The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 373 72. Great magicians, please think about a more advanced way to reward yourself during th

Chapter 373 72. All great magicians, please think about a more advanced way to reward yourself during the sage time.
After Batman and Wick left the bar, Mason didn't return to Osborne Tower immediately. Instead, he connected the old man's communication in his office.

After a simple greeting, he repeated the information he had just told the old man to the old man, but to Mason's surprise, the old man knew in advance that there was a group of lurkers lurking in this world.

"It was just received yesterday."

The old man's hoarse and deep voice echoed in the communication, and he explained:

"Martha caught a sneaky guy in Wayne Manor who was going to sneak into the Batcave to attack Bruce, but Martha gassed him down.

It was later discovered after 'simple torture' that it was a green-skinned alien who had been lurking in Wayne Manor for five days, targeting my son.

But he was killed before he could act.

Its body is being sent to League of Assassins base camp, and I have prepared a team to dissect and study this strange creature.

But Mason, Bruce's identity was exposed."

"There is no point in hiding this before the meeting of the stars. They all know that Batman is related to the Wayne family, just like the relationship between milk tea and pearls."

Mason sighed with emotion at the strength of the clown mother's burst of energy when protecting her cubs. Even a natural spy like a Skrull can't stop the great and terrifying maternal love.

He adjusted his mood and told the old man:

"Bruce intends to track the seven Skrulls that have been discovered in this world. You also have the access code of the Bat Network, so you can track his progress.

But the supervillains and other small groups will leave it to you. I put all the biological decoy bombs in the basement of the afterlife bar, and you send someone to pick them up. "

"give it to me."

The old man replied:

"The people you support are very powerful. Those bionics who don't need to rest have already completed the internal cleansing of the Assassin League. I have a force that is loyal to the ideal, and it's time to find something for them.

However, Diana and Arthur are very concerned about their people, so."

"Of course they can go back and meet their clansmen after finishing their work."

Mason said a little impersonally:

"Don't worry about them! The Amazons and Atlanteans will be better off in the New World without them. But can you handle them, Thomas."

"They're not heroes."

The old man replied indifferently:

"What's so hard about being a killer? Both of these beasts love to draw swords and destroy life, and now it's just back to business. Anything else to say?
If not, I'm off to hunt.

There was a little rebellion in the Neon Division, I needed a chance to move my body, the booster you gave me was good and made me feel young again.

But in the name of this ongoing war, I desperately need something stronger. "

"It's being developed, and it will be delivered to you soon. Keep busy. I wish you a happy hunting."

Mason hung up the communication, told his secretary, Miss Huazi, to put the box in the office into the basement, and then returned to the Osborne Tower through the World Gate.

As a result, before he came here to catch his breath, a bloody arm flew over and hit Mason's feet. The splashed blood stained the shoes he just changed today.

The captain raised his head in surprise, only to see that Harley was swinging a baseball bat and beating a bloody man in red. The guy was lying on the ground with his limbs missing and howling loudly.

But it's not so much pain as the phony accompaniment that SMers give out while they're enjoying it.

"Sweetie! Don't come here!"

Harry slammed and screamed:

"I don't know where this pervert came from. He split himself wretchedly, hid his legs under my bed, and put his head in Barbara's room to peek at her changing clothes!
The result was discovered by me.

He also wanted to deny that the teleporter had gone wrong.

But I haven't seen any teleportation device that can split people into such a living thing. This guy is obviously humiliating my IQ, watching me smash his brains open. "

"Mason! Ah, good friend Mason, make your crazy girlfriend stop! She's been kicking my ass, it hurts so fucking bad!"

The screams of howling ghosts and howling wolves sounded from the mouth of the bloody guy, and the glib tone reminded Mason of the last meeting he had with this guy.


Mason said in surprise:

"Why do you, a Grade A personnel, come to me when you have nothing to do? If it's official business, why don't you go through the gate of the world? Don't use your obviously faulty teleportation belt, okay?

Even pursuing suicide is not the way. "

"It works well in other places. Every time I meet you, something goes wrong. I think the problem is definitely not on me."

A-level personnel "crazy" Wade Wilson complained, and then was kicked by Harley flying up and kicked his lower body, causing him to let out a short scream like death.

If he still had hands and legs, he would have covered his crotch in pain and fell to the ground.

