The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 376 75. Little wizards, this honorary principal found you a big daddy [33]

Chapter 376 75. Little wizards, this honorary principal found you a big daddy【33】


The super creature decoy bomb detonated in Mason's hands. There were no fireworks, no explosion, and not even much vibration.

Mason modified the parameters of this thing so that all its power is focused on the interference of gene fragments of life forms within the effective range.

Therefore, as a result of its effect, a layer of invisible shock waves spread in all directions with Mason as the center, but in fact, when he touched the dark red ball, everyone in the venue was ready to defend and counterattack.

How fierce are these people present?

To give the simplest example, Lao Wan is probably the weakest of these people. It is no exaggeration to say that Mason's current strength against these mutant bosses can crush him with a single look.

This is why Mason specially found a bodyguard for himself.

And Wade did fulfill his promise. Although he didn't understand what happened, when he saw Mason take out a dangerous thing, he immediately rushed up screaming.

With the attitude of a goalkeeper flying to save the ball, he helped Mason block the energy ball thrown by the emperor of the apocalypse and the impact of the telekinetic power of Mr. Sinister.

Deadpool is very straightforward.

With a slap on the spot, it turned into a ball of disgusting blood, splashing Mason all over.

The swordsman also wanted to go up, but was desperately held back by Anna and a group of people behind him. They were tested by this thing once in Osborne Tower, and they knew what Mason was going to do.

The swordsman rushing up at this time is just adding to the chaos, and it is easy to cause conflicts.

Of course, the genes of the bosses are very stable. Members like the Phoenix Five are not even affected by the biological bait at all, and the deformation time of 0.1 seconds is almost negligible.

The bosses also reacted very quickly, and it wasn't just Emperor Apocalypse and Mister Evil who threw attacks, everyone else also made moves.

If the energy of the magnetic field, the power of the phoenix, and all kinds of flames and ice really hit Mason, Captain Captain would die tragically on the spot even if he had nine lives like Catwoman.

But he was unharmed at this time.

In addition to forcibly deforming some vulnerable guys after the super decoy bomb took effect, a thick wall-like psychic force field protected Mason when the decoy bomb took effect, helping him withstand most of the counterattacks.

So, in theory, even if the bodyguard Deadpool didn't rush up to Mason, he would be fine, but for his dedication, Mason planned to add a chicken leg or something to him after he went back.


The second after Mason detonated the bio-bait bomb, the three guys in the crowd turned and ran away.

They threw out powerful energy trying to blast the thick walls, and someone activated the teleportation device, and they did it secretly in the chaos.

However, the fact is that the moment Mason was protected by the psychic force field, the three guys were also trapped in place by the psychic cage that fell from the sky.

Needless to say, the reason is naturally that the "prototype" was revealed under the action of the enhanced version of biological bait.

With green skin, sharp ears, and a different appearance from ordinary people, they don't look like serious mutants at first glance, and the Skrulls who can be sent to Utopia as undercover agents are definitely not low-level cannon fodder.

These three guys are very skilled, and they completed their transformation again the moment Mason beat them back to their original form.

Guys with slightly poor eyesight can't see the distortion of the figure.

But the problem is that there are no weak people present.

The moment the Supreme Professor took action, the Phoenix Five turned into scorching fire and galloped around the three Skrull spies, and the Emperor Apocalypse, who understood the reason for the incident, was even more furious. However, he was stopped by Mister Sinister.

The best biologist among the mutants looked at the three hapless ghosts with curiosity mixed with astonishment. He probably didn't expect that the impenetrable Utopia was actually infiltrated, and the infiltrators had already sat on such a seat. high position.


Seeing that the infiltrator was really caught, Mason also let out a sigh of relief.

The back of his clothes is covered in cold sweat,
It is no exaggeration to say that when the biological bait bomb was detonated just now, he was already ready to be crushed by these powerful characters on the spot. What a ghost!
In terms of the effective range of Professor Supreme's super mental power, which is far beyond that of ordinary Professor X, the moment Mason entered Utopia, he had already fallen into the spiritual realm of this boss.

Although there was no communication between the two parties from the beginning to the end, Mason was sure that what he thought in his heart had been detected in advance by the supreme professor.

He also put on Lao Wan's helmet before entering the room, which was basically equivalent to the two "eyes" communicating. From the current point of view, the boss is indeed the boss.

This wave of Void cooperated perfectly.

But unfortunately, the truth of the matter is much worse than Mason's worst imagination.

