The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 356 55. Do you think this is over?Innocent!

Chapter 356 55. Do you think this is over?Innocent!

"Has Zhakang not come back yet?"

This was the first sentence Mason said after returning to Osborne Tower with some kind of exhaustion. Barbara who came to meet him shook her head, and Batgirl sighed and said:

"I just found a leave note in his room. I made a private communication but no one answered. It should be an adventure in a certain world with his vampire lover."

"Has it been five days?"

The captain frowned and said:
"A standard exploration cycle has ended, he must at least send a letter back... Uh, but considering that it's Constantine, it's normal no matter what happens.

Is the second barrel back? "

"He and Damian are still in Europe. There is something wrong with the old man's plan to take over the League of Assassins, but it is still under control."

Barbara reports:

"In addition, Firestorm has just successfully synthesized unstable Terrigen crystals in Dr. Otto's laboratory, and now they are all there to participate in the awakening ceremony of the first batch of aliens after the end of the era.

We were specially invited by Black Bolt, and he wants you to be there. "

"I'll pass later."

Mason glanced at his personal communicator, he said:

"You go first, I won't be late."

"OK, all right."

Barbara nodded, took a falcon-style jetpack and jumped off the top of the Osborne Tower, and then glided towards the distant coast of this seaside city.

On the wasteland at the end of the line of sight, the phantom cast by the city of Attilan is still vivid, and there are some very curious Amazon female warriors riding Pegasus around the flying city, trying to enter the "sky palace" that suddenly appeared. City".

These superstitious muscular big sisters see its presence as a good omen.

It is said that without the command and leadership of the Queen of War, these muscular girls have let themselves go a little bit.

I heard that they held the "Zombie Slayer Overlord Contest" in the abandoned city of New York a few days ago, and were invited and hired by Mrs. Elizabeth to help the remnants of the pirate world develop a living area.

This seems like a good thing.

"But the old Green Goblin is sure to complain now."

Mason pushed his brain, shook his head and said:

"He was already dissatisfied with me for introducing all kinds of superhumans into this world. Now that there is another city cooler than Osborne Tower, the old guy is probably going to blow his hair."

"No, Mason, the Green Goblin is only upset because his dominion over this world has declined. As long as you give him reassurance, that guy would like you to expand his power for him."

The old hat god said:

"He's a schemer at heart, and the more cards he has in his hand, the merrier he is."

"Yeah, who would have thought that the alliance between me and this guy is actually the most stable among all external forces?"

Mason walked to his office and complained again:
"He never looked for trouble for me, provided me with various experimental equipment for free, sheltered us exiles, and even gave me some very dark suggestions.

He's pretty much the best collaborator, except he and I want very different things.

Especially when it comes to the old A, the two of us are natural partners. "

"The guests have arrived."

The hat reminds:
"He's waiting for you in the office, like that cyberpsycho that punched you before. That's how the word is used, right? What an amazing way of phrasing words."

"V is not crazy, he is just too active, although he is impulsive occasionally, but he can't hide his innocent heart."

Mason corrected what he said about the hat, then pushed open the door, and saw V sitting on his chair with his feet resting on the desk secretly looking through Mason's various collections.

Holding a magic bottle in his hand, he seemed very interested in the "figure" of the armored zombie sealed inside.

"You'd better not drop it on the ground."

Mason reminds:
"Otherwise you'll have to find a way to recapture it."

"Is everything in here alive?"

V raised the magic bottle in his hand and asked curiously:

"This zombie, that ship, and that giant dozing in a bottle? Why do you like to shrink them into bottles? Is it some kind of weird hobby?"

"You can understand it as a collection."

Mason slowly took the magic bottle containing Zombie King Jinbin from V, put it back on his collection shelf full of bottles, and put a magic bottle containing the "Fire Cloud Cthulhu" version of Papa Banner on the top. place.

Papa Banner in the bottle slapped Mason with his middle finger viciously, but he didn't react more violently and fell asleep on the spot.

Mason turned to V and said:
"Just like you like to collect weapons and vehicles. Who doesn't have a hobby in this line of work? Have you brought anything?"

"Of course, that's what I'm here for."

When it came to business, the cyber mercenary immediately cheered up. He stood up and took out a biological jar with a sense of technology from his arms and placed it in front of Mason.

What was kept in that jar was the "Left Hand of Creation" that Mason had taken a fancy to in the secret treasury of the Stars Club.

The red skin is covered with scales. If you look carefully at the alienated form of this hand with some claws, you will find it a bit hideous after a long time, especially when it is taken over by the notoriously murderous cyber neuropathy V.

Like an evil underground organ trading scene, Mason is the one who does all kinds of crimes.

"I thought I'd have to wait a few days."

