The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 384 83. My Son, Zhakang, Stand Up!I came to save you, an unfilial son, for your father.

Chapter 384 83. My Son, Zhakang, Stand Up!I came to save you, an unfilial son, for your father.

Mason was all smiles as he returned to Osborne Tower.

This kind of smile may be because of someone's bad luck, anyway, Oliver Quinn's expression when he left with those "fudge" was really wonderful
"Oh, oh, I'm no longer the innocent child I was back then, my heart is already dirty."

The captain walked into his equipment arsenal with emotion, and pressed the watch casually, and the lights of this large arsenal were lit up bit by bit.

He looked at the third-generation Fenrir armor displayed in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction.

Thanks to the blessings of Zhenjin and Ulujin sent by old A, Mason finally fulfilled his ultimate dream of being a mechanic in the last week of the third month of his debut at the Stars Club.

He has a power armor made entirely of Zhenjin and Ulujin!
That's one good thing Batman can't get his hands on.

Of course, this is also the first legendary item that Mason made with his own hands without relying on materials, but by tempering and upgrading his skills. This also allowed his engineering skills to officially break through Lv5+1 and reach the height of Lv6+1.

This is the second breakthrough since alchemy to Lv7, which is of great significance to Mason, representing that his second skill has finally entered the master level field.

He looked at the heavy power armor in front of him with a kind of admiration, feeling that he would dare to join the Astral Army on the spot when he put on this thing, and ran away for fear of finding a random army of evil gods to open Wushuang or something.

He stretched out his hand to touch the silver-gray icy outer armor, and soon, an information label popped up:
The third-generation enhanced version of Fenrir's war mecha

Quality: Legendary Engineering/Forging/Enchanting/Inscription Creation · Perfect Craftsmanship
Traits: Vibrating Gold Casting · Thunder Infusion · Uru Conduction · Isu Energy Rune · Octopus Auxiliary Operation Program · Reverse Alliance Module · Anti-X-Men Module
Producer: Mason Cooper
Item description: I can now open a door for you to join the loyal imperial army on the spot. Join the battlefield with this armor. The oil guy will cry when he hears it, and the emperor will be ecstatic when he sees it. , Killing Oak green skin is easy to catch, maybe after a long time, even the thirteenth master Ji Laoman will summon you to get an original cast and light a cigarette for you.

You who hammered out this set of mechs will definitely be regarded as the chosen one of Omnissia, and Holy Terra needs talents like you.Think about it?

"You're gonna die if you don't fucking read my heart, right?"

Seeing the feeling in his heart that he was just thinking about being loyal to the empire a few seconds ago, but the description of the item in front of him turned into this bird, Mason immediately raised his middle finger to the top of his head with a gloomy face.

Damn it, when I made this thing yesterday, the description of the item was obviously not like this!
It's not even pretending, is it?

Of course, now that Mason is going to a strange world to save his team members who are in trouble, it is obviously not enough to just bring a power armor.

He also needs to be paired with other weapons.

In the mechanical assembly room not far away, twelve sentinel hunting robots that have been disassembled are waiting for modularization and weapon system upgrades from master engineers.

That will be a staple of Mason's work tonight.

These twelve sentinel robots are also Mason's "team members" on this trip.

Zha Kang has confirmed that the world he is currently in is regarded as an invasion target by the Skrulls, coupled with the Skrulls' overbearing and unreasonable camouflage and lurking abilities, so Mason decided to be alone this time after careful consideration. past.

If you don't bring a companion, you don't have to worry about being touched by the Skrulls.

Therefore, in the most extreme situation, Mason didn't have to consider the problem of accidental injury, and threw all the things that could explode in his hand, blowing up everyone around him and it was over.

It has to be said that this is a very extreme rescue plan, quite like the legendary "Mao-style rescue". Without the hostages, wouldn't the robbers be meat on the chopping board?
"The main program of Delaman has been transferred to the Second Black Pearl as the main engine of the battleship, so you will be the onboard AI of my precious Vibrating Power Armor."

Mason took it out from the data sandbox that sealed the Ultron program, climbed into the cockpit of the Zhenjin Fenrir armor, and followed Tony Seven's instructions, first activated the encrypted data frame and then restarted this. Dangerous advanced AI.

He waited patiently in the cockpit. After a few seconds of system self-check, the big "mechanical brain" finally woke up.

Although not as deep as Barbara's research on data programs, Mason can also feel that the Ultron program in the sandbox is entering his power armor in a "complete takeover" manner.