But Wade's legs and hands are now "watching" beside his mangled torso, and the blood is everywhere, making it look like a slaughter scene.

A good rug in this lounge is out of the question.

Under Mason's reassurance, the furious Harley finally stopped beating the guy who came to "peep".

She gasped and leaned beside Mason, curiously watching Wade's lump of rotten flesh grow back together in a weird way. This process was almost like mental pollution, and Harry couldn't help covering it when he saw it. eyes.

"Phew, I'm alive again! That's great."

Deadpool quickly recovered, became full of vigor and posed a few obscene poses on the spot, and then said to Mason with his arms akimbo:
"Let's pack up, let's hurry up, Utopia is still waiting. By the way, when I just teleported over to look for my leg, I saw the big Colossus hiding in the medical room and crying while hugging his stupid wife." .

Tch, I thought the annoying Katie was dead, but I didn't expect her to be tortured like that. Did you save her?
Has Logan been saved?
Isn't that guy dead?
To be honest, I can smell the wolf smell here, he must be here!But avoid me, right?Hi Logan!Where are you, come out to play!

I miss you so much. "

"Slow down, hell, do you really want to generate text bubbles for me to see?"

Mason complained with a headache, and waved to the confused guy in front of him, saying:

"Logan is preparing for a mission, he is busy testing his new suit and can't spare time to meet you, but why are you my guide?

Can't such a big utopia find a more suitable person than you? "

"Oh, yes."

Wade grabbed a pack of crushed burritos out of nowhere, lifted his mask a little and stuffed it into his mouth, saying triumphantly:
"The Council of X originally sent Shimmer to pick you up, but I took the initiative to ask Ying to replace her. How can we say that we are also friends, and we even gave each other gifts.

That little gadget you sent last time was awesome!

In the past month I've unlocked tauren, gorgon and sphinx, only one eyed giant is missing.Didn't you also say that you want to inject me with some damn gene so that I can turn into a three-headed dog?
Hurry up!

I promised my girlfriend that I need three tongues."


The blood-stained baseball bat hit Deadpool on the forehead, knocking his obscenities back into his throat, and Harry crossed his hips and yelled:

"Don't say such nasty words in front of my sweetheart! He's only this year. Hell, he has no idea what your pervert is going to do with your tongue."

"Wouldn't that be better?"

Wade moved his body obscenely, and said to Harry:

"I can teach him, so that your crazy life will have one more possibility of happiness, okay, I won't say it, I'll shut up!"

Seeing Harry grinding his teeth and pulling out the colorfully painted clown pistol, Deadpool finally shut up, and Mason's ears were free.

Shaking his head, he took out an Isu reader, approached Wade and motioned for him to take out the biological bait and read the precious recorded data from it.

These data can help Mason better understand the operation method of Isu biotechnology, so as to make more advanced biological decoy bombs as soon as possible.

"I'll pack up and go with you."

Mason put away the reader, took another look at Wade's dirty suit, and said:

"Come with me, my girlfriend ruined your dress, I'll change you into a better one, but in exchange, you shut up along the way! Okay?"

"Cool, new clothes! I like them."

Wade laughed loudly, stretched out his hand and slid it on his lips like a zipper, and followed Mason to the suit design room.

There are various styles of battle suits used by the K team in the past and now, as well as the concept designs made by Mason when he practiced tailoring, which makes Deadpool feel like he has entered a hypermarket of battle suits.

He has a more exaggerated immortality than the old wolf, and he has never cared about his battle clothes. Selling blood is a perfect way of fighting for him.

But if you don’t use it, it doesn’t mean you don’t like it. It’s not in his character to come to Dajiang’s studio and not pick up some good things.

Of course, he didn't pick it for himself.

Wade, who was hesitating in front of those rather sexy or revealing battle suits, was thinking about whether his succubus wife would be more sexy after wearing these things, and then suddenly heard Mason ask:
"You are also from our hometown, right? Wade, what do you think of Utopia?"

"Yes, I was having a baby with my wife on the night of the nuclear war, and a nuclear bomb fell into the pool of my villa. I suspect that those bastards must have intentionally retaliated against me!

Hell, buying that villa cost me all my savings, but it hurts me so much. "

Deadpool replied, then tilted his head and said:
"As for Utopia, it's so-so, it's said to be a paradise for mutants, but I haven't seen too many people smiling when I walk on the street.

