The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 367 66. You are not Constantine at all!explain!Where did you hide my scum?

Chapter 367 66. You are not Constantine at all!explain!Where did you hide my scum?

It has been two hours since Mason left the Green Goblin's office. They discussed in detail the big construction plan of Osborn Tower after getting enough manpower.

A complex army building plan including pirate remnants, Amazons, Atlanteans and Attilan city was also initially drawn up.

Of course, this is just a general idea, and the specific implementation can only be determined after the old Norman talks with Black Bolt, but the good news is that the old Norman patted his chest and promised that he would be responsible for all these things. Just need to focus on your work.

This is really not a bad thing.

The captain deeply felt that he really didn't have so much energy to find a way to break the situation and play tricks with other forces at the same time. He was essentially a craftsman, and he liked to cut things quickly.

He doesn't like to be involved in this kind of intrigue, and having someone like the Green Goblin to help share the pressure of government affairs really saves a lot of trouble.

When Mason returned to the medical room again, the white queen Emma, ​​who had completed the second dose of medication, was sitting in a wheelchair, helping the phantom cat Katie Pride, who was lying on the hospital bed, to sort out her chaotic thoughts and spirits.

Halle was there to help.

At least she felt like she was helping.

She figured that being a criminal psychologist and psychiatrist with a Ph.D., at least, would be of help.

that's the truth.

When the old Emma with limited mobility needs to move her body, Halle can always use her own strength to help Emma move to a suitable position.

"She's in bad shape, the Red Skull has completely messed her brain with the professor's psychic powers."

Seeing Mason coming in, the White Queen said to him:
"I can try my best to soothe her mind and straighten out the chaotic memories bit by bit, but I can't do anything about the damage on the physical level. From a pessimistic point of view, Katie may not be able to return to a normal posture in her entire life. .”

"I heard that there are doctors specially prepared for mutants in Utopia?"

Mason sighed and said:

"Maybe we should send him there. Miss Anna will definitely pay all the price to restore her good friend."

"You said 'panacea'."

Emma nodded and said:
"It's true that the mutant doctor who specializes in healing may be able to cure Katie, but my doubt is whether sending her back is a good idea.

You also said yourself, do you feel that there are hidden dangers in Utopia? "

"Just a feeling."

Mason rubbed his eyebrows and said:
"I don't have any evidence for this, what about you? Do you feel okay after taking the medicine?"

"The healing cloak you made for me is amazing, as magical as your potion."

Old Emma smiled, touched the white cloak behind her, pointed to the released respirator next to her, and said:
"For the first time since the nuclear war, I felt so relaxed, and I felt the tingling in my legs that had already lost consciousness, which is a good sign.

Of course, what makes me most happy is your beauty potion"

She took off her hood.

Although the hair that fell out due to radiation sickness has not yet grown back, the wrinkled and scarred face has recovered a lot, and the bright and moving demeanor of the past can be vaguely seen.

"You need to drink a whole course of treatment, and you can't stop halfway."

Mason pointed to his hair and said:

"It may take longer for the hair to grow, but if you are in a hurry, you can ask Ivy to get you some hair restorer, the kind that Lai Bald has agreed upon."

"I can help!"

Halle, feeling instantly useful again, raised her hand and said:
"I'm going to find Ivy tonight. By the way, I'll play pillow games with my good girlfriends. I'll bring them back to Emma tomorrow morning. Emma will have beautiful hair at noon tomorrow."

"Mason, Zha Kang is back, he said he has something urgent to see you!"

Mason originally planned to stay with Emma and Halle for a while, but the news from Barbara changed his expression slightly, and he left here and went to the office after a few simple instructions.

Watching Mason leave, Emma withdrew her gaze and said to Harry beside her:

"Is he always in such a hurry? I don't think he's idle at all."

"Who said no?"

This question made Harley also sigh, and the crazy beauty said sadly:
"Although I still like Little Sweetheart very much, and I think he is very attractive when he focuses on work, but we have been together for so long, and we haven't even had a real date.

He is too busy. "

"This is not good. Proper rest is a must. Even in the face of a desperate situation, you should still sleep. I have never seen a winner who was so nervous that he couldn't sleep on the eve of the decisive battle."

The White Queen shook her head, she thought about it, and said to Harry:
"Help me find an accessory, a material with very good energy conductivity."


Harry blinked his eyes, his clever little brain started to work, and asked in a low voice:

"What are you going to do?"

"Help him make an alarm that can predict the invasion of the mind, and at the same time have a gadget that calms the brain and spirit."

Emma smiled and said:
"It can also let him get away from that heavy thinking every day and sleep for at least an hour."

