The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 388 3. Among the countless fates of old Peter, there is probably only one such life that is

Chapter 388 3. Among the countless fates of old Peter, there is probably only this one kind of life full of the fragrance of wealth [320]

(Add more updates for the brothers "Mianyue Toyohime")
"I know he's rich, but isn't that too exaggerated?"

Ten minutes later, Mason's evil spirit motorcycle stopped in front of a super luxurious office building, and Harley, who was sticking behind him to enjoy the warmth of his little sweetheart, also took off his helmet and exclaimed:

"This building belongs to him?"

Of course more!

Mason looked at the bright "Park Industries" sign on the building in front of him, which was at least 70 stories high, and then looked around.

In terms of the surrounding architectural style, it is estimated that this entire street was bought by Zhang Parker. Looking out from here, you can even see a giant villa built in the city, which is simply a fucking modern palace. Same.

“I really enjoy it”

Mason said something sour, and Harley behind her felt the little sweetheart's little emotion, so she got up and gave him a hard peck on the cheek. She whispered:

"Don't envy him, sweetheart. Even if Mr. K is down and out to beg for food, I will rob the bank to support you."

"Well, these words really heal me, but please find a legal job to support me, okay? I'm so downcast that I'm begging for food, so don't let me go to jail again."

Mason jumped out of the car, hugged Harley like a princess and let her out of the car.

Then patted the hood of the Evil Spirit locomotive to let it find a place to play by itself, but don't scare the people around, after all, driverless driving is a high-tech even in this world.

"Is that magic?"

Watching the Evil Spirit locomotive drive out along the street like an old man, Zhang Parker, who was standing in front of his building to welcome the guests, took off his sunglasses and asked curiously:
"How do I think that car looks like the legendary ghost motorcycle? It's a pity that the ghost rider in this world disappeared a few years ago, so I haven't been able to get her power sample.

It is said to be a very attractive and hot cowboy lady, just my type. "

"Then I wonder if something is wrong with your XP."

Mason complained:
"Peter only likes young and beautiful girls like Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy, while Dr. Otto likes girls with small bodies but smart brains. Your fusion orientation is somewhat abnormal."

"I don't need to live according to the ideas and habits of Peter or Otto!"

Zhang Parker rolled his eyes and led Mason and Harley into his own building. All the employees bowed to him along the way, but the big boss was completely defiant and arrogant.

It wasn't until he walked into the transparent luxury elevator that he said to Mason and Halle:

"I want to warn you, I am not Peter, nor Otto, nor a combination of the two! I have my own independent personality, so don't mention those two dead people in front of me, okay?"

"But you are wearing Peter's face and using Dr. Otto's technology. Are you a little guilty when you say this?"

Mason looked around, and when the elevator was rising rapidly, he also saw the scientific research area with as many as thirty floors in the middle of the building. He said:

"You should at least tell me the process of your birth?"

"It was just an accident, nothing to say."

Zhang Park put the toad mirror in his suit pocket, waved his hands indifferently and said:

"Peter ran to stop Dr. Otto from uploading his soul, and the unlucky ghost was dying of illness and planned to snatch Peter's body, but he underestimated Peter's willpower and could only choose to die together.

In the ruins of that data-conscious confrontation, I came alive, an independent me! "

"Oh, so you can be considered the child of Peter Parker and Dr. Otto?"

Harry blinked and delivered his conclusions.

These words made Zhang Parker's expression freeze, and he wanted to refute but found that Harry's damn sharpness made him completely speechless.

He could only stare at Harry and say:
"Well, I do have two dads, are you satisfied?"

"However, you haven't realized the more serious problem, Zhang Parker, or you 'Zhang Zong'."

Mason pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose and said softly:

"Do you think it's normal for us as strangers to be so acquainted without speaking more than ten sentences? You are accepting us, and both remnants of your consciousness think we are credible, so you are also right We let our guard down.

Of course, I'm not implying some facts that will make you uncomfortable, Mr. Zhang.

I just want to tell you that we are indeed believable, please trust your spider senses and octopus intelligence.

I will tell you everything you want to know, but I just saw a large energy tracker in your laboratory, and I need you to help me find something around the world! "

"Why should I help you?"

Zhang Parker was leaning in the luxurious elevator, this eccentric and difficult guy said with a sneer:
"Everything you see is made by me bit by bit. I admit that I am a selfish guy, but I have not been sorry to the two people in your memory.

Doctor Octopus wants to shock the world with his wisdom.

So I started Parker Industries, and I published enough papers to get me three Nobel Prizes.

Spider-Man is bent on protecting his city.

