The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 390 5. Skrull Programmers Catching BUGs and Patching So Quickly - Adding Updates for Brother

Chapter 390 5. Skrull Programmers Catching BUGs and Patching So Quickly - Adding Updates for Brother Toyohime Watatsuki【520】


The bloody cursed projectile was taken out from the black widow's wound and thrown back into the devil's box, where the cursed gold coins that were once full had now been made by Mason into triangular armor-piercing projectiles for the electromagnetic gun.

He also didn't expect that the things he got very early could accompany him to the present.

But the fact is that the longer he spends in the Stars Club, the more Mason discovers that these world wonders can't just be based on grade.

For example, although this cursed gold coin is not of high grade, it can still exert high destructive power when paired with his increasingly deadly shooting skills and constantly updated firearms.

The black widow lying on the table used as a temporary operating table was injected with anesthesia, but the alchemy liquid used by Mason was quite "evil", it kept Agent Natasha awake throughout the entire process but did not feel the pain of the operation.

To be honest, watching Mason use surgical forceps to extract the cursed bullet from his wound was really horrifying.

After completing the perfect stitching and gaining a wave of experience, Mason raised his head and glanced at the Hawkeye agent who was leaning next to him, and said:

"How does the new arm feel? Give me some feedback. You will use it desperately in a while, and now there is still time for you to fine-tune it."

"I'm just afraid that when I activate it, it will strangle me in turn."

The Clint of this world is a young, 30-something cool guy fondling his newly replaced red robotic arm.

The movement of the five fingers is not jerky at all, and the basic output and protection are much better than what he used before, but as he said, this thing was given by Mason, so he is a little worried.

Faced with this kind of intentional customer mentality, the well-informed captain explained seriously:

"No, you don't have to worry about that extreme situation! Only when the 'Traitor Execution' program is activated, this Isu enhanced bionic mechanical arm will break your spine within 0.5 seconds with maximum force.

But don't worry, Clint, only I can activate that program.

Oh, by the way, the termination process will start when you try to disassemble it without my consent, so I suggest you not to mess with this precision engineering miracle. "

"Thank you for your explanation, I'm much more at ease."

Hawkeye bared his teeth at Mason and helped Agent Natasha, who was gradually regaining consciousness, down.

The two obviously didn't trust Mason, but they were convinced by Captain Carter.

Just like Steve Rogers' status in other Marvel universes, in this parallel world, the reputation of this brave female captain is very high, and she was originally an agent during World War II, so compared to Compared with the slightly pedantic captain in the normal version, Peggy Carter is obviously more decisive and pragmatic.

"What about those two guys?"

Harley chewed gum and pointed to the crossbones and jumping man who were thrown in the corner. Mason glanced at Carter, and she waved her hand and said:

"Release them, I personally recruited them to the special operations team, they are all credible people, otherwise they wouldn't have been sent to die by the Skrulls.

When the hell will Jon Park be ready? "

"Already prepared."

Mason looked back out the window, where a black "Spider Fighter" was flying out of the underground parking garage of the Parker Building.Its elegant appearance is somewhat similar to that of a bat fighter, and at first glance it is specially designed for combat in the complex terrain of the city.

"Aunt May wakes up in four hours, I don't want to worry her, I have a late night date with Playboy cover girl of the month in 2 hours, I heard she is alive and well, I don't want to miss it.

So, you better hurry up. "

Slaanesh Zhangzong's impatient voice rang through the communicator in the room.

A group of people came out one after another. Of course, the Mark series armor they used when they came could no longer be used, but it didn’t matter. Mason’s friendship provided them with the less intelligent but equally useful Isu Vanguard Armor.

After the Isu technological blueprints are unlocked to the second stage, Mason can already add different technological components to these basic armors to achieve different functions.

Most of them are in the testing phase, and this time it just happens to let the elite agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. act as guinea pigs.

"You don't need it, ma'am."

Mason looked at Captain Carter who was wearing a classic uniform and climbed up the gangway on the spider fighter plane. He said in surprise:
"I obviously left you a set of 'Assaulter' armor, which can defend against small-caliber shelling, why? Don't you think that kind of protection is not enough?"

"I have this enough."

Ms. Carter patted the buckler on her back.

She didn't explain more and went straight to the cockpit. When the spider fighter started to head towards the dock in the torrential rain that covered the whole city at night, Agent Natasha explained in a low voice:

"The captain never wears that kind of mechanical armor. It reminds her of her first love, Mr. Steve Rogers, the original Iron Man. When she was exiled to a different space for 70 years and was recalled to this world by Fury , Your Excellency Steve has died of old age."

"Well, I've heard that story before."

Mason shrugged and said:

"But it's about a man's longing for a woman. By the way, Agent Natasha, haven't you noticed the Skrulls after you've been in S.H.I.E.L.D. for so long?

