The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 383 82.1 An evil secret organization is eyeing a certain man's body...

Chapter 383 82. An Evil Secret Organization Targeted a Certain Man's Body
A few hours later, on the top floor of the Afterlife Bar, the reunited secret group was discussing what Mason had just mentioned.

The master came to inspect his newly invested property as Bruce Wayne and dated a popular movie star in the afterlife bar, Xiao Shan was a young man who came to have fun, and Mr. Clark Kent, a foreign reporter from the Planet Daily, came to Gotham is doing sports interviews, and I'm here for a while.

Uh, he has already reported to "Reporter Man" Louise Lane in advance.

There is no way, it is always difficult for an old man who is married and has children to come to the bar alone to get his family's understanding. Alas, besides the sour happiness, what does marriage bring to a man?
"It is impossible to convince the leaders of all forces to accept the plan to transform the world. It is impossible to pass the construction plan of the equipment that can reverse the magnetic pole of the earth."

The master looked at the text displayed on the PDA in his hand, and said in a low tone:
"It doesn't matter if you try, our world doesn't have a clear understanding of the impact event, and they don't know that the destruction is happening outside.

Unless they see it with their own eyes, and then it will be too late. "

"We need a proper opportunity to communicate the seriousness of the situation among the people."

Wearing the famous "Kryptonian camouflage glasses", Da Chao unbuttoned his suit, looked at Mason Cooper with a weird expression, and said:

"It's better to keep things in a low-intensity conflict."

"You want to take all the good things."

Mason complained:
"Open or transparent, Clark, you are a famous reporter, you should know that 'open and transparent' is a false concept in journalism.

But the chances you mentioned probably won't be too far away.

After the secret invasion of the Skrulls is terminated by you, the Stars and the Cleaners will inevitably look for opportunities to launch a frontal war, just like the Apocalypse invasion that happened in this world a few years ago.

At that time, without your persuasion, countries and various forces will take the initiative to seek ways to save themselves, and it will be logical to make this plan public at that time.

It can also brush up the reliable impression of Zhenglian in the hearts of the people by the way. "

This suggestion made the master nod his head.

Da Chao, a pacifist, was naturally worried about possible casualties, but he also knew that perfection should not be judged between survival and destruction, so he restrained himself and did not express his objections.

The only one who has doubts about this is Flash.

But he also starts from a technical level, and he is the same as Worry and the Green Goblin.

Holding a glass of juice, he flipped through the printed documents with the other hand at superluminal speed, and said:

"After the impact reaches the second stage, there will be plane extrusion. If this problem is not resolved, then what awaits us will be a meaningless failure."

"This is the second topic I want to talk about today."

Mason waved his hand and said to Xiao Shan:
"The speed force matrix! Find a way to connect the two worlds that are about to collide with the speed force network, making them a whole at the time level, and at the same time weaken the time of the plane squeeze explosion through the operation of the matrix, so as to give us Strive for follow-up opportunities.

The worst result of this plan is to pull the timeline interception back to the time before the disaster like World at War.

As for how to eliminate the pressure of this plane extrusion.
I don't have a specific plan yet, but I have entrusted fellow researchers at Fox's Nest to study this as an important subject, and I believe they will give us an answer.

The most important thing is that we still have time and we can continue to prepare. "

The atmosphere in the office fell silent. In the silence, the master looked around and said:
"The plan from Utopia is the most complete and the most feasible of all the suggestions and presuppositions I have seen so far.

If we do get to the point where we need to give it a go, then I would recommend this option!
What's your opinion? "

"I also think it is the most feasible, and the other people's data is complete, and the various experimental processes are perfect without any faults. At least it is much more reliable than the various plans I have imagined."

Xiao Shan took a sip of the juice and raised her hand to express her support.

Da Chao was still doubtful, but he finally nodded and said:

"I have no objection."

"'Support' and 'no objection' are two different things, Clark."

Mason raised his eyebrows and asked:

"You still think the risk is too great, don't you?"

"But I can't come up with a way to deal with it, Mason, you at least have a plan that looks good, so I won't object."

Dachao expressed his thoughts honestly.

Even if this issue has come to an end, the Wayne Group will then start to secretly manufacture a world stabilizer driven by magnetic field enhancement. This is a long-term plan, and it is meaningless to discuss too much now.

"You've got to get Carla back."

After finishing the business, Da Chao, who met Mason for the first time in a non-combat state, pushed his glasses and said to Mason very seriously:
"I told Martha that Kara was just going on a trip, but after more than 20 days of silence, Martha was already getting suspicious, and my cousin had to show up at the farm.

