The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 357 56. In order to compete for the title of Mason's most admired person, two uncles st

Chapter 357 56. In order to compete for the title of Mason's most admired person, the two uncles started a duel!

"Cough cough."

A difficult cough sounded in the bat cave, and A Fu, who was delivering coffee to the master who stayed up late and worked overtime, stopped in his tracks.

The old butler glanced worriedly at the place where the Kryptonian medical cabin was placed, and then walked to Bruce, who was sitting in front of the bat computer monitoring the city, and said in an elegant voice with a British accent:
"I support your night watch career, Master Wayne, but can you stop picking up these weird things and come back, before a group of children were picked up and raised to be Robin.

That's when I thought you had taken an interest in the business of human traffickers.

But now this bad habit has gotten worse, and you have brought back a strange lady who is in distress. If I didn't know the truth, I would have to call old Gordon to the police by now. "

"She needs help, Fu."

The old man without the bat hood was leaning on the swivel chair. He was checking the camera near the old Gotham orphanage site ten minutes ago, and pointed to the few seconds of clips that were played repeatedly in front of him, and said to the old housekeeper:

"She comes from another world. Look, Ah Fu, that door"

The old butler looked at the screen, his eyes narrowed due to the flickering light from the space-time rift. As a former trump card agent, he immediately realized the seriousness of this matter.

Especially in this special period right now.

"Do you need to activate the shielding device?"

Ah Fu asked softly:

"Magicians have been monitoring the global magic net, and such transgressions will be perceived by them. If you want to take in that strange lady, then it is necessary to do a disguise."

"I've already contacted Xiao Zha."

The master took a sip of coffee, stared at the screen and said in a hoarse voice:
"She will take care of it. What I am more concerned about now is the identity of this lady and why she appeared in the old orphanage site that has been abandoned for more than ten years.

Ah Fu, this location reminds me of some old memories. "

The old butler was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses.

As Batman's most trusted butler and assistant, Ah Fu is probably the person who knows the master's secret best in this world. He asked in a low voice:

"You mean, Mason's life experience?"


Batman nodded and said:

"This location is exactly the same as where Mason was sent to Gotham 17 years ago. I suspect that this lady may be"


A breeze blew, and Xiao Shan, wearing a worn-out retro lightning suit, appeared next to the bat computer. He was still holding a piece of pineapple pizza in his hand and was munching. It seemed that he didn't have time for dinner, so he made do with it.

"The seventh test of the cosmic treadmill has just been completed, and the results are gratifying."

Barry grinned and reported:
"I have successfully approached that hidden strange plane, although I still can't find the specific coordinates of the Isu world, but we have taken another big step towards success, huh?
This woman!

and many more!

I have seen her! "

The delicious pineapple pizza in Xiaoshan's hand almost fell to the ground. He pointed to the flashing space-time gate on the screen and said to the master:
"I won't admit it! This is the door that sent Mason 17 years ago, and the lady who fell, my God! How did she age so much all of a sudden?"

"She popped up at the Gotham Orphanage 15 minutes ago."

The master stood up and explained:
"I was on night patrol at the time, and I happened to meet her and brought her back. Come with me, Barry."

He took Barry to the cave where the biological cabin was located, and said to old Afu:

"Alfred, go and help Grayson. The things over there are obviously more dangerous. If you encounter trouble, block that area."

"This is also the second point I want to complain about!"

The old butler said blankly:
"Please let me know in advance before you come back with a dirty skeleton man next time, look how dirty the floor is? I have to send someone to clean it.

Uh, speaking of which, Master Wayne, I have something to report to you.

Because I have to take care of Master Damian, I can't devote too much energy to serving your unusual daily life, so I specially selected a reliable maid to help you clean the room and tidy up the sundries.

Her name is Elsa.

Having worked at Wayne Manor for 30 years, watching you grow up as I did, is absolutely believable. "

"Ah? Do you still have servants to help you clean your room and arrange your clothes?"

Xiao Shan who was listening was surprised again.

He ate the pizza in a few bites, wiped his hands, and said in a teasing tone:
"Can't you do this kind of thing yourself? Isn't it just cleaning a room, how much time will it take you?"

The old man who put on his bat helmet again didn't even bother to answer this common-sense question, but the old butler gave the poor young man a gloomy look and said with a sigh:
"Master Wayne usually has seven rooms, with a combined area of ​​more than 700 square meters, and his daily clothes have [-] sets, excluding the new and special dresses that are ordered every month.

Six lockers are filled with various accessories, and there are [-] ties alone.
Barry, the matter of 'cleaning the room and tidying up' is a completely different concept for you and Master Wayne. "


Barry sighed, and said in a sour tone:

"My poverty is another eye-opener for you, isn't it?
I guess Bruce never grew up living in a shabby room that could be cleaned in 10 minutes with both hands and a broom, and I even took out a mortgage on a house like that"

"Think of the good, boy."

