The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 369 68. Classic Dormitory Laugh Chapter [-]: If a Good Brother Becomes a Woman...

Chapter 369 68. Classic dormitory joke: If a good brother becomes a woman.
The execution ability of the second barrel is as strong as ever. When Mason returned to the office with strong anxiety, he and the two Kryptonians had already brought back the "captive" that the captain named.

Jagger's vampire lover is now bound to a chair.

The wrists were clasped by bat locks made by Isu technology, and a Kryptonian hand was placed on one side of the shoulders on both sides, which was enough to ensure that if she had any signs of breaking free, she would immediately crush her delicate and coquettish collarbone.

However, the vampire countess did not intend to show her bravery on other people's territory even though she had already lost the upper hand, because the cold Alice sword would be on her neck.

Jason in his red barrel helmet was behind her like an executioner.

That posture is clearly ready to "execute" at any time.

Mason leaned against his desk, took out a cigarette and lit it with a extinguisher. He took a deep breath of smoke to calm his high-speed brain for a while, and then looked at the vampire who was wearing a magic bag to cover his face.

He looked at the second barrel and said:
"What about the hunter?"

This question made the vampire lady in the chair shudder.

Good guy!
This is without telling him that he directly announced the backing of the K team. Does it mean that they can ensure that they will not leak the secret that needs to be covered up all the time?

As we all know, only () people will not talkative.

"She asked us to keep a low profile."

Ertu replied in a hoarse voice:
"But she also gave us the greatest authority to act. She asked me to tell you that if the situation escalates and needs to be reported to the higher authorities, please contact her as soon as possible.

She also said that there is a high probability that we encountered Skrulls.

These spy creatures do not belong to the Constellation or the Cleaner sequence, they are the private army of a certain important person, the specific identity of that person is unknown.

So the impact of this matter is more serious than you think.

But Mr. Hunter has made it clear that he will cooperate with all our actions, and has already begun to investigate whether more Skrulls have been mixed in the Fort of Stars. "


With Ciri's assistance, Mason was relieved. From the information she brought back with the second bucket, it was not difficult to judge that Quint would also be wary of the Skrulls.

After all, what a secret organization that has not been fully exposed is most afraid of being infiltrated by unknown guys at an unknown moment. As far as old A is concerned, if Mason can take this opportunity to eradicate the threat of the Skrulls in one fell swoop, that mouthful The bald-headed old man with bad words must have personally praised Mazefak and presented Mason with a one-ton medal.

When the second puff of smoke rose, Mason's eyes fell on the vampire prisoner on the chair. The latter seemed to feel the cold gaze making her really "moist" body tremble.


Under Mason's gaze, Harley, who was trying to maintain a scary expression, stepped forward and took off the other's hood. The sudden light made the vampire lady squint her eyes.

Her originally coquettish face will be very embarrassing, probably because "resisting arrest" when she was caught caused the Kryptonian to use "slightly" more strength.

The bridge of the nose was broken and half of the face was swollen.

Even the vampire lady, who is known for her seductiveness, would definitely not be able to become seductive in this situation, especially the blood stains flowing from her nostrils made her look quite embarrassed.

"This isn't the first time you've done something like this in Starsburg, is it?"

She tried to regain a little initiative, and said in a hoarse voice:
"It didn't take more than five minutes from knocking on the door to grabbing me to leave, and it seems that when Konstantin bragged to me in bed that he had a good team-mate, I should have believed the smooth-talking guy.

But it's too late now, right? "

"It seems that you have a surprisingly clear understanding of your situation. That's good, so we don't have to spend more time to make you realize the reality."

Mason extinguished the half-burned cigarette in the ashtray behind him, then took off the sorting hat on his head and put it in his hand, and approached the prisoner who was still trying to maintain his dignity in the downcast.

He looked into the other's pale gray eyes and said:

"Then I'll ask directly, where was Constantine tricked by you?"

"A Transcendent A Grade world, I can give you the coordinates of the world, Constantine is not dead, at least when I left that flamboyant man was still alive and kicking."

The vampire lady frankly answered everything Mason wanted to know without any torture.

As a result, this scene didn't look like a torture at all, but it was as smooth as a spies who went undercover to report information to their own people.

She glanced at Mason and whispered:
"Besides, my name is Emilia, are you Mason? You are as young and mysterious as John described.

