a bloody fight.

She yelled and cursed loudly, and was unable to make such a suicidal move because the hunter hugged her waist tightly and Mason pressed her hands.

Although the group of mutants has bad habits such as xenophobia and eccentricity in the current doomsday era, it has to be said that they are really united.

From the gritted teeth of the swordsman at this time, and the expression of red eyes, it can be seen that she really regards the suffering of her compatriots as her own humiliation.

"No wonder I've always felt that the number of conquerors has risen abnormally."

After comforting the swordsman who was so angry that he was crying, Hunter Ciri leaned against the desk, and while helping the swordsman prepare hot drinks, he said:

"I once discussed this issue with old A. Even if the stars will develop very quickly, even if the follow-up clearers can absorb the strong people from various worlds to become their members, but in the past ten years, they have been damaged everywhere by using troops. Not a lot, the fact that the number of conquerors has not declined but is steadily increasing is outrageous.

Now the truth finally came to light. It turned out that apart from the bewitching and various enhancements made by the lads, they really had a stable channel to secretly replenish the source of troops.

I guess, if all mutants are exploited by such evil, then other powerful ethnic groups in the parallel world will certainly not be able to escape.

such as aliens"

Ciri handed a cup of steaming coffee to the red-eyed swordsman, and said to Mason:
"I also participated in the great transfer 17 years ago, and was specially assigned to search for Terrigen crystals in that world with my parents.

Originally thought they were just for research.

Now it seems that there may be a similar 'Inhuman Conqueror Production Line' in a hidden area of ​​the parallel world.

I also heard that there is an elite alien force in the seventh sequence of the Conquerors, all composed of Senagons, Spartans, and Crees. Maybe this is not the result of the rumors that they successfully wooed the Senagon adjudicators . "

"You mean, you still think old A doesn't know? He is the elder of the hope council and has served as speaker for several terms. What do you think he doesn't know?"

Mason snorted and expressed his previous speculation logic about the evolution of the relationship between the Stars Association and the Council of Hope. He looked at Ciri.


"This may be malicious, but I'm more inclined to think that old A is the collaborator of Doctor Strange and Mephisto 17 years ago, although I have no evidence to prove this.

But I can be sure that he definitely knows.

Using the most malicious guess, maybe the idea of ​​the Weapon X project was proposed by old A.

At the beginning, the two organizations were just in their infancy, and there were not many people among them who could make such a huge plan, and Old A was one of them.

In the follow-up transfer, the destruction of the traces of our hometown was also very professional. It can be seen that it was done by espionage experts.

There is also such a thing as the super villain led by the Red Skull conquering the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters in just one hour. It would be impossible to do so perfectly without the participation of the ghost!
Don't forget, the world environment in our hometown is very similar to that of old A.

There are S.H.I.E.L.D. bureaus on both sides, and old A, as the head of S.H.I.E.L.D.B., has a clear understanding of these evil secret plans.

He also knows how to manipulate those superheroes and their weaknesses. The huge idea of ​​destroying the entire world overnight with a chain reaction cannot be done without sufficient intelligence support. "

Mason's words silenced Ciri.

Although she is a veteran member of the Stars Club, she doesn't know more than the swordsman Liana about the secrets of the Stars Club before it was formally established.

She herself said that her parents were still alive when the big transfer operation was carried out.

At that time, she was just a little helper following her parents, and she could not participate in the decision-making of the Council of Hope, which was just formed at that time.

The atmosphere in the office became even colder because of Mason's revelation. He looked at Ciri, then at the swordsman, and said:

"This program, if only in terms of results, has been extremely successful.

Not only did it allow the Council of Hope and the Stars to truly unite, but it also provided them with the initial sequence of conquerors for those who were insufficient at the time, allowing them to attack quickly after the first impact, annex and grow, seize the opportunity and go all the way Shun Shui's development to the present.

It can be said that the decline of our home world has made the Council of Hope and the Society of Stars what they are today.

But the dark secret was finally revealed.

I know that what I said always seems too idealistic without the support of evidence, but the problem is that the betrayal and destruction 17 years ago were not without direct experience.

Black Bolt is now in Osborne Tower, you can go and ask him for proof.

At the last moment, he realized that there was a traitor from the Illuminati, so he retreated to Attilan. He also realized the deal between the traitor and the outsider, so he would rather stay in the wasteland with his tribe and suffer than leave.

