The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 385 84. Remind fellow pioneers, private plundering is a crime not protected by law!

Chapter 385 84. Remind fellow pioneers, private plundering is a crime not protected by law!
The big lounge on the top floor of the Osborne Tower was full of people just before sunrise.

It was as lively as a team gathering.

The good news is that the main members of Team K 2.0 are no longer rebellious, and they are preparing for the daily pioneering operation that will start in two days after calming down.

Instead of wearing a supergirl suit, Kara put on a set of jeans and a small vest, and carried a backpack. After seeing off Mason, she also returned to her hometown through the gate of the world.

Her cousin asked her to go back to the small town of Mossville to stop Martha from worrying about her.

Zod also changed into an ordinary person's attire.

He was invited by Kara to visit the Kent farm to experience the friendly atmosphere of the Kent family. Kara said that it would help him master the power of Krypton.

Zod didn't know how going out for a stroll would help him master his strength, but he didn't refuse the invitation in the end.

He doesn't have many friends except Mason, and he doesn't mind having a few more friends after he has the K team, and he looks forward to meeting Clark Kent, who Mason called a "model Kryptonian".

It's not provocative, he just wants to see how much difference there is between him and Clark.

Zombie Superman Bizarro is sitting at the table, playing a simple card game with Little Black Jacks, but he has a strange device on his head, which is a "smart hat" developed by Dr. Otto, which is said to help Bizarro thinking saves him from having to always be a weird shrinking brain.

Right now it's just testing collecting data.

It can be seen from this that the main players have been harmonious since they returned from Mason's hometown.

But the bad news is that the group of crazy boys in the Junior K team is really not reassuring.

Led by Damian Wayne, the small team that includes Jimmy Hautley, Ashley Parker, Franklin Richards, and Valeria Richards as a non-staff brain trust is currently in the " Run-in period".

To put it simply, no one accepts anyone. Although Damian used force to suppress the differences, it is not so easy for these little lunatics to unite.

It is worth mentioning that Blue Beetle feels that his age, knowledge, and current level of force are not enough to shoulder the responsibilities of the main team member, so he voluntarily applied to join the Junior K team from the main force of the K team.

Currently going through the team transfer process.

It is foreseeable that this new team will definitely be very "lively" afterwards, especially after "Heart of Steel" Morgan Stark Jr. returns to health, the battle for captain will definitely enter a fierce stage.

Although there are many problems, this does not affect Damian's good mood.

He was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed in a relaxed manner, putting on a captain's air to give instructions to his team members. This guy was imitating Mason's management model of K team, but he learned it badly.

"It's really a troublesome superpower brat."

The kiteman Charles, who was temporarily recalled to serve as a scout in the main team for the new pioneering mission, was wearing an improved Falcon wing. He folded his arms and looked at a group of young members next to him. He whispered to the second barrel next to him:

"Fortunately, my little Brown is very good. I can't let him join such a dangerous organization."

"Uh, judging from Damian's selection criteria for players, it's probably difficult for your little Brown to catch his eyes, so don't worry, he's absolutely safe."

Ertu shrugged and said:

"That guy is playing crazy, and he is ambitiously planning to bring underage superheroes into his team and has already put it into practice.

I've seen him try to convince Shin to join them before, and he's targeting Da Chao's son.

He felt that there must be a Kryptonian in his team to be able to line up. Fortunately, Barbara noticed and stopped this dangerous idea, otherwise trouble would really happen.

He had planned to use the World Gate to raid the Kent farm and kidnap Little Joe. "

"I think Mason needs to send someone to watch them."

Barbara also whispered nearby:

"These boys are full of energy. We still have to do pioneering tasks. How can we have time to stare at them for a long time?"

"How about letting Grayson join the team?"

Two barrels suggested:

"He has accumulated a lot of experience in raising children in Teen Titans, and it is said that his force value has increased rapidly recently, and he can already compete with Logan. Anyway, as long as you call, your fiancé will definitely run away. came."

"Yes, Barbara."

The kiteman also set the fire beside him and said:

"In this way, you don't have to worry about the scandal between Grayson and Xinghuo. When I was entertaining guests at the Afterlife Bar yesterday, I heard from them that some people saw that Grayson and Xinghuo had already lived together."

"He dares!"

Batgirl scolded, but then frowned preoccupied.

Obviously, he was considering the impact of this long-term long-distance relationship on the relationship between the two. Although the rings have been exchanged, the man has a needle in his heart. Who knows if Grayson will
"What are you all doing here?"

In the lively atmosphere, Mason's voice came from the door with a hint of surprise. He and Harry walked into the lounge and looked around, and then understood the thoughts of the team members.

He waved his hands and said:

"No need to send it, it's just a simple rescue mission."

"On the plus side, that's true, but on the downside, this might be the last time we see each other."

Damian stood up, folded his arms and said to Mason:

"So you still have to give it away, but I suggest you write your will in advance, including designating the next captain of Team K."

