The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 368 67.1 Under normal circumstances, we have nothing to do with this matter, but fortunately

Chapter 368 67. Normally we have nothing to do with this matter, but fortunately, the K team has just upgraded the configuration

The black bat-shaped signal detector moved away from the waist of the supergirl Kara, and Mason nodded at the three reds on the screen, and glanced at the second barrel who was holding a knife and was ready to chop down at any time.

Kara was then proven to be real, not a fake.

Everyone in the entire K team is here, waiting for Mason to "verify his identity" one by one in an extremely solemn atmosphere.

Even Selena and Charles, who were far away in Gotham, were re-summoned. The catwoman was still wearing a nightgown, with a mask on her face and holding the sleepy Miss McGonagall in her hands. complain.

She's cat-wise enough to understand how serious the situation is.

The enemy has already captured Zha Kang and dispatched pretenders to try to break into the K team. If Mason hadn't learned a lot from the master, and he himself was vigilant enough, this small accident might be the K team's downfall. Start.


Another sound sounded from Damian's neck. Mason glanced at the two red dots on the instrument. He frowned and gestured. Ertong immediately grabbed the little lunatic and dragged him to the next prison cell.

The little lunatic sighed and tried to explain:

"I'm not fake! Mason, I just discovered the locator you left on me so I removed two of them in advance! I'm real!
I promise. "

"You'd better save your energy."

Barbara, who was holding a large-caliber shotgun next to the confinement room, looked like an undercover agent to everyone now. She pointed a loaded gun at Damian's head and scolded:

"Before making further distinctions, please be honest with me! Who told you to remove the locator? Can the locator of the Bat Family be removed casually?
You brat!
Come in and wait for me obediently! "

"Boss, is it really serious?"

The sight in front of him made the kite man a little weak-legged, and he couldn't help asking in a low voice:

"Selena and I haven't been anywhere in the Afterlife Bar for the past few days. They can't infiltrate the bar, right?"

"The infiltration of that world by the Constellation began long ago, Charles, and we are only now discovering exactly how they infiltrated it."

Mason checked the back of the kite man's head with the detector, and then moved to Charles' tailbone and calf. After the positions and signals of the three locators were confirmed, he spoke:
"While you came over, the Afterlife Bar has been temporarily closed, and Huazi and Zhu Di are leading people to test all non-bionic staff.

But I'm skeptical that it's possible to really get to the bottom of possible threats.

But the problem over there is not too serious. Even if you really have eyes, it is impossible to enter the top floor of the bar to see our secrets. "

He patted Charles on the shoulder and whispered to him:
"After you go back in a while, check the three children. Brown's locator is on the left ear and right foot, and Henry's is on the third bone on the back and the heart.

Don't worry about what's on Serena, let Selina check it out, she put it there herself, and she knows where it is. "

“Kids have it too”

The kiteman shook his fist.

He wasn't angry that Mason had placed the locators on the children, but that the enemy might infiltrate them.

"Oh, look what's going on."

When it was the catwoman's turn, she sighed, and the old aunt who looked like a fairy raised her arms and sighed like passing through a security check:

"Now you have to beware of everyone, do you think it is possible for Bruce?"

"Only he can pretend to be others, how can anyone else pretend to be the master?"

After Mason tapped the detector in Catwoman's right ear, nostril and chest three times, he looked at the bat detector in his hand strangely, and said:

"Now I suspect that the master may have prepared in advance, otherwise I can't explain what happened to the seven signals on your body, and I obviously only released three.

Tsk, Sister Selina, didn't I say that you should be more vigilant when making out with the master. "

He glanced at the ugly-faced Mrs. Catwoman, and whispered:

"If it is confirmed that none of the children have been replaced, please give them a long vacation, or simply ask the teacher to go to the afterlife bar to teach them.

They are real weaknesses, once they are held hostage we will feel very uncomfortable. "

"You first explain to me how you put the locator on my chest!"

Lady Catwoman grabbed Mason's head with both hands and rubbed it vigorously, and then grabbed his ear and yanked it hard. She felt that her little brother was really going too far, and she also had a big doubt by the way.

She blinked and said:
"Why didn't I even find the venom? It's already symbiotic with me."

"Because the locators on your body are all nanotechnology, inspired by Iron Man's nanosymbiotic armor."

Mason took out a syringe as thick as a little finger, and patiently explained:
"This thing can interfere with the perception of venom and it's only a little bit. It's really hard to find the symbiont without deep parasitism.