For a person who has been an agent since he was a child, this is a bit too careless, right? "

"We've been on the field for over a year looking for some weird stuff all over the world."

The crossbones sitting next to him popped off his helmet to reveal a rather handsome face. He is a dedicated soldier in this world, and he answered for Black Widow with some indignation:
"Since Nick Fury retired and Tony Stark took power, that guy is very controlling, and anyone who doesn't obey his leadership has to step aside.

In addition, after the Stanford explosion, the guy pushed the superhero registration act. As a result, not only the heroes, but even the S.H.I.E.L.D.

We old men left behind by Fury can't make it to the top, let alone detect the bad things of the lurkers in the organization.

However, if the series of strange things that have happened in the world recently are connected with the Skrulls, there will be a reasonable explanation. The policies of various countries have suddenly changed within a few months, and they have begun to advocate the exploration of outer space and the search for places. The upsurge of foreign civilizations."

The soldier stroked his chin and said:

"Those bastards are building momentum! There must have been a lot of alien bastards sneaking into the top government! Damn! How can the earth's defense be done well with these insects?"

"What? You also want to kill insects and shoot the sun?"

Mason glanced at him, then looked at the eagle-eyed agent who had been silent all the time, and said:
"What's the matter with your arm? I just saw your mechanical arm. It's for the Winter Soldier. There are also Winter Soldier in this world? What's the relationship between him and Ms. Carter?"

"Former comrades-in-arms, gossip boyfriends and all that stuff, but the Winter Soldier is finished too, killed in a conflict years ago."

Bartok the jumper took care of his mohawk hair with a hand mirror. The former mercenary was very satisfied with his new equipment. He winked and said to Mason:

"As for Clint's shoulder, it was the 'memory' left by Hulk when he went mad a year ago, and it was also one of the most important reasons why Hulk was exiled to the stars."


Mason patted his face and said helplessly:
"You really exiled Hulk to the star sea, didn't you expect him to come back with the wrath of destroying the world?"

"Close to New York Harbor! The target has been locked! Everyone, prepare to airborne."

Zhang Parker's voice sounded in the cabin, interrupting the chat between Mason and the heroes of this world.

He glanced down at his watch, the red dot representing Agent Hill was just below it.

Mason gave Halle a wink and signaled her to wait in the cabin, and then he decomposed the water molecules to reappear in the heavy rain on the ground at the pier, and entered the disguised container where Agent Hill was held after two reorganizations of the water molecules .

The ninth-level agent was tied to a chair covered in blood, surrounded by several armed street heroes patrolling back and forth, and two bio-bait bombs slipped out silently and exploded at the same time.

The energy of gene interference exploded in the sealed container.

But beyond Mason's expectation, none of the Skrulls who were hit were "revealed".

These disguised guys just felt dizzy, but then they shot around and someone activated the energy suppressor, forcing Mason out of the pool of water where he was hiding.

"They completed the upgrade to deal with gene disruptors? So fast?"

Mason's heart trembled, he quickly adopted a strategy in the hail of bullets, and decisively activated the key in the face of the attack of the Skrulls disguised as divine men.

With a bang, the heavy and tall vibrating gold power armor appeared out of thin air and blocked Mason. The brute force of the monkey version of the power man hit the power armor to no avail, but bounced himself out.


The enemy's attack failed to scratch our armor!

Mason felt good when he jumped into the cockpit amidst the hail of bullets. The playful and sarcasm sounded by the female Ultron for a moment, and the four bat-shaped floating cannons were activated.

The three Skrull heroes who rushed around were instantly penetrated by the high-energy particle beam.

He controlled the floating cannon and long-range weapons in the cockpit, and handed over the close combat to Ultron. With the combined force of the two, the Skrull in the container was killed neatly within 20 seconds.

Their bodies were thrown into the pool of blood on the ground, and their green bodies quickly appeared.

This fully proves that Mason's concerns are correct.

The Skrulls have upgraded their technology, and the genetic interference of biological decoy bombs is useless to them!Really bad news, although I always knew that this method would not work in the long run, but it is really scratching my head to lose it so soon.

"Lost and recovered? Tsk, good luck."

Mason jumped out of the ejected cockpit. He found the secret chip that had been returned to Agent Hill on the corpse of the Skrull whose neck had been twisted in front of him, and then inserted it into the slot of the power armor. Ultron says:

"Execute the cracking program and see what the hell is going on with SHIELD, which has been infiltrated by Skrulls in this world? By the way, help me contact the Afterlife Bar and transfer John Wick."

"Wait a moment, driver one."

The female Ultron's voice sounded in the empty container, and the assault in the rain curtain outside also kicked off. Under the torrential rain, Mason could clearly perceive that Captain Carter and her team members were dealing with the attack of a dozen pretenders.

But he has no intention of going out to help, he believes they can handle it.

A moment later, when Mason completed first aid for the unconscious Agent Hill, the communication was connected, and Wick's deep voice sounded from the power armor:
"Hello, Mason."

