The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 377 76. At this time, a handsome observer asked: If it only affects the earth, why doesn&#03

Chapter 377 76. At this time, a handsome observer asked: If it only affects the earth, why doesn't it escape?

"I'm going to be scared to death by you!
Can you let me know in advance when you do these big jobs next time, I saw you bombed those big guys and almost got past you? "

Outside the gate of the X Council Hall, when Mason was seen walking out intact with a frightened bird on his shoulders, the swordsman who was full of anger was about to go up to him with the great sword of soul theory.

As a result, the very responsible bodyguard Wade stood in front of his employer, opened his hands to stop the "violent fan", and was kicked to the ground by the swordsman.

As expected, the bastard peeked at the underside of the swordsman's battle skirt while he fell to the ground, but was trampled on the head by the violent boot of the lord of the border of hell.

Facing Liana's angry shout, Mason shrugged and said to her:
"There are two Skrulls disguised as Professor X, even if their psychic powers are pirated and not as powerful as the genuine ones, the superposition of the psychic force fields of the two people is enough to capture what you think.

It's not that I won't tell you, I can't.

But I thought you would be a little smarter. Do you think that if I really have bad intentions, do I have the life to walk in front of the X Council with the Supreme Professor in charge?
You don't have much confidence in the strength of your leader, do you? "

"Who said I didn't think of it, I obviously thought of it! Only a fool would not think of such an obvious plan, right?"

The swordsman retorted bluntly:
"I just feel that your behavior is as if you are dying. Why didn't you let Wade detonate the bomb? Do you know that even only one-tenth of the energy thrown by those big shots fell on you."

"Coincidentally, Team K has a pioneering mission next."

Hank explained:
"The experiment conducted during the third impact was led by him, and we thought that we would be foolproof by presetting the perfect experimental process.

"Of course, I know, members of the Stars Club."

The swordsman stretched out his hand towards Mason, gesturing for him to hold his arm, and swung the soul blade in his hand forward to open the jumping door in the world, pulling Mason and disappearing on the spot with a whoosh.

"No, I get a headache when I hear that stuff."

After finishing speaking, the Akers team turned around and left. Although they were not as extreme as Wade, they obviously didn't want to stay in Utopia for too long.

"Two mistakes."

Now I need to ask you something more academic, about world fusion. I want to know more, and I'm a total beginner at this. "

"I originally planned to let Ertong, Barbara, and Zha Kang in my team lead the team, and take those newcomers out to hone, but something happened to Zhakang, and Ertong and Barbara alone are a bit weak.

If you didn't show up, I'd probably go all the way to the dark with them. "

But there was no one waiting for him.

Rakshasa flicked her unique two-color hair and explained:
"Because the X gene is highly uncontrollable, only the first three batches of test products are special creations with locked genes, and the rest are clones copied from a single X gene.

"But not too often."

Can you please help the two veterans to help guide the newcomers? "

"Playing cards with you?"

Mason felt that there was no way to talk to Gang Jing, so he could only sigh and say:

"Mason Cooper! The magical man who brought hope to a desolate and hopeless fox nest at the end of the third shock."

Hey utopian idiots, here comes your Grandpa Deadpool!

But in the final stage of the fusion experiment, accidents inevitably happened. "

Mason turned around and found that the speaker was the man standing by the new grave in the cemetery just now.

There is a chance to play cards together. "

It seems that although the X royal family is racist, xenophobic, ruthless, and authoritarian, they are indeed doing real things.

Mason sighed. He took off his glasses frame and put his hands on the tombstone in front of him. He raised his head and looked at the wreckage of the two earths that failed to merge in the distant starry sky.

"It is true that the gravity is slightly different from that of ordinary planets, but the Supreme Professor told me that this world was bought by them."

He chuckled and said:
"Okay, sad time is over.

Under Liana's surprised gaze, as Mason closed his eyes, a gentle raindrop fell from the surroundings, like a gentle wind blowing through the cemetery bathed in starlight, making the flowers in the green grass bloom.

But they left behind valuable numbers that allowed us to come closer than ever to success on the third hit. "

It's like some kind of homage to the predecessors derived from the status of mutants.

This is an extremely huge project, and Mason quickly discovered the clues after observing it for more than ten seconds.

Before I met you, the X royal family was the only force I had ever seen that responded to shocking disasters with the most pragmatic attitude.

This answer stunned Anna.

Judging from the current situation, perhaps it is a better choice for them to spend their lives quietly. "

Amidst the flashing light and shadow, the swordsman led Mason into a mysterious space continuously jumping all the way.

"Is this a test done on the third impact?"

"Isn't it?"

"Yes, Eric Lanshere, not only my best friend, but also the professor's best friend, he and the professor established the X royal family, just as the professor is honored as the Supreme Professor, he is also called the Supreme Magneto King. "

For the truth revealed by the swordsman, Mason could only praise with the most primitive emotions turned into the most authentic language. He gave a thumbs up fiercely and congratulated the group of mutants for their private achievements.

