The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 386 1. There are billions of irregularities in this world--adding more for the brother &quot

Chapter 386 1. There are billions of irregularities in this world--adding more for the brother "Mianyue Fengji" [120]

Dumbledore's Deluminator provided a guide for Mason, who had just entered the precious land, so that he could have a direction to find the missing Zack Kang.

Although Mason didn't think it would be that simple.

In the previous conversation with the help of the flamboyant "vampire doll", Zha Kang said that he was caught by a powerful boss. If the "big boss" was really powerful, it would not be so easy for him is positioned to the direction.

The facts were exactly as Mason expected. Ten minutes later, he and Harry appeared outside an old and withered neighborhood from the outside.

It's just a street compartment, and the bustling in other places seems to be unable to cross the line under your feet, even in broad daylight, there are not many people in the block in front of you.

Instead, I could see a few overgrown fellow Taoists lying leisurely at the street corner basking in the sun.

"It's exactly Naihe Island in Gotham City."

Harley, who was wearing windshields on a small blue motorcycle, chewed bubble gum and complained to Mason beside her, but she had already picked up her "Isu Artifact" baseball bat with great interest.

I was imagining that I would go into this abandoned street for a while and drive off the heads of a few short-sighted punks.

As we all know, punks, creatures at the bottom of the biological chain, are the standard equipment of "local species" in the dilapidated neighborhood in front of me, and her two dogs will lie on the back of the car and look around with windshields on. Look, ready to pounce on a few self-inflicted assholes.

It really is who raises what kind of dog. The originally good Amazon war hound is about to be raised by Harley as a husky.

Mason, who was riding on the ghost motorcycle, did not expect the possible conflicts so much. He was riding a very cool motorcycle, but he still wore a weak safety helmet, staring at his eyes in the sun, which seemed to be shrouded in shadows. neighborhood.

A feeling of uneasiness emerged in my heart.

"I feel the magic twisting."

Mason said to the branch school whose face turned into a mask:
"Hat, check it out."

"Is it still necessary to check? People with long eyes can see that there is a large enchantment formed by shadows in the depths of this block, like a shadow city attached to the real world."

The old hat god said:

"But the traces left by Zha Kang are not among them. Be careful not to stray into any shadows, especially at night. If you don't want to cause trouble, don't walk around outside."

"The Castle of Shadows in Hell's Kitchen?"

Mason pouted, he knew where his anxiety came from.

He gestured to Harry, and then the two locomotives started slowly. While following the white ball of light constantly emerging from the extinguisher, he drove into the dilapidated place in front of him, and complained:

"That description alone is enough to remind me of several very bad possibilities."

"Don't be afraid, Mr. K, I will protect you!"

Harry is full of confidence, and will not be afraid once.

But her two Amazon dogs have become vigilant. Obviously, the war dogs domesticated by the demigods have already smelled uneasiness.
Their tails are not even wagging, which is obviously the sound of ready to kill the Quartet at any time.

"It's right here."

The light-out device stopped at a street ahead.

The sight of white light penetrating into the ground made Mason kick up his motorcycle. He walked to the apparently uninhabited dilapidated house and found the stairs leading to the basement, but the door was closed.

Apparently closed by magic.

The hat returned to the shape of the Panama hat, received Mason's hand and threw a door-opening spell forward, and then a chill blew out from it.

Mason grabbed the penguin umbrella to light up the cracked golden apple and walked into it, but found no enemies, only some things left by Zha Kang.

The coral trident staff, Slytherin's locket, and the magic levitation cloak that wraps these two things are Zakone's most cherished items and powerful magical objects.

But being left here is like being abandoned.

"There are no traces of fighting, and there is not much magic left, Mason."

The hat released a detection spell, and then said to Mason:
"Konstantin voluntarily followed that mysterious guy. This is where he last stayed in this area. He must have left some information for you to come here.

See if there is any magic power left on these things? "

"Hold on."

Mason checked three things, while Harry stood outside the door with a baseball bat and his dogs. A few minutes later, Mason felt a strange faint fluctuation from Slytherin's locket.

It's like a decaying imprint, recording the energy residue that doesn't belong to Zha Kang.

"The dodger did leave a message, but how do we track it down?"

Mason looked at the pendant box in his hand and said:

"The extinguisher can't provide further tracking. However, if such a weak energy signature wants to be captured in this world, should I rub a tracking satellite with my hands and launch it?"

"Isn't there a shield like that?"

Harry turned to Mason at the door and said:
"They seem to be a big organization, maybe we can borrow their satellites? Didn't the robot woman just say that she is a ninth-level agent?
Unless the professional level in that ghost place is [-], she must be a very high-level leader, right? "

"That will wait until Agent Hill arrives for the appointment."