The question now is, now that we know this, what do we do next? "

Mason spread his hands and asked his superior and his compatriots:

"Since the warlock has already written the gauntlet, can the forces behind the two of you temporarily unite, not to mention the downfall of the Lord Destiny, who has already possessed the godhead and is no longer an ordinary hell lord, at least suppress the dark loyal dog Warlock? ?”

"I need to go back to Utopia."

Swordsman is holding a cup of coffee with blank eyes. She thought she was a survivor of the apocalypse 17 years ago, but it turned out that she knew nothing about the real dark truth.

Right now, some Mazhu can only report to Utopia first. She took a sip of coffee and said to Mason:

"You have to come with me! You have to repeat to the leaders of Utopia exactly what you said here. Rest assured, Mason, we are united.

Once the truth about the Weapon X project is confirmed, let alone cooperating against a warlock, even our representatives in the Council of Hope can turn the world upside down.

This kind of thing is the bottom line.

It is impossible for us to tolerate this kind of trampling and shameless exploitation of the lives of our compatriots.

In fact, Utopia was established because we realized that many compatriots were tricked into becoming the commanders of the Cleaners, helping them to help evildoers in the parallel world system.

We originally wanted to find our compatriots from different worlds first, establish a cross-world alliance of mutants, and unite our wisdom and strength to find a way out in this era.

But the truth you revealed was too horrifying. "

"No problem, I'd like to go."

Mason threw out a separation chip and said:
"It contains all the information of the Weapon X project and the information of each batch of Hydra men who were conceived and their whereabouts. It only needs a little comparison in the conqueror sequence to confirm the truth.

But before we go, there is one small problem. "

He tapped the table and said:

"The traitor of the Ex team! That guy sold me to the warlock and almost killed me and my team members there. If it wasn't for that Johnny Skeleton guy who is also a senior boy, I'm afraid you wouldn't have seen it me."

"I'll discuss this with Anna."

The hunter took the initiative to speak and said:

"But as the saying goes, if you see a cockroach, it means that your house must be full of cockroaches. I think the swordsman should go to Utopia first and check your interior.

There are warlock eyeliners in the elite team of the expatriate nature of the Akers team. It is estimated that traitors have already gathered in your utopia. "

"I don't quite believe it."

Holding the coffee, the swordsman said hesitantly:
"In Utopia, there are three Professor X sitting in town, their spiritual force fields cover the entire main world, non-stop day and night, no traitor can pass that kind of spiritual surveillance.

And the ability of mutants is too discerning!

Superhumans without the X gene can be identified by us at a glance, and the difficulty of mixing in with us is greater than the sky. "

These words made Mason and Ciri look at each other, and the next moment, the hunter said faintly:

"You are a great mentor anyway, can you go to the library to look at the information if you have nothing to do? How many powerful A-level worlds have been breached by us from the inside?

Once you feel that your power is solid, you should wonder if you have been infiltrated into a sieve. "

"Okay, okay, I'll go back."

The swordsman got up with a headache and a little haggard. She took a deep look at Mason and said:
"Will you go back by yourself or bring Emma with you? The White Queen's ability is also very precious to us."

"Sorry, swordsman."

Mason shook his head and said:
"I won't let Emma in Utopia until I'm sure it's safe, and you know mine, and I assume that anyone I don't trust is my potential enemy.

Be careful when you go back by yourself.

Warlock seemed full of confidence, I think he must have the means.

In addition, it is best to take Deadpool, one of the 12 A-level people, with me. I can't guarantee others, but I can be sure that no one can imitate or pretend to be Wade Wilson. "


The swordsman got up to say goodbye, put the coffee cup on the table, and said to Ciri:

"Thank you for the coffee. Although it's hard to drink, I appreciate it. After we kill the warlock together, I'll buy you a drink."

After speaking, she strode out of the office, but she no longer had the chicness and vitality of the past.

"Oh, what a terrible state of affairs."

Ciri watched the swordsman leave, she shook her head and said:
"I guess her mood at this time is no less than what I felt when I saw my parents being exiled with my own eyes. The unity of mutants is a precious and enviable quality in this era, but you seem a bit cold-blooded compared to her , Mason.

As a new mutant, you seem a little indifferent to the suffering of your compatriots? "

"I just chose to blow up a world for the suffering of my people, Ciri."

Mason countered:
"This is what you do! I'm going back to Osborne Tower. There are still a lot of things to communicate about Attilan's settlement in that world. I'll leave it to you to report to old A.

I guess he'll appreciate my actions this time around, since he wants to take power, the warlock is an obstacle that has to be removed, and I've brought us a strong ally in Mutant Utopia.

