The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 379 78. Humiliation and provocation of smuggling, because of the crime you committed, Mason,

Chapter 379 78. Humiliation and provocation of smuggling, because of the crimes you committed, Mason, our punishment for you is.
When Mason returned from the "Planet Proving Ground" to the entrance of this special area, the master swordsman waited until he was bored and almost fell asleep, but seeing Mason staying with the dangerous X-beast Hank for so long, he was still unscathed, Liana also breathed a sigh of relief.

She whispered to Mason:
"That Hank is not just a researcher. In the previous incident where the Supreme Professor was attacked and injured, he killed seventeen conquerors who were controlled by himself.

No one knows how he did it, but this guy is definitely the most dangerous guy in the X royal family.

You can actually make friends with him, okay you. "

"Compared to lamenting my ability to make friends, I am more interested in the attack on the supreme professor."

Mason said:
"Do you know the inside story?"

"Me? Do you think that I, a small leader of the Star Group, have any channels to learn the secret details of the attack on the powerful members of the Council of Hope?"

Lianna leaned on her soul sword and curled her lips and said:

"You think too highly of me, but that kind of thing is nothing more than a conspiracy to fight for power and profit, and it may be a signal to hope that some irrepressible signs of infighting within the council will turn into more dangerous conflicts.

I only know that after the Supreme Professor was attacked and injured, nine Transcendent A Grade worlds and their representatives have been implicated, and the conquerors have been very busy recently.

But the 374 mutants in this spaceship are my assistants selected for special missions. You can ask Mr. Hank, the chief scientific officer of the X royal family, to confirm this.

"Oh, it's not peaceful outside, and it's even less peaceful inside. Look at what's going on."

But this Skrull lurking incident suddenly made me realize that there may be a deeper reason behind the attack."

Mason asked coldly:

The latter seemed to be in a good mood, and hummed a very pornographic song.

Mason pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose, and said in a great tone:
"It seems that you and your succubus wife are having a really fun time. Does every mating require nearly 400 people to watch and provide various services for both of you?"

Faced with Mason's statement, the informal Deadpool lord expressed his disdain.

But the X royal family has a way. They directly transformed the evil robots originally used to exterminate mutants into their own loyal guards. Right now, this group is just the most primitive hunting sentinels.

"The spaceship ahead stops immediately! We were ordered to convey a special order from the X Council to Mason Cooper! At the same time, it was detected that there were 374 compatriots on your spaceship who left the country without permission!
Stop the ship immediately for inspection!
First warning! "

It's a pity, her figure is obviously very moist. "

In the Utopia system, there are more advanced Alpha Sentinels and the legendary "Nimrod-level" Sentinels.


The slender tail feathers almost burned Mason's hair with the high-temperature flames.

The swordsman crossed his hips and agreed, but Mason turned around and was about to step on the airship, but Deadpool reminded him with wide eyes:

"Did you forget something?"

"Look what I found? The spaceship that our group of X refugees took when we arrived in Utopia! This poor little guy has been thrown into Magneto [-]'s dismantling factory for scrapping, so I took it over with a slap in the face .

Mason sat in the cabin of the spacecraft under the urging of Deadpool, and asked in a low voice to the little bird on his shoulder:
"Don't eat indiscriminately, you are just a young phoenix, you will die if you eat something highly poisonous."

This question startled Deadpool who was driving the spaceship, and the rudder in his hands suddenly deflected, causing the three of them to perform a 720° extreme slew in the air, and then struggled to pull the spaceship into a stable state in the subsequent frantic manipulation.

The three people in the spaceship were stunned for a moment.

But when Mason and Swordsman returned to the space point where they left Utopia, what awaited them was a dilapidated spaceship that they did not know where they got.

Especially the expression on the swordsman's face was quite exciting. She rubbed her cheeks as if she was in a dream, and said to Mason:
"You are probably the first bastard in history who insulted congressmen face-to-face and was rewarded. You can't say it's unprecedented, but it can only be said to be unprecedented."

Which of the girls in the X-Men has a 'love token' that I don't have?

Faced with Mason's chatter, Fox glanced at him proudly, meaning that you, a rookie, don't care about our noble phoenix, and Mason is annoying, so he jumped and pointed his butt at him.

When I'm free, I'll take you to the secret base of the Deadpool Legion and show you my favorite collection.Scarlet Witch yoga pants, Jean Gray bikinis and White Queen crop tops, tsk tsk, are all real goodies. "

The whole day is either destroying the world or forcibly demolishing that planet.

There is no way to run in this situation.


I just.
how to say?

Just looking at the African style that looks like Wakanda, the black spaceship is dotted with a lot of barbaric-style painting, and the dead waiter holding a burrito and a milkshake is leaning next to the spaceship to eat and drink.