Mason, I don't like Utopia either.

"Then let's go first."

The swordsman shook his head, and said to Mason:

A few minutes later, Wade, who recovered from his crushed head, got up in a daze.

The swordsman snorted, feeling that he had the upper hand for a while, he patted Mason's shoulder with a drawn out voice, and said:

He extended his hand to Mason and introduced himself, and Mason also extended his hand to hold the wisdom of the X-Men, saying:

"no problem."

The swordsman whispered something, and Mason nodded. He looked at the tombstone in front of him. As expected, the name on it was "Liana Rasputin".

Mason pointed to the wreckage of the world in the distance, he frowned and said:
"If you have already completed the fusion process of the three worlds in the laboratory environment, then even if there is a time limit when the impact occurs, it should not fail to this extent.

"Not as much as you think."

The chief scientific officer of the X royal family sighed.

"I have the blueprint for the awakening cabin of the third stage of the Weapon X project."

He looked back at Mason, with a sense of exhaustion, and said:
"Mason, the fact that the shock event happened on Earth doesn't mean it will only affect Earth. Look at this special region of the starry sky. After the experiment failed, we used the Phoenix Force to capture them and put them together.

At this moment, Mason also sadly discovered that he also had double standards.

Gentle, thin and tall, he has the temperament of a young boy, and with a pair of black-rimmed glasses, he looks like a nerd in a laboratory.

He looked at the swordsman beside him, frowned and said:
"This isn't the broken wreckage of one world, it's two worlds. It's two worlds that are merging but not fully merging. Is this the mutants' self-rescue plan you told me before?
You guys have been experimenting with world fusion?

"If you have a world map of Utopia, you will find that this world has three continents, and the area of ​​each continent is equivalent to 70% of the land area of ​​other earth, and there are also demiplanes like 'secret land'.

But when he looked up, the sight in front of him was staggering.

Mason nodded and followed Hank all the way forward. When he left the cemetery, he saw the frontmost tombstone that Hank had just paid homage to, and asked:
"Is this your friend buried here?"

The two worlds have indeed been fused together, and at one point we thought we had succeeded."

"Remember when I told you that I had a space-time alien in Utopia who chose to become a nun?"

"Your praise made me feel trembling. Compared with these pioneers, I didn't even really put the ideas in my heart into practice."

"Secondly, I am a layman to both theories. There is no such argument that one is better than the other. This is not an academic dispute. If they are both useful, why not use them at the same time?"

Starlight shines everywhere, and the two landed like a floating island in a sea of ​​stars. Mason could clearly feel a light weightlessness, which made him feel like he was in outer space.

"Not two! It's three worlds with mutant civilizations!"

"My time is tight, maybe because I am used to getting familiar with new knowledge in a short time, or maybe because I am good at learning."

The swordsman asked:
"It's been less than three days since you unlocked your ability?"

A silent pressure came to my heart.

"You're making things simple, Mason."

This guy was cursing and pointing his middle finger at the sky, but soon a smirk appeared on his overly expressive mask. He first pretended to look around, and then drove the venom suit to transform himself into King Kong wearing a mask He looked like a wolf, and learned to imitate the low posture of the old wolf when he spoke.

At present, some radicals intend to apply for grants to establish a Speed ​​Force network across the entire parallel world system, so as to fight the next impact. "

Mason waved his hands and said lightly:

Then she shook her head, put on her mask again and said with a chuckle:
"Well, I'll go and ask them myself, tell them your story, and ask your 'brothers and sisters' if they'd like to throw themselves into something as dangerous as you."

Hank, who was leading the way, raised two fingers and said to Mason without looking back:
"First, the biggest difficulty in world fusion during impact is not time. With our current technology, 36 periods of time from impact brewing to collision occurrence are completely sufficient.

"Well, Mason, where is your proud imagination?"

It looks like you know this too, so I guess instead of playing with time, you seem to be more inclined towards our world fusion theory? "

A man's voice sounded behind Mason, with a hint of inquiry and admiration, he said:
"The speed force matrix model you brought back caused a sensation among the group of researchers, they thought it was a fairly well-completed theory.

Mason thought for a while and said to Anna:

Mason frowned and said:
"You merged the two worlds in a closed 'lab environment'?"

Liana gently stroked the tombstone in front of her, which in a sense also belonged to her, and she said to the silent Mason behind her:

Just the successful case of this world fusion made their status in Mason's heart catapult to the start, surpassing old A's group of people who can only talk about it in an instant.

Mason corrected a sentence very seriously, he said:

"She is buried here, and she died in one of the fifteen simultaneous world fusion experiments that Utopia conducted during the Second Impact, all of which failed.

