The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 380 79. The King of the Universe, the Old Green Goblin, and His Flatterer Mason Cooper

Chapter 380 79. The King of the Universe, the Old Green Goblin, and His Flatterer Mason Cooper
Deadpool's ability is very simple, that is, pure immortality. In addition, his X gene did not bring him too amazing enhancements, so that his various abilities were maintained at the level of ordinary superhumans.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the interference of immortality is removed, Deadpool is definitely not the master's opponent in a frontal battle.

However, it is precisely because of the exaggerated blessing of immortality that it is stronger than the old wolf, so that Uncle Wade developed a series of hellish "little tricks to defeat the enemy".

For example, his most common tactic is to load himself with bombs and rush over to hug the enemy for a wave of onboard charge.

The enemy will be bombed with no bones left, and the dead waiter will stand up in the blood of the bombed like a normal person and continue to smash his mouth and hang the bombs and find the next victim.

Because of this, Wade's fighting skills were once evaluated as "incredible" by S.H.I.E.L.D.

But the guy is best known not for his ability to fight, but for his nervousness and clear head, which sounds like a sick sentence, but it's not.

The dilapidated Wakanda spacecraft wobbled out of the space-time rift, and then safely stopped on the tarmac in Area A of Osborne Tower under the control of Mason's old driver AI Delaman installed on the console.

The rear deck opens.

The 374 mutants who were frightened in the Ganaku saw the sun again, and under the guidance of the swordsman yawning, they walked out of the cabin and entered this new world.

Wade smiled unscrupulously:

"What if you can't do it?"

Mason asked:
"Can you still communicate with 'them'?"

The Sentinels immediately took off and marched towards Mason's laboratory.


"He's not an ordinary madman. I can feel that this guy is hopeless, but he does have a special charm that makes people not hate his various dirty jokes and pranks."

Uncle Wade snorted, wiped the blood from his forehead, maintained that rotten relaxed posture, winked at Mason and said:
"It can be controlled, it's like I can control the time of having sex with my wife to less than 2 minutes each time, this is my super talent!"

"Ha, I see."

"He wants me to be his hound."

Just being a favor.

"My beautiful succubus wife made soup at home, I had to go back to dinner and check to see if she cuckolded me, she insisted she didn't, but I'm sure the last time I had sex with her was in the closet Someone must be hiding!

I'm sad like I've lost a means and outlet, but I guess they still love me, like they call me 'little bitch' affectionately.

Once all the Skrull spies in Utopia are cleaned up, those guys will definitely find out the clues and upgrade their camouflage tactics. As Consus said, the Isu biological decoy bombs will not be effective forever. "

After finishing speaking, the captain snapped his fingers casually, and twelve silver-gray figures flew over and landed behind him in unison. The twelve hunting sentries supported by Utopia were waiting for orders.

From the mental state of these mutants, it can be seen that most of them did not do well in Utopia, and they are Luthors in that hierarchical authoritarian society.

Mason grinned and reached out to the Green Goblin:
"So, deal?"

They will not rebel against their masters. The X royal family has locked their loyalty with a very strange technology. Mason seriously suspects that it is related to the supreme professor's spiritual power that has reached the rule level.

The Green Goblin played with the chip in his hand, and said in a dark tone:

The slut's figure disappeared into the cabin of the spaceship, and under the gaze of Mason's twitching eyes, he left a leg bouncing around in place, and then a hand stretched out to grab his leg and disappeared again with a whoosh.

But don't get interested in his crazy insides, hat, you'll go nuts. "

Mason moved his fingers and said:
"At least we can die with dignity. Don't worry, Norman, at least we won't be alone in hell, not to mention you don't have no way out.

"Next time I have a chance to open YP together, I will contact you, but you need to bring your own female companion. I really think Harley is very good, she is so obedient, as long as you ask her, she will definitely be willing, bye~"

Norman's hand and Mason's hand together.


Hearing this question, Deadpool immediately became interested.

"At that time, I will smile and hand you the crown beside your throne, my lord."

Wade leaned there, stretched out his hand to activate his damn transmission belt, he swayed his big crotch to Mason meanly, and said:

He raised his left hand and opened the cuff of his battle suit, revealing his perverted colorful children's watch, and said to Mason:

I should go. "

"Don't tell me you plan to build this kind of suicide device under the wasteland that can instantly reverse the earth's magnetic pole?"