So I kept my secret identity after becoming a billionaire comparable to Tony Stark, as you saw earlier.
I will never let anyone who makes this city sad!
I personally crushed four of the Sinister Six, scared the shit out of the Green Goblin, and maimed the pathetic Scorpion.

I eradicated the Water Snake Gang and drove away all the vampires entrenched in the city!All the supervillains who dare to make trouble here will be discovered by the surveillance I have placed all over the city, and then they will be sanctioned by me.

do you know?
After a few years of being active as Spider-Man, this city has become the safest place on the continent, and it's all because of me!
I even support Aunt May.
Uh, speaking of which, when you see Aunt Mei, you will say that you are my college classmates, you know?
Aunt May doesn't want me hanging out all day fighting evil.

The thinking of the elderly is always very simple.

She thinks that now that she has money, she should live a good life. I don't want to worry her anymore, and she doesn't have a good life for a few years, so I lied that the Spider-Man outside is my successor. "

"You still say you are not them?"

Harry hugged his stomach and laughed loudly and said:
"You try your best to fulfill their wishes, you have no life of your own, poor Zhang."

"Heh, who said I didn't? Unknowing big-ass chick."

Jon Park snorted.

The next moment, the elevator door opened, and three hot bunny sweethearts greeted "Mr. Zhang" with a passionate kiss and helped him take off his coat and put on more comfortable home clothes.

Under the surprised gazes of Mason and Harley, this high-altitude viewing villa built with three floors is full of hot beauties walking around in simple clothes.

And there is no doubt that Mr. Zhang, who is rich and handsome, maintains a rather dishonest relationship with each of them.

Within twenty steps, Mr. Zhang's neck was covered with lipstick marks of various colors. It can be seen from his heartfelt smile that Mr. Zhang enjoyed such a degenerate life surrounded by singing, dancing and dancing.

"Is this guy the God of Slaanesh?"

Mason stared at the two supermodel "little pets" riding on the rainbow unicorn model in front of him. He complained to Halle, who also stared wide-eyed:
"This is too exaggerated, is his waist made of Zhenjin?"

"But don't you see it, sweetheart."

Relying on a woman's intuition, Harry quickly realized something was wrong. She stood on tiptoe and whispered in Mason's ear:
"Look at the bodies and hair of these women! It's basically a hybrid of Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy. Poor little chapter, he talks about being independent, but he really doesn't have a life of his own.

He can't even decide for himself which woman he likes. "

"But that doesn't stop him from being really happy."

Mason glanced back at Zhang Parker who was still laughing after being lifted up by five big blond babies and thrown on the heart-shaped bed. He shook his head and said softly:

"That kind of happiness can't be faked, he made up for all the regrets of Peter and Dr. Otto with his hands, and he was able to enjoy the life of this stitch monster with peace of mind.

To be honest, I felt a little sorry for him before.

But now, I think it’s good for him to continue Slaanesh like this, er, it’s not too bad for his kidneys, there’s no big problem. "

"Oh, so you're envious? Mason Cooper!"

Harry whispered something in his ear.

This time the subject is not Sweetheart, not Mr. K, but Mason's full name. Oops!Is this Quinn coming out?

"I'll see you tonight!"

Quinn tugged Mason's ears fiercely, making him feel jittery.

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, let's get down to business."

Mason coughed and spoke to Mr. Zhang who was kissing a big chocolate-colored baby. Although the latter complained, he got up quickly and led them to a higher level.

When I opened the door, I saw a graceful old lady watering the flowers on the balcony. Her face was kind and her silver hair was no longer young, but she still looked hale and hearty.

As she was moving, Mason noticed that the old lady was obviously supported by some kind of auxiliary power device, which should be the elderly protection device developed by Zhang Parker specially for Aunt May.

But Mr. Zhang, who had a perverted face just now and shouted to enjoy life, suddenly seemed to be a different person when he saw her, with a pure and gentle smile on his face, and quickly walked forward to chat with Aunt Mei .

"Give me the camera."

Mason whispered something to Harry.

Robin immediately handed over the camera, and Mason captured the scene in front of her.

In the afternoon sunshine, Aunt May, with a happy face, listened to Parker's ramblings. Surrounded by beautiful flowers, the luxurious residence represented the elderly life of the old man, who no longer had to worry about replacing a coffee machine. strenuous.

"Peter would love this picture."

Mason took out the memory card and put it in his pocket. He said to Harry:

"Our old Peter over there dreamed of seeing such a scene when he was young. Perhaps Mr. Zhang really helped him fulfill some of his wishes."

"So he's not a bad guy?"

Harry asked, Mason nodded, and said pertinently:
"It's not a good person in the traditional sense, but it's definitely more than bad enough to require humane destruction. Let's go up and say hello to Aunt May, and then it's time to get down to business."

