The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 393 8. Your pretender is dying every moment, but my logging is endless - Gagen【820】

Chapter 393 8. Your pretender is dying every moment, but my logging is endless - Gagen【820】

(Add more for the "Rain Mirror" brothers!)

"You look very pale. It is said that the little guy from another world wants a cup of 'Galaxy Special Brew'? This is my own family handicraft. It tastes very good, and everyone in Wakanda likes it."

In the lounge of the Black Panther's palace, Mason stared speechlessly at the big purple sweet potato essence who was persuading him to drink with a friendly face.

He feels a lot of pressure.

Is this kind of friendly look supposed to be on Thanos' face?
Rather than being the bartender in your son-in-law's Royal Bar, shouldn't you show off your majesty as the Mad Titan and Director of the Universal Planned Parenthood by slaughtering half the people on the spot?
And are you serious about pinching half a lemon in my wine?

Get a whole one!

You cheapskate bartender, I really need something sour to relieve my stress right now!

Mason's heart was full of holes and he couldn't spit it out, which made him very uncomfortable, so he took the cosmic special brew from Thanos with strange eyes, and killed a third of it with his head up.

Harry and Zhang Parker beside him didn't have so many troubles.

Both of these guys are big on the idea of ​​having a good time, and they've been drinking with the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.

Including Ms. Nebula, the "quasi-queen" wearing a long Wakanda dress with wavy curls, including the former commander of the Kree Empire's stalker, Kolas the stalker who defected because he admired the prestige of the star-lord, and also includes A duck walking upright, wearing a suit and hat with a sad face, is chatting with Harry's two dogs.
That's right, the famous Howard the Duck is also a member of this parallel world version of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

But it's hard to tell whether Mr. Duck is "playing" the role of Grodd or Rocket Raccoon here.

Agent Natasha and her team are at the edge of this very lively Royal Bar. Although they didn't participate in the lively reception, they are tired and really need to release the pressure.

Captain Carter and Agent Hill are currently discussing important matters with the king nicknamed "Galaxy Panther" and formerly nicknamed "Star Lord". Since the Heavenly Sword can't wait for a long time, Mason feels that the meeting will be over soon. There will be results.

"Mr. K, can we adopt that duck?"

Harley, who was having fun, came over and said to Mason in a drunken way:

"Mr. Howard is so funny. He also tells me jokes about the world of ducks. They also have clown ducks, which sound similar to me."

Her hand went all the way down Mason's waist, and was stopped by Mason's hand before reaching the finish line.

Mr. K glanced again at the titan bartender Thanos who was wiping the wine glass but winking at him, and he felt his brain temperature rise again.

"This hellish world! It's as if everything is impossible to put together. I really don't know what I will encounter in the future?"

Mason drank the Thanos hand-picked Cosmic Special Brew in one gulp. This stuff has a lot of stamina. Mason hiccupped and stretched his neck, got up and pulled Harry towards the outside of the bar.

Robin said in surprise:
"Don't you need to think about the improvement plan of superhuman medicine?"

"I just solved that problem 15 minutes ago, cutie. It seems that the speed of the brain's thinking in the state of speed and force is conducive to solving complex problems."

Mason looked back at her and said:
"So before moving on to the next suffering subject, shouldn't we reward ourselves? We need a room to be alone"


Harry gave a cheer.

Smelling of alcohol, she carried Mason into the next bathroom and locked the door with a click. There was a burst of whistles from the bar. It was obvious that these unscrupulous guys already knew what was going to happen next. .

Half an hour later, Captain Carter and King Star-Lord returned to the bar together.

Although it has been several years since he returned to his hometown, T’Challa, who made a name for himself in the Southern Milky Way when he was young, still maintains the style of a "cosmic prodigal son". He prefers this style when he gets along with his own people. A relaxed environment.

Seeing the arrival of the king, the group of people who were having fun also quieted down. They knew that the black panther would definitely announce something.