You want to save him?
John Constantine is well-known as the 'Destroyer Engine' and 'Star of Destroyer' in the Stars Club. Everyone will keep a respectful distance when they hear this name. "

"You mean, I have to thank you for helping me solve a hidden danger?"

Mason shook his head, he made a gesture, and the sharp Alice sword slid down, easily cutting a third of the female vampire's neck like cutting tofu.

No blood flowed out due to the vampire's perfect control over the blood, and the wound healed in the next moment.

But the pain that should be there will not be less.

"Now I am asking you, ma'am."

Mason said hoarsely:
"Please be good when I didn't ask you to ask questions. I'm not a man like Zha Kang who takes pity on women and jade. Is it the warlock who asked you to do something?"

"really direct"

The female vampire twitched her lips.

She had been avoiding this question but Mason didn't beat around the bush at all. Under the gaze of the captain, the vampire count twisted his body uncomfortably.

After three seconds of silence, she nodded, but then explained:

"I am not a member of his faction, I am a lone ranger, and I have no intention of intervening in the power struggle between the hunter and the warlock. In fact, if I knew that Constantine was backed by another great mentor, I would not agree at all. that request.

He sent someone into my world, conveyed the order to me and gave me a copy of the world coordinates, as long as I introduce Constantine into it, the task will be completed.

I didn't hurt your crew, Captain Mason. "

Her voice became more urgent, and she shouted:

"That treasure map is real too, we actually found the keel, hell! I even had to play some crazy games with him to convince him to go with him"


Mason held out his finger and said:

"I don't want to hear the details of these 'private affairs', and the plot that would make a vampire count feel perverted will undoubtedly pollute my heart.

I'm just curious what Warlock promised you to sell John so simply? "

"my world."

The female vampire Emilia lowered her head, she sighed and said:

"My world is just a weak B-level world. It only needs the upper hand to move its fingers enough to make it the bloodiest front line. What's more unfortunate is that the path to jump into some important worlds from my world is worse than that from the stars. It is easier to maneuver from the fort.

So the Cleaners have set up a troop depot there since years ago.

I have been appointed Overseer of the World.

It sounds like one person is less than ten thousand people, but you know the situation of us people, Captain Mason, we are just playthings in their hands.

I don't want to argue that I'm doing these things for the people, but the truth is, if I had to choose between my world and my one-night lover, I would give up the latter without hesitation.

But I seem to have made a bad choice, so I wonder if I can make it up"

"Mason, she has an inactive magic on her."

The hat in Mason's hand suddenly reminded:

"Judging from the traces of the spell, it should be released by Zhakang, activate it! That may be the news that Constantine left for you."


The captain raised his eyebrows, and he followed the hat's reminder and put his hand behind the female vampire's neck, vibrating and injecting magic power into it according to a special frequency.

Then the female vampire who was begging for mercy let out a scream, and her whole body collapsed in an instant, as if all her bones had been pulled out.

This scene made the two Kryptonians who knew nothing about magic look at each other.

But then under their vigilant gaze, the female vampire who was limp on the ground stood up again in a very twisted and weird posture.

She moved her round and alluring body like a man, rubbed her head and reached out to gesture to Mason. Mason stared at her and took out the cigarette case, popped out a Sika cigarette and lit it for the latter.


he asked.

The female vampire Emilia, who was puffing out clouds in a very coquettish posture, glanced at Mason, and said in that hoarse and seductive tone:

"What? Is it weird? Mason, I know you're confused right now, but remember when I told you before I left that I was going to subdue this banshee for our use?

Voila, I did it. "


Mason was completely relieved.

Although the woman in front of her had a completely different posture and voice, she couldn't hide the turmoil from the bottom of her heart. This was definitely Zha Kang's "remote control" of her "vampire doll".

"What's going on with you?"

Er Tong put the knife back into its sheath and asked:

"It seems that you are still alive? Can you come back by yourself?"

"Uh, this isn't working right now."

Zha Kang manipulated the female vampire's body and sat back on the chair, leaning on Erlang's legs with his legs up and not caring about the leak of spring, and while puffing, he replied:

"I knew there was something wrong with this little slut when she repeatedly invited me to go on adventures and even offered to play tricks with me that I've always wanted to try.

Although I don't have much contact with her, I have a good grasp of Emilia's character.

This woman is a proud and self-respecting vampire. Someone must have instructed her to put down her figure, but at that time you had already gone to your hometown, and I had no way of contacting you, so I had to act on my own.

