The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 389 4. Breaking into the house with impolite manners is the classic starting point of the st

Chapter 389 4. Breaking into the house with impolite manners is the classic starting point of the story - adding more for Brother Toyohime Watatsuki【420】

"This used to be Queens. It's hard to imagine how much he spent to transform it into what it is now?"

In the evening, Mason enjoyed leisure in his pajamas on the balcony of the luxurious Parker mansion.

He stared at the brightly lit Parker Building across the street, and realized with some bewilderment that the location of the building in front of him might be the dilapidated apartment where Peter Parker and Aunt May lived.

This gave him another level of understanding of Zhang Parker, a contradictory guy.

That guy must have some sort of severe OCD.

Especially when it comes to matters related to Peter Parker and Dr. Otto, he always behaves quite extreme.

But meeting Zhang Parker was only an episode of this journey, and Mason could still feel the cloudiness of this world, as if a veil of peace had been cast in front of his eyes, and there was already an undercurrent inside.

He just asked Zhang Parker's thoughts on the recent superhero registration bill. Mr. Zhang's answer to this was stupid, very concise and clear, and expressed his attitude.

A famous entrepreneur with a sense of responsibility like him would never get involved in this shit.

"Aren't you sleeping yet? Sweetheart."

Harry secretly held a pendant and wanted to put it on for Mason, but Mason soon noticed the clue. He picked up the beautifully carved eagle pendant and glanced at the anxious Harry. ,explain:

"Is this made by Emma? There is spiritual power floating on it, what is its effect?"

"Let you sleep at least three hours a day."

Harry couldn't tell a lie in front of Mr. K, so he could only answer honestly:
"It's Emma's idea. She thinks it's not okay for you to go on like this. Even a 'water man' can't stand staying up all night like this."

"I appreciate her kindness, but not tonight."

Mason waved his hand, his heart skipped a beat, and raindrops fell on the block in a dozen seconds. He closed his eyes and felt the movement of the place where the rain fell.

A few cars were slowly stopping three streets away, and the special aircraft above the sky had circled several times, and a maintenance worker was busy near the power supply unit near Parker's mansion.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. logo under his coat looms in the night.

"The 37 people should be elite agents in charge of the periphery. They are building an early warning line of defense."

Mason whispered to Harry beside him:
"If the other party already knows that we are superhumans, then they will definitely use the same level of force to try to capture or kill them. Therefore, in the optically concealed aircraft 2000 meters above the head, there should be at least one fully armed superhuman. able squad.

If we are unlucky, it may be the Avengers of this world who rush in.

I'm guessing, either Agent Hawkeye, or Agent Natasha, or maybe both of them will come together and Technician is preparing the EMP.

Three, two, one! "


Mason's countdown ended, and all the lights in the villa where he and Harry spent the night went out in an instant,

Harry immediately called Venom to his upper body, and jumped into the front yard vigilantly with his dog to meet the assault agents who came over.And Mason raised his head on the spot, and the rain around him intensified at this moment.

Let him feel more clearly the outlines of several people who are rushing down from high altitude.

"Natasha Romanoff, Crossbones, Leaper, Clint Barton, etc. This Hawkeye has a robotic arm? Cool! Should I call you 'Winter Hawkeye'?"

As soon as the words fell, three black arrows were shot down from a high altitude, accelerating with gravity and accurately piercing the triangle area beside Mason.

Then special energy erupted from the arrow body, and Mason felt that his control over the rain was suppressed in the depression, and the rhythmic raindrops turned into the chaotic sound of rain hitting plantains.

bang bang bang
Four low-pitched landing sounds sounded under the increasingly noisy rain, and four super agents dressed in suits that resembled the Mark series armor quickly gathered over.

They could see that the target had been knocked down by the "anti-mutant energy arrow" shot by Hawkeye, and they prepared to encircle them in vigilance.

"Agent Hill, we have seen the target, please confirm your identity."

Natasha Romanov opened the probe of the armor on her body and transmitted the image of the fallen Mason to the commander. A few seconds later, Agent Hill's indifferent voice sounded in the communication:
"Confirm! There should be a woman who can control the symbiotes, capture them alive, and kill them if necessary! Quick fix, agents, Zhang Parker has a lot of official energy, and complete the recovery before he intervenes."

Agent Natasha made a tactical gesture in the dark, and Crossbones and Leaping Man stepped forward immediately, while Hawkeye kept aiming.

Crossbones approached Mason and kicked it with his feet. After confirming that he was unconscious, he bent down to lift Mason up, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, Mason in front of him turned into a mass of mud like "melting".

This made several agents immediately vigilant.