Look at these two worlds, they are almost crushed. "

"I'm Aquaman, Liana."

Now take me to the 'good enough' stuff before they deport me. "

She squatted down in front of a tombstone carved into a cross, and with a flick of her finger, she made a bunch of flowers and placed it gently in front of the tombstone.

Anna put on the star mask and said to Mason:
"We are our own people, and we can just open our mouths about these small things."

"The knowledge of the speed force matrix is ​​just something I got occasionally. I'm an explorer, not a researcher."

Most of the things we rescued when the nuclear war broke out were subsequent creations, and there are only a few of them with extremely high labels like yours.

It's a very different place from our old home, but it's not just because we're all mutants that we choose to stay here and keep that identity.

Second, we didn't miss out on the fusion phase.

At least not a complete answer.

Only then did he walk into the intercontinental subway station in the Utopia Capital District with his hands behind his back.

There is also a thin man wearing a researcher's white coat mourning in front of a new tombstone. The swordsman ignored him and led Mason directly to the cemetery area behind.

"We are not just trying. The first stage of world fusion has been completed. Haven't you found any clues in the main world of Utopia?"


Mason pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose and asked a question. The latter sighed and led Mason helplessly along the steps of this floating island in the starry sky to a platform full of tombstones.

"First of all, I am not hiding any knowledge and what you describe is a pretty horrific allegation."

The compatriots in the Akers team were also relieved to see Mason return safely. Miss Anna offered to leave. She said to Mason and the swordsman:

"If they need... I mean, at least you have to ask them what kind of life they want to live? Aunt Anna, maybe they also want to do something for their hometown.

"Henry McCoy, chief scientific officer of the X royal family, senior researcher of Fox's Nest, leader of the 'World Fusion' project team, you can call me Hank."

It is a by-product of world fusion, a strange space formed by overlapping part of the real world. "

A broken star that collapsed from the core of the whole world is suspended in the dark sea of ​​stars, like the desolate corpse of a giant beast that drowned in the sea lying on the beach.

The King of Cards beside her was playing with a few playing cards overflowing with purple light, and said to Mason:
"We also have our own things to do here. To be honest, Mason, when I first met you, I thought you were very indifferent and not like one of us, but after seeing your behavior with my own eyes today, I've confirmed, you are the hot boy from our hometown.

"Although the aggressiveness is not enough, the ability to save life is considered to be at the forefront in the mutant society. Well, don't worry, the misunderstanding has been resolved, and the talk with the Supreme Professor is also good.

Mason pouted and said:
"My small treasury is not that rich yet, but I have always been curious about a small question. I am not the only experimental subject of the Weapon X project. What about the rest?"

Has there been any progress? "

The swordsman waved three fingers in front of Mason's eyes and said:

"The Beast" Hank laughed, and frowned and said in a hearty tone:
"Even if you don't count the important data that you hide, the matrix does have a lot of flaws. It is very close to the truth, but it is not the answer.

You can't deprive them of their right to be heroes in the name of their good, right? "

But when Liana saw this guy, she pulled La Mason vigilantly, which meant that this guy in front of her was by no means an ordinary character.

But there is still a problem that cannot be ignored right now, and that is the world wreckage of the two merged worlds in front of us.

It's hard to come back once, why don't you have the nerve to leave like this if you don't do something bad?Now the whole world is catching Skrull spies, and it's the time when the soldiers are in a hurry.

"The inspection mission assigned by Lord Hunter cannot wait any longer. After the third shock, the conflicts among the worlds have become more frequent. Even many base worlds have rebelled. We have to collect information."

"When did you connect your abilities to such a fine-grained level?"

Hank shook his head and said:
"Come with me, and I will explain to my new compatriots the stage we are in. Are you coming too, Liana?"

Because your genes must be unlocked through a unique awakening, and we had no ability to return to our hometown at that time, so those who could not be awakened were sent into different garden worlds as ordinary people.

Surrounding the star wreckage is a huge facility that covers the world like an unfinished Dyson sphere. Mutant spaceships, large and small, fly around in it, looking for usable things in the star wreckage like hardworking bees. Material.

The swordsman said that they merged the three worlds in a closed environment, so the two obvious failure cases in front of them are probably experiments in real conditions.

He forgave my offense.

What do you think this is? "


"All the tombstones here are to commemorate the compatriots who died in this experiment, most of them with no bones left, but once recruited, no one would opt out.

"I'll wait for you at the entrance, and I'll take you back when I'm done."

Mason looked at the sky above his head, and after a few seconds of silence, Hank took the initiative to reveal the answer.

He said softly:

"These...are the wreckage of two planes squeezed together. The collision of the earth is only the beginning of the disaster, but the annihilation of the planes follows closely. This has never been a simple crisis on infinite earth.

To be honest, if it only affected the earth, the problem would be much simpler. "

(End of this chapter)

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