I don't like it there, I think it's a dead place ruled by a bunch of idiots who want to get rid of human beings all day long.

But my thoughts have never mattered.

Oh, and my brothers and sisters said the same thing about that place, none of the Legion of Deadpool liked being there, we preferred to have fun in the penthouse at Starsburg.

Ah, speaking of which, I need to grab one more dress, Mason pal.

Deadpool is having her birthday soon, and I have to get her a present so I can have sex with her or something. "


This answer made the biological jar in Mason's hand almost hit the ground. He stared back at Wade who was trying on a bat suit, and said in a strange tone:
"You know that's your space-time alien, right? You know that sleeping with her means you're playing with yourself. Is there really no psychological pressure?"

"Why should there be pressure?"

Wade is very open about this ethical issue. While throwing the bat suit into his bag, he replied carelessly and mysteriously:

"When you were young, Mason, uh, I mean, before you had that beautiful sexy but psychotic girlfriend, before you chose to release stress with your own hands, there wasn't that moment when you wanted to Can one's own hands become a girl who can move by herself?
You see, sleeping with my space-time alien is actually going up and down in a sense."

He tried to explain his ideas in this regard to Mason. In order to make it clearer, he even circled his fingers up and down. Mason felt that his innocent heart was hit again.

He covered his ears and said:
"Actually, I don't need to explain it so clearly, really, Wade, I really have no interest in your damn crazy ideas, and I don't even want to know how you feel and your mentality when you are doing it with yourself.

Blame me!

Blame me.

I shouldn't be asking that damn question, come on, try this. "

Seeing that Deadpool was about to share some of his little experience of sleeping with himself, Mason hurriedly picked up the biological jar in his hand, and there was a mass of black symbiotes shaking inside.

This is one of the "offspring" that Harley's Wasteland Venom bred one night.

As a genderless symbiont, this is how they reproduce. Wasteland Venom gave birth to two children, one was given by Mason to Miss Selena's beloved cat, Miss McGonagall, and the other is here.

"Yo, symbiote! This is a rare commodity."

Deadpool immediately became excited when he saw the jar in Mason's hand, and he screamed holding it:

"The No. [-] buddy in the Deadpool Legion once owned a Venom suit in his world, but unfortunately that idiot gave the good thing to Spider-Man, and he couldn't get it back after his world was over.

I've always dreamed of having a symbiote suit of my own.

In this way, I don't have to go back to do laundry after every fight, and my wife has to send me to sleep on the sofa if I make the bathroom dirty.

But all the symbiotes are avoiding me, which is really sad, and lo and behold, this daring cutie is not afraid of me.

This is awesome. "

He put his hand into the jar and let the symbiote wrap around his arm and completed the symbiosis in an instant. The guy moved his body and felt the soaring power, whistled again, ran to Mason, winked and said:

"This gift is great. Hey, I know that you are trying to win me over, but I can't refuse such a cool dress, so I will cover you from now on! Little Mason."

"It's like this, Wade, I'm going to do some dangerous things there this time, and I won't hide it from you, it may be life-threatening."

Mason pointed to the venom suit on Deadpool and said:
"I need a bodyguard who is not afraid of death. This is what I will pay you. If it is not enough, you can ask for more. This is a matter of life and death, and our relationship cannot let you do it for nothing."

"Well, that's what you said, so I'm not welcome."

Wade's overexpressive visor curled into a mean grin.

He whispered something to Mason, and drew obscene shapes in the air with his hands, and after dancing, Mason showed a disfigured expression.

The captain covered his eyes with some headaches, and said:

"I never thought my tailoring skills would one day be used to make this, a whole set of sexy lingerie for your wife, right?

All right, I'll help you when I'm free. "

"That's right, this is a good brother."

Deadpool was very satisfied. He held Mason's shoulder happily, waved his arm forward, and shouted:
"Come on, let's go to Utopia, whoever dares to provoke you on the way, I will beat him for you."

"Sweetie, wait a minute!"

When they walked out of the suit design room like two good brothers, Harley's screams sounded not far away, and there was an extremely hot breath appearing together.

Harry yelled:
"Come here! Mr. K, your egg is about to hatch! It looks so angry, wow, my hair!"

(End of this chapter)

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