The track of dawn in the world of American manga

第375章 74.就这样,梅森完成了自己在乌托邦的第1次也是最后1次亮相【23】

Chapter 375 74. In this way, Mason completed his first and last appearance in Utopia【23】

Wade was a jerk, but he wasn't always crazy either.

This guy does occasionally tell truths that are too crazy to discover, like now, standing next to the "bones" of Wade, who was mummified, Mason waited until the spaceship sent by the X royals to pick him up.

Very advanced technology.

With Mason's Lv5+1 engineering skills at this time, he can tell from the naked eye that the pure black spaceship in front of him is at least one generation higher than the technology currently used by Osborne Tower.

And it's not the kind of scientific and technological development that is seriously biased in 2077.

The so-called advanced creation must be beautiful, and the spaceship in front of me perfectly proves this point of view.

It hovers gracefully and lightly in front of Mason like a bird with wings spread, and the energy dissipation when it lands is so slight that Mason can hardly notice it, and the streamlined cabin opens like scissor doors, and there is a silver-gray elevator Extend it down, exactly two meters in front of Mason.

This distance will not appear too enthusiastic, but it will not make the compatriots feel alienated.

Several mutants wearing tight black uniforms and X-painted battle helmets walked out of it. Mason couldn't tell their identities from their appearance at all, except for the guy with steel wings.

That must be "Angel".

There are not a few mutants with wings, but this is the only one who can grow such exaggerated wings.

"Hello, fellow countrymen."

The leader is a woman.

She nodded friendly to Mason, and looked curiously at the phoenix resting on Mason's shoulder. The proud Fox didn't even bother to take care of idiots.

So it pretended not to see it and continued to look at the stars with a cold and elegant posture on Mason's shoulder, pretending that it was thinking about a very profound truth.

Well, wonder what flame Mason will feed it tonight?
At the same time, the companion behind the mutant in front of Mason took out an instrument and placed it in front of Mason. It looked like a blood pressure monitor, which was used to detect the X gene.

The captain shrugged his shoulders, put his hand in it and took a drop of blood.

The instrument quickly flashed the holographic projection gene identification process, and after detecting that the X gene had been activated, the few people in front of them breathed a sigh of relief.

But then the instrument issued a high-pitched siren.

The last step of observation projected Mason's unique triple-helix DNA structure, making several mutants feel like an enemy.

This is not a mutation produced by the race of mutants!
No matter how amazing the X gene is, it is rooted in the normal DNA structure, and the awakening of abilities will not directly change the entire genetic structure. This seems to indicate that Mason's hidden identity is not limited to mutants.

"Any questions?"

Mason asked in a gentle tone.

He had already guessed this result before coming. For a force that pays great attention to the purity of blood, it is difficult for him to be accepted by the other party with such multiple mutations.

Therefore, whether it is the swordsman or the utopian "acceptance" that Anna said, it was not in Mason's plan from the beginning.

He didn't come to Utopia to "recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors". In Mason's heart, his hometown has been destroyed. Compared with the strange Utopia or the chaotic Gotham, it is like his home.

Of course, the real hometown has always been hidden in his heart, and no one knows this secret except the hat.

"Please wait a moment, compatriots, this is the first time we have encountered this situation."

The leading female mutant comforted her, and she exchanged a few words with her companion behind her in a low voice, and then sent someone back to the spaceship, presumably to ask for higher-level opinions.

Mason didn't urge him. He turned his head and glanced at the side. Wade had been "resurrected". He was lying on the ground and pretending to be dead. At the same time, he was secretly admiring the upturned buttocks and long legs of the female mutant behind the tights.

What a shame!

Mason kicked quietly.

This made Wade stand up with his mouth curled up. Unlike the cautious attitude he had when facing Mason, these guys expressed a sense of resistance and displeasure when they saw Deadpool.

"Wade Wilson! The expulsion order against you will expire in three months. During the exile period, you will not be allowed to enter Utopia."

"Angel" Warren scolded:

"Because of your sabotage last time, we lost thirteen precious compatriots! You bastard should repent of your evil deeds."

"Lost? Ha! Open your eyes and talk nonsense, right?"

Can Deadpool's temper bear this grievance?

He immediately waved his hands like an angry Italian, gestured and cursed:
"Obviously I helped the thirteen hapless ghosts who missed their families to escape from the cage. They were tricked by you! The family is living happily after the end of the world. How can you monsters make it so difficult?" Wife and children separated.

In any normal place for this you should give me a big medal and pick a big ass hot chick to sleep with me for a night to encourage my heroism!

Bah, I know more miserable guys hiding in utopian little houses and secretly wiping their tears, and playing big when I go back.

I'm going to bring them all out at once.

Maybe I can get a few girls to repost, but I will not refuse anyone. "

"you dare!"

Warren yelled angrily, and Deadpool swayed his hips obscenely, provocatively:

"I just dare! Come and get me, see if you can kill me, you idiot born of mother and bird mating! Do you really think of yourself as a birdman?