At the same moment, the scandium alloy projectile accelerated to seven times the speed of sound by the electromagnetic guide rail pierced the bow in Hawkeye's hand in the triple-hit of the quick draw, and at the same time tore apart Natasha's armor and gave her waist and abdomen Two terrifying penetrating wounds were left behind.

Mason has done a test in his own laboratory, and the projectile made of this material is enough to penetrate all the Stark suits from the Mark 31 forward with this kind of kinetic energy.

It can only be said that the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. don't seem to know what kind of enemy they are fighting.

"Bye, Bikini."

Mason, who was hanging around in the corner of the yard, complained expressionlessly.

He retracted the electromagnetic gun, pulled out the Johnny gun on his waist, and then snapped his fingers when he got up in the night rain.

Hawkeye, who was about to go to rescue Natasha, saw a ball of flames tumbling and appearing in the rain. With a sharp cry, Phoenix Fox bumped into "Winter Hawkeye" in front of him.

The Mark armor, which had weakened its protection in order to maintain flexibility, could not withstand the burning of the phoenix fire and was burned through almost immediately. Clint retreated while struggling to escape the high-temperature armor on his body, but the precise shooting from the rear in the dark night made him only Can get down in embarrassment and move to the injured Natasha, ready to take her to evacuate.

The ooze monster Kevin, who felt very comfortable in the rainy night, also screamed and split into two, turning into the appearance of the good friends Batman and Dachao, fighting with Crossbones and Jumping Man with fists raised together.

The raid failed, and the peripheral elite agents immediately rushed to the rescue.

But Harley, who had already been in ambush, smirked and pressed the detonator to explode sparks in the rainy night. Everyone was hit by the poison.


Bio-decoy bombs were dropped at the foot of Crossbones, not the special type used to detect Skrulls.

The instant the gene interference energy exploded, the elite agent who could still block Kevin's boxing turned into a big crocodile shaking its head and tail.

He couldn't adapt to this mutation at all, and Kevin didn't give him a chance.

The playful ooze monster stepped forward and entangled before throwing the crossbones to the ground. The jumping man wanted to run and was knocked down by Mason with seven shots from behind, and then he was hit on the head by Harley with a baseball bat.

The rain got louder.

With the crisp sound of magazine replacement, Winter Hawkeye, who was holding Agent Natasha, knew that the team had reached a desperate situation.

"I heard your communication."

Mason opened the penguin umbrella in the rain, and he said to the two agents hiding behind the bunker in front of him:
"Maria Hill sent you? The order to kill? How heartless. Looks like poor Agent Hill lasted less than eight hours.

This is enough to prove that the S.H.I.E.L.D., which you are loyal to, has essentially fallen, and the situation is worse than I thought. Those pretenders have completely infiltrated violent institutions.

They want to see you die by MY hands, or I die by your hands.

Either outcome does them no harm.

Come out, Clint, and Natasha.

We need to talk. "

Mason is trying to persuade him to surrender.

But it is useless for senior personnel who have been dealing with secret agents all their lives. Hawkeye was ready to resist. He pulled out a special arrow from his quiver, grabbed the spare war bow, and at the same time made a blow to Gang Gang in his arms. Agent Natasha who received emergency hemostasis said:
"I hold you back, you break through!"

"No way."

Natasha, whose face was already turning pale, covered her wound and said in a low voice:

"There's something wrong with the bullet, I'm getting weaker, it's not normal."


Two hands were pressed on the shoulders of Agent Hawkeye and Natasha, one left and one right, and Mason, who appeared like a ghost in the rain from behind them, whispered:
"Of course it's not normal! If the cursed metal isn't sent back, you'll stay so weak until the blood runs dry."

The bodies of the two agents tensed up and wanted to fight back, but the "reverse flow" of the blood in their bodies made them lose the power to fight back at the same time.

Hawkeye's mechanical arm swung and smashed at Mason, but the latter grabbed the connection point of the mechanical arm with his backhand, and with five fingers flying, he dismantled it and threw it under his feet.

"I'm familiar with the drawings of the Winter Soldier's arm, the one you used is outdated, Clint, and Agent Hill didn't even tell you what my abilities are.

She has clearly 'experienced'. "

Mason shook his head to the two captured agents and said:

"Now you know who's the cannon fodder sent to die? Don't struggle, especially you, Natasha, if you don't want your heart to burst.

take it easy.

I'll give you first aid right away, you won't die. "


Zhang Parker, who was wearing a spider suit, fell from the night sky in the next second, and squatted on the stone pillar beside Mason in the iconic Spider-Man posture. He said dissatisfiedly:

"Can you be quieter? Aunt Mei was almost woken up when she fell asleep! What are you keeping them for? Trespassing on private areas without permission, just kill them and throw them out.