Mason nodded, and what Harry said was right, it was much better to have a chance to get in touch with a powerful organization in this world than the two of us running around here like headless chickens.

Just looking at the calm state of the city at this time, we can tell that the world as a whole is in a peaceful stage. Under such circumstances, it will be much easier to cooperate with the government.

"Harry, put that body up there."

He said something to the cutie, and at the same time cleared out the table in the basement to make a temporary autopsy table, put on medical gloves and a mask, and planned to dissect the hapless Skrull to see if he could find more.

Halle wasn't afraid of the scene at all, she was an M.D.

If Little Sweetheart could trust her, she could completely complete the dissection of the green-skinned alien by herself, and by the way, produce an autopsy report with a high gold content that could fill more than a dozen professional papers.

"This guy is a little bigger than the two Skrulls we caught, her physique is tougher, and her fighting skills are better, which may mean that she belongs to the 'elite' in the Skrull group.

There are spots on her body left by long-term exposure to dark magic power, which proves that she has been disguised as the ninja leader 'Eleka' of the Hand here for a long time, and in addition, when she was fighting with Agent Hill just now, she was fleeing in the right direction. this way.

Perhaps this neighborhood is her hiding place. "

Mason quickly came to a conclusion. He put down the scalpel in his hand, frowned slightly and said:
"Erica the Ninja Slayer, Hell's Kitchen, Shadow Castle... In addition, Zakon said that he found the keel here, so the shadowy area outside is the secret place of the Hand, 'Shadow Field'.

Now, there is only one question left. Is Lawyer Ma, who regards the neighborhood as his territory, still a partner of justice? "

"Sweetie, and this!"

Harley picked up a black chip in a plastic pocket and said to Mason:

"The robot woman said that the Skrull stole their secret information. There is no place to hide anything on her, so the SHIELD information must be in this chip."

"Then let's untie it."

Mason took out a decoder made by 2077 technology and inserted the chip into it, but there was an encryption program that was constantly rewritten inside this thing, which lengthened the decoding process to 10 to [-] minutes.

The captain sighed regretfully, it seems that there is no way to complete the deciphering, because his super Isu senses have already heard the sound of small footsteps around the top of the basement.

There is a large group of people coming.

Either the Hand or S.H.I.E.L.D., they will most likely not allow Mason to get the information in this chip swaggeringly.


Harley grabbed the baseball bat, and the venom suit on her body was quickly equipped, turning her into a "Venom Harley" posture, with a scarlet tongue wagging around a mouth full of teeth, looking quite hideous.

Mason also put on Lao Wan's helmet and drew Johnny's gun to aim forward.

He doesn't need too much defense. As a "water man", although he is only in the initial stage of his abilities, he can already ignore most physical attacks.

A few seconds later, there was a rhythmic knock on the door outside the basement, along with a deep female voice:
"I'm Maria Hill, here I come."

"Come in, I won't shoot."

Mason said something softly, and then the expressionless Agent Hill pushed open the door, and the hat immediately cast a detection magic on her, proving that this was the "main body" rather than a lifelike mechanical double.

As soon as Hill entered the door, he saw the dissected Skrull behind Mason. The features of the alien made this capable and beautiful but icy ninth-level agent frown.

Things started to slip in the direction she least wanted to see.

"You really know where to choose."

The lady agent looked at the basement in front of her, and whispered:
"It's only across the street from the dangerous Shadow Realm. If you walk another 100 meters to the left, you will trigger the King of Shadow Realm's counterattack. The most wonderful thing is that you just killed his girlfriend. Is it really okay to swagger like this? ?
I don't know where the tenth-level agent came from. "

"So, Matt Murdoch has accepted the power of the 'beast'? It's really a pity that there is one less hero of justice in this world."

Mason shook his head regretfully, made a "please" gesture, and said:

"Introduce me to this city, Hill, I won't hide it from you, I'm here looking for someone, a friend of mine disappeared here a few days ago.

In exchange, I'll tell you about the Skrulls. "


Agent Hill noted the name.

She felt as if she had read them in the S.H.I.E.L.D. database, in the "cosmic ray" sent back by Captain Marvel.

She looked at Mason in front of her calmly, first she put her hand in front of his eyes, then the captain pulled out the chip from the card reader and put it in the palm of his hand.

The gesture made Agent Hill nod.

Then, pointing to the body behind Mason, she said:
"I'm also taking it away for further research."

"no problem."

Mason sat on a lame chair under the guard of Venom Harley, and signaled with his eyes that Agent Hill could start talking.

