The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 374 73. Mason's bird seems to be crooked [Happy women's chapter ~ Boys should be h

Chapter 374 73. Mason's bird seems to be crooked [Happy Women's Day ~ Boys should be happy too]

In the battle between the home world and the Ghost Rider, the egg of the troubled Phoenix Fawkes had already absorbed enough magic flames, and it was only one step away from rebirth from Nirvana at that time.

After being brought back to Osborne Tower, Mason has been using flames to help the phoenix eggs hatch.

But maybe the life energy transformed by ordinary fire is very weak. In short, it has remained silent until today, at a time completely beyond Mason's expectations, the phoenix Fox finally hatched again.

But the two consecutive unexplained deaths made the phoenix very angry, and the moment it broke out of its shell with the "wake up spirit", it flooded the storage room where it was stored with raging fire.

Halle's tiny lock of hair was just the tiniest loss.

When Mason rushed to the storage room, the temperature in the area where various minerals and precious stones were piled up was already so high that it was almost burning the floor.

The ear-piercing fire alarm kept echoing, but the Osborne guards rushing over couldn't do anything about the situation in front of them. They sprayed water on it, which would only further anger Fox, causing the flying flames to spurt out like a flamethrower. .

"Back off!"

Mason yelled, and kicked out all the irrelevant people in the shrill voice of Harley, who hugged her hair and cried.

Crazy Wade still wanted to join in the fun, but the symbiote suit on his body swished back into his body when he was close to the fire, turning Deadpool into a naked ass all of a sudden.

He doesn't care about it himself, anyway, he has done this kind of thing more than once.

But the super girl who rushed over had never seen this scene.

Carla thought she had encountered a pervert, so she screamed with her eyes closed and punched Deadpool on the chest, flying across the glass like a cannonball he hit and falling towards the bottom of the Osborne Tower.

"What a disgusting feeling~~~"

Accompanied by Vedra's long and oily shout, Firestorm also flew out from the laboratory below.

But when he saw the phoenix flying around in the burning storage room, this guy was completely stunned.

"Dr. Stein says his worldview has been shaken."

Little Black Jacks hovered not far from the sea of ​​flames, stretched out his hand and poked Barbara next to him, and whispered:
"Is that a phoenix? Does the K team still have this legendary creature? How many weird things do you have yet to bring out?"

"Isn't it Phoenix? It's worth your fuss?"

The well-informed Batgirl is so big that her nerve endings are on the verge of necrosis. While touching the hair growth agent to treat the burned hair of the crying Harley, she waved her hands and said:

"That's Fox, the phoenix picked up by Mason, theoretically it's his pet?"

"Uh, the relationship between Mr. Captain and his pet is really tense."

Firestorm took a step back.

He is not afraid of flames, but the phoenix fire in front of him is obviously not an ordinary burning object, and it is difficult to use technological means to exempt it from the accompanying magic damage.

The Kryptonian people are also a little bit blind.

Bizarro had just tried to put out the fire with a freezing ray, but he was spat out by the angry Fox, who was lying on the ground with his face in his arms and howling.

With Kryptonian's "weak demon" physique, it's better for them to stay away from this kind of thing that can't be theorized.

"Mason! Mind your bird!"

Even the old Green Goblin was alarmed.

His voice sounded from the speakers on this floor, and he scolded:
"The temperature in storage room No. 17 has exceeded the limit that the building materials can withstand. If it burns down, the whole building will be burned down. I have rebuilt it three times since you moved here!

You pay for the materials this time! "

"Don't worry, don't worry."

Mason's forehead would be sweating. He stood at the door of the burning storage room and frantically woke up the hat while making the people around him back.

Although the phoenix in front of me is only in its infancy, its innate magical animal ability has been awakened very deeply, probably because it was beaten more severely by Sister Ka last time?
"It's angry."

The hat is also rare for a creature like Phoenix to lose control to this point. He tried to communicate but Mason curled his lips.

If it is very angry, you don't need to translate it.

Look at its chirping and screaming inside. Even though Mason doesn't understand bird language, he can guess Fox's mood at this moment. Well, although he can't understand what it is scolding, it must be dirty.

"Let it extinguish the flame first, and talk about it if you have anything to say."

Mason urged, and the hat acted as a "translator" to convey his thoughts to the phoenix who was making a fuss in the storage room. As a result, within a second of saying this, even more terrifying flames erupted in front of Mason's eyes.

