The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 370 69. You must know that even the Archdruid's Transfiguration has a CD

Chapter 370 69. You must know that even the Archdruid's Transfiguration has a CD

Anything related to Zha Kang cannot be theorized in the usual way, and the fact that the guy in front of him was plotted against by someone has indeed taken a turn for the worse.

After learning that Zhakang had fifteen days to live, everyone in the K team felt lucky for the guy's survival on the one hand, and on the other hand, they all said that the guy's behavior should be punished like this once.

But after all, he is his own person, so he should be saved.

But this rescue operation can't start yet, just like the last time he sneaked into the watchtower to rescue the kite man, this obviously requires a solid plan, and this time the difficulty is far greater than last time.

This time, there is no master on the opposite side to answer for Team K.

"Mason, Miss Anna is here."

Barbara pushed open the door of the study, and said to Mason who was lying on the desk and writing quickly:
"She said she brought news of 'traitors.'"

"Please come in."

Mason stopped writing at hand, closed the notebook and put it in the drawer, and said something to Barbara.

One minute later, when Miss Anna was "escorted" to the study by the second barrel holding a sharp blade, what she saw was Mason holding a detector and Bizarro standing at the door with his fists clenched, ready to strike at any time .

"Forgive me for the offense."

The captain raised the detector in his hand, and Miss Anna, who was maintaining the classic attire of a member of the Constellation Society, nodded. She knew the seriousness of the situation at this time, so she opened her arms as if going through a security check, and let Mason use the detector on her. Turned around.

"Both signals are still active, no problem."

Mason nodded to Ertu.

The latter released his fingers from the handle of the knife and exited the study room, standing there with Bizarro on the left and right.Mason is the heart of Team K, and his safety must be taken seriously.

In the study, Miss Anna took off her mask, looked at the two light spots on the detector in Mason's hand, and said in a bad tone:
"When did you put the locator on me?"

"The last time we talked."

Mason put down the detector, took the initiative to open the chair, asked Miss Anna to sit down and poured her a glass of juice, explaining:
"At that time, I just felt that I was prepared. This screening method really came in handy, which everyone didn't want to see. Let's get down to business. Have you caught the traitor in your team who sold me to the warlock?"

"There are suspects, but no action yet."

Miss Anna held the juice with a headache on her face, and said to Mason:
"If you hadn't given the information, I would have never imagined that there would be people in my team who would pick on the inside out. I'm sorry, Mason, because of my mistakes that put you in crisis."

"Stop apologizing at this time, and solving the problem is the most important thing.

Don't rush to wonder if your team members really betrayed. Judging from the information you have so far, this matter may be more complicated than you think.

I'm working on a plan to help you find the mole, it'll take a while, but I can do it in a few hours, you'll be bringing your team here later.

Let's resolve this as soon as possible. "

Mason waved his hands and said:

"Besides, I'm not just looking for you today because of the traitor's affairs. You entrusted me to help you find the missing phantom cat. The good news is that we found her."


The cups in Miss Anna's hands were crushed to pieces.

She got up with surprise and held Mason's hand, saying:
"Really? Where's Katie? God, I thought she was about to take me to meet her! We all miss her, she and I were bunk beds at Xavier College.

She is my best sister. "

"Calm down first, I said that if there is good news, there must be bad news."

Mason comforted the excited Miss Anna, or she should be called Rakshasa or Little Naughty.

The difference between the two nicknames is really big.

It's the same as the comparison between Lao Wang next door who is a useless husband who is looked down upon by his family at home, but secretly is a ruthless character like the retired soldier king or the crooked dragon king.

There is always a kind of contrast.

"She is receiving daily treatment and will wake up in an hour."

Mason looked at the time on his watch and said to the Rakshasa girl in front of him:

"She's had a terrible life in the past ten years, worse than you can imagine, her spirit is completely destroyed, her memory is so messed up, I don't even think she might not recognize you.

In addition, I also have the results of my investigation on the tragedy at Xavier College 17 years ago. "

He took out a handwritten document and handed it to Anna with a look of astonishment. The latter read it briefly in his hand and then clenched his fists in shock. After reading it, he fell into a long silence.

She sat in the chair without saying a word, as if she was persuading herself to accept this cruel reality.

After several minutes, she raised her head, looked at Mason, and said in a hoarse voice:

" the big transfer 17 years ago was all a hoax?

We just want to be the first victim of the rise of the council, but I don't understand that there were obviously our compatriots in another world who participated in the rescue.

