The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 371 70. Hey, you know that the word impenetrable is a flag most of the time, right?

Chapter 371 70. Hey, you know that the word impenetrable is a flag most of the time, right?
The process of the Akers team catching the undercover was much smoother than Captain Anna had imagined, but the capture of the Skrull hiding in it did not mean the matter was over.

Emma the White Queen is already waiting in the next room, and the remaining members of the Aix team must undergo a psychic test from her to ensure their identities are correct.

"I think it's superfluous."

The card player Remy Loeb was very displeased with this arrangement. He held his wife's slender waist and complained in a low voice:

"Hasn't that strange guy been discovered? It always feels a little too much to check our hearts. Our new compatriot doesn't seem to be easy to deal with."

"Shut up, Loeb."

Captain Anna was in a bad mood.

The truth revealed by the old wolf and the phantom cat's plight she saw with her own eyes filled her with anger like a firecracker. She slapped away her husband's hands that were moving on her waist and hips, and scolded him:
"The Skrull's disguised 'shape-shifter' is a spy hiding among us, but this guy may not be the only spy in Team Ax.

I also had great trust in our compatriots, but what Mason said is very reasonable, trust cannot replace vigilance.

Go honestly and accept Emma's mental examination, and I don't want to fight with you here, but if you are not good, sleep on the sofa for me tonight! "

"Oh, oh, don't be angry, I'm just complaining."

The helpless Gambit raised his hands begging for mercy.

The once handsome prodigal son now showed the grievance of a middle-aged uncle after marriage. However, after seeing the phantom cat's tragedy with his own eyes, he could no longer express any complaints or complaints.

Although he has not yet learned the truth about the past from his wife, the keen Gambit can guess from the sad expression of his old friend Logan that what he wants to know today must be quite dark.

As a mutant, this is almost the normal state of their lives. The society is full of maliciousness. The first rule they learned from childhood is to coexist with maliciousness.

But Mason was not involved in the inspection process.

After giving a short "welcome speech" and finding time to capture the Skrulls, he left and entered the biology laboratory.

The old wolf was a little ruthless.

The injury caused by the steel claw tearing the heart was as fatal to a Skrull, and this second prisoner had to be placed in the bio-chamber of Isu Technology so as not to die on the spot.

At this time in the laboratory, the "Skrull Research Team" led by Mason has already started working.

The two brothers Elric and Poison Ivy are busy with different testing projects. They took blood and biological samples from the Skrull's wound and put them into professional instruments to explore more characteristics of this strange creature. .

Mason himself was adjusting the improved biological decoy bomb that had just been activated once. He looked at the burned out energy module in the shell in front of him, and said to the Isu ghost Consus floating beside him:
"It turns out that this thing works for Skrulls. It's a good start. We need to improve it immediately. Can you give me some advice, Consus."

"Wait a minute, I'm observing the genetic structure of the Skrulls."

Consus hovered in front of the display screen of a precision instrument. The Isu biologist carefully observed some of the currently analyzed data. After a few seconds, he said to Mason:

"Their genes are very peculiar, my brother, even in the Isu era, I have never seen such an arrangement of gene chains, their genes can be freely combined under the 'impregnation' of foreign information.

It's like building blocks and playdough.

Changing into other life forms and gaining abilities is just one of their talents, and if necessary, they can even turn into inanimate dead objects, such as cabinets and furniture.

This talent of 'perfect simulation' has gone beyond the scope of ordinary life, and a lot of professional analysis is required to draw a correct conclusion. "

Consus thought for a moment, then offered a suggestion:
"The idea of ​​temporarily forcibly destroying their camouflage by injecting gene fragments is feasible, which proves that there is a conscious 'time lag' in the Skrull's ability to change.

Even though their bodies have adapted to the ever-changing needs through long-term evolution, they will still be forced to 'revert' to the basic form after the genetic stability is impacted.

It's like an electronic product will take the operation of 'resetting to factory settings' when it encounters data disorder.

But you have to consider a strength issue. "

Isu biologists reminded:
"The two Skrulls you captured are probably just their pioneers, but the authenticity of the John Constantine it simulates is already staggering. Talent' manipulation must be more proficient.

Your methods will not always work.

You have to strengthen your study of Isu biotechnology from now on. If you want to completely curb the threat of the Skrulls, you have to start with their own biological characteristics.

Analyze the secrets in their genes, and finally get the key to destroy them.