"One hour is not enough!"

Harry said with bright eyes:

"At least two, no, three hours, right? Wait a minute, I'll look for it right away, there are a lot of composite materials at Dr. Octopus, I'll take some more and you pick the best one.

By the way, help me make one too?

I sleep well every day, but Quinn occasionally wants to come out to get some fresh air. "
"Why did you come back?"

When Mason came to his office, he saw Zha Kang who was leaning against the window with a handsome face and puffing clouds, so he was furious. He said with reproaches:
"Four full days later than scheduled! Do you know how much this delays?"

"Oh, don't be angry, Captain, I can't help it either."

Constantine approached with a playful smile, reached out and placed a small box on the table in front of Mason, and said triumphantly:

"But there are good things for you, which will definitely satisfy you."


Mason gave Zha Kang a surprised look, reached out and picked up the box in front of him and opened it. Inside was a small piece of black fossil, which looked like some kind of bone that had solidified.

Zha Kang explained next to him:

"The world I went to with that vampire girl this time was really exciting, it was a Transcendent A Grade world, we almost killed someone in it, fortunately I ran fast.

Alas, it's a pity that the very moist girl didn't know if she ran out, but I got a lot of good things.

You can see if this thing is suitable for use, and I will make a list for you after I count the harvest. "

"Wait a minute, let me identify it."

Mason waved his hand to keep Zhakang quiet, and then put his hand on the black fossil in the box. After a while, the information label popped up:

Keel Fragments
Quality: Legendary Manufacturing Materials
Effect: Originated from the keel formed by the passage of time after the fall of the mysterious dragon, it also contains the energy of the dragon, which can prolong life if carried around, and can be used as a material to make "longevity ointment".


This material can be used as one of the crafting materials of "Undead Medicine".

Source: Kunlun Dragon

Item Description: That’s right, it’s the kind of dragon that pops up in your mind. Of course, the dragon that can die in that ghostly place in New York is not a serious dragon, but be careful not to be seen by Shou Lao, or you will be in trouble .

"You went to New York City?"

Mason squinted his eyes and looked at the fist-sized keel fragment in front of him, then looked up at Zha Kang with a smirk on his face, and said:

"Also dug up Hell's Kitchen?"

"Ha, I really can't hide it from you."

Zha Kang proudly lit a cigarette again, and while puffing, he waved his hands and said shyly:
"The vampire elf somehow got the news that an organization called The Hand was about to move, so she pulled me into it with magic.

We met Lawyer Ma, The Punisher and Spiderman there. Tsk tsk, you haven't seen that scene, and the group was almost wiped out.

Fortunately, I can run fast.

I would have been able to come back three days ago, but there was also a powerful magician blocking the space over there, so I barely escaped by hiding, what a pity.

Jessica over there is also very moist. "

"Are there any world coordinates?"

Mason stroked the keel and asked, Zha Kang curled his lips and said:
"I wanted to record it at the time, but I walked through the door of that vampire girl's world, and she didn't give me a chance to intervene, so unfortunately, we can only say goodbye to that world.

Speaking of which, just after I came back, I heard from Barbara that you guys made a big deal in your hometown?Bring back some people?What's going on? "

Zha Kang exhaled the smoke ring, and asked gossipingly:

"She didn't say it in detail, but there seems to be some secret? It has something to do with the identity of the warlock's great mentor? This is exciting, come on, share it.

You know I'm always interested in the truth about these spellcasters, and you've awakened?Is it true that I have become the 'Rain God'? "

"more or less."

Mason also wanted to get some energy manipulation skills from Zha Kang, so he spread his five fingers and let the tea in the kettle next to him be sucked into his palm, and under his control, he turned into an ugly oriental dragon and flew towards him. fly away.

But because the ability to operate is very inexperienced, the water flow changes created by Mason are very rough, like a snake.

"not bad."

Zha Kang carefully looked at the changes in the water flow in Mason's hand, and he said jokingly:
"Children will absolutely love your tricks, but brute force manipulation is not acceptable, Mason, this kind of energy field change is done by perception and skill.

I will teach you when I am free.

Now, tell me the damn truth about what you got back home, oh, and how did you destroy that world?Do we already have such a powerful thing in our hands?

Or did you come up with something incredible behind our backs?
Everyone is on guard, right?

This is boring. "

"It's not that I didn't tell you."

Mason shook his head, got up and put the box containing the keel into the Hufflepuff gold cup behind him, intending to deal with it first, then glanced at his watch, and then his movements stopped, but soon resumed normal.

The captain turned his back to Zha Kang, and said in the same tone:
"It was just a big bomb found by accident, and it was only used that time. It has been used in the hometown, so it is impossible to reproduce more. As for the truth about the warlock.