The master just said in a quiet voice:
"Your empty wardrobe keeps you from worrying about what to wear when you go out today, which can greatly reduce your decision-making pressure.

Well, there is still business to do. "

He took Barry to the working Kryptonian biological cabin, and looked at the old lady lying inside, she had been put on a clean tights for treatment.

However, there are still painful groans in the continuously operating life restoration light beams.

"It's her!"

Xiao Shan carefully looked at the woman in the biological cabin, and said with some embarrassment:
"But she's disfigured, oh my god, all her teeth are... what's going on?"

"It's not clear yet."

The master reached out and turned on the monitor of the biological cabin, looked at the complex data above and explained:

"Her leg bones showed signs of repeated fracture and healing, her body was covered with burns and dark wounds caused by toxin abuse, a third of her vocal cords were cut off, and her cerebral cortex was severely damaged.

Preliminary estimate should have suffered a prefrontal lobotomy.

But she has a certain self-healing power, which makes her heal, but for the abused, this may not be a good thing.

I can't be sure what kind of treatment she has been subjected to for the past 17 years, but it is certain that someone has damaged her brain and messed with her memory and cognition.

This is almost irreparable damage.

Unless we send her to Mason, maybe magic can solve problems that technology can't.Additionally, remnants of quantum energy were found in this lady.

She may have been urgently transferred to the place she had been in order to escape some devastating situation"

"She's amazing."

Barry said:
"When I tried to talk to her 17 years ago, she nearly grabbed my heart out. This lady has some kind of 'traversal' ability, and can ignore all obstacles to get what she wants.

It's hard to imagine the circumstances under which such a top escape ability would be captured and suffer such torture. "

"Wait until she wakes up."

The master raised his cloak and said in a hoarse voice:

"Try to talk first. If it doesn't work, I can only ask you to make another trip to Osborne Tower."

"I'm OK!"

Barry nodded and said:
"The connection between the Speed ​​Force and me is deepening day by day, I can feel my speed is still accelerating, the once difficult world shuttle is already for me, huh?
Something happened over there! "

As soon as Xiao Shan stopped speaking, she disappeared with a whoosh while holding the master's hand, and appeared on the other side of the Batcave again.

In front of their eyes, the distressed old butler was trying hard to block an all-steel gate, while Nightwing Grayson, wearing anti-superhuman power armor, was fighting a naked guy with an electric shock baton.

The guy roared like a beast.

The alloy steel claws with scorching traces in the clenched fists pierced the skin, and every swing would leave sparks and claw marks on Grayson's battle armor.

The high-voltage electricity that is enough to stun a superhuman is useless to him, and each shock only makes the other person more furious.

It is worth mentioning that, at the heart of this beast-like man, inside the weird alloy body that has healed, there is a group of purple light shining slightly just at the position of the heart.

It looks like a beating quantum heart.

"Who is this?"

Little Flash exclaimed.

The master instantly grabbed the bat dart and threw it forward to help Ye Yi out of the siege. The bat dart that flew over was easily torn apart by the beast-like man, but the hidden explosive activated and blasted him away with sonic vibrations.

Taking this opportunity, the embarrassed Ye Yi exited the blockade.

Ah Fu also successfully initiated the blockade procedure, sealing him in the narrow area behind the all-steel gate.

"That guy is tough! Never give me a chance to talk to him."

Young Master Ye Yi in the Anti-Superman armor panted and said:

"He ripped it apart roughly after waking up from the biological cabin. The Kryptonian metal was like paper in front of his claws. His reaction speed was amazing, and I couldn't hit him at all.

This is not right!

I doubt even Superman's steel body can stop that dangerous claw.

Where did you get this dangerous guy? "

"Founded in Gotham with that lady."

The master realized that the problem was tricky, and while activating his personal power armor, he explained:

"He was held in the arms of the lady, and when he came, there was only an alloy skeleton left, and he was indeed healing, but I didn't expect him to heal so quickly.

His rage is likely due to a stress response, perhaps communicable.

Barry, can you hang on to him? "

"Let me try."

Xiao Shan began to move his body on the spot, and then, amid Ah Fu's exclamation, the steel gate that could withstand Dachao's punch was penetrated by alloy steel claws amidst the piercing sound of tearing, and then an X was created in the cutting of sparks. The cut marks in the shape exploded like a bomb attack under the powerful kick.

The naked man rushed out howling, and rushed towards the nearest Ye Yi.

Don't be afraid of him, he has been training himself since his girlfriend left, and now is a good time to test his recent progress.

But Xiao Shan was faster than him, rushing up and circling the dangerous man with a whoosh, the storm formed by the operation of the speed force was confined in a narrow area, making it difficult for the paw man to break through.

"Hey buddy, calm down!"

Barry ran super fast, and almost formed dozens of identical individuals talking, just like fucking slides, making people dizzy.