There are very dangerous attempts in the biological technology left by Juno. In extreme cases, you only need a can of gas to make this race disappear forever
I do not advocate this way of using knowledge.

But considering that they have already declared war on you, there is nothing wrong with protecting yourself. "

"I don't think this will always be effective. For a race that uses shape-shifting and imitation as its survival skill, if they can be contained by such means, it would be a bit underestimating their ability."

While replacing the energy module of the biological decoy bomb in his hand, Mason said:

"But before they take corresponding preventive measures, this small trick is enough for us to filter out the hidden dangers hidden inside.

After all, Skrulls are most destructive when they are unnoticed, and once we are vigilant against them, their threat level will be greatly reduced."


While several alchemists were busy, a black space-time rift opened directly into the laboratory, and the swordsman carrying the soul sword and holding the demon helmet rushed over excitedly, preparing to catch the traitor with Mason.

But when she landed, she saw the Skrull spy who was installed in the biological cabin, with more than a dozen biological tubes for different purposes attached to his body at the same time.

"I'm late?"

Liana curled her lips a little disappointed that there was no fight to fight.

Then she stepped forward and knocked on the glass cover of the biological cabin, then turned her head to Mason who was using Refining Array to continuously make biological decoy bombs of the same style and box them:
"I just heard that you have trouble with Skrulls here, so I know it's a big deal, but you seem to be ready to fight them? What are these balls for?"

"It's a distinguishing device."

Mason explained:
"Forcing them to manifest by destabilizing their genes, but I reckon they'll respond to this thing soon, so we have to act fast.

please wait a moment.

After I delivered this box to my people, we set off for Utopia. "


Mason's words made the swordsman blink her eyes, and she immediately tasted the deep meaning of Mason and said with winks:
"You think there are Skrulls lurking in Utopia?
No way, as I said last time, there are three Professor X guarding there day and night, even the disguise of a Skrull can't be so ostentatiously mixed in.

They unanimously declared that Utopia is impenetrable.

I think so too, it's much safer than Starsburg, at least you don't have to worry about a group of thugs rushing into a certain room and kidnapping the weak and helpless Mrs. Vampire.
I think you're overreacting a bit. "

"is it?"

Mason pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose.

In order not to disturb the work of other alchemists, he took Liana to the outside of the laboratory, lit a cigarette, and whispered to her:

"Then is there such a possibility that one of the three Professor X who guards the border of Utopia day and night is a Skrull in disguise? Or worse.

all three are
The pretenders of Aix Squad have proven that even just a Skrull vanguard can emulate the abilities of mutants, if they send a senior Skrull spy into Utopia, after being fully prepared, disguise as Professor X or some The leader is not a problem either.

I know this idea is a bit extreme.

But you know me, I always think about the worst possible situation. "

"Hey, it's really scary when you say that."

The swordsman made a strange tongue-playing sound, which was her racial talent as a hairy girl. She was already aware of the seriousness of the problem but hesitated, and said to Mason:

"Your application for entry has not yet been approved. I can indeed take you to jump there, but it may cause a little trouble, which may affect your development there.

You have to understand that Utopia under the X royal family is an authoritarian society, and there are rules for everything. "

"Then let me tell you a fact, Liana."

Mason flicked the ash and whispered to the swordsman:
"I simply don't believe that just the same blood can make two strangers trust each other, and all unity based on blood is just false unity.

I believe in experience.

It is a feeling of working hard together for one thing, and a friendship that has gone through the test of time and pressure.

Like I believe you because you and I have the same enemies and we're both haunted by secret truths from our past.

We have the same appeal.

But I haven't even met those people in Utopia. Under such circumstances, you still ask me to consider my promotion and influence in that strange society, which is a bit too idealistic.

I'm a mutant, but that doesn't mean I'm subject to the will of the X royals.

What's more, if my bad guess unfortunately comes true, helping them find out the pretenders and spies hiding in the high-level is enough for me to gain their approval in an instant. "

"Emmmm, it makes sense."

The swordsman was persuaded, she flicked her long hair and said:

"Then get ready, I'll take you there."

"Don't worry, the large decoy bomb designed to destroy the genetic stability of the Skrull in an instant is still being produced. It's a bit complicated and takes time."

Mason waved his hand and said:
"I just said that I still need to go back to 'home', if there are Skrulls here, I think these disguised bugs in my house are probably overrun.