Maybe he will reward me if he is happy.

Resign for me. "

"But you killed the Red Skull."

Ciri flicked her long silver hair, blinked and said:
"This is the second A-level member you have killed. There is another vacant position in the 12-member council. I guess old A will definitely do another 'favor'. It would be impolite for you to refuse again."

"You will always find a way, Ciri, I believe in your ability."

Mason waved his hands and said:

"You see, we are about to join forces with Utopia to fight against the warlock faction, and it is beneficial for us to support a mutant in this situation.

Let Miss Anna go.

She comes from the mutant race and is loyal to you. The rarest thing is that she is powerful and experienced. She is the most suitable member. Of course, she has to find the traitor in her team first.

In this way, you will have two seats in the 12-person council, which together with the three seats in the hands of the swordsman, can compete against the warlock.

I'm too lazy to participate in this battle between high-level officials.

Just give me a call when you need me, and I will definitely come over as soon as possible. "

He looked at the time on his watch, and said goodbye to Ciri:

"Then I won't bother you, thank you for taking the risk to provide me with an alibi just now."

"Be careful, Mason."

Ciri waved his hand, put on the starry sky mask again, and warned:
"The warlock was suspicious of you before, but now he has shown his cards, he will definitely do it. Everything must be done to protect himself, and keep a low profile recently."


Mason nodded, picked up the hat at hand, put it on his head and left the office.

After watching him leave, Ciri returned to the seat, stretched out her hand and wrote a roaring letter to recount what happened, and passed it back to old A.

After a while, Old A's reply letter appeared on her desk.

The snarling letter broke into an undisguised grin and said:

"I knew Mason could bring us surprises! Just a few minutes ago, the messenger from Utopia invited me to the banquet of the X royal family. The supreme professor with a strong personality wanted to discuss with me the 'revenge' of mutants .

The Quint Society, which has been fighting alone, finally gained a big force as an ally in a real sense.

I guess, our humble old K has already rejected my reward for promoting him in advance, but we can't ignore such an outstanding effort, ask him what he needs.

I will definitely get it for him. "

"He complained to me that all the vibration gold in the parallel world seems to have been poached in advance."

The hunter rubbed his forehead and said:
"He's a craftsman, old A, he won't dislike top materials like vibrating gold."

"I understand."

Old A laughed and said:
"I will arrange it, not just Zhenjin, I hope our old K will be satisfied with it. In addition, Q, I have read your letter, so I don't have to be afraid of a direct conflict with the warlock.

I will do my best to support you in this battle. "

"Okay, but I have a little question."

Ciri looked at the roaring letter in front of her, and she asked:

"Did you plan the big transfer 17 years ago? Old A."

At this question, Mazefak Xia was stunned for a moment, and then he changed his lips in a roaring letter, saying:

"No, I wasn't involved. It was their world's Nick Fury who planned it all, and he was a 'communication'ist like me.

Unfortunately, he died on the eve of victory.

Unfortunately, Steve Rogers and Tony Stark from that world discovered the secret and killed him that night, which directly caused the situation to get out of control.

According to his plan, it would not have progressed to the point of a nuclear war, and our role in it was only to provide some necessary assistance.

Q, you know that the gate of the world hadn't been cast at that time, even if we wanted to help directly, we didn't have the ability, including the big transfer, which was only completed with the strength of two worlds.

You also participated in that operation, and you know how embarrassed we were at that time.

Your father was almost injured. "

"I still remember, I saved Anna and the others at that time, well, I'll just ask casually."

Ciri exchanged a few words and then burned the roaring letter. Looking at the cloud of ashes in front of her, she showed a doubtful and ironic smile.

Old A's topic shifted so smoothly that she now believed in Mason's guess even more.

And on the other side, in the secret world where the Council of Hope exists.

Mazefak got up from the large desk and walked to the window. He looked out of the window at the beautiful and peaceful city under the sunset.

After a few seconds, he flicked his finger, and a yellow mind gem jumped into his fingertip.Looking carefully, there is still a little reddish on the gemstone, like the blood that was stained in the past and cannot be wiped off until now.

"The act of lending you out back then seemed to be a bit of a mistake."

He stared at the mind gem used for self-defense in his hand, sighed and said:
"But who would have thought that the lunatic Red Skull could play so big, tsk, if this group of stubborn mutants find out, things will be really troublesome.


Fortunately, Logan, the only witness to the tragedy, is dead.
Mason, oh Mason, you are truly a blessing!
It would be perfect if there was less trouble. "

(End of this chapter)

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