There is also the possible interference of cosmic-level forces from the original plane once the machine is turned on
I believe that those self-proclaimed 'cosmic overlords' would not be willing to hand over their fate to us ants. They would attack us before the impact was brewing and press us to death on the test bench. "

"Ha, this is the final showdown."

I make the rules, I rule the world, and I choose targets to conquer. "

"Find us a chick with a big ass?"

the hat asked.

"It's too much."

"It's very easy to please us, as long as you can break through your moral bottom line, everyone can become a good brother to have fun together, for example, take the lovely Harley to a very hot party next Wednesday night or something like that. Well, don't draw the gun, I was just making a nasty joke.

Mason snorted, pushed open the hatch and jumped out, moved his shoulders and said:
"After all, who wouldn't love a $50 buddy who can be summoned by a big-ass chick or a set of plain underwear and can take bullets for you infinitely without complaining?

You only need to create two world stabilization devices before the impact, and even the process of world fusion will be completed by mutants who specialize in earth manipulation.

"So, your superpower is speed. No wonder your wife drives you to sleep on the sofa."

Mason gave orders to his "knight retinues":

"Everyone hates Deadpool, and everyone loves Deadpool."

Mason said with emphasis:
"As for the plan you want to get, I will find a way.

He thought it was some kind of information, and seemed a little careless, but after reading the first few pages of the vast amount of information, the old green goblin stood up with a bang.

Deadpool yelled:
"If it wasn't for the fact that I just owed you a little favor, I should have called the Deadpool Legion to hang you up and beat you up just for your words! Then let the dog waiter bite off your little brother and stuff him into your mouth."

Mason glanced at him, put away the completed drawings, and said:
"I just have one question for you, Wade, can you still break that 'wall'?"

I like this naughty nickname.

The latter glanced at the handed-over chip with reading glasses in surprise, and then picked up an advanced reader to check the information in it.

He sat up straight, and complained to Mason as if sharing a secret:
"Can you feel that wall too? Ah, I've been so alone all these years, they all say I'm crazy, but I'm just too sane because I'm so close to the truth.

Mason looked at the time on his watch and said:

"What are you going to do next?"

The old green goblin also laughed at this moment.

"Mason, your compatriot is a bit unique."

"We have to make two sets!"

Uh, aren't you curious about what I said? "

We don't even need to modify the specs.

I want to bet everything on the fourth impact, either the experiment succeeds and everyone revels in the new world, or the experiment fails and everyone dies in the afterglow of the old world!

As for whether these people can live happily in this new world, that is not a question that Mason needs to consider.

In other words, even if I have to die, I will die before you.Even a young man like me is not afraid, what are you afraid of, an old man in his 60s? "

"Last time we talked about the topic of union in a cloud, but this time we made it clear that if you win the bet, then I will be the boss of the new world!

But his personality is really not suitable for such a profound character, so he quickly put his feet on the console stained with his blood, took out a cigarette and held it in the corner of his mouth, and Mason gave him a extinguisher and lighter to light it for him at the right time. Touched one.

The hat made a face on Mason's head, and he said in an old way:

Wade snorted, waved his hands very badly and said:
"My uncle is much more advanced than you fictitious characters living in fish tanks, Mason, you are like a dog chasing a car in my eyes
Uh, no disdain for sarcasm, I'm just telling the truth. "

"Ha, you found out."

"No way."

A few minutes later, Mason showed up in the old Goblin's office.

In other words, if you really get along well in a stable environment, you won't hook up with the crazy Deadpool and take the risk of smuggling out, right?
Mason didn't care about adding another wave of outsiders to the already complex Osborne Tower, and he didn't even ask these people why they escaped from Utopia.

Old A will be more than willing to accept your wholehearted allegiance.

Mason said to the Green Goblin:

He said seriously:

"But they failed! Mason!"

Mason pushed the glasses frame and commented very viciously:

The old green goblin squeezed the chip in his hand, and asked:
"What if you still can't give us an accurate plan when the fourth shock comes?"

It could also be two people.
Although that feeling is better than ever.

This made the spaceship cabin completely quiet.

The parameters of this set of equipment have passed the shock test, and the method of using a strong magnetic field to constrain the stability of the world's continental shelf has been verified to be feasible.

As I said, I will not regard anyone as a price that can be sacrificed and hide behind myself to survive.

"I will repeat what I said to you to my friends over there, and I will repeat to them the requirements I gave you. I want to conduct two experiments at the same time!
I'm not betting on your world!

The Green Goblin slapped the table and scolded:
"What's the point of repeating a failed experiment? You're asking me to use my world as cannon fodder for you mutants!"