Xiao Qiao always asked me where his aunt went, and I couldn't always lie to my son. "

"Okay, there are still a few days before her next mission, I will let her come back."

Mason nodded, looked at the master again, and said:

"Their performances are actually not bad, especially after experiencing the destruction of the world, their mentality has been adjusted. Since Kara is coming back, it's better to let everyone else come over and show their faces.

Of course, we must act in secret. "

"Me and Barry are in charge of this."

The master agreed, and Xiao Shan didn't have any objections. He was also a little crazy facing the cosmic treadmill all day, maybe he should give himself a day off to go around and relax.

"there's one more thing."

The master looked at the luxurious watch on his wrist, and when the hands were about to reach the hour, he raised his head and said to Mason:
"Our small group has one more member, and I invite him to come here."


The communicator on Mason's desk rang, and Miss Huazi's sweet voice sounded from it, reporting:

"Your Excellency, a gentleman who claims to be Oliver Quinn has said that he has a commercial appointment with you."

"Ask him to come up."

Mason glanced at the master and responded to the communicator.

Then he said in surprise:
"I thought you would draw Diana into our little gang first, do you think it's not suitable for Wonder Woman to join at this time?"

"No, it's because something went wrong on Amazon Island."

Da Chao explained:
"Diana's hometown was attacked by unknown persons a few days ago, the temple enshrining the legacy of the gods was invaded, and it is said that at least one set of Olympus armor and many weapons were missing.

Wonder Woman had to rush back to deal with this.

She was in a hurry and seemed to be hiding something from us. "

"That's it."

Mason stroked his chin thoughtfully, wondering if the war queen under the old man's command had gone to the island.

With that guy's perverted personality, he could indeed dig someone's ancestral grave and get a weapon. Her own set of armor and weapons had been fused by Mason to study the characteristics of the Olympian divine metal and the characteristics of the inscription.

But this is not to show that Mason is a big villain. The main reason is that the war queen, who has been severely shrunk, can no longer support her original attractive battle suit.

This has to be said to be a sad story.

A few minutes later, Oliver walks in, dressed very much like a Playboy version of Bruce Wayne.

This man, who is also the heir of a big group, pretends to be a playboy rich second generation, secretly is also a superhero, and also has a difficult superhero girlfriend is not in a good mood.

He would walk into the office on crutches, and when he saw Mason smiling at him, he immediately grabbed the cane and waved it, and a simple war bow jumped into his palm.

"I knew it!"

Oliver, whose leg bone was removed by Mason, gritted his teeth and said:

"Batman's a big bastard! And you're a little bastard, you're all in the same family, ganging up on us!"

"Uh, need I remind you?"

Of course, Mason knew where the Green Arrow's anger came from. He held his teacup and said casually:
"Your girlfriend was replaced long before I joined the bat family, it's not my fault that you slept with a green alien for months, don't take it out on me superior.

I hope you didn't have some more intimate games with her. Well, look at that frown of pleasure on your face, I guess you will be like eating a fly. "

"Shut up! You poisonous little bat!"

Green Arrow put down the simple war bow, but the look of distress on his face was even more distressed, obviously because he learned from Batman that his girlfriend was an alien bastard, which caused a complex mentality.

This is probably the most direct reason why the master persuaded Green Arrow to join this small team.

"We have to think of a way."

Oliver sat down next to Xiao Shan, took the juice that Xiao Shan handed over with compassionate eyes, and said in a cold tone:
"That alien is driving me crazy!
No matter who I meet on the road now, I suspect that he is a Skrull bastard in disguise. I almost attacked my sister this morning because she was wearing a long dress that she didn't like at all for no reason.

My spirit is tense all the time, you guys, it's hard for you to understand that feeling. "

"But the organization needs your dedication, Oliver."

Mason said solemnly:
"We need someone to conduct a personal investigation of the Skrull bastard disguised as Ms. Black Canary, so as to find out her relationship network. Among the people we can find so far, you are undoubtedly the most suitable person."

"Personal investigation? Easy as you said!"

Oliver complained:

"I feel disgusted when I see her now, and I have to hold back my killing intent all the time, my God."

"On the bright side, it's not all bad."

Mason reminds:
"I believe there is darkness in everyone's heart, you always have some bad thoughts that you can't do to your girlfriend, but you can let go now.

Although she bears the face of Dana, she is the enemy!
There is no need to talk about martial arts when dealing with the enemy.

For example, I have a special isotope just produced by Firestorm. Only our special equipment can track it, otherwise it will not be detected in any way.

Oliver, you need to find a chance to spray it on that Skrull bastard, preferably in multiple places for tracking and detection. "

He took out a small jar, put it on the table, and said to Arrow:

"After doing this, you can create an accident to make yourself 'disappear', and then sneak into the background. I have prepared an action team for you to cooperate with your hidden operations.