Because two of the three Skrull spies caught were Charles Xavier, and both the young and old Professor X were fucking undercover.

The identity of the last spy is close, but she is also a ruthless character who can destroy the world with one voice in a chaotic state like the Scarlet Witch.

"That's it, do you dare to say that you are impenetrable?"

In the chaotic meeting hall, Mason adjusted his clothes pretentiously, and uttered nonsense to a group of bosses he couldn't afford to mess with.

He also took the opportunity to reach out and touch Fox on his shoulder who was a little sluggish just now.

The little phoenix that came out of its shell was also frightened by the attack just now, and with its small brain, it is estimated that it has already prepared the tragic ending of being reborn in nirvana and then turning back into a phoenix egg in less than three hours.

But the good news is that this time, Mason Cooper is expected to be able to get rid of the bastard.

In the face of Mason's sarcasm, all the mutant leaders present chose to remain silent with ugly faces. They didn't even bother to reprimand Mason's disrespectful remarks about Utopia just now. Important things to do.

"Block the border of Utopia!"

The Supreme Professor on the second floor raised his hand and announced in a calm and cold voice:

"Inspect all residents, our compatriots have brought us weapons that can interfere with the infiltrator's camouflage, we must make good use of this gift!

Call out the Alpha Sentinels!
Until all self-inspections are completed, this world is closed to the outside world! "

His order was carried out immediately, and the mutant leaders including Emperor Apocalypse all looked at Mason in unison. The latter opened his bag and dropped twenty boxes of biological bait bombs at the entrance of the conference hall.

The bosses each took a box and left here quickly.

The three high-level Skrull pretenders were also detained by the Phoenix Five, and what awaited them would be endless torture until they dug out the last trace of secrets in their hearts.

It is conceivable that Utopia must treat these guys much more viciously than Mason.

But that's what the Skrulls asked for.

The swordsman saw that the crisis was over, and she also let out a sigh of relief and was about to step forward to bring out the weak-legged Mason, but before she could move, an invisible spiritual barrier stood in front of them.

This meant that the Supreme Professor wanted to talk to Mason, and this move also made Swordsman and the others retreat helplessly.

As they themselves complained, in the authoritarian utopian world, these exiles who have lost their racial subject really do not have so much right to speak.

The death of the professor and Lao Wan made the younger generation like Liana become the leader, but the question is, can she be a leader like a secret agent?
Can't do it!
You don't have the ability to know?

She herself thinks so, but there are no generals in Sichuan, so Liao Hua has no choice but to act as a pioneer.

"Why do you think I will cooperate with you? Mason Cooper."

When only Mason, the supreme professor, and Wade, who was struggling to recover from the bloody state, were left in the entire conference hall, the professor's body slowly fell from the second-floor platform to the ground under the impetus of his powerful spiritual power.

This professor is very young.

But with a brainwave enhancement machine all the time, he is closer to the definition of "god" than any mutant.

Mason knew that he had Occlumency in his mind, and he also knew that he was wearing Lao Wan's helmet, but he really wasn't sure whether he could hide it from the Supreme Professor in front of him.

Even if the other party does not rely on mind reading, but only uses the mental power that is huge enough to modify reality, it can restore Mason to an atomic state in an instant.

Facing the question that the Supreme Professor was very interested in, Mason took a deep breath and said:

"This is a judgment based on rationality. I don't think that, as the powerful leader of all mutants, you will allow hidden foreign forces to exist in your governing body.

I didn't take my life here with this bomb today.

Unless the worst case scenario is that you are also replaced by a Skrull, my trip seems dangerous, but there is actually no safety problem.

Compared with the little presumptuousness just now, I am more worried that my true thoughts about Utopia will offend you.

After all, compared to other dissatisfaction that only dare to hide in my heart, I have expressed all my resistance. Speaking out my thoughts in front of all the leaders means that I have no place in Utopia. "

Facing this answer, the supreme professor smiled under the helmet with his mouth exposed, and he said:

"But you didn't lie, and you don't regret it.

Especially since you helped us catch three terrifying lurkers in your first appearance in the hometown, the whole Utopia owes you a favor.

You may not need this imperfect hometown in your eyes, but the hometown is proud of you, Mason.

Please forgive me for not being able to talk too much with you. Next, Liana will take you on a tour of the world. I will also have dinner with Mr. Nick Fury tonight to discuss the joint matters between the two parties.