Mason stroked the biological jar in front of him, and he joked:
"It seems that your promotion to A-level has gone smoothly. When will you set up a table to celebrate?"

"Stop mentioning it, it's all annoying."

V waved his hands tiredly and said:
"Morgan's promotion went smoothly, but we didn't get promoted according to the process. Without the opportunity to fight against the A-level personnel, we naturally couldn't get the opponent's base world and resources.

You have to figure out a way to win an A-level world local territory.

Rogge has been busy with this matter recently, and the mercenaries in the shrine are all crazy, but the hunter is still righteous, and gave us an A-level world she found before as a target.

I came here this time not only to deliver things, but also to order. "

He took out a separate chip from the memory in his waist, handed it to Mason, and said:

"Here are all the advanced weapons materials of Kangtao Industry and Arasaka Heavy Industries. Rogge said that you have superb craftsmanship, and it is too late for us to restart the production line now.

So the weapons here are up to you.

One month of preparation time, and we need the armament of a 3000-man army, and a few of your magical alchemy pills and black technology heavy soldiers.

If there is a magic sword, we can buy it at a high price.

You can just ask for any materials you need, but we are all allies, so you have to get a discount on the price. "

Having said that, V winked and said:

"I just saw that handsome red-haired bat girl walking around in a cool power armor down there, is that thing for sale? Get us some.

That's much more powerful than Arasaka Heavy Industries' cannon fodder bipedal power armor. "

"Fenrir armor?"

Mason said in surprise:

"It's not that I don't give it to you, but you can't play it. It needs a full-time mechanic to operate it. Don't even think about filling in lines like you, but you can get one for your girlfriend.

She can drive the monster lizard, and she can naturally drive that thing after training.

But I have better ones here. "

The captain smiled, patted V on the shoulder and said:
"The K team's personal power armor has just been tested in a perishing world, and it lasted for about 7 minutes in front of the angry Hulk before it was completely dismantled.

I recommend this even more.

Pure fool-like operation, as long as you have a brain, you can use it with good firepower, and you can freely match combat modules according to your personal needs.For a one-time order of more than [-] units, I will give a set of anti-force superhuman tactical data modules and a gravity well for free. "

"Sounds great."

V blinked his eyes, and the thick and thin mercenary whispered:

"Then what shall we pay for?"

"Everyone is an ally now, so don't talk about things like this, what money are you talking about? Isn't it vulgar?"

Mason waved his hands and said:

"Just pay a processing fee.

I will make a list of materials for you later, the sooner I send it, the sooner I can start work. I happened to recruit two outstanding alchemists a few days ago, and there is no work yet.

However, if you give me more permission to download the data personality of Miyu Space, it will be useful to me. "

He stated his conditions, and V said embarrassingly:
"It's not that they won't be given. The supply of soldiers is tight now. Mason, as I said just now, we still have an A-level world to develop."

"I don't want combatants."

Mason shook his head and said:
"I want logistics and management posts, data bodies like Hanako Arasaka."

"Oh, that's fine."

V folded his arms and said:
"I'm going to apply for Roger, it's not a big problem, but you have to be careful of those company dogs, they are dishonest in cyberspace.

As for me, I was resurrected through the Arasaka chip in reality, so I don't know much about things there.

But I know that those company dogs are a little bit closer to wandering AIs, they are also a force in Mikoto and they are very mysterious, especially those AIs.

They formed a "data sect" in the cyberspace, promoting the idea of ​​data soaring all day long.

Voodoo Gang.
Uh, a group of neurotic hackers over there is the main member of their "data church". They crazily worship the god-level hacker Bate Moss who tore up the old network, and regard him as the "god of data".

But if you want to say that these data lives have any bad intentions, I don't think so. "

He flicked the ash and said:

"Although they are chattering, they are the forces that work best with the Afterlife team. Those cyber hackers advocate calm and rational thinking. It is hard to imagine what dangerous conspiracy these guys will plan."

"It seems that you don't know more about them than I do."

Mason exhaled the smoke ring and reminded V:
"Go back and talk to Morgan about this matter, and pay more attention if possible, I feel that those data beings may not have the same heart as you.

Hurry up and send the materials, we are here waiting for the start of work.

In addition, I wish you all the best in your resident development. "


V grinned and left the office waving his hands. The captain pretended not to notice the few magic swords made by Mason that he took away.

As for mercenaries, dirty hands and feet are their "professional habits".

Besides, being sneaked away by a well-informed guy like V shows that the quality of the sword made by Mason with forging and inscription technology is not bad, and it can barely be seen by experts.

He set his eyes on the left hand of creation on the table, he unblocked the biological jar, and looked at the scarlet left hand soaked in the biological liquid.