And to help you with this 'difficult task', I've also prepared this for you. "

The master alchemist took out another box of fudge-like things and put them on the table, and said to the ugly Oliver:
"It only takes one to drive her crazy, one to turn you into a beast, relax, it's for a just cause.

We need your body! "

"Depend on!"

The well-educated rich second generation couldn't help but swear at this moment, and the moral model Dachao even couldn't bear to look directly and covered his eyes.

The master sat there sipping tea with a blank expression, he was only thankful that both Selina and Thalia had joined the K team and were not replaced by the Skrulls, otherwise this damn mission would have fallen on him.

And only the ignorant Xiao Shan still doesn't know what charades Mason and Oliver are playing?What weird things are these dirty adults talking about?

I don't understand but why does it feel so dirty?

Alas, this child is too innocent, no wonder he couldn't win Alice for so long.
As a well-known stage magician in the circle, Zatana Zatara once again received a lot of applause for her performance tonight, which also kicked off the hustle and bustle of the afterlife bar tonight.

After the performance, Xiao Zha took off her makeup in the dressing room specially set up for her in the bar. As soon as the glitter on her clothes was cleaned off, the hidden compartment behind the dressing room was pushed open.

Mason in a windbreaker walked out of it, and the phoenix Fox on his shoulder also stopped arguing with the owner about how many magic flames to eat tonight.

The phoenix's attention was focused on the boldly dressed female magician in front of it, and it seemed to perceive some remnants of its lost hometown from her.

Being watched by a juvenile phoenix made Xiao Zha feel the pressure.

More importantly, the scrutiny of a high-level magical animal quickly triggered the vigilance of its "kinds". In the flash of a vortex-shaped portal, the unicorn Polaroid with a strange gray-black unicorn screamed and rushed. come out.

Like a pony, it hopped around Xiaoza a few times, then imitated the charging action of a war horse, lowered its head and aimed its horn at Fox on Mason's shoulder.

The two magical animals from the same origin confronted each other in the next moment, like two cubs arguing with each other.

"You just showed up so generously, aren't you afraid that I will notify Dr. Fate to arrest you?"

Xiao Zha sat on the chair and continued to remove makeup. She brushed her long black hair and said:
"You know that the bounty on you has not been terminated in the magic circle."

"I'm even more curious about why Dr. Fate personally went out to catch a group of fugitive wizards hiding in this world, but why hasn't there been any news for so long?"

Mason was very gentlemanly about ten meters away from Xiao Zha, and he whispered:
"As well as the formation of our 'Dark Justice League', I said I'd bring Joncon over this time, but he's having a little trouble.

I was about to set off to help him.

Maybe you can give me some good news for me to pass on to him? "

"Little trouble?"

Zatana stood up, comforting the irritable little unicorn who was about to shoot some kind of rainbow rays from its unicorn, and said suspiciously:
"Why do I feel that something is wrong with John now? Mason, tell me honestly, can I still see my ex-boyfriend who should go to hell in this life?"

"I'll try to bring him back whole and beard."

Mason replied.

He didn't deny Xiao Zha's guess, which made the latter's expression a little worried, but as a fairly independent and excellent woman, Xiao Zha quickly stabilized her emotions, and she said to Mason in a businesslike manner:

"We have invited Shazam to join this magical alliance, and Bruce has also informed me about the Skrull spies. This is a breakthrough point, which may explain the disappearance of those wizards.

Perhaps the Skrulls have been among us before we know it.

As a next step, we intend to recruit more credible members and investigate this matter on our own without informing Dr. Fate, and I think we will gain something. "


Mason nodded, he reached out and took out a bag and handed it to Xiao Zha, who took out a imitation Hermes staff from it, and the energy attached to the staff surprised Xiao Zha.

she says:

"These... are you robbing a certain god's weapon and armor library?"

"I did it myself, think of them as aid."

Mason waved his hand and explained:

"I will be responsible for the logistics assistance of the Justice League Dark to the end. You just need to charge forward and you can come to me if you encounter any problems.

Now everyone is their own. "

After finishing speaking, Mason was about to turn around and leave. Xiao Zha, who was carrying a bag of magical weapons, hesitated for a moment. She bent down and hugged My Little Pony, and said with a worry in the latter's neighing:
"Mason, please bring John back, please? He still owes me a lot of explanations."

"He's my friend and I'll do my best."

Mason summoned Fox to stand on his shoulder, waved his hands and said without looking back:
"You also must pay attention to safety."

(End of this chapter)

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