The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 391 6. As long as Mazefak launches an attack, everything will be fine - Gagen [1]

Chapter 391 6. As long as Mazefak launches an attack, everything will be fine (sure) - Gagen [620]

(Adding updates for the "Rain Mirror" brothers, the title is too long to write.)
In order to rescue Agent Hill, Mason and his party killed nearly twenty Skrulls at the pier in New York Harbor.

This is a considerable number. According to Mason's conservative estimate, as long as they continue to maintain it, perhaps after ten years of hard work, more than half of the Skrull pioneers who invaded the earth will be wiped out.

But from a pessimistic point of view, the Skrull spies may not kindly send twenty cannon fodder to kill them every day, and for the superheroes in this world, they may not have ten years to kill them. squandered.

"The biggest problem right now is that we can't tell them apart!"

On the spider fighter that returned to Parker Industries, Zhang Parker, who did not participate in the battle but collected the battle data throughout the process, played back the previous battle video in the cabin.

He used the analysis program to set a value for the ups and downs of combat power for the pretenders in the screen, and said with a solemn face:
"The power of these pretenders after completing the disguise is almost the same as that of the genuine ones. The worst situation is that we may have to rely on such a small number of people to deal with a strong combination of a replica of the Avengers and super villains.

I feel like I'm on a boat right now.

From the point of view of probability."

"Stop talking about your probability studies!"

Mason, who was sitting next to him and was calculating some data in his mind, raised his head and said decisively to the others around the simple meeting table:
"By the way, multiply the worst case scenario in your personal mind by ten! Don't hold any fantasies that you can solve this matter secretly. The Skrulls are ready for war.

They have replaced the sharpest of you, the brain-eating giants.

If you can still struggle now, if you drag it on, the world will face brain death.

The only good news is that I have just told you that this is a 'private operation', so you don't have to worry about encountering a virus scrub from the Stellar Society or an army of Cleaners.

Gather your teammates. "

Mason waved his hands and said to the frowning Captain Carter:

"Assemble all those teammates you can still trust! Arm them, give up your illusions, and prepare to fight! And you, Mr. Zhang, if you want to continue to live a life of debauchery and care for Aunt Mei, don't even think about it. Stay out of it.

The Skrulls may need a world of slaves to work for their empire, but trust me, a dangerous guy like you is the first wave of restlessness that needs to be cleaned up.

If you choose to surrender, there is a high probability that you will end up being transformed into an irrational killing machine conqueror. "

Everyone in the cabin fell silent. Mason punctured their benign judgment on the situation, but also pointed out the direction. People here are not afraid of fighting.

Although the odds are slim.

"We can contact Wakanda, we can contact mutants and aliens, especially aliens."

After a few minutes of silence, Captain Carter said with a final word:
"Their cities have always lived in solitude. In my memory, the last time Inhumans appeared was at the beginning of the Cold War. The probability of Skrulls infiltrating them is very small.

Mutants also began to shrink their forces after the Stanford explosion. Among them were users of psychic power like the White Queen, and it was very difficult for the Skrulls to infiltrate. "

"But Wakanda has declared permanent neutrality."

Agent Norman Rove sighed and said:
"The superhero registration act pushed by Tony angered the Panthers, and the prodigal king did not welcome us to bring disputes into their domain."

"But we're talking about the Skrulls now."

Zhang Parker snorted, and that face that was exactly the same as Peter showed a gloomy expression that Peter never had. He said:
"The result of their non-participation is that no one will help them after we are destroyed. The black panther understands the truth of cold lips and teeth. We need an envoy to go there with 'sincerity' and 'evidence'."

"Let me go, I have a little friendship with T'Challa."

Hawkeye patted several body bags beside him, all of which contained the corpses of Skrulls.

This cool guy with purple goggles and a cool robotic arm said:

"I need a plane."

"I'm going to Attilan, I have a way to secretly contact them."

Captain Carter moved his fingers and said:

"During World War II, I helped them rescue a group of alien prisoners who were imprisoned by Spicy. The young Black Bolt who had just succeeded to the throne at that time promised that they would come forward when I needed help."

"Finally mutants."

Mr. Zhang's eyes fell on Mason, and the others also looked at him.

They all know that Mason is a mutant who can manipulate water flow. In the current situation where various forces are in conflict because of a set of registration laws, they obviously hope that Mason, as an outsider, can take on the important task of communicating with his compatriots.

"I don't mind being a messenger. Anyway, I don't have anything important to do until I find my friends."

Mason did not refuse.