Lao Tzu is also a mutant, the real thing, you can't exile me forever, unless you slap yourself in the face and drive a compatriot out of Utopia.

But do you dare?
Bah, a bunch of bastards. "

Seeing that the confrontation between the two sides was about to escalate, Mason and the leading woman came out to stop it at the same time.

Now the captain no longer doubts that Wade's dislike of Utopia is sincere, and it is no wonder that Miss Anna reminded Mason cryptically before that Utopia is not a paradise.

They actually did the thing of imprisoning compatriots?

Tsk tsk, Magneto's brotherhood is not so bad.

"He is my bodyguard and guide. He is an A-level member under the Stars Club system. He was appointed by the Swordsman Master Mentor to protect my safety in Utopia."

Mason explained formally to the group of mutants in front of him:
"Because Utopia is currently in a cooperative relationship with the Stars, so you have no right to prevent Wade and I from entering the Utopia world together."

"You'd better keep an eye on him, fellow man."

The female mutant's tone turned cold.

She also realized that Mason has no sense of belonging to Utopia, which seems to be deliberately looking for trouble, so she warned:
"Wade Wilson is a dangerous member of the race, and being around him will get you in trouble."

"It's just troublesome, I'm used to it."

Mason replied with a smile:
"The twisted and perverted heart in Wade's heart still exists. Although there is not much conscience left, I feel comfortable. For this reason, I am willing to take risks."

"Cool! Well said."

Deadpool waved his hands and laughed, and he shouted:

"We're the 'Union of Conscience', little guy, you don't understand pure friendship between men. Oh, I recognize you! Silver Fox! Right?
Are you still angry about my date with your sister? "


The female mutant who had been maintaining her rationality couldn't take it anymore, she took off her helmet with a snap, revealing short silver-gray hair and an angry face.

She scolded Wade:
"You kidnapped her!

You fed her crazy ideas that turned her into a pathetic dissident from what could have been a glorious X-Men, and you took my sister away from me!

She hasn't come back yet.

I don't even know if she is alive or dead. "

"She's alive and well."

Wade picked out his nose, flicked his fingers and said:
"Now I'm working as a chic bartender in a garden world. Last time I went to chat with her, she said that she also had a handsome boyfriend. I saw it once. The kind with a sticky ass. Maybe she will give you a gift when she gets married. Invitation.

Oh, by the way, your brother-in-law is an ordinary human being who is extremely despicable in your eyes, but he is a very good painter. Although I don't know what the hell he paints, your sister likes it very much. "


Deadpool's provocation earned him a bullet as a reward.

The bloody light exploded between the eyebrows, causing Wade, who had just been revived, to die on the spot again, and the chest of Silver Fox Qi, who was holding an advanced pistol, was heaving, obviously wishing to tear this bastard into pieces.

This is somewhat personal.

Mason didn't intervene.

He stayed there like an outsider waiting for Utopia's permission to enter. When Wade got up again with a mean smile, the spaceship finally got an order from a high-level.

"Mason Cooper, you are allowed to enter the country temporarily and participate in the questioning of Parliament X. I hope you can restrain your attitude."

Silver Fox put on the X-painted helmet again, and said to Mason in a businesslike manner:
"Wade Wilson will enter the country as your security officer, but you will be held accountable for all the hidden dangers he caused."

"so what?"

Mason yawned, and in Fox's tweet, he said:
"Are you deporting me too? No, I'm not interested in utopian citizenship, just go to a meeting and leave.

Although it was only a few minutes together, I was sure.

We can't pee in one jug. "

"Because you took Wade Wilson's crazy side of it?"

Angel Warren couldn't resist persuading:

"Don't be like this, compatriots, go and see for yourself, Utopia is not as evil as you think, this is the home of all mutants, we came together to coexist in the era of disaster."

"No, not for that reason, I mean no ill will to you, fellow citizens."

Mason stepped onto the spaceship under the escort of the mutants, and explained softly:

"I don't know the historical development of your world, but at least I know the result of the last force that crazily promoted bloodline theory and was hostile to all outsiders."

"are you serious?"

Silver Fox asked coldly:
"Compare us to Spicy Crisp? Do you think that's appropriate?"

"You don't think you are, but at the moment it doesn't make a difference to me. Allow me to end this unpleasant conversation between us in one sentence."

Mason sat in a comfortable seat, and the moment the aircraft took off, he closed his eyes and said softly:
"Still engaging in extreme racism in the end times, idiot!"
Twenty minutes later, the aircraft slowly landed on the tarmac of the Great Council Hall in the Utopia world. Mason walked down the extended ladder, and a line of information jumped on the translucent character card in front of him:
Ultra-advanced engineering creations and reconnaissance X spaceship blueprints have been analyzed and included.

The news made Mason push the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, and then he raised his head and saw the swordsman and the rest of the Ex team who were standing on the platform in front of him to welcome him.

Their attire was out of step with the others in the building.

Only then did Mason realize that this might also represent a kind of alienation.