"Inform the others, Wick, that the biological decoy bomb has lost its effect on the Skrulls, and you must be careful in subsequent operations."

Mason reminds:
"Now report on your progress."

"By tracking the Skrulls code-named 'Black Canary', a network of latent personnel operating on the surface has been roughly drawn."

Wick replied succinctly:
"Phase [-] round-the-clock surveillance is currently being conducted by Batman.

As for the old man, their operations in the gray zone are also going smoothly. More than 23 targets suspected of being replaced by Skrulls around the world have been locked and can be executed at any time.

The only thing that is not going well is the magic circle.

The last time Miss Zatanna from the Dark Justice League contacted us was two days ago, and she told us that spellcasters have always been in the middle of nowhere and it is difficult to accurately identify their true identities.

But she said that the traces of those fugitive wizards had been identified by Shazam, and they were hiding in the mysterious country of Kandak in the Middle East.

Therefore, Xiao Zha made a judgment. She suspected that Black Adam, the monarch of Kandak, might be a pretender of the Skrulls. In addition, she also found some disturbing news.

A powerful life form named 'Swamp Thing' is calling followers in the magic circle to establish a 'Green of All Things' church, and publicly declared that 'the final answer is among the stars'.

If its so-called 'stars' is worthy of the stars, then it is basically certain that the swamp monster has been instigated. "

"The fact that the spokesperson of the Green of Everything became the first batch of surrender factions is really terrifying."

Mason complained.

Feeling the fighting subside outside the container, he said:
"Continue to monitor. I will promptly upgrade our 'anti-Skrull tactics'. Once there is news, I will pass it on to you as soon as possible. The communication is over."

The cross-world communication module was interrupted, and the cracking program run by Ultron was also stuck in time to complete.

After the decrypted data card popped up, Mason recovered his perfect vibrating power armor in the first battle, inserted the data card into the watch, and browsed the secret files of S.H.I.E.L.D. through optical projection.

A document marked as top secret, with only an outline of the plan whose content was completely blacked out, quickly attracted Mason's attention.

This plan has a very exaggerated name called "Planet Self-Saving Ultimate Plan", and in its outline description, S.H.I.E.L.D., headed by Tony Stark, has mobilized a lot of manpower and material resources in the past two years to promote a project related to "artificial life". plan of.

According to their expectations in the document, when the world encounters a "world-destroying crisis", this artificial life will shoulder the heavy responsibility of saving the world.

This description reminded Mason of the original intention of the Weapon X project in his home world, which has been rested among the stars, and it also made him feel a little uneasy.

A few seconds later, Captain Carter broke through the lock of the container with the shield that was still bleeding, and she was relieved when she saw Agent Hill who was bandaged.

But before she could speak, Mason pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose and looked at her, whispering:
"What is the content of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s 'Ultimate Planetary Self-Saving Plan'? What do you want to build with the power of the world?"

Captain Carter's complexion changed, and he replied instinctively:
"This is top secret!"

"Your top secret has been targeted by the Skrulls! That's why Agent Hill was implicated."

Mason flicked the data card in his hand and said:
"Of course you don't have to tell me, captain, that will be regarded as a hidden danger by me, so my little cutie and I can only say goodbye to you.

You can take care of the rest on your own. "

"You don't even hide your identity as an outsider, Mason."

Captain Carter scolded:
"You are not from this world, there is no trust between us! And you asked about our top secret plan as soon as you opened your mouth, do you think it is appropriate?"

"Well, let me try to convince you in one sentence."

Mason stared at the face in front of him, which was very different from the Steve Rogers he remembered. In the voice of the heavy rain, he said:
"This world has been infiltrated into a sieve by the Skrulls, so whether your top-secret plans are to protect Earth or destroy it, it will end up in the hands of those alien bastards.

Do you think that artificial life is powerful?

If it is really strong, you should tell me now so that I can prepare for the final boss, at least we are in the same camp when it comes to the Skrulls!
Sober up and recognize who your friends are, okay? "

Captain Carter looked at Mason, and put the shield back behind him after a few seconds of silence. She hugged Agent Hill and whispered:

"It was a robot spawned by the Infinity Stone. Tony called it 'Perfect Ultron'. He believed that the perfect machine could protect us."


Mason covered his eyes.

Obviously this answer made him very uncomfortable.

"I knew it would never do any good to put Tony Stark in power who wanted to arm the world with armor."

He murmured in a low voice:

"I also confirm that your world is hopeless.

The secret invasion of the Skrulls, the civil war brought about by the Superhero Registration Act, the exiled Hulk who always returns, and the upcoming Ultron
The mixing of so many big events is enough to crush you into scum overnight.

Harry and I have to get out of here on the next starship, the sooner the better!

Please tell me how to get to the MIB headquarters?
I'm leaving now. "

(End of this chapter)

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