I'll take you to S.H.I.E.L.D. tomorrow for an explanation. "

"You can't come back after you go, Mr. Zhang."

Mason rolled his eyes and said:
"Find someone to clean up here. It will still be useful after I treat their injuries. These four are our 'own people'."

"Oh? Then you told me that the one rushing over is one of us?"

Mr. Zhang tapped his wrist, and an optical projection popped up.

In the high-altitude surveillance, a motorcycle was speeding towards the villa. The driver was wearing a leather jacket and couldn't see clearly, but the guy was carrying a shield on his back.

Near the wall, this guy made a vigorous roll, and after landing lightly, he grabbed his shield and put on a chic and cool posture, ready to intervene in the battle.

However, in the next second, this guy met the eyes of Mason and Zhang Parker who were staring at him, and all three of them fell into some kind of speechless embarrassment for a while.

The latter pose is very handsome, very chic.

The buckler that made noise in the raindrops is a classic red and blue color scheme, and the blue battle suit under the flight jacket represents the identity of the comer. Natasha, who was under Mason's hand, struggled and said:

"Captain? Are you... missing?"

"I'm not missing, Natasha, I'm just hiding. These are two concepts."

Under Mason's gaze with a slightly changed expression, the person in front of him stood up generously, took off his hood, and shook his long hair, revealing a standard western female cheek.

Zhang Parker curled his lips and said:
"Well, Margaret 'Peggy' Carter, what are you trying to do breaking into my house?"

"Save people!"

Captain Carter put the buckler back behind him, put his hands on his hips and said:

"I knew something was wrong when I received the news that S.H.I.E.L.D. was going to raid the Parker Industrial Park. It was too late to hurry up, but don't worry, we are friends, right? Xiao Zhang, you still owe me a few What about favors?

Your family has a big business, so you shouldn't care about these little things, right? "

"and many more!"

Seeing the rise of Zhang Parker and Captain Carter's chat, Mason reacted and shouted:
"What's going on? How did Carter Page become Captain America? What about the Steve Rogers of this world? Has he changed his job to become Iron Man?
I would say that there is a big problem in this world! "

"Steve Rogers was indeed the first Iron Man, and there's nothing wrong with your claim."

Zhang Park snorted and said sarcastically:

"But considering you're an outsider, I'm not going to laugh at you for probably graduating with a zero in history, right?
Let me introduce you, before you is a role model for women in the world, an Allied pioneer of World War II, the greatest and first superhero."

"It's not that I don't know her identity!"

Mason looked up and down the very slender Captain Carter, he emphasized:

"I just think the gender is a bit of a problem, but you're right, it's not a big deal, I've met a slaanesh spiderman and a black horse lawyer, and I'm holding an eagle with winter soldier arms eye man.

Another female captain is no big deal. "

Mason took a deep breath to calm himself down. He looked at the heroic Peggy Carter in front of him and said:
"Do you know what the really important issue is right now?"

"I know, Hill sent me a piece of information about the Skrulls at noon."

Captain Carter said very seriously:
"But three hours ago, she sent me a fake address to try to get me hooked, plus you, who gave her information, were attacked by S.H.I.E.L.D.

I guess, this agent came under Hill's name? "

"You might as well guess a little more boldly."

Mason looked at Hawkeye and Natasha who were completely blinded under his feet, and he curled his lips and said:

"Maria Hill has been replaced! In the five hours since she returned to S.H.I.E.L.D. with the documents, another 'Partner to Justice' has been disgracefully kidnapped.

And the stubborn cannon fodder still thought I was lying to them.

Captain Carter, it seems that you are ready for battle. Since Mr. Zhang was woken up, don't go back to sleep. We will set off after I give Natasha first aid in 10 minutes. "

"Where are you going? Sweetheart!"

Harry ran over with a blood-stained baseball bat in his hand and asked, Mason tapped his watch, looked at the shining red dot, and said:
"Go save people! According to the tracker in the skin, Maria Hill is now at the pier in New York Harbor. If she is too weak or too far away, this bioelectric tracker will fail.

My suggestion is, if you still have any weapons that can reverse the situation in your hands, you might as well take them out now.

The Skrulls pressing on at every step leave you with little time to react. "

"Hill has the communicator left by Fury in his hand, the Skrulls are menacing, Stark's energy is completely absorbed by another thing and he doesn't find the real threat.

The only chance for a comeback is now. "

In the icy night rain, Captain Carter said in a deep voice:
"Agent Hill must be rescued! At all costs."

(End of this chapter)

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