Mason pretended to be a passerby, he sighed and said:
"It seems that finding help from this path may also be blocked, but I still say that what I am doing now needs help, many, many helpers.

"In the absence of mutants like Magneto manipulating the magnetic field, two sets of magnetic field enhancement and fusion equipment must be placed in the two earths that are about to collide, in order to complete the magnetic pole fusion and protect the two worlds from merging in the world Fall apart in the process.

Mason, who was holding a drawing pen in the cabin of the spaceship and was outlining the modification plan of the Wakanda spaceship, turned the pen and said to Deadpool who was in the headshot posture in the driver's seat beside him without raising his head:
"You were resurrected 5 minutes ago, can you control the speed of resurrection?"

He reached out and unbuttoned the collar, and said to Mason:

This answer made Norman Osborn stunned. The middle-aged man felt Mason's determination, but he quickly became irritable. He looked at the chip in his hand and said:
"I don't doubt your determination, but the problem is, according to their conclusion, what we have to resist is the collision pressure of two planes. If you don't solve this problem, this experiment is doomed to fail!

The only problem is that when the next attack occurs, how can we persuade the old buddies on the opposite side to calmly accept our assistance.
But that's what Team K needs to think about, Norman, make it!
Utopia will secretly provide the resources needed, and this experiment must continue. "

"Talk to the old green goblin, and then prepare to rescue Kang Zha, by the way, check out the allies that guy can cooperate with the K team, if possible
Then kill the unsightly Skrulls.

"Yo, you know a lot."

He looked at Mason in surprise and said:

My compatriots will be on the front lines. "

Anyway, coming to Osborne Tower is not a blessing, and their final ending is to become a code name in the statistics of the old green goblins. There is never a shortage of jobs in this wasteland world that is full of waste.

The reason I hate the X royals is because I read their comics
I don't like that style!

Anyway, call if you need help. "

"Hey, don't pretend to be dead."

Deadpool assumed the pose of a thinker with a sense of loss.

I want to cheat like before, but my cheat scheme got banned.

Mason tilted his head, shrugged and said:

"But didn't you and old A also have a 'gentlemen's agreement'?"

"That old black has a good idea! I probably have some kind of bone disease. I can't bend my legs, which annoys me, but let me admit defeat?
Bah, I'd rather choose death. "

And minecraft.

If there is a price to pay in exchange for a dignified existence, I will definitely be the first to apply. "

We have other reference models, the speed force matrix, the global aurora device, different self-rescue plans and wisdom from different civilizations, and I firmly believe that we can absorb the knowledge we need. "

"I'm not going to comment on why you brought these Luthors out, and I'm not going to ask about your bloody grievances with the X royal family."

"Go to the engineering lab and complete the self-disassembly."

"I said, this is something that Team K needs to worry about!

Must hurry up.

He didn't waste time greeting each other, so he handed the purple-gold chip to the old Norman who was dealing with various construction plans of the Osborne Tower.

While puffing and misting in this closed cabin, I heard Deadpool say with a melancholy face:
"Since the night of the nuclear war 17 years ago, they disappeared, 'the wall' disappeared, I don't know what happened, but I was locked up.

With only one order from Mason, these absolutely obedient and emotionless guys can start killing in Osborne Tower.

I want to get the friendship of the Deadpool Legion, what should I do? "

Faced with the old green goblin's roar and scolding, Mason was speechless. He just pointed to the watch on his wrist and said:
"In three 10 minutes, I'll be back in Gotham."

"You never intended to comply or throw in the towel, did you?"

"I really don't understand it. It's like a madman's raving. I just know that you can break the fourth wall, but all the descriptions about this are very cryptic."

"I need to complete the update of the weapon module and power mode for you before the next operation. I don't know what high-end configuration the Alpha-level sentinel is, but your current level obviously can't face the enemy level I need to deal with."

"No, I'm curious, but I'm more interested in the answer to this question."

I believe they're still there, they're just cut off from talking for some reason, and I guess I'll be able to get my real friends back after we're done with this shit.
But I doubt very much that you can understand all this. "

He looked over Mason's shoulder at the French windows in front of him and the deserted world in the distance. The gloomy old man's thin old face finally showed a smile.

他 说:

"Exchanging a piece of collapsed wasteland for a possible cosmic crown is a great deal. Isn't it just for this moment that I have prepared so many cards?"

"make a deal!"

(End of this chapter)

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