He patted the hair of Harry, who was sleeping next to him, and said:

"But wait until Agent Hill gets in touch with your strong allies, and from what I know of mutants, their xenophobic nature won't push them into a fight that has no chance of winning.

Whether it is contacting Wakanda or Inhumans, you have to show the strength in your hands.

This is a very simple reason.

Nobody likes jumping on a sinking leaky boat. "

"She's about to wake up."

Mr. Zhang glanced at Agent Hill, who was resting next to him, and said:

"I've been in contact with Nick Fury before. He trusts Ms. Hill the most, who looks like a vase but is actually very powerful. I'm also curious about how much the old guy left for her."

A few minutes later, the spider fighter returned to the underground hangar of Parker Building, and the group also moved to Zhang Parker's mansion.

He sent his little sweethearts to other places in advance, and used a mansion as a temporary base of operations.

Mason opened his luggage and took out the mold-like arsenal and threw it on the ground to enlarge it to normal size, which was displayed on the edge of the hall like "Mason's Wonderful House".

After getting enough Pym particles, he no longer needs to use cumbersome voodoo inscriptions to zoom in and out of these things.

There are a lot of future-style weapons, armor and explosives on display in front of him. This is the self-cultivation of a "support" craftsman. He always carries super firepower that can arm at least 200 people.

"Probably no match for SHIELD's arsenal."

Mason made a "please" gesture to everyone in front of him very modestly, and said:

"But right now you don't have the conditions to ask for better ones, just use them as you like, ask me if you don't know how to use those high-tech smart weapons, don't just try them yourself.

If you break it, you probably won't be able to afford it. "

"You are so humble, Mason."

Captain Carter pushed open the door of "Mason's Wonderful Room" and glanced inside. The portable small tactical nuclear bomb launcher that required two or three people to operate in front of him stunned the well-informed captain.

She looked at Mason strangely, and said:
"The arsenal of S.H.I.E.L.D. is like a kid's toy stand compared to yours here. But are you serious about those three Thor's hammers hanging on the wall?
That thing doesn't look fake. "

"That was a one-off."

Mason explained:
"It is the product of the second upgrade of my engineering concept. For high-intensity confrontation, it is not as cost-effective to spend a long time to make a well-made imitation Thor's Hammer. It is not as good as preparing a few more one-time consumables.

Of course, although it is a consumable item, after its Thunder Inscription is activated, it can guarantee that its destructive power will be slightly lower than that of the genuine version within 5 to 10 minutes.

When the energy is exhausted, it can still be used as a one-time explosive. The power is so-so, roughly equivalent to a 2000-ton aerial bomb? "

Having said that, Mason pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose with some distress, and said:
"The safety of a personal nuclear weapon shrunk down to the size of a fist cannot be guaranteed, otherwise the yield of this disposable Thor's hammer could be further increased.

But don't worry.

My weaponsmiths have been working on this hurdle, and I'm sure they'll come up with a finished product soon. "

"It's the first time I've heard someone use 'equivalent' to describe Quake's hammer, and Thor, the drunk maniac, probably wouldn't like it."

Captain Carter picked up the disposable Thor's Hammer hanging on the wall and waved it in her hand. She whispered:

"Don't make such a crazy thing, just take it as I beg you, give the earth a chance."

"Come on, sweetheart, Agent Hill is awake."

Harry's voice came from the other side, and everyone rushed over immediately, and saw Agent Hill sitting up with Harry's support.

The latter's face was pale and her body was covered with magic-weave bandages. She was abused and tortured by those Skrull bastards. Fortunately, Mason and others left quickly so that those Skrulls did not take out the equipment for directly extracting memories, otherwise the brewing The resistance is nonsense.

But this time Agent Hill is lying on the pink "love water bed" that Zhang Parker usually uses to have fun, and there are a few sexy lingerie that make people blush and heartbeat, so this pair is related to the safety of the world. The scene looked somewhat unserious.

"Harry told me the situation and I know what to do now."

The pale-faced Agent Hill rubbed his brows tremblingly, and said in a weak hoarse voice:
"In the cemetery, Carter, in the graveyard of Steve Rogers, I hid the contacts there, fetch them."


Mason raised his eyebrows and said:
"More than one communicator?"


There is no point in concealing it at this moment, Agent Hill truthfully said to everyone in front of him:
"Fry made preparations before retiring, he was unaware of the Skrull invasion, but he left a plan for a similar situation. I'm the 'watcher' that bastard stays on the earth, in case of crisis Responsible for delivering the message to him.

We still have the communicator left by Captain Marvel.

After Thor had a dispute with the Avengers and left the team two years ago, he also left behind a magic device that could contact him.