Not only is the flame blazing, but even the color has turned into a dark blue magic fire. This thing is the purification flame that burned Wesker's half life in the Great Temple of New York.

Mason felt his scalp tingle.

Fortunately, he has successfully changed his job to "Waterman". The moment he was added to the fire, he disappeared in place like evaporation, and he recovered himself on the scorched ground through the principle of three-state conversion.

"It will have three chapters with you, Mason."

The hat was almost burned, but fortunately Mason covered it with his own "water" just now, the raging fire made the hat sweat, so he quickly conveyed the meaning of the angry phoenix.

"It said that if it had a choice, it would definitely not accept your magic flame in Gotham that night, but now that things are like this, it can't break the connection between the two unless you die.

But you must accept its three conditions. "

"Say it! Tell me everything, everyone can discuss it, but can you please put out the fire first?"

Mason said a little frantically:

"Next to it is my laboratory. If the things stored in it explode, it will be over!"

At his request, the flames in the storage room quickly rewinded, as if rewinding time, those bright flames turned into pieces of light feathers and surrounded Fox's body, making Fox, who was squatting on the melted metal shelf, see It sounds fantastic.

But seriously, this phoenix is ​​not that big.

The overall size is about the same as walking ground.

But the fiery red feathers on the top of its head and the flame-like tail feathers on its tail are very long and elegant, and the feathers on its wings all have the illusion of fire, so it looks several circles larger than its normal form.

It crouched there, staring fiercely at Mason with a pair of nimble black glass-like eyes, and continued to utter obscenities in the Bird Whispering World while neighing briskly.

"Uh, this is too dirty, so I won't translate it, anyway, its first requirement is that you can't let it deal with crazy guys that it can't deal with at all.

It's your sister card. "

The hat coughed, perfectly performed the duties of the translator, and made Phoenix's first request.

Very reasonable request.

He didn't mean to make trouble for no reason at all, but Mason felt a little ashamed. To be honest, letting a young phoenix deal with the Isu demigod really didn't show martial ethics.

So he nodded quickly in agreement.

As a result, Fox screamed again and spewed flames to express his dissatisfaction.

"You can't just say it, you have to make a written statement."

The hat reminded him in a low voice, Mason curled his lips, took out his notebook and scribbled a few strokes, and showed it to the cunning Fox Phoenix.

Only then was it satisfied, and it stopped screaming obscenities, and instead elegantly pecked the flame feathers on its own wings with its long black beak, and then neighed a few times with a long voice.

"The second requirement is that it needs magical flames as food. It is tired of the dry and tasteless ordinary flames. It needs unique fires as its food."

The translation of the old god of the hat is:

"I guess what it means is that you need to feed it with your magic flame every day, and if you really don't have time, you can find other flames to give it snacks.

What a greedy little thing.

But considering that what you did before was really unethical, so you just follow. "

"It's okay, it's not a big problem."

Mason tilted his head and wrote a few more strokes.

Phoenix was even more satisfied. Seeing that Mason cooperated so well, its aura of getting up almost dissipated, so it flapped its wings and flew to Mason's side amidst the flying flames and light feathers, circled around him a few times, and finally shrunk its body and landed on Mason's shoulder superior.

He expressed his last request with an elegant tweet.

"Ahem, it said that you must sort out the identity issue between you and it. It is not your pet, but your collaborator, so you can't ask it to do some despicable work against its will."

hat says:
"In addition, Fox requested that he must get a luxurious bird's nest that fits its identity, made of the best sycamore wood, and embellished with various precious stones.

If possible, it hopes that you can help it find an equally noble and elegant partner. Well, this request is something that Dumbledore promised it before but never did.

Even in the world of Hogwarts, the phoenix is ​​a very rare species, and the Dumbledore family has been searching for it for several generations without being able to complete it. "

"Ah, I'll go to the secret treasure house of the Stars Fort another day."

Mason promised with a headache, and finally wrote his name on the paper in his hand, while Fox tilted his head and looked at the words. After reading it several times, it spit out a ball of flames and turned it into a signature and landed on the paper.

Then the paper in Mason's hand burned and formed a unique force in the flying light feather, and fell into his body like a hidden lock.

This is obviously a very advanced "contract", which fully proves that a creature like the phoenix can not only control fire, but also control magical magic.

"Wow, what a beautiful bird."