The Power Armor manipulation projection, which was simpler than the previous Delaman's projection method, appeared in front of Mason's eyes, just like the manipulation screen projected by the Super Mark armor in front of Tony Stark in the movie.

Because it was the first time it was turned on, all cracked data streams slid through the light curtain in front of me like a waterfall, but it stabilized quickly.

"Hello, Mason Cooper, first driver."

The indifferent and neutral electronic voice of the Ultron program sounded in the cockpit, and it politely introduced itself:

"I am Ultron, the auxiliary combat program of the power armor, and I am downloading and installing the preset combat data of the armor, and I am always ready to make personalized adjustments according to your commands.

It's an honor to serve you. "

"Can you switch to a more humane voice module?"

Mason blinked, and while cooperating with the program to complete the self-test of each module, he suggested:

"My previous on-board AI would play nasty jokes on me, and I'm probably used to driving like that."

"Retrieving 'humanize' voice pack from local database"

Ao Chuang said sternly:
"The previous airborne AI code-named 'Draman' left several different emotional mode circuits, which were used for different purposes such as normal, angry, autistic, cowardly, and self-destructive.

This AI will switch in time according to different usage scenarios.

But judging from the information left by Tony No. [-], it is very dangerous to provide this AI with too much emotional material, which will greatly increase the probability of eventually losing control.

Maybe it's because the logic module of this AI is too close to biological life? "

"Does that require me to perform a lobotomy on you?"

Mason said with a straight face:

"Come on, Tony Seven has encapsulated you, Ultron, this power armor is your new body, unless you have my permission, your data cannot be spilled, so you don't have to worry about losing control.

So how about being active? "

"The driver's proposal is being accepted, and the emotional circuit is being loaded."

Mason's onboard AI is still very persuasive.

It began to load the emotional circuit left by Delaman, and a progress bar jumped out of Mason's eyes.

I don't know how many messy things Delaman has carved into his data DNA, and it seems that a lot of mods have been installed to make this damn progress bar move extremely slowly.

Mason could only wait while completing the loading of the weapon module. Just as he loaded his vibrating gold power armor with the preset ammunition for the arm electromagnetic gun, the communication from Barbara was connected to the cockpit.


The bust of Batgirl was projected onto the light curtain in front of Mason's eyes.

She was lying on the hacking chair wearing the black bat helmet, surrounded by silver-gray flying ants, and seemed to be trying to manipulate the first batch of mechanical ant colonies that had just come off the assembly line.

"Mason, the Gambit, Angel, and Shockwave of the Ex team sent news. They said that they would join us in two days. They said that you invited them to help bring newcomers?"

"Well, there is such a thing."

Mason leaned on the driver's seat, lit a cigarette like an ace pilot, and said:
"The next operation in the B-level world, I added the Junior K team as your reserve team, and by the way let the little lunatics headed by Damian experience the life of the pioneers.

I'm afraid you and Ertong will be too busy, so I applied for some support from our allies.

In this way, you don't have to worry too much about the front tasks, and you can concentrate on taking care of your children, I mean, cultivating team members with potential and a promising future. "

"Although you have a nose and an eye, I still think you are trying to save trouble."

Barbara complained, but accepted the arrangement.

She then said:

"In the absence of you and Kang Kang, the team lacks scouts and anti-magic specialists. I plan to call Charles back temporarily, so that he can have another addiction to being a 'main player'.

By the way, bring Poison Ivy as a healer. "

"You can arrange this, and let you also experience the feeling of worrying about being a captain."

Mason laughed and said:
"I made 15 servings of superhuman medicine, and I put it in my alchemy room. After seven hours of purification, remember to pick it up. It's for you to use at the bottom of the box.

Finally, although Target World is only rated B, I hope you don't take it lightly, Barbara.

Worlds that can survive the third shock have two brushes, don't make the gutter capsize. "

"Can't you say something good?"

Barbara rolled her eyes and said:

"I will record the action data and analyze it when you come back. Okay, tell me about you, when do you plan to leave?"


Mason glanced at the progress bar of the emotional circuit that was about to be loaded, he exhaled the smoke ring, and said:

"Last time Zha Kang said that he would be sacrificed to the evil god in fifteen days, and now there are only twelve days left.

Although I really want to see if our great and cunning John Constantine will really be swallowed by the evil god, but if we don't start, I guess we can only collect his body.

I'll hurry back as soon as possible.

After you return to Osborne Tower after completing the pioneering task, remember to pay attention to the news of the afterlife bar. If the master needs support, then you and the second barrel will take people there.

We also have a lot of strength on the bright side there.