We still have reserves, folks! "

The ninth-level agent coughed and cheered up everyone:

"Don't give up! Although the situation is rotten, we can still win. As long as Fury and the others attack, everything will be fine."

"You can't say this casually, it's like setting up a big flag."

Harley complained in a low voice, and by the way put away those unused erotic underwear and planned to show Mr. K to them later.

Mason glanced back at Captain Carter, whose expression was obviously not very good-looking.

the reason is simple.

It was bad enough for my first boyfriend to live alone and die alone with infinite feelings for his girlfriend, but now even his grave is regarded as a treasure trove and there is no peace.

But she didn't say much, turned around and left with Agent Natasha.

The cemetery of Steve Rogers is in New York City. They returned safely 10 minutes later, bringing back the contactor kept in the lockbox.

Agent Hill drank the blood tonic and refreshment that Mason had prepared for her, and after regaining some energy, she began to operate these strange things.

First, he picked up the BB machine inherited from S.H.I.E.L.D. to send a message to Captain Marvel, who was far away in the depths of the universe, and then activated the Asgardian's Philosopher's Stone to tell the Nine Realms Observer Heim about the Skrull invasion. Dahl, ask him to help contact Thor and come back to help.

Finally, Agent Hill used his own DNA to activate the device that contacted Nick Fury.

While operating, she explained to a group of people gathered around her:
"Furry's retirement was just a cover-up.

A year ago, after the Illuminati privately exiled Hulk and Dr. Bruce Banner to space without notifying him, he realized that sooner or later the heroic forces would end if they went their own ways, so he secretly arranged in his retirement career backhand.

A force called Tianjian Bureau was secretly formed at that time.

All personnel were recruited by Fury himself, and they avoided the mainstream hero circle. All they left on the earth were mechanical bionics, and their main body members were all on the secret space station "Sky Sword" near Mars.

Fury also hid there this year.

He's training new heroes and available powers, and now it's time for that one-eyed old black bastard to come back to Earth and deal with the mess he left behind. "

Agent Hill's voice was somewhat gritted.

It's not just from subordinates' dissatisfaction with their superiors who ran away irresponsibly.

According to the gossip of Bartok the Jumping Man, there seems to be some kind of not-so-pure personal relationship between Agent Hill and Nick Fury in this world.

Uh, the two places have been separated for more than two years, not to mention gifts for Valentine's Day and birthdays, not even a single message, no wonder she is so on top.


The suspected transmitter-like instrument was activated, and then a man's face appeared in front of everyone in the form of optical projection. It was not Nick Fury, the bald, one-eyed old black man, but a man with a very high hairline and a gentle face. of middle-aged people.

"Colson! Something happened to Earth."

Agent Hill with a weak face reported to the other side:

"Activate Protocol Zero, Tianjian will return to Earth immediately and prepare for orbital drop! We need soldiers and Nick Fury! Let that cold-blooded bastard hurry up!"


Agent Coulson on the projection has a subtle expression.

He hesitated, and said:
"We all know the situation on Earth, Hill, when Tony Stark launched the 'Perfect Ultron' plan, the other observers left by Fury had already sent back news.

We were supposed to be back on Earth half a month ago, but we're having a little 'trouble' right now. "


A loud noise sounded from the opposite side of the projection, and the entire screen shook a few times. Agent Coulson quickly grabbed an energy cannon barrel at hand, turned around and pulled the trigger.

The dazzling rays intertwined behind him, blowing the heads of the intruders.

This exciting scene made everyone, including Agent Hill and Mason, look at each other, and then Agent Coulson, who cleared up the threat, turned his head and showed a helpless expression.

他 说:

"The Sky Sword was invaded by Skrulls and mixed into the reserve team. Now the situation is controllable. We have locked all the soldiers preparing for the Earth crisis in their dormitories.

But we can't go back with a lot of trouble like this. "

"So, you can't count on it?"

Captain Carter didn't seem surprised by this, she folded her arms and snorted, and complained to Harry beside her:
"From the first time I met Nick Fury, I knew that guy was not reliable. He did have a lot of plans, but every one of them was executed very badly."

"But there's still good news!"

Agent Coulson hastily explained:
"Our year on the Heavenly Sword was not in vain, listen to me, my friends, we caught the signal of the Skrull troop carrier!
They are leaving the solar system to join their main fleet.

Heroes who were captured and replaced on Earth are among them, we've confirmed it!
So, why don't you think of a way to come to Tianjian first, and after we meet up, we can discuss a way to rescue those guys, and then return to Earth to give those alien bastards a big surprise? "

(End of this chapter)

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