The black panther helmet on T'Challa's face was retracted into the leopard tooth necklace around his neck, revealing a majestic and free-spirited face. He took the wine glass from his mechanical lover Nebula and looked at him in front of him. All said:
"We're leaving in 10 minutes, heading to Mars orbit to assist the Tianjian space station, and that old bastard Nick Fury is waiting for us to rescue him.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. [-] is back to its old ways. "


The drunken Kree stalker yelled:

"I'm going to activate the Galactic Miranda right now, we'll be there in three to ten minutes!"

"Take my armory."

Star Lord Black Panther reminded:
"We're going to kill the Quartet this time! Just like before, get rid of those annoying ghosts!"

These words made the atmosphere in the Royal Bar hot again.

But of course it is impossible for the king to bring only his own "private guard" when he goes out. Wakanda's ancestral Doramji guard is also ready to go.

This group of bald-headed sisters who trained themselves as "Black Panther's Claw" and "Wakanda Valkyrie" did not fear the deformed aliens. After drinking heavily, they went into the arsenal to choose combat weapons for themselves. Vibranium armor and a leopard-clawed spear.

Of course, not everyone agrees with this rescue operation.

Ms. Okoye, the guard general who is loyal to His Majesty the Black Panther, raised objections. This powerful female warrior whispered to the king after he finished drinking:
"Your Majesty, I admit that the current situation is dangerous, especially since our court is also suspected of being infiltrated by Skrulls, it is necessary to assist the Heavenly Sword Bureau.

But you must stay in the country and take charge of the overall situation. Once our rear is unstable, there is no need to fight this battle. "

"Isn't the queen mother here?"

Black Panther waved his hands, and put his arm around the slender waist of his girlfriend Xing Yun, who looked heroic in battle attire, and said to his general:

"Besides, Eric will stay here for me to sit in the court. I am His Majesty the Black Panther, and he is the Prince of the Leopard. If the two brothers work together, Wakanda will be solid."

"I'm worried about him"

The female general sighed and said:

"Prince Eric obeys you because your charisma has moved him, but his family background is always a hidden danger. Your Majesty, Princess Su Rui is more suitable than him.

But I know, I can't persuade you, so this time, Ayu will be the commander of the Doramiji Guards to go out with you, and I will lead the rest of the troops to sit in the hometown. "

"You always keep me safe from all worries, my general."

Black Panther laughed and poured a glass of wine for his general, and joked:
"If you hadn't been married and had children when I returned to my hometown, I would have pursued you with all my might."

"You say that to every woman you meet, my lord."

The loyal general rolled his eyes and complained:

"If it wasn't for Ms. Xingyun's attention, when the representative of the mutants, Ms. Storm, came to visit last time, you probably would have had an extra lover.

You look at Miss Ororo like you want to eat her"


T'Challa winked at his nonsense general, but Nebula had already heard the words.

The straightforward and hot alien girl stepped on her flirtatious boyfriend, and then left the bar with her big adoptive father.

"It's all your fault, Okoye."

This scene made Star Lord Black Panther sigh and say:
"As a general, shouldn't you keep these secrets from your king? Besides, I just treated Ms. Ororo to a cup of afternoon tea."

"By the way, I kissed him and took off his shirt. If Ayou hadn't discovered it early, your harem would be on fire."

The general made another soft cut, and she sighed and said:
"Your Majesty, Wakanda is a monogamous country. As a king, you must strictly abide by the law."

"I love my hometown, and I would give everything for it, really."

Xingjue Black Panther lowered his head and watched his general leave. He whispered sullenly:

"But maybe, this place is really not suitable for a prodigal son like me."

"I just heard someone say that they want to send their younger brother to stay in prison?"

Mason's voice sounded at this moment.

He helped the peachy-faced Harley to pull out a chair and sit at the bar. Because the bartender Thanos had left, he could only pour himself and the cutie a glass of after-the-fact wine.