Arrangements must be made there as well. "

"Okay, I'll go to Utopia to help you make the first stop."

The swordsman waved to Mason and said:

"I'll send a guide to take you there in a while, and try not to waste time so that you can directly meet the Supreme Professor and the X Council. Besides, the phantom cat is here with you, right?"


Mason nodded, and then saw the swordsman grab his soul blade and swing it back to open another space-time channel. A few seconds later, a tall man wearing a black cloak of stars walked out of it.

Mason had to look up to see his chin.

Mason's current height is close to 190, in other words, the shortest man in front of him is above 250.

What a giant!
"Who is this?"

He looked at the swordsman suspiciously. The latter stood beside the tall man like a delicate blond Barbie doll. She reached out and patted the tall man's arm, making a sound of metal impact, and said:

"This is my brother. Colossus in the X-Men is also Phantom Cat's boyfriend. The two of them were talking about getting married. In addition, my brother got an A-level seat by lottery.

He is now a member of our Council of Twelve, nicknamed 'Steel'.

He usually sits in his own base world and basically doesn't come out for activities. This time he asked to come over after hearing the news from Katie. Take him to meet Katie.

I'm going to get busy first. "

After finishing speaking, the swordsman turned around and disappeared into his own crack, leaving Mason and the steel giant in front of him in the aisle. Mason stretched out his hand to him, and the latter also stretched out his hand in response to kindness.

But his hand is big enough to completely wrap Mason's "little hand".

"Uh, out of personal curiosity"

Mason whispered:
"According to the information I know, although Colossus' body is indeed tall, it is not exaggerated to this extent. What's your situation?"

"Same as you, Mason."

A-level member Colossus spoke in a loud voice, his voice was really like steel colliding in a raging fire, he explained:

"The gift from 'fate' has allowed my ability to evolve again, and the alienation of my body shape is only the most insignificant change."

As he spoke, he took off the starry sky mask under his hood, revealing a silver-gray steel face. The key point was that his eyes were burning like a forging fire that would never be extinguished.

"I heard from my sister that the ability you got from it is flame?"

Colossus showed a steel-like smile. Although his physique was sturdy, the gentleness of this guy didn't seem to have changed. He put his hand on Mason's shoulder and patted him, saying:

"The ability I got is steel, to be precise, manipulating steel."

"Take it easy."

Mason grinned and said:

"Your body size can crush me to death with a little force, but when it comes to manipulating steel, I just happen to have some forging materials that I can't extract.

Maybe you can help? "

"I'm moved by what you've done for Katie, so you can make me do it."

Colossus promises to:

"You are a craftsman, I promise you will not have to worry about materials from now on, the base world I chose is an uninhabited land rich in various minerals.

Let me know if you need it, and I will send it to you as soon as possible. "

"It's a good feeling!"

Mason grinned and didn't expect this windfall.

But then when he took Colossus to see Phantom Cat, the super big man half-kneeled in front of Katie's sleeping bed, and Mason was extremely moved by his cautious and cherished attitude as if he was looking at a lost and recovered treasure.

Especially when Colossus used his fingers to help Katie straighten her long hair with the most gentle force, that gesture moved Harry beside Mason to tears.

Although she also felt that the alienated Colossus could crush the phantom cat's skull with a little force, but it would be impolite to complain about the fact that the two have been separated for 17 years and reunited.
The master who was on the night patrol in Gotham had just dealt with a group of cross-dressing robbers, and then received a message from Mason.

This made Batman frown, and he realized that Mason had made an unplanned world travel, and based on his knowledge of Mason, this probably meant that a dangerous situation occurred.

So he quickly rushed to the afterlife bar, and went straight to the top floor through the "employee passage".

When he pushed open the door of the office specially reserved for Mason, the master saw two opened arms boxes head-on. The number of dark red biological bait bombs inside was really surprising.

If he didn't know that these bombs would not cause personal injury, then the scene in front of him was undoubtedly the preparation process before the terrorist attack.

But Mason wasn't the only one waiting for him in the office.

The new member of the second echelon of the Justice League, John Wick "Night Demon" has also been waiting here for a long time. As the master raised his cloak and walked into the office, Mason wasted no time.

He said to the master:
"In the new situation, I have a general understanding of what the stars will do for the first wave of invasion of this world, but the bad news is that there may not be much time left for you to act.

And if this trick is not done well, the Justice League will fall apart overnight.

You have to prepare for the worst."

(End of this chapter)

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