A few seconds later, Mason said with some pain:
"I got this thing, but how do I put it on? Is it possible that I have to cut off my left hand? And the warlock clearly said that this thing is a bit exaggerated, and it may not be useful."

"It's obviously made of very specific substances."

In the field of biology, Consus will never be absent.

This Isu ghost appeared beside Mason in the form of projection in the diffuse light spots. He observed the left hand of creation in front of him, rubbed his chin and said:
"In addition to the rather mythical legend, I guess its use does not need to destroy your own life form, and the concept of so-called 'creation' is abstract, perhaps the hand itself is also the projection of this concept on the material level.

What it will give is an ability, not the hand itself.

Touch it, my brother, and see what happens. "

"Well, that makes sense."

Mason nodded, reached out to dip into the biological liquid and touched the scarlet left hand.

His fingertips felt as if he was touching a living arm. The elasticity of the skin hadn't lost its vitality because it was cut off, and there was even residual temperature.

But as the contact time prolongs, the red severed hand in front of him "melts" as quickly as the posture of the black death sword when it is wrapped, and "transfers" to Mason's left arm in a way of spray paint.

In just a dozen seconds, his left hand became exactly the same shape as the created left hand, but it did not cause any discomfort to Mason.

Until the last ray of transformation was completed, a text description jumped into the translucent character card in front of Mason's eyes:
"'Concept Stranger Things: The Left Hand of Creation' access. No harm. The concept of 'creation' fits with the user: perfect new talent is being given
Manufacturing talents are unlocked as:
[Creator: The time required for all manufacturing processes is reduced by 50%, the number of finished products is increased by 30% during mass production, and the rate of high-quality products is greatly increased. 】

[Smart left hand: When using engineering weapons with the left hand, the destructive power is increased by 30%, and when using the left hand for melee combat, the skill judgment degree is +1. 】

[Hand of Hope Ⅰ: When using the left hand to perform first aid or make healing medicines, the quality and craftsmanship of the finished product will be judged by +1. This effect can be upgraded through treatment or making healing medicines. 】

[Inspiration: When using the left hand of creation to make products, there is a chance to stimulate the "inspiration" effect, making the finished product and craftsmanship break through the upper limit of existing skills.

This effect cannot be upgraded, and the deeper the skill, the higher the chance of triggering it. 】”

"Tsk, unpretentious, simple and rude!"

Mason looked at his scarlet dexterous left hand with bright eyes.

He was quite satisfied with the effect of creating the left hand during the movement of his five fingers. By analogy, the effect of the right hand of destruction that Captain Morgan got is probably very domineering, definitely not inferior to ordinary legendary weapons.

This time, he finally didn't cheat his allies, which made Mason happy.

"But it's the weird color."

He complained:

"Walking around with such a hand, it's hard to guarantee that I won't have the title of 'Blood Hand Rentu' in the future."

"Indeed, it looks like a devil's claw."

Hat commented sharply:
"You'd better bring yourself a glove, Mason, lest your image be transferred to the villain."

"Mason! The awakening ceremony is about to begin!"

Barbara's reminder sounded in the team communication, and Mason responded, saying:
"I'll come right away as soon as I find myself a glove, alas, what a pity, the person who should be here to participate in this ceremony representing the new students has not been able to come.

I hope the old wolf and Captain Atom can enjoy peace forever in heaven. "
Gotham City, it's nighttime.

There is no one in front of the ruins of the abandoned Gotham Orphanage. Since the clown caused a tragedy here a few years ago, this ghostly place has become one of the countless evil legends in Gotham City.

Because the rumors became more and more outrageous, the Wayne Group simply took over the orphanage that was on the verge of bankruptcy at the time and rebuilt a better facility in the Audisburg area.

But the fact that this place is abandoned does not mean that no one will come. In fact, this kind of place where no one will come is the most suitable place for some guys to hide, and the ruins of the orphanage tonight are not really peaceful.

The Master is here hunting down a gang of bank robbers, and Gotham City never lacks for these desperate men.

For Batman, this is not a difficult task. In fact, in the many situations he is facing now, hunting down a gang of robbers with guns is almost equivalent to "pastime".

Master quickly finished the job.

As usual, he called Commissioner Gordon for the police to finish off, and then jumped on the Batmobile and drove off, but a few minutes later, a distorted space-time rift suddenly appeared, like a night light flickering Then turn off.

A figure fell out with a pop, and was lying on the grass in front of the orphanage, and something in her arms also rolled out with a gurgle.

No one paid any attention to them until a dark shadow left and returned a few minutes later.

The master who had glided down from the sky landed silently.

He vigilantly approached the person who crossed the line, and then he was taken aback when he saw the obvious feminine features of the other person, and then turned his head to look at another thing.
"Dubari, I need you in Gotham! Immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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