As for the implantation process, it's not as obscene or sexy as you think.

Just like an injection.

You can't even feel the pain. "

After finishing speaking, Mason put down the detector in his hand, and looked back at the people in the room behind him. Everyone's expressions were not good-looking, and their hearts were heavy.

A lurker who can perfectly disguise himself as someone close to him and even acquire memories is enough to destroy unity in an instant.Just like Barbara's vigilance at this time, everyone looked at each other with a little more caution and scrutiny.

This will not work.

"Okay, everyone, don't doubt your own people, that is the enemy's conspiracy to divide us."

Mason clapped his hands, making everyone's eyes focus on him.

他 说:

"It's safe to say that no one in the room has been replaced, not even the lunatic Damian, and we have to come up with a plan before this bad situation gets to the next step.

The method of locators will not be effective forever. Once they realize this, we will fall into absolute passiveness.

And now, I have an idea.

Professor Stein! "


The old professor, who was dozing off on the sofa, raised his head and made a suspicious nasal voice, and heard Mason say to him:

"Can you use Firestorm's ability to combine a special element that doesn't currently exist in the periodic table?
It doesn't need to be complicated or have any special abilities. The only requirement is that it can remain stable for a long time and can only be detected by special instruments.

And it must be absolutely rare!
The emission spectrum should also be complex enough, at least it cannot be imitated so easily. "

"You're going to use radiolabelling?"

Professor Stein immediately understood Mason's plan, rubbed his chin and said:
"It's a good plan. Jakes and I will try it immediately."


Mason said to the others:

"Before Firestorm completes the isotope labeling, everyone should not leave Osborne Tower. The old green goblin has sealed off here. It is not sure whether there are spies in this world, but I guess it is unlikely.

There will not be too many such powerful spies, at least not so many that they can be used as cannon fodder. "

"Who the hell sent them?"

Lady Catwoman felt that although she had only been away for less than a month, she seemed to be missing a lot of important things. This feeling of being "excluded" made her feel uncomfortable.

It was as if there was some kind of estrangement with my dear little brother Mason, and even the life of being able to stay with the master for a long time became less attractive.

She asked a question, and Barbara replied:
"Warlock! It's definitely him! Just as Mason was fighting him with the hunter and the swordsman, a guy pretending to be Zha Kang tried to sneak in. No wonder that guy is full of confidence. With such a lurker helping him, Give him enough time to plan, and he is already invincible."


Mason shook his head and said:
"I haven't heard from the hunter that there is such a force within the Stars Society. It may be some allies of the warlock, but the most important thing now is to dig out the secrets in that guy's mind.

and Jarcon
I hope the wretch is still alive, and I hope he survives long enough for us to save him. "

"It must be saved!"

The kiteman jumped out first and said:
"I'm willing to go through fire and water, just like when Zha Kang rescued me, but the problem now is that we don't even know where he went."

"His vampire lover."

Er Tong squinted his eyes and leaned on the Alice sword, saying:

"I know her room number in the Fort of Stars. The disappearance of Jarcon must be related to her. If she has escaped, maybe we can"

"You take Zod and Kara and make a good disguise."

Mason said indifferently:

"First go to the hunter's office to explain the situation and then bring that bitch back, I just want her to speak, if she is dishonest, give her some trouble.

By the way, inform Miss Anna, the captain of the Ex team.

She has to be at Osborne Towers in two hours and I have something to tell her. "


The cold-faced Er Tong snapped his fingers, and Superman and Supergirl in black followed without complaining.

Mason comforted his team members and left the big lounge.

Harry chewed bubble gum and waited for him outside the door. He still held his baseball bat in his hand and tied himself an armed belt, which was filled with all kinds of dangerous bottles and alchemy bombs.

She seemed ready to defend Mr. K at all costs.

Seeing Harry in this situation, Mason felt a sense of relief, the source of which was that Harry felt that she could protect herself in any situation.

Although it is not the same as the expression of the fairy love between the master and Lord Selina, Mason confirmed that he has indeed gained a unique relationship.

"Little sweetheart, you look at me strangely."

Harry rolled his eyes and said:
"Shouldn't you be replaced by those dangerous guys too? I need to check."

"You just want to do something bad, cutie."

Mason scratched the bridge of Harry's nose and said:
"But not now. Is the interrogation on Emma's side going well?"