Can you give me a little advice?Old K. "

The nickname called by the supreme professor made Mason's heart beat wildly, but he tried to maintain his composure. After thinking for a while, he said to the professor who was suspended in the air a few inches above the ground in front of him:

"Don't believe any of his words! I don't have any evidence, but I feel that old A must have been a part of the conspiracy that happened in my home world.

Even the invasion itself was most likely designed by him.

I'm curious though, during the initial contact between the X Royals and the Council of Hope, didn't you catch their dark minds? "

"That's a bit of a pushover, Mason."

The Supreme Professor sighed and said:
"How can I doubt my comrades of the same origin? It will destroy unity. You may not know it, but I was also one of the founders of the Council of Hope.

We made a pact not to turn ill will against each other. "

This answer made Mason frowned, and he said:
"So, the world where the X royal family is located is the birthplace of the Council of Hope? Is this the world under our feet?"

"Do not."

The professor explained:
"The mutants in Krakow migrated out under the leadership of Eric and I. In order to avoid friction and mutual destruction with the humans in that world, we chose to part ways.

This world is the home of a mutant civilization accepted by the X royal family. We helped them withstand the impact and sent the humans in it to another safe world in exchange for the establishment of Utopia here.

Unfortunately, my best friend Eric had an accident not long ago, and I almost died in it too."


Mason nodded slightly to express his condolences, but then he asked the biggest doubt in his heart.

他 说:

"In all parallel worlds, Professor X is the representative of rationality and gentleness among mutants, I can't imagine that the source of such extreme racism in this world is you.

Can you explain to me why I'm still so isolated in the end times?Have you really lost faith in humanity? "

"No, I have great faith in humanity."

The supreme professor patiently explained:

"The racism that you're seeing is just an attempt at a continuation of several scenarios that the Council of Hope set up in its inception.

That is, if the impact event represents "survival of the fittest" or some kind of "screening" of higher-dimensional will, then can mutants who are one step ahead of human evolution survive to the end by virtue of their racial advantages?
It's just one big social experiment on a planet-by-planet basis, Mason.

After you learn more, you will know that in the existing world, there are not only pure mutant countries like Utopia, but also pure alien countries like Attilan, and more of them are pure human worlds.

I hope that when the council divides the transfer of planets, it is not planned according to the mood. We have a very complete transfer system in order to carry out this 'social experiment' that has lasted for 17 years to the end.

I know it sounds stupid.

But if there is such an absurd reality with a probability of one in a billion, as we guessed, it means that at least one civilization can be preserved. "

"Sounds like an absurd explanation"

Mason rubbed his eyebrows and said:
"But I already know that no matter how weird the theory is in the fox's lair, there will be people to study it, so although your explanation is unexpected, it is also reasonable.

However, do you really believe that the so-called mutant superiority theory can help us get to the end? "

"It doesn't matter if I believe it or not."

The Supreme Professor shook his head and said:
"Confidence or disappointment are not reasons for us to stop. Everyone's goal is the same, to live. But if someone wants us to live a bad life, then we must bite it hard even if we die together. Here comes a piece of meat!
Mason, there are some secrets that I cannot tell you due to my identity.

But the attack of the Skrulls may represent that the situation has entered a dangerous next stage. Utopia has seen the provocation and threat with our own eyes, and we will do our best to assist you in defeating those malicious forces.

Let the black hands who play with X power suffer their own consequences!
However, warlocks are just clowns pushed to the fore in the face of a real crisis, and you can't spend too much energy on this kind of mutual hatred.

Cut through the clutter and face the real challenge. "

"What's in my head is like an open book in front of you for you to read, isn't it?"

Mason sighed, he took off Lao Wan's helmet, and said:
"This thing is useless in front of you, you don't even need to talk to me."

"It's still useful."

The Supreme Professor Wen Sheng said:
"When you wear it, I need to spend more energy to perceive your thoughts, but I am the only user of psychic power in the parallel world who can reach my level.

So, keep carrying it, it will inherit the will of another Eric and continue to protect you.

Finally, Mason"

The professor raised his hand and put it on Mason's shoulder. He whispered:

"I'm sorry about the Philosopher's Stone.
The plundered elixir was used on me, and they thought I could not abandon my responsibilities at this time, so they did ugly things to save them. "

"You shouldn't have said that to me."

Mason didn't have much anger or dissatisfaction, he just answered truthfully:

"I'm just an avenger chosen by that world, but the last orphans of that world are still struggling in foreign lands, and their existence is also under threat."

"That's what I owe them."

The Supreme Professor took down an X brooch, put it in Mason's palm, and said:
"Call me when they need you."

(End of this chapter)

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