Mason shook his head and jumped out of the testing ground with Liana. The swordsman wanted to take him to visit other famous cities in the Utopian world, but Mason, who had something on his mind, declined the invitation.

Mason shook his head and said to the swordsman beside him:
"I really need this spaceship. Let's just drive this one and leave here. After leaving Utopia, you can open the space-time tunnel leading to Osborne Tower."

The person on the opposite side still had a calm and indifferent tone, and he said:


In the eyes of the Supreme Professor, the destruction of a low-level world is a pressure that can be offset with a promise. I even feel that the reason why he is so generous is more for your face than the destruction itself.

After seeing Mason and the swordsman coming, he shouted happily:

Just like the posture of chasing an enemy plane, he chased after this tattered Wakanda fighter plane all the way.

We have prepared a mansion for you in the Capital District and are ready to welcome you back home.

But a few seconds later, Mason looked strangely at Wade Wilson who was holding the rudder in front of him and steering the spaceship out of Utopia's atmosphere.

A dancing light feather flame bloomed in front of Mason's eyes, and then Fox gracefully flapped the flame wings to appear, and then landed firmly on Mason's shoulder.

It pretended not to see Mason's gaze asking where it was going, tilted its head and straightened its feathers with its beak, and issued a short urging for the waste owner to hurry up.

Johnny's gun was drawn.

Deadpool is a lunatic, there's no question about that.

"Not so good! They're all dead, what do they care what I say about them?"

"Call it by its name yourself."

At best, the departure declaration was not completed, but considering the secrecy of the task, I don't think this is a mistake. "

"Stop the boat!"

Mason was keenly aware of the emotion that the hat was not too high, so he asked:

This is not smuggling.

Send them back before the Alpha Sentinel Legion finds out, or we'll be wrecked here. "

"Hey, what you said is a bit ambiguous."

It is a mud monster, naturally likes a humid environment, and the arrival of Phoenix Fox made Kevin miserable, but he and Mason formed a sympathetic look.

"you sure?"


Mason looked at the black X-shaped assault spaceship flying out of Utopia's airspace behind the spaceship with a headache, surrounded by twelve silver-gray sentinel robots.

He had to go back quickly, unzip the information in Hank's chip and start preparing for it from now on.

But the swordsman glared at him fiercely, then reached out and grabbed Mason's wrist, intending to lead Mason to jump out before the sentries surrounded him.

Mason stopped the swordsman from taking the risk of jumping him away, and at the same time shouted to Deadpool:
"They have a message for me. Although there is a high probability that I will be permanently deported, I have something in my hand that may allow us to leave safely."

"Oh, so you and your wife's sex objects are the 374 Utopian mutants trying to smuggle out of the country without their permission?"

A deep and hoarse voice sounded in the communication of the spaceship, with a sense of indifference and threat, twelve silver-gray sentinel robots accelerated and flew around the Wakanda airship.

Now please open the spaceship's gantry, these twelve hunting sentries will participate in daily security as your 'knight retinues', after your title enters the next stage, you can return to your hometown to apply for Alpha-level sentinel guards. "

Mason froze for a moment, looked up and down, and said:
"It's all here, yes, my little bird flew out when it was led by the swordsman to jump just now, hat, can you call Fox over?"

Deadpool smiled dryly, and said with a veil:

"Think about it, Hat, there are only a bunch of little wizards left in your world, and there are only a few X-Men left in my hometown and the continuators who wandered to nowhere.

"Brother Mason's life is very big, and it must not be limited to the last one. I found their dear and intimate photos in his little girlfriend's room before."

"Hey, Wade!"

The swordsman's reaction was more direct. The soul blade came out of its sheath and touched Deadpool's neck. She scolded:
"Damn it! Wade, you are asking for your own death! You have to take us with you. The crime of smuggling so many compatriots out of Utopia at one time is not the same as you painting and painting in the Great Council Hall.

"what happened to you?"

But he does have a kind of "good luck" that cannot be explained by science or other theories. At this moment of life and death, other people will try their best to fight, but the choice of Master Deadpool is to leave everything to his intuition.
Anyway, he won't die!
It doesn't matter if you guess wrong.

"Okay, I have no objection."

"It seems a little bad to tease the dead like this?"

Xiuxiu can still be used, and compared to the overly advanced X Royal spaceship, this kind of technological content may be more suitable to become the standard combat and support aircraft of the "Second Black Pearl".


"What is the punishment of the Council of X for my previous disrespect and humiliation? I am ready to accept it all, say it, fellow citizens.

Mason, holding the gun in his left hand, gave the nasty Deadpool a headshot with the eyes of the god of death and the state of drawing the gun quickly. With the blood splattered, he wiped the blood from the muzzle of the gun expressionlessly, and said to the communication:
"Thank you for the commendation and assistance from Council X. Please express my apology and gratitude to all members of parliament for me."