Are they involved too? "

"I can't judge this at the moment, maybe they are also kept in the dark."

Mason took a sip of tea and explained:

"Most of the traces of what happened back then have been erased, and if you want to dig deeper, you can only look for clues in Utopia. But before I go there, I must confirm your opinion on this matter, Anna. "

"My point of view?"

Rakshasa looked at the document in her hand, she gritted her teeth and said:
"My point of view is that I'm going to crush them all with my own hands! Don't think about anyone who participated in that incident back then! Just say what you want to do, Mason.

In this matter, the Aix team will definitely follow your lead!
Even if you say now that you want to leave the Stellaris, I will persuade the team members to go with you.This damn place used to just make me sick, but now I just want to burn it down. "

"very good."

Mason nodded.

Anna's reaction was within his expectations, and the character of this X-Men has always been clear-cut.

He put down his teacup and said to Rakshasa:
"I have a plan, and I just need you to participate in it, and the first thing you need to do is hurry up and tidy yourself up, dress up, and get a more formal dress for your promotion ceremony."


The little rascal who was already ready to slash people with a knife was completely stunned.

She looks at Mason.

The latter explained to her that after the Red Skull was killed, there was another vacant seat in the 12-member council, and Hunter and Mason planned to push the Ex team to the top.

This "surprise" caught people off guard.

Although the Aix squad did sign up for the Council of 12 promotion process before, that was only to better conceal their secret identities.

These mutant X-Men who lost their hometown 17 years ago had no intention of really being promoted to the top of the Stars Club, so why did they suddenly have an A-level seat on their heads.

For a moment, Miss Anna was a little dizzy.

When the old wolf was called a few minutes later, he opened the door and walked into the study, and saw Anna head-on, his young face was full of emotions and complex emotions.

"Anna. You've grown up"

Logan said something dryly, awakening the Rakshasa who was in deep thought. The latter raised her head, and the white strands at the front of her unique long chestnut hair also jumped a few times.

She looked at the old wolf with the same complicated eyes.

When she was young, she couldn't control her awakening ability, which led to several accidents in a row. After running away from home, it was Logan who accidentally met her and escorted her all the way to Xavier College.

Even when she was in danger, it was Logan who sacrificed his life force and allowed Anna to escape from death several times.

The relationship between the two men is complicated.

There was even a period of time when Anna regarded Logan as her adoptive father.

"You killed them?"

She got up and stood in front of Logan, looking into his guilty eyes, she sighed and said:
"That must feel bad, right?"

"I thought your reaction would be more intense, such as rushing up to suck my life force, which is what you would do."

The old wolf shook his head and said:
"It's just a nightmare, maybe I won't be able to escape from the nightmare until I die, but maybe I can get some justice for them and wipe the blood off my hands before I die.

what about you?
How have you been all these years?
I heard Mason talk about Utopia, how are you all doing there? "

"Your words are tantamount to talking in vain."

Little Rascal sighed and said:
"If it's really as good as my hometown, I don't have to bring everyone to join the Stars Club. Doesn't Liana also stay in the Stars Castle all year round?

It is indeed home to mutants, but it is not our home.

It is much different from Xavier College.

Even the Brotherhood of Mutants might be better off, but it's a good thing you're back.

You, Katie, Emma, ​​you are family.

I think everyone will be very happy after seeing you. "

"Logan, take Anna to meet Katie and Emma."

Mason waited for the two to finish talking, and said to the old wolf:
"I still have to hurry up and finish the task at hand. Letting that traitor continue to operate is too dangerous for us. When I finish designing this device, we will catch it."


Logan keenly captured Mason's words, saying:

"Do you suspect that the traitor next to Anna is the strange thing you captured just now?"

"Well, most likely yes."

Mason returned to his chair and continued to perfect the design of the blueprint in front of him. Without raising his head, he said:

"Also, Logan, your leisure time in Osborne Tower may end early. My arrangements in another world are affected by the appearance of Skrulls, and I need to make some 'compensatory measures'.

You and Black Bolt are my 'patches' to the plan. "

"I can go anytime!"

The old wolf said with a serious face:

"Your enemy is my enemy."

Ten minutes after Logan and Anna left the study, Mason also entered his engineering laboratory, where his "apprentice" Harry Osborn was already waiting.

"The next two hours of work is to complete the modification of the biological decoy bomb."

Mason said to little Osborne:

"'Teaching progress' may be a little fast, if you can't keep up, just talk."

"It's all right, Mr. Mason."