"The Hand and the Defenders had a fight in Hell's Kitchen not long ago, and the mysterious keel that the Japanese ninjas were looking for was snatched away by strange forces, which directly ignited the conflict.

That confrontation ended in victory for the Hand.

Attorney Matt Murdoch, code-named Daredevil, volunteered to join them in order to protect his friend, and Shadowlands also appeared in Hell's Kitchen at that time. "

Agent Hill folded his arms and said concisely:
"According to the time, your unlucky friend should be involved. Maybe he is in the Shadow Realm now?"

"No, the evil god 'beast' is very powerful, but it can't do anything to my scumbag friend. He was taken away by a more dangerous force."

Mason twirled Johnny's Gun in his palm and said:

"Is there any more troublesome power in this city or in this world than Shadow Realm?"

"That's too much."

Hill snorted and said:
"The Green Goblin who is ready to move is forming a new evil six, Spider-Man's actions are becoming more and more radical, the Fantastic Four have conflicts, Hulk was sent into space and disappeared, which directly led to the split of the Avengers, and the destruction of the Holy of Holies. The mages suddenly went crazy and made a whole street into a restricted area.

The turmoil caused by the Superhero Registration Act has intensified, and all superheroes are facing difficult choices. The bastard Fury may have realized the risk of division and retired early.

The new director and the captain disagree with each other.

Wakanda implemented a neutral policy and blocked the border, but King T'Challa refused to marry Storm Girl, which led to an embarrassing period for their relationship with the mutants.

The captain disappeared a few days ago, and the director is preparing to arrest him and so on!

You are affecting my heart! "

Agent Hill talked more and more, but she quickly realized that she pulled out her pistol and aimed at Mason in front of her.

The shimmer from the golden apple pressed by the latter overflowed through the fingers.

With his current concentration of Isu blood, urging the golden apple is enough to conquer the mind of a standard humanoid creature in an instant, but Agent Hill's long-term training made her strong-willed and quickly sensed something was wrong, and activated some kind of mind protection equipment, so that The golden apple could no longer penetrate her mind.

But she had said enough, enough for Mason to outline the current state of the world.

Hill issued an order for the elite agents who came with her to prepare for the raid, but the roar of the evil spirit locomotive was heard outside the basement, and then there was a scream from the agent's earphones, which made her complexion change slightly.

Just when she was about to call the Avengers, Mason stopped her one step ahead.

"Don't make things big, it's not good for us."

The captain took out a chip and handed it to Agent Hill, saying:
"The information about the Skrulls is in it, take it back and read it yourself, if I were you, I wouldn't use the S.H.I.E.L.D. computer, God knows how many pretenders you have there.

And the Superhero Registration Act
Totally bad idea, this rotten country can't even control the proliferation of guns among the people, where do you have the confidence to try to restrain superheroes who are more dangerous than guns?

Just a fool's dream.

Also, the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is Tony Stark? "

Mason stared at Agent Hill, reached out and stuffed a biological decoy bomb into her pocket, and said softly:
"You already know the camouflage ability of the Skrulls, so you should think that this ridiculous division that will make you weak may be behind them.

Personally, I suggest you to 'watch' your chief more. "

During the whole process, Agent Hill kept her muzzle forward and was unable to move. It wasn't that she was frightened, but that she felt that something in her body was out of her control.

Maybe as long as the guy in front of him "forces" a little, he will be 'killed' by the blood flowing in his veins.

This guy has superpowers!
"You can go, just pretend we haven't met."

Mason helped Agent Hill flick the dust on her shoulders, and by the way let go of the manipulation of the "moisture" in her body, freeing her from the sense of crisis that she would die at any time.

He walked out of the basement with Harley who took back the venom suit, and said to Agent Hill who was aiming at him behind him:
"Contact me if you are in trouble, I am happy to help, the contact information is in your pocket."

The two guys swaggered away, and Agent Hill did not shoot in the end.

Outside the basement, the ground was already full of disguised agents who were stunned and burned. The burning evil spirit locomotive slowly stopped in front of Mason and let out a low roar. Harley also jumped on his "speeding car" with the dog. .

Over the sound of the engine, she asked:
"Sweetie, what are we going to do next?"

"Let's find a place to eat next."

Mason glanced back at the shadowed Hell's Kitchen, pulled his safety helmet and said:

"Instead of wasting time and effort to find them, it's better to wait for them to come to the door. I have to make an assessment of the scale of the Skrull invasion before I can make a plan for the next step.

Let's hope our poor Agent Hill can last a little longer.
I'm really sorry for using her as bait. "

(End of this chapter)

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