Harley, who was wearing a headscarf to let the hair restorer take effect, came up with blinking eyes. She reached out and tried to touch Fox on Mason's shoulder. The latter pretended not to see Harry's hand, and suddenly pecked at her when she approached. .

The scorching heat almost scorched Harry's fingers, causing her to jump out and hide behind Barbara, and Fox let out a happy neighing.

Ah, yes!It's that crazy bird looking up to the sky and laughing.gif
"This Phoenix's character is not quite right!"

Mason said to the hat in his hand:
"Is it the same in Dumbledore's hands? How do I feel that I have raised it crookedly?"

"Well, maybe it's because of the flames?"

Hat guessed:
"You've been feeding it hellfire, and there's something symbolic about this energy that comes from the chaotic side that probably does feed into the character of the Phoenix.

But that's not a big deal.

It's still a creature on the order side, it's just that you need more snacks afterwards Uh, Mason, get a change of clothes before you leave for Utopia. "

"Huh? My clothes are fine. I just changed them today."

"No. You have bird feces on your chest, the kind that burns, look, it's smoking! Well, now I feel that something is really wrong with your phoenix."
Twenty minutes later, the stinky Mason followed the lively Wade through the world gate five times in a row, and finally reached the world border of Utopia.

Standing on his shoulders is Fox who is singing loudly. The newborn phoenix looks fresh in everything, and the experience of traveling through the world makes him very fascinated and in a good mood.

This is probably the result of Mason's "sacrifice" of his favorite trench coat.

"Going forward, you can't use the gate of the world."

Wade, who kept his promise and kept silent along the way, was finally able to speak, which made him very comfortable, and Mason pretended not to see his crazy sign language along the way.

Just like a fucking ninja knot seal.

This annoying guy always has a way of getting other people's attention.

He will stand in front of the world gate of a desolate world, pointing to the chaotic nebula in the distance and saying:

"We have to stay here and wait for the gate of Utopia to open to us. That place is kept secret, and its world coordinates are constantly changing and cannot be locked by any outside guidance."

"How long has it been locked up here?"

In Fox's elegant exclamation, Mason with a bird on his shoulder asked:

"How many mutants are here?"

"It's too many to count."

Wade took out a wasteland version of a burrito and ate it while saying:

"The shock has progressed until now, and almost all the mutant civilizations discovered have been migrated here. It's like merging many worlds together. I'm too lazy to care about this kind of thing.

But in my words, utopia is a mix of shit-flavored chocolate and chocolate-flavored shit, no matter how you taste it, it will make you sick. "

"It looks like you have a lot of resentment here?"

Mason raised his eyebrows in surprise, and said:

"Don't you think this is the only home for mutants in the last days?"

"Tch, I can live well without being inside."

Wade put on a JOJO standing posture, with his hands on his hips and hips, and said disdainfully:
"Would you like a place that kicked you out several times? I didn't do anything bad, didn't I just paint and paint on their palace, and hooked up with a few girls from the X royal family?

But it doesn't matter, you know what the most disgusting thing is?Mason. "

Deadpool snorted, looking at the strange flying machine that landed in the distance, he lowered his voice and said to Mason:

"Everyone in the X royal family is sick in their minds! They stubbornly believe that mutants and humans cannot coexist, maybe it is a disease brought out of the mother's womb, and mutants who want to join here must sever all ties with their human relatives and friends.
Although I am a lunatic, I also know some superficial truths.Guys who can even abandon their own families, can you expect them to get together and make great things? "

Having said that, Wade squeezed out a very weird and nasty smile from his overly expressive mask. He patted Mason on the shoulder and said:
"You want me to choose between Utopia and the Stars, who do you think I will choose?"

"Why do you have to choose one of the two defenses?"

Mason stretched out his hand and grabbed Wade's shoulder. He said softly:
"You now have a third choice, Wade, I may need to take a little of your time to explain to you my views on this era, you can
Well, what is this in your hand?
Why is it slimy? "

"Oh, I was bored waiting just now so... You know, it feels really good to reward yourself with the Venom suit, but I don't know if the symbiote will get pregnant because of it.

I guess there is a high probability that it won't?

Why did your bird open its mouth to me?
What is this for?
This is"


Under the indifferent gaze of Mason wiping his fingers with a handkerchief, the phoenix fire exploded, burning the filth.

Damn, let the flames purify all filth!

(End of this chapter)

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