And the weak little Osborne said very modestly:

"I've read the description file of this strange technology, and I have a certain understanding of its principle and structure. I think I can keep up."

"It's been less than an hour and a half since I sent you that instruction manual?"

Mason looked at the little Osborne on crutches in surprise, and said suspiciously:
"Are you sure you really understand?"

"Well, I'm not as talented as Peter, Mr. Mason, but I do have a Ph.D."

Little Osborn smiled, picked up a biological bait bomb at hand, and disassembled the shell in two or three strokes to reveal the unidentifiable precise structure inside, which made Mason laugh dumbfounded.

Well, he ignored that.

Harry Osborn inherited the old Green Goblin's talent in the field of engineering, and he was able to independently improve the old Green Goblin's Green Goblin armor and aircraft before anything happened.

Sure enough, none of these guys who could become big villains was simple.
"This place is so desolate. It's really uncomfortable to look at this wasteland."

A few hours later, under the call of Anna Marie, all members of the Aix team arrived at Osborne Tower through the World Gate. "Shock Wave" wearing a visor complained:

"How many do you think are not like this in all the parallel worlds?"

"That's too much."

Shockwave chewed his gum and curled his lips and said:

"It's not like you haven't seen those garden worlds that are deliberately reserved. The singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers are like paradise on earth."

"It's a 'pig farm,' it's different."

The "bullet" dressed like a little Taimei with short stubble said coldly:

"Compared to staying there, I think the bleak scene in front of me is more real. Where is Anna? Didn't she come here long ago?"


The glass door of the lounge on the top floor opened at this moment, Anna led Logan into it, and Mason followed her and looked at the dozen or so people standing in front of him.

These are the surviving mutants after the nuclear war 17 years ago, and most of them were full-fledged members of the X-Men before the war.

He could tell the identities of a few people from their appearance, but the rest were unfamiliar to him.

That's normal, mutants have all kinds of abilities, and one X-Men team doesn't quite sum up the race.


Gambit recognized the old wolf at a glance.

With some surprise, he quickly stepped forward and hugged the old wolf. They were friends before, and this guy was also Anna's husband.

When the disaster happened 17 years ago, he was accompanying Anna and the others on a mission in Europe, and escaped the slaughter of Xavier College by the old wolf.

"How are you, fellow citizens."

Mason took the initiative to say hello to the members of the Akers team in front of him. He put the gift box in his hand on the table in front of them, and while opening the delicate bow, he said:

"Welcome to the base world of Team K for the first time. I have a gift for you."

Some of the guys in the crowd laughed, comforted by Mason's attitude.

But as the gift box was opened, an activated red bio-bait bomb exploded in front of everyone's eyes.

The shock wave with forced genetic changes erupted from Mason's palm in a ring shape, enveloping everyone in the lounge in an instant.

Mason's Isu blood makes him unaffected.

But the others were all stunned by the "sheep transformation technique". They could feel that their bodies were changing, and they changed from appearances with different postures into a bunch of "sheep" colliding on the ground in an instant. Baa baa sheep".

This thing has been improved to strengthen the genetic mutation but completely cancel the accompanying destructive power, so that the effective time is also greatly weakened, and those who have been changed have returned to normal in less than a second.

But others are directly transformed from bleating sheep back to the original body.

Only one unique guy in the crowd first changed back to green skin, and then reacted in an instant to change himself into yellow clothes again, wearing a cloak and keeping a big bald image.

It reflects very quickly.

The secondary deformation does not even exceed 0.5 seconds, but it will still be desperate.

It's exposed.

"He loves us!"

The guy roared nonsense and rushed towards Mason, pinching out a crystal-shaped purple bomb in his hand, but what reacted faster than it was the steel claws that popped out and the pounced figure.

In an instant, blood splattered everywhere.

The Skrull was pushed away by the furious old wolf all the way to the furniture in the lounge and finally nailed to the wall. The crystal bomb that flew out of its hand was precisely held in the palm of Mason's palm, and the five fingers of his left hand flipped it away before it exploded. Disassemble into parts.

Everyone else was in shock.

They even made preparations to besiege Mason, but the development of the situation did exceed everyone's expectations.

"This is my gift to you, my fellow citizens."

Mason threw the fragments of the crystal bomb into the trash can and said to the mutants watching him:
"Dig out the tumors hidden around you, so that you don't have to worry about the bullets coming from behind. You are welcome. This is what I should do. Finally, welcome to Osborne Tower.

You guys will love it here. "


Tomorrow is the one-year anniversary of being punched, and there will be three more tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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