I am now in a very dangerous Transcendent A Grade world. Those deformed bastards use this place as their playground. I wanted to leave but I ran into a very powerful person.

I've already hooked up with him now, and I'm visiting his territory. You don't have to worry about my safety for the time being. "

Speaking of this, Zha Kang flicked his long hair and said:

"But Mason, you'd better come here sometime.

Just like you developed that terrible demigod into our ally in the Isu world, I think this side can provide much more help for your resistance cause than the Isu world.

They are facing an invasion from the Order of Stars and the Council of Hope, and if we can help them, they can help us in our time of need. "

"Since when did you care so much about our career?"

Mason looked at the consciousness of Zha Kang carried in the body of the female vampire in front of him in surprise. He rubbed his chin and thought for a moment, then said:

"And I feel that you 'over-beautified' your experience. Tell me honestly, did you get caught when you did bad things over there, and now you can't escape and need me to redeem you?"


Zha Kang curled his lips, exhaled the smoke ring, and said:

"Well, I admit, I caused a little 'trouble', but it's completely different from the plot where the weak kite man was caught and we needed to save him.

Lord Constantine is always prepared.

But come here as soon as you can, I will be sacrificed to an evil god in fifteen days
But I didn't lie to you, Mason, this side has not yet fallen, I suspect that someone here has already realized the invasion of those deformed freaks, this will be a good time to enter the game!
Well, my wind down time is almost over.

After you come over, go to the Hell's Kitchen block, where I left something so you can find me. "

After finishing speaking, Zha Kang was about to withdraw his consciousness from his vampire doll.

But he seemed to have thought of something again, so he showed a mean smile, controlled Emilia to stand up, and opened the black nightgown in front of Mason's eyes to reveal a piece of white flowers.

He said meanly:

"I used to hear those flirtatious men tell jokes that if I become a woman, I must make my good brother feel good. Look, how about I help you relieve the pressure?
I'm not bragging, my skills are great! "


A baseball bat came from behind and hit the female vampire on the back of the head with a bang, knocking Zha Kang's consciousness out of this plump body.

The unlucky vampire lady fell to the ground all of a sudden, bleeding from the back of her head.

Angrily, Harley wanted to go up and beat her, and dared to seduce her little sweetheart in front of her face!The furious Harley was quickly restrained by Kara with both hands and pulled back, and the plainly "suffering" vampire got up a few seconds later, rubbing the back of his head in a daze.

She glanced at the expressionless Mason, and then at the collar she had untied on her chest. As a black magic expert, she almost immediately realized what had happened to her, and her face turned pale in an instant.

"You! You are responsible for what your team members did for me!"

She raised her hand, pointed her angry fingers at Mason, and screamed:
"I was cursed by him! I was turned into his forbidden house by him! Damn! He must be playing those dirty tricks while I'm not paying attention
Ah, you will pay me for my loss! "

"Think of the good, ma'am."

Mason put the sorting hat on his head, glanced at the angry vampire, and said quietly:
"It's not a bad thing, at least you don't have to die in the sun of the wasteland, and the cross I've already made won't be used either.

Welcome to join the K team as a 'pet'.

Now go ahead and write down everything you have to say.

I don't quite understand how this kind of dirty black magic works, but I guess, if Zha Kang dies in another world, then you won't have a good time, so be rational.

I have one last question though, you just said that your world is being used as a troop drop by the Cleaners. "

Mason stared at her and said:
"So they have been relying on your world to launch wars? And they have been fighting for many years. What is the state of the civilization on the other side of the battlefield?"


The female vampire would wipe away her tears like a weak girl being bullied, but facing Mason's question, she answered honestly after realizing the reality:
"The Stars discovered it before the second impact, but they were defeated seven times in a row, and had no choice but to let the Cleaners attack head-on, but as far as I know, they failed no less than three times.

They are not opponents in the opposite world at all. "


Mason became interested, and he asked:
"Is there any unique symbol of the world that has been resisting the Scavengers?"

"I'm not a combat sequence!"

Emilia sighed and said:

"I only know that the people who lead the civilized rebellion on the other side are a group of guys who call themselves 'Lords of Justice'"

"Lord of Justice?"

The name made Mason narrow his eyes. After Emilia was taken away, he took out his notebook and recorded this important information carefully.

Every potential ally is necessary when fighting a conqueror.

So, he figured he'd have to go there if he had the chance.

Well, I have to take my master with me.

(End of this chapter)

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