The other side was silent for a few seconds, and then the indifferent voice sounded again:
"The order is confirmed, and the charge of smuggling is cancelled. But Wade Wilson, you have been permanently expelled, and Utopia no longer welcomes you back. As for Mason Cooper, His Excellency
Because of your outstanding contribution to Utopia in identifying dangerous espionage, the Council of X has decided to award you the honorary titles of 'Utopia Honorary Citizen' and 'Royal X Knight'.


Mason called Fox's name while saying:

Everyone can be regarded as poor fellows who share the same disease, no wonder they can get along so happily. "

The thing that is controlled by the matrix module, shares thinking, learns independently, and rapidly proliferates and evolves is already in the category of a proper star destroying weapon. This technological power alone is enough for Mason to show enough to the power of the X royal family as an engineer. respect.

The Hat snorted and said:
"The 'pleasure' I want is that you quickly turn yourself into a master tailor and sew me back into the most perfect posture. The current half-hanging shape is not pleasant."

"What did you put in the gantry of the spaceship?"

"Okay, okay, don't brag about your glorious record to me, it's almost giving me a psychological shadow."

"It doesn't have to be."

He also proudly boasted:
"Look, Storm's raw underwear! Guess how I got it? I'm not bragging, if I didn't turn myself into an ugly monster because of the goddamn cancer and X-gene awakening, what's the matter with T'Challa?

Hat sighed and said:

These robots are clearly designed in the shape of the Stark armor of the Mark series, but they have weapon bays all over their bodies.

"No, you've done enough."

The most terrible thing is that the original purpose of these sentinel robots is to find and hunt mutants, so the scanners and enemy tracking systems they are equipped with can directly detect the X gene.

In this dark age, weakness is the original sin. "

"Hey! What did you steal when you ran out?"

"Is it because I didn't stand in your position to scold the hypocrisy and shamelessness of the supreme professor?"

"Although it is very realistic, I have to say that it is true."

It's a pity.

The ooze monster Kevin appeared in Mason's palm aggrievedly, showing the owner his body that was about to be dried.

"The world of Hogwarts has been destroyed, you rescued the last remnants, and won them a personal promise from the Supreme Professor, I can't ask you to do more.

"I'm Mason Cooper."

"That's too late."


Mason responded to the call from the rear spacecraft at the console, saying:

The hat was a little unmotivated and said:
"There is a contract between you and the phoenix, no matter where it is, it can hear your voice and come back to you."

You will be euthanized on the 'leech table'!

While munching on his snacks, under the scornful gaze of the swordsman, he grabbed a set of black underwear from his close-fitting luggage and showed it to Mason.

Wade yelled and unbuttoned his seat belt and pulled out his pistol and high-carbon steel sword, and grabbed an armed belt full of grenades from under the seat and put it on himself.

Mason sighed again, while gathering water vapor in his palm to appease the ooze monster who was afraid of Fox, he stretched out his hand and put it on the hull of the spaceship next to him, intending to use the time to complete the analysis of the blueprint of this Wakanda spaceship.

"Oh, it's nothing, it's all sex items I bought in Utopia, some obscene things that my wife likes very much, a good boy like you won't want to know."

The proud Lord Phoenix doesn't like this dangerous world.
Then it gave a small, unseemly belch under Mason's gaze.

Deadpool, who escaped unharmed, winked and said:

This is a good gift from Stormy's rich husband. Alas, it's a pity that both Stormy and her husband died.

But when he saw Mason nodding, he shrugged his shoulders and stopped the spaceship obediently. He just gave Mason the lives of himself and the 374 compatriots he "saved".

"Jump! Interstellar Jump! I've wanted to try it for a long time!"

Tch, what an arrogant, delicate and narcissistic pet.
Mason complained in his heart, but he didn't dare to complain too hard lest Fox would perceive his complaint in a contract similar to "Soul Link".

Mason looked at the Wakanda spaceship in front of him, which was clearly a transportation model. Although it was indeed worn out, and its most precious vibrating gold coating was completely disassembled, its main functional areas were not damaged.

This club has armed itself to the teeth, and the hand of the "Gun Cannon Deadpool" exaggeratedly carrying a Vulcan cannon on his back has been placed on the instrument for calling the Deadpool Army.

"Utopia hopes that every compatriot will fulfill their duties and fulfill their responsibilities. This is the Phoenix Five's combat captain code-named Supreme Cyclops, and the communication is over."

After speaking, the X spaceship behind turned around and returned.

Mason watched it leave, and then moved forward along the route set by Deadpool after twelve hunting sentries entered the containment compartment of the airship.

He looked at the dark stars behind him, and after a few seconds, he said softly:
"Goodbye, my countrymen."

(End of this chapter)

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