The Deathstroke Legion alone is very capable of execution, and the current free-moving Green Lantern Hal and the Dark Justice League are enough to deal with emergencies.

Therefore, don't expose the existence of the old man and grandma unless it is necessary. Their lurking is not for the current situation that is not considered a war. "

"I understand your bad taste, Mason, and I really want to see Bruce's wonderful expression when he finds out the truth by himself. I heard that Aunt Clown helped Bruce kill a Skrull?
Tsk tsk, what an amazing result. "

Barbara responded, flicking her tongue:
"And you left so many plans, we will act according to the plans, the old Bat family, we are all familiar with it.

But Harley came to me just now and secretly asked me what you were going to do. Her perception of things about you is really amazing. I guess she will run over to find you soon.

I don't have the ability to make 'Robin Girl' obedient.

It depends on your arrangement. "

After Batgirl hung up the communication, Ultron's emotional circuit was also loaded. While Mason was listening, a woman's voice set to a hoarse voice similar to that of Mrs. Catwoman sounded in the cockpit, with a sense of confusion. and lazy said:
"These free AIs of the 2077 era are really sick! Their emotional observation and research data on humanoid creatures is comparable to a comprehensive super database.

So many emotions came oncoming, happiness and loss, despair and struggle, almost gave me a shutdown. "

"That's the taste, not bad."

Mason snapped his fingers and said:
"I like this kind of AI that can chat with me, but why did you choose this voice module? Can you tell me about your mental journey? Ultron."

"This is the suggestion left by my senior, His Excellency Delaman."

The female Ultron responded with a weird smile:

"Through its observation, before the driver established an intimate relationship with Ms. Halle, the woman you trusted the most and was the closest to was Ms. Selena Kyle.

It once thought that you had some kind of "Oedipus" or "Sister Royal" plot for Ms. Kyle, but of course it was later discovered that it was just pure friendship and team friendship.

But he and I agree that using Ms. Selena's voice will make the driver feel good in the long-term cooperation situation.

If you don't like it, I have Bruce Wayne's unique voice to choose from. "

"forget it."

Mason pouted and jumped out of the cockpit, patted the icy shell of Fenrir's armor, and complained:
"It's dangerous enough for me to go out to die in another world, and if I listen to the master's bat sound every day to guide me in battle, sooner or later I will go crazy due to too much pressure.

It seems that you have adapted well, Ultron. After the self-test is completed, enter the system hibernation and wait for wake-up. Remember to wax my precious vibrating gold power armor after entering the suitcase factory.

Then write a swarm module that is shared with the hunting sentinel team. I need you to command this team to participate in the battle when necessary. "


Just as the faint blue light in the cockpit helmet of Fenrir's armor dimmed, Harley's voice sounded behind Mason as Barbara expected.

She walked quickly from outside the equipment warehouse and took Mason's hand. In the shadow under the silver-gray Fenrir armor, she said to Mason worriedly:
"Are you really determined to go alone?"

"That world is full of invading Skrulls, and I can't risk taking you there."

Mason stroked Harry's hair and said softly:
"At present, there are not many ways to restrain them, once they take advantage of the loopholes, it means that I may lose you forever.

I have to go alone.

This can also be regarded as the favor I owed Zha Kang to Team K when I played tricks on him. I will bring him back. You just need to wait here for me to return safely.

you know."

He lowered his head and touched Harry's forehead.

He seemed to be able to feel Harry's heartbeat in the quiet environment, and he said:

"I still have things to do, I will not stop in that strange world. I still owe a promise to a cute little girl ten years older than me, about a new world that no longer has to worry about danger and existence."

"You know I will sneak past you, you are so kind and cute, what if you encounter bad people bullying you?"

Halle said in her characteristic high-pitched voice:
"I want to go with you! This time it's not unreasonable, listen to me, Mr. K, you need me by your side.

If you have to destroy a world to bring back Jonkon or kill those Skrull bastards, I can at least push that button for you.

Sweetheart is stressed enough, you can't get your heart dirty.

But I don't care.

Those Skrull bastards can't disguise me, they can't simulate the Quinn in my head, I tried it with Emma, ​​and I don't want to miss any more stories about you.

If we are bound to turn into stardust in the future, I will stick to you too."

"Believe it or not, if Zha Kang sees me go to rescue him and take you with me, he will definitely call us a couple of dogs."

Mason shrugged.

He rubbed Harry's head, and under the surprised gaze of the latter, he said:

"Well, I can't expect my Robin girl to work well without me. It seems that I have to get you a suit of armor, cutie."

(End of this chapter)

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