"She promised she'd get all the information out of that guy's head and she seemed confident."

Harry blew the bubbles and followed Mason to the elevator in the Osborne Tower. They went all the way down to the underground prison area, only to meet the old Green Goblin head-on.

The latter exchanged a few words with Mason and accepted Mason's detector check. After learning that he also had three locators, the old green goblin's expression was obviously not so good-looking.

However, under special circumstances, he was only thankful that Mason had indeed made preparations in advance, and this preparation really came in handy.


The closed door of the cage was pushed open, and Mason walked into the dark room. Emma was sitting in a wheelchair rubbing her forehead, as if she was distinguishing the spiritual information that had just been extracted.

And on an X-shaped execution frame in front of her, the disguised "Zha Kang" was hung there.

Obviously, whatever he was, he couldn't withstand the torture of the mutant mind master.

Mason stepped forward and looked at the guy in front of him.

His disguise has been completely stripped off under the dual effects of the potion of weakness and Emma's spiritual power, and his true form is now exposed.

The green skin is almost exactly the same as Mason's guess, the smooth scalp without hair, the deep-set eye sockets and the wrinkled skin.

Finally, there is a pair of slender ears that are very similar to the elves in fantasy legends.


Mason revealed the guy's race.

他 说:

"The legendary 'Shanzhai Star' people, your disguise is really perfect."

"Ahem, but I lost to a bastard who didn't even trust his own companions and had to be wary."

The Skrull prisoner who was hung on the rack coughed and said something sarcastically.

He didn't have any injuries on the outside, and the wound he was injured by Mason just now had healed, but his weak posture seemed to be thrown into a frying pan and fried again.

He stared at Mason fiercely and said:

"Don't struggle, our hearts are protected, you won't find anything of value, you just need to know that the war against you is on the agenda
You don't have to worry about the doomsday of the Shock anymore, poor worms, you'll die a miserable death before then. "

"It doesn't have to be so exaggerated."

Emma behind Mason said hoarsely:

"The mental protection is really troublesome, and their racial talent also has the ability to block the mind, but I still found something of value.

John Constantine is still alive, and these guys' imitative abilities are done by contact.

If you want a perfect simulation, you must ensure that the imitator survives. Your teammate has not been caught yet, and he escaped the trap prepared by the Skrulls in advance vigilantly.

But he was trapped in that dangerous world. "

The White Queen said to Mason:
"The main body of the Skrull civilization is making a secret invasion of that world, and the capture related to Constantine was just an accidental act.

But if you're going to save him you've got to hurry, Mason.

As far as the details I can see in this guy's mind, most of that world has been infiltrated, and perhaps the final flames of war are about to be ignited.

The fate of an alien wizard in such a situation is probably not very good. "

"Keep digging, Emma."

Mason took out a tube of special potion from his pocket, shook it in his hand, put it into a syringe, and injected the potion into his body while the Skrull was struggling.

"What did you inject me with?"

This guy obviously knew that Mason was a master alchemist.

He didn't dare to relax at all, staring at Mason like a beast.

The captain looked at him calmly, and said softly:
"Sleeping potion, it can make you sleep well.
Or some sort of poison that guts you, but it could also be the dangerous veritaserum that makes you name the first green-skinned bastard you ever slept with.

Take a guess, friend.

Guess what I injected you with.

Stomach hurts?Vision starting to blur?Ears heard phantom sounds?
Well, don't worry, this is a normal situation, and you will suffer later, maybe you think you are not afraid of death, but I must tell you seriously.

Whether you will die is not up to you now, just like how you want to live in the future is not up to you. "

He put his hand on the guy's forehead and forced him to open his eyes and look at him.

Mason said word by word:
"You won't be treated kindly until you tell all you know, take it easy my friend, you'll live a long time.

Outlive all your fellow bastards who will be crushed to death one by one by me.

You don't have to worry about the Shock Doom anymore, because before that, the Skrulls will be the next forgotten legends of the Dark Ages
You will see it for yourself. "

Amid the uncontrollable yelling of the Skrull prisoners, Mason led Harley out of the cage.

The moment the door closed, Harry was surprised to see Mason twist the stuff that had been injected into the prisoner's veins and take a gulp.

"It's just a nutrient."

Mason shrugged his shoulders to the cute little Harry and said:

"Don't tell him the secret."

"How bad are you, Mr. K."

Harry laughed loudly:
"I really like you more and more."

(End of this chapter)

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