"It's definitely not you!"

Barbara put her hands on the annoying Damian's head and pushed him back on the sofa, and she said to Mason:
"It's not all a farewell. Kara and the others are going back, and the time just happens to be right now. After they come back, we will also go to the B-level target world to carry out development."

"Be low-key when you go back."

Mason exhorts:
"Afterlife Bar has a special person to arrange the itinerary for you, go and come back quickly and don't cause trouble. Huh? What's wrong with you? Depressed, who bullied you?"

He noticed that Barbara didn't seem to be in a good mood, so he asked more questions.

Batgirl said her thoughts again, but it is definitely not possible to let Grayson join the team. The young master is still helping the master, and there is no one there.

Mason thought for a while, and planned to comfort him, but felt that this was a matter between the two of them, and he seemed to have no reason to intervene, so he said dryly:

"You have to have some confidence in your own charm. Of course, going back to have a candlelight dinner from time to time will also help you deepen your relationship."

He comforted his elder sister, and planned to give some advice, but suddenly felt the vibration of the mobile phone in his pocket, looked at the familiar phone number, gestured to everyone, and walked out of the lounge to answer the phone.

"Mason, the situation of the Skrulls has been found out."

Ciri's voice came from the other end of the phone, with a serious voice, she said to Mason:
"I left the relationship with the No. 3 member of the Gwent Society, and learned that neither the Conqueror nor the Cleaner has been transferred to the target world you are going to, and the Star Society has no similar development plan.

Most importantly, that world coordinate was not registered on the Armillary Sphere in the Great Library!

That is theoretically an unknown world, and it is not in the parallel world system we currently have. "

"How is this possible?"

Mason frowned and said:
"The Skrulls have already acted there, which is completely inconsistent with the action process of the Council of Hope."

"Yes! It doesn't match in every way."

Shirley said with emphasis:
"So it can be judged that it was a 'private plundering' operation. A member of Parliament bypassed the supervision and sent his own forces to infiltrate it, trying to occupy a world without sharing the spoils with others. That guy should be behind the Skrulls The "golden master" should also be his protection of the independence of the Skrull people and a certain degree of cooperation with the warlocks.

The good news is that since this is an impermissible privateering operation, your activities in that world will be officially endorsed, and even the final conflict can be designated as a 'discipline' for unruly members.

As a great teacher, I can authorize you to take any action you think is necessary without restraint. When you need military help, I can also help you apply for permission to dispatch the liquidators and conquerors.

But the result of this is that the unknown world will be included in the development scope of the League of Stars. "

"Wait, let me sort it out."

Mason rubbed the center of his brows, and after a few seconds of thinking, he said:
"You mean, if the power behind the Skrulls also appears in that unknown world, then I can choose to attack him without being punished afterwards?"

"The theory is that you can even kill him! After all, he made the mistake first, and this kind of private plundering has seriously violated the taboo of the Stars Club.

It is our sole responsibility to develop this field, and even the Hope Council has no right to interfere with our actions. "

Hunter explained:
"But the guy who can become the director of hope is either the spokesperson of a certain force, or he is extremely terrifying in terms of individual strength. I don't recommend that you take such a direct confrontation."

"Then what if"

Mason narrowed his eyes, lowered his voice and said:

"We lured the warlock over there, and then he raised his sword and dropped it? He can command the Skrulls to do things, which proves that he must have known about this privateering operation but did not choose to report it.

This is already a blatant act of betrayal, right?

In this case, it is up to you to execute the traitor, even if Lord Fate wakes up, there is a good reason for it. "

The hunter was silent for a few seconds, and she said:

"If you want to do it, you have to be safe. If you make up your mind, I will go to the swordsman. Her hatred for warlocks has exploded, and she will definitely be willing to participate."

"Wait for my news, I'll go over to find out the situation first."

Mason replied.

The Hunter answered in a nasal voice, then hung up.

The captain looked at the flip phone in his hand, he really didn't expect that his rescue operation could lead to such a wonderful development, which made the evil thoughts in his head start to flow out uncontrollably.

But soon Mason forcibly suppressed his overly active thinking. The situation in the world over there is still uncertain, and it may not be so easy to lure the warlock to go there.

But if it works, he will solve a big problem in an instant.

When Mason returned to the lounge, Harley had already prepared the door to the world, and the coordinates of the world where Jarcon was located were engraved on the handle of the door, and it only took one twist to open the way to it.


Harley seemed to feel the unrest in Mason's heart. She took Mason's hand and called out softly. Mason took a deep breath, turned around and said to the people behind him:

"I'll see you later, everyone."

"Bring back Joncon, Mason."

Ertong leaned on the Alice sword and said to Mason:
"Although I usually have to be wary of that guy doing some weird things, but without his dirty jokes, I always feel that there is something missing."

"He has to survive until I find him in that world."