He raised his glass to Star Lord T'Challa who was leaning next to him, and said:
"Listen to your general, Sire, that's not a good idea. The threat to the Skrulls comes from their natural ability to disguise, but the threat to humans comes from hearts that cannot be guessed.

In my opinion, the latter is obviously more terrible. "

"Eric is a great guy."

Black Panther raised his wine glass and clinked glasses with this strange guest. He explained:
"During the years when I was taken captive by the damned Yondu to the southern galaxy, Eric was trained as the crown prince of the kingdom. You know, if I hadn't suddenly returned from the stars, the throne should have belonged to him.

Are you Mason?

Carter said that you are from outside the world, you are the one who uncovered the peace of the Skrulls for us, and you helped us make a counterattack plan.

But I'm curious, are outsiders as friendly and unrequited as you? "

"I am eager to be rewarded, but now is not the time to harvest."

Mason shrugged and said:

"As for friendliness? No, my colleagues have many, many advantages, such as greedy enough and cold-blooded enough, but you can't describe them as friendly.

Kindness has never been a virtue of Stellaris, as for me... I just look crooked. "

"Oh, I get it."

Star Lord Black Panther is obviously a very smart person, he understands Mason's hidden meaning, but time is tight and the two don't have too many opportunities to chat.

With the Doramiji guards ready, an elegant spaceship apparently armed with Vibranium technology ascends into the sky from the Wakanda court.

This is a real spaceship for space travel.

According to Colas, the mechanic of the Guardians of the Galaxy, it can reach the Tianjian in three to ten minutes.

And even these three 10 minutes, Mason didn't want to waste it.

He activated a special signal in the special communication cabin, which was a secret communication that had never been actively contacted before. After waiting patiently for more than ten seconds, the communication was connected.

On the optical projection in front of Mason's eyes, there appeared a guy with a face as pale as a vampire, a diamond-shaped bloodstone on his forehead, and a hazy temperament that didn't look like a good person at first glance.

"Mr. Sinister, has Utopia achieved any results in the genetic research of the Skrulls?"

Mason sat on a chair and asked straight to the point:
"My biological decoy bombs have been ineffective against them. They have upgraded their transformation ability to block the loopholes. I don't have much to do for a while, but I can only turn to you, the best biologist among mutants."

"Most? No, you can't call a researcher that. There are many biologists in Utopia. I'm just a member of my compatriots who is better at this field."

The gloomy Mister Evil corrected:

"This is a violation of the advertising laws of many parallel worlds, and it may get you into trouble. However, there are already some results."

As a super villain, he did not hesitate to transmit his achievements to Mason by means of communication. He said:
"The camouflage ability of the Skrull reminds me of an outstanding compatriot. After obtaining Mystique's consent, I fused her X gene fragment with the Skrull gene.

The result is gratifying.

After tens of thousands of years of evolution, those aliens have made their genes very flexible, and with blood cells that can be changed at will, they can create infinite possibilities.

But all this is still a process that can only be accomplished through will manipulation.

After adding Mystique's gene fragments, their already outstanding deformation ability has been 'upgraded' again, and the genetic changes make their self-transformation even without the manipulation of will.


Mason, my outstanding compatriot, you must learn to use the instinct of all creatures to evolve, no matter what the evolution brings is good or bad."

Mister Sinister let out a low laugh.

He stroked an ordinary mug in his hand, and stuck a pen on the mug under Mason's gaze. The next moment, the "mug" let out a scream and twisted its body into an identical signature pen.

The process made Mason's eyes light up.

He already understood the thinking and operation of Mister Sinister, he said:
"The genetic shocks used to interfere would be repelled by the Skrull's instincts as a threat, and I suspect that's how they upgraded themselves.

But if it is a beneficial reinforcement, the Skrull's immune system will not be activated.
If their transformation and camouflage abilities are upgraded from 'active skills' to 'passive skills