Let's wait a few days, we need to find a safer place.

By the way, I'm going to Mutant Utopia in a few days, do you want to go with me?Facing a group of compatriots with all sorts of strange abilities, it's a bit flustered that no magician is in charge. "

"Huh? Go to the main world of mutants?"

Zha Kang blinked, then pouted and said:
"You will find trouble for me, which sounds dangerous, okay? But who made you the captain? I dare not resist the captain's orders, lest you throw me into some high-risk world as cannon fodder.


Just call me when you go.

I'm going to take a rest first, I'm exhausted after escaping, do you still have the Isu Golden Apple on you?Give me one, I feel that my magic skills are still not very good when I go out this time.

I'm going to get myself a psychic interferometer or something to defend myself. "

This request made Mason, who had his back turned to Zha Kang, narrow his eyes, he waved his hands and said:

"Not yet, but I can do it, when do you want it?"

"The sooner the better."

Zha Kang exhaled the smoke ring, turned around and walked outside the office, he said:
"Then you go to work first. I went to find Colypso. It's a bit strange that I haven't played with her these days."


A bullet flew out from behind him.

Mason, holding a gun in his left hand, activated Death Eye expressionlessly, and drew his gun quickly while time perception was suspended.

Johnny's Gun emptied a magazine in an instant, and the damage enhancement effect of Creation's left hand made nine holes in Zha Kang from the back of the heart to the thigh.

The dark wizard in the blood rush fell to the ground dumbfounded.

He was seriously injured in an instant, screaming and struggling in a pool of blood on the ground, while the indifferent Mason completed a water molecular reorganization with his blood, and appeared in front of him like a flash.

Lifted his foot on Jagger's left leg and replaced it with a new magazine, aiming at his frightened head.

"who are you?"

Mason asked indifferently:

"What did you do to Zha Kang?"

"You crazy! Bastard! You shot me with a gun?"

"Jacon" yelled, and the gunshots quickly attracted the guards on duty and Batgirl. Barbara stared dumbfounded at Constantine, who was seriously injured by Mason.

But she didn't step forward to stop him immediately.

"Barbara! Help me!"

Zha Kang screamed:
"Mason is crazy! I'm bleeding, hell! Stop the bleeding! Are you just watching? Stop your crazy brother! I said that something will happen if he always uses potions to wake up his spirit.

Am I right? "


Barbara stopped a few steps away and looked at Mason who exuded indifference. She knew that her brother was really irritated, and it was rare for him to be so cold.

But she needs an explanation.

"He imitated it very similarly. I even feel that even if the real Constantine comes back, he can only get No.2 in this 'Zhakang Imitation Contest'."

Mason stared at the guy in front of him, and he explained:

"But a fake is a fake!"

"Why do you say that?"

Zha Kang yelled:
"I think you are crazy, maybe you have been replaced when you entered the Weapon X project base to complete the awakening process! That project is originally"


Barbara popped out the Mantis Knife and pointed it at Zhakon on the ground with a twisted arc. She said:

"Even I, a person who experienced it, didn't know that the X project can change the personality. You didn't participate in the operation at all, so how did you know?
who are you! "


The guy who was identified by two people was completely desperate.

But he kept silent.

He just looked at Mason and Barbara with sarcasm, made a stubborn and uncooperative gesture, and planned to use the toxin hidden in his body to kill himself.

But the problem was that he was one step too late, the bullets that Mason shot into his body were all paralyzing bullets.

Not to mention breaking poisonous capsules, he didn't even have the energy to speak harshly.

A group of Osborn guards swarmed up, and quickly threw this guy into a biological cabin under Mason's order. Barbara looked at the blood on the ground in surprise, and she whispered:
"How on earth did you get the feeling that he's a fake? Hell, I talked to him a lot just now. Shouldn't I be giving away the secret?"

"Not really."

Mason put away his gun and whispered:
"No matter how advanced the transmission equipment is, there is a signal when it is activated. You are so close that you can't detect it. As for how I found it.
He put on the three locators on Zhakang's body. "

"so what?"

Barbara looked at Mason, the captain shrugged and said:

"But I put five of them in Jack Conn, one of which was in his spine.

The imitation is perfect, but it is not perfect, which is the reason for his failure, and it also fully proves that the master's strategy is so useful no matter which world it is in. "

Batgirl nodded.

Then she reacted, looked at Mason strangely, and said:

"How many do I have?"


Mason glanced at the elder sister, and said in a low voice:
"If you haven't changed your underwear today, it's four don't be angry, it's just proper concern."

(End of this chapter)

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