Mason shrugged, stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the world. With the starlight shining in front of his eyes, he took Harry's hand and walked into it surrounded by two dogs.

The brass door lock rattled back to its normal scale and closed again in the next instant.

After a brief jump of starlight, Mason and Halle set foot on the physical land again, because the stars will never formally develop here, so their first entry point is random.

The sight is a bustling city, with people coming and going on the streets, busy and orderly.

This should have been an ordinary scene, but Mason and Harry felt an indescribable feeling.

Especially Mason, how long has he not seen such a normal world after joining the Stars Club?

Every time you open that damned door, you will be faced with wasteland, zombies, or disasters. It seems that all the good things will not be revealed behind the door of the world.

But this time it was a jackpot.

"New York! It's New York, Mr. K."

Halle pointed to the iconic Times Square at the end of the street and said to Mason:
"Maybe we can go around there?"

"By the way, look for that unlucky Zha Kang."

Mason took out his lighter, held it tightly with both hands, and thought silently of wanting to find Zhakang.

After this idea became firm to a certain extent, a ball of milky white light jumped out of the extinguisher, circled a few times in front of Mason's eyes, and then flew danglingly over the city to point it in a certain direction.

The bauble left behind by Dumbledore has the ability to warp reality and guide Mason to what he desires.

But just as the captain and his cutie were about to disguise themselves and leave the alley, suddenly heavy objects fell to the ground and soft gunshots came from behind them.

Mason looked back.

Two detailed figures entangled and descended from the sky, smashed hard into the depths of the dark alley, and exchanged back and forth between each other in the entanglement, the dancing shadows of swords, lights and swords were extraordinary at first glance.

When Harley saw the two women fighting, she immediately became interested. She grabbed a baseball bat and was about to step forward to participate in the "Street Women's Fighting Competition", but was stopped by Mason.

He pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose, and looked at the figure of the two fighting women in front of him in a black uniform with a black and white eagle logo on his shoulder.

And fighting with her was a female ninja dressed in red, holding a ninja dagger in both hands with a fierce momentum.


There was a gunshot, and the bullet flew out precisely, separating the two ladies.

They maintained their vigilance and looked back at Mason at the entrance of the alley. The latter flicked his fingers, and the identity card of the tenth-level S.H.I.E.L.D. agent that he got from the old Green Goblin popped out.

他 说:

"You look like you need help, colleague."

This was said to the female agent in the S.H.I.E.L.D. combat uniform, and the ninja in red who was being chased by her ran away immediately when she saw that the other party was coming for reinforcements.

But unexpectedly, Harley swung the baseball bat forward, and the two Amazon dogs ready to go screamed and pounced on her, forcing her back from the wall in two or three strokes.

"You are not one of us!"

The SHIELD female agent yelled at Mason:

"I've never seen you."

"Maybe it's because your level is not high enough?"

Mason snorted, put on a cold face of a senior agent, grabbed a biological bait bomb and threw it over.

The energy shock blows up the garbage and dust in the dark alley, and then the ninja in red, who was bitten by the vicious dog blocking the way, took off his disguise amidst the screams, and turned into a green-skinned sharp-eared "" monster".

"Has it been infiltrated to this point?"

The moment Mason activated the Eye of Death, he complained fiercely:
"I met two random people on the road, and one of them was a Skrull bastard. From a statistical point of view, the world is probably hopeless."

"bang bang"

Two bullets shot out, piercing the head and heart of the Skrull in front of her at the same time, her body shook and hit the ground.

It wasn't until this time that the female agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. realized that she grabbed the pistol from her waist and pointed it at Mason, saying:

"Don't come here! I confirm that you are not one of us."


Mason raised his hands and asked, the latter curled his lips and said:
"You have a tenth-level agent ID card, but I have seen all tenth-level agents. Let me introduce myself, S.H.I.E.L.D. Nine-level agent Maria Hill, who is hunting down the Hand who stole important secrets Ninja Erica
At least five seconds ago I thought it was her.

who are you? "

Agent Hill asked cautiously.

However, she didn't notice that a group of water stains under her feet moved strangely. Mason's figure disappeared in an instant, and when she reappeared, she had reorganized the water molecular structure behind the agent.

The composite material "Hidden Blade" on the wrist popped out, and the dazzling fatal high-voltage electric storm caused Agent Hill's eyes to fall to the ground, and then puffs of black smoke came out of the unlucky man's mouth. Explode.

Judging from the damage and internal precision structure exposed on her neck, this should be an advanced "mechanical doll".

"Good boy, don't ask so many questions."

Mason gave Harley a wink and asked her to take the Skrull's body, then squatted down and looked at the "broken" agent double in front of him, and said:

"You just need to know that I'm here to help, and that's enough, and believe it or not, I do work for Nick Fury.

Find a place to talk, Agent Hill.

If you have realized the seriousness of the problem, you should know, don't trust anyone around you"

(End of this chapter)

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