The two claimed to be Parker's classmates who came to visit, and Aunt Mei was naturally very happy.

She has been worrying about Parker's personal life since she had no worries about food and clothing. After all, after he survived the disaster, he decisively broke up with Mary Jane, who was about to talk about marriage. This once made Aunt May very worried.

A few minutes later, on the top floor of the Parker Building, Mr. Zhang frowned and looked at the various information about the Skrulls and the parallel world system unlocked on the supercomputer in front of him. He was speechless for a long time.

He didn't think Mason would lie to him about such a thing.

It is not possible for ordinary people to make up such a huge system out of thin air. What's more, Mason showed him the devil tattoo and made Zhang Parker realize that it really came from an organization that can travel through parallel worlds.

"But the shock didn't!"

Zhang Parker sat on the swivel chair, propped his chin with his hands and said to Mason in front of him:
"You say the impact has happened three times and there's been no movement from our side, 17 years ago it wasn't a pivotal moment, I don't remember anything happening that was worth noticing.

It makes me very suspicious that your description of the shock is a hoax, however, those few mathematical models made me realize that you can't possibly lie about this kind of thing. "

"This proves that your world has been lucky to miss three times."

Mason looked at President Zhang and said:
"Do you believe it?"

"No, I don't believe it! From the perspective of probability, it is impossible."

Mr. Zhang said very seriously:

"If what you said is true, it means that there is something wrong with my world. Perhaps this is why the Skrulls secretly invaded here. Do you have a device to detect Skrulls?"

"You suspect your mansion has been invaded?"

Mason took out the biological bait bomb and handed it to Mr. Zhang, who said with a serious face:
"It's not possible, it's certain! Although Parker Industries is far inferior to Stark Industries in terms of size, the technological strength we have mastered has surpassed Stark Industries in some areas.

If I were a Skrull, I wouldn't let go of such an important position.

In particular, Parker Industries has been tasked with revamping communication networks for government facilities in North America since two years ago. "

"Then you need some snacks."

Mason pointed to the biological bait bomb in Parker's hand and said:
"This method won't work for long, I've used it in other places, but the Vaskuru people have some technological skills, and they must be upgrading the methods against gene disruption now.

Also, I need your help tracking this down. "

He took out Slytherin's pendant box, put it on the table and said to Zhang Zong:

"There is a special magic residue on this thing. You can understand it as an energy trace of a special frequency. It is left by my friend. With the help of Parker Industries' satellite, it should be possible to capture the same signal around the world."

"Do you know how expensive that satellite is?"

Mr. Zhang rolled his eyes, and asked in a capitalist manner:

"Do you know how much money I will lose if I choose to shut down for several days because of your business?"

"Benefits, right?"

Mason snapped his fingers and flicked lightly on the table. A dozen bottles of potions of different colors were arranged neatly. He said:
"Choose a bottle at will, it will definitely make up for your loss."

"I don't believe in magic."

Mr. Zhang narrowed his eyes, shook his head and said:



Something was placed on the table by Mason, and it rolled and landed in front of Mr. Zhang with a flick.

It was a bottle of fuchsia liquid, and there was a logo of Pym Technology on the shell.

Mr. Zhang is obviously a smart guy.

He immediately picked up the thing, took out a detector from the drawer, and put it in. A few seconds later, he showed a hypocritical smile unique to businessmen, stood up and stretched out his hand to Mason, saying:
"Pym Particles, cutting-edge technology! I'll take over the job. I hope we can have a happy cooperation, Mr. Mason."

"Me and my cutie need a safe place to live."

Mason watched the sky getting dark outside the window, he reached out and held Zhang Parker together, and said:
"Can I borrow a house temporarily?"

"Of course, the entire three streets in Queens are mine now, you can live in the Parker Mansion, which is in the villa area across the street, you can choose a room as you like.

I promise it's safe and won't be disturbed. "

Mr. Zhang generously gave Mason an authorization card, and hinted with eyes that men could understand:

"If you need more considerate service, just tell the smart housekeeper, don't be shy, this is how big shots arrange when they visit Parker Industries, which makes them always like to run to me.

But that's not a bad thing either.

There are a lot of blond sweethearts out there who want to sell their youth to make a lot of money. As a responsible entrepreneur, I will naturally provide them with this kind of job opportunity.

Maybe he can also provide me with some contacts in the future when he gets close to a big shot. "

"If you change the scene, I should advise you to choose a streetlight for yourself before you are shot eight times and commit suicide, Xiao Zhang."

Mason said softly:
"Hurry up, my friend may not last long."

(End of this chapter)

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