Xiao Shan discouraged:
"There are no bad people here, maybe we can talk!"

Faced with persuasion, the claw man responded by looking around like a frightened beast, and then suddenly punched his side like a prophet in a hoarse roar.


Xiao Dang, who was running fast, dodged the punch, but was also forced to slow down.

"Beast Sense!"

He exclaimed:

"The same spider sense as old Peter, fast back! Nightwing, Batman, you can't be reckless in the face of such guys, the more they are injured, the more dangerous they are."

"Block the Batcave! Ah Fu."

The master rushed into the battlefield in a black power armor, and said to the old housekeeper:

"Wait for my order and get ready to call Superman for backup. Nightwing, take cover!"

Batman gave an order, and the young and old immediately stepped forward to withstand the crazy slashing of the claw man. The master went around and attacked, and the power armor activated the entanglement tactic to eject Dr. Octopus's mechanical tentacles, and the anti-sea king quick-drying glue was sprayed out.

But these attacks were dodged by the claw man ahead of time.

As Xiao Shan said, in the face of enemies with beast perception, sneak attacks are often very effective.

After realizing that he was under siege, he cleverly adopted guerrilla tactics, jumping back and forth in the Batcave with his extremely flexible skills, taking the time to make a claw to make the attacking guy retreat.

The master was collecting battle data, and then he found that the attack power of the enemy in front of him was increasing rapidly. Even if he didn't need technological means, he could tell that the beast aura on this naked man was rising by just observing with his senses.

You can't fight like this!
The strength of his and Grayson's battle armor can't stop the sharp claws in this guy's hands, and the Flash's attack can hit, but the damage is too scraping, almost the same as scratching an itch in front of the latter's super self-healing.

"His fighting style is very similar to Leopard Girl."

The master stared at the wild attack of the claw man, and calmly analyzed in the splash of sparks from the outer armor:

"The same swiftness, the same super perception, the same beast posture, so just follow Diana's tactics against Leopard Girl, using his beast perception to throw him into chaos and distract him."


The shoulder cannon of the Anti-Superman Armor was activated, and hundreds of sensor bombs were thrown out after ejecting from the master's cockpit. Then, as the armor exploded, the Claw Man flew out, landing on the bomb-covered in the area.

The danger reminder from the beast's perception makes the paw man dare not act rashly, and every step he takes may trigger a bomb.

Ye Yi also popped out the shoulder cannon to imitate this tactic, but was blocked by the master who fell with flying claws. With his cloak up, he looked at the grinning claw man in front of him, and waved something in front of the latter.

The master said hoarsely:
"You came to Gotham with that lady who can travel through the world, you should be friends or companions, and that lady sent Mason Cooper.

I tentatively assume that there is some kind of relationship between you.

So, I'll tell you, sir, Mason Cooper is my friend. "

The paw man didn't answer, but just looked at the photo before his eyes.

The photo is a sneaky picture of Mason being captured by the camera arranged by the master when he entered the Batcave storage room for the first time to "steal things".

That familiar face seemed to make the restless Paw Man regain his senses. He already let out a threatening growl from his throat, but the dangerous steel claws in his hands were withdrawn into the skin bit by bit.

Under the watchful eyes of the three masters, he bent down to pick up the photo and carefully identified it, then raised his head to look at the master.

他 说:

"You are Batman? The one Mason admires the most?"

"Yes, I am."

The master counted the seconds silently in his heart, and looked at the man in front of him. When the ten-second countdown took effect, the latter shook his body and fell to the ground with a thud.

Under Xiao Shan's surprised gaze, the master explained in a hoarse voice:
"Extracted biological paralysis toxin, extracted from the hormonal spores of Poison Ivy, can paralyze any standard human life within ten seconds.

Superman lasted ten seconds. "

"You put that on Mason's picture and still carry it with you?"

Xiao Shan couldn't help but say:

"How does your guy's brain grow! And you have a great relationship with him, don't you think?"

"Used to it."

Young Master Nightwing manipulated the mechanical tentacles on the power armor to grab the unconscious Clawman back from the area full of bombs. He opened the cockpit and said to Little Flash:
"At any time, be careful with anything Batman hands you, even if it's just a piece of toilet paper."


Before the young master had finished speaking, a knife light lit up in front of his eyes.

The sturdy octopus tentacles were divided into six by the sharp claws, and then he was pulled out of the power armor under the threat of the cold breath, and he was pressed against the neck by the claw man's steel claws.

"Mason described to me the Bat-Family style of doing things."

The paw man clasped the young master's head, and he could separate his head just by moving his hands. He looked at the master in front of him, grinned and said:

"It just so happens that most of the neurotoxins are useless to me, Bruce Wayne, you don't look as powerful as you say in the legend, first meeting, my name is Logan.

Logan Hautley.

Now that I have a hostage in my hands, let's talk about it. "

(End of this chapter)

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