The mutant X-Men who escaped from their home world are all that's left, but they've all joined the Stellaris instead of staying in Utopia, even Mad Wade.

They have never been integrated here, and the two parties may really be just a cooperative relationship.

"Yo, your bird is nice."

The swordsman holding the demon helmet strode forward. She glanced at the phoenix Fox standing proudly on Mason's shoulders, and said jokingly:
"Can I touch it?"

"Whatever, as long as you're not afraid of getting burned."

Mason shrugged his shoulders, greeted several others, and led by the swordsman into the solemn and solemn council hall in front of him.

This place is full of fully armed mutant soldiers. They all have black tights armor and various energy weapons. In just three short steps, Mason saw at least two Storm girls and three Cyclops.

This gave him an intuitive understanding of the power of Utopia. No wonder he didn't dare to get involved here with the style of the Constellation Society and the force of the Cleaners.

It is estimated that as long as Utopia is willing, they can gather a commando team composed entirely of mature Omega mutants at any time.

Solo extermination?

Huh, what a joke.

"I submitted the information about the weapon X project in my home world to the X Council. They were very concerned about it and held this inquiry meeting. The Supreme Professor will also attend."

The swordsman reminded in a low voice:
"The use of mutants as war slaves has reached the bottom line of utopia, you just need to tell your story, and they will take care of the rest.

Believe me, the Cleaners will definitely suffer a lot this time. "

"So, you're just content to make them suffer?"

Mason looked at the swordsman beside him, and he whispered:

"A hell lord can say such weak words, are you serious?"

"Don't make trouble, Mason, I know what you want to do, but now is not the time to turn your face."

The swordsman dissuaded:
"I'll take you to see the really important things in a while, and you won't come here in vain. This questioning meeting is just a formality, let you brush your face on the side of your compatriots.

You can not like their style.

But if you want to do great things, the support of your fellow citizens is essential. "

"I get it, and I've prepared a great speech."

Mason took out a folded piece of paper from his arms. He seemed full of confidence. After passing through three thick special metal gates, he, the swordsman and Wade came to the council hall.

The members of the X Council that ruled Utopia were all present here, and Mason looked around.

He saw the young and old versions of Magneto, Professor X who was in a wheelchair or not, and the blue-skinned mutant Apocalypse the Great, the evil villain dressed like a vampire, Mr. Sinister, And the "Phoenix Five" wrapped in creation energy.

In addition to these "regular" high-end forces, there are also a few very strange mutants on the edge of the seat.

"They are fellow citizens from the folded world."

Swordsman said:
"Evil Spirit Storm, Spell Warrior, and Thunder Beast. They are alien mutants who have fused two abilities. Their strength is extraordinary, and they also possess a unique fusion power, so they are here.

But don't worry about them.

They are 'dissidents', as fringe as we are. "

"Are we having such a bad time?"

Mason whispered:
"From our hometown, we didn't even get a member of the council?"


The swordsman complained:
"The professor is dead, Magneto is dead, Qin is nowhere to be found, neither is the power of the phoenix, even a junior like me has been promoted to be a representative, we weak people can no longer be weak, Mason.

But there is hope for you to represent us X refugees. "

"Forgive me, I'm not interested in politics."

After finishing speaking, Mason straightened his clothes and put Magneto's helmet on his head to isolate all spiritual power.

Under the watchful eyes of all members of X, he stepped onto the uniquely set up podium in front of him, and a young version of Professor X was sitting in the seat on the second floor above him.

But he was wearing a portable brain wave enhancement device on his head and wearing a black tights, not angry and majestic.

This should be the legendary Supreme Professor, the ruler and leader of the X royal family.

"Cough cough."

Mason coughed and unfolded the speech he had prepared.

It was specially written by him for this questioning session, describing clearly his experience in his home world and all the details about the Weapon X project.

He looked at the experience described on the paper, and after a few seconds of silence, he tore the paper to pieces, then raised his head, and said to everyone who was looking at him:
"I hate Utopia! Even though it's my first time here, I know I don't belong here.

I don't understand why you guys have to be so stubborn about removing yourself from the 'human' category, and I'm not that interested in that crazy answer.

I am not here to join you, fellow citizens.

You think yourselves are impenetrable.

But really just entertaining behind closed doors, and what I'm going to say next."

He took out a dark red ball three circles larger than normal biological bait bombs from his luggage.

It's like holding a human head.

In the turbulent energy vibration, he raised his head and looked at the guy above him. Although he couldn't see his eyes, he could feel the guy's eyes on him.

Mason saw the Supreme Professor nod slightly to him.

Then he used onomatopoeia to simulate:

Under the stunned gaze of the swordsman, Mason, who had just promised her that he would keep a low profile, detonated the bomb in front of the most powerful and powerful people in Utopia.

The powerful energy swept across the venue, leaving a bunch of piglets with strange colors and tails in place, making the swordsman couldn't help but hold his soul sword hilt.

Depend on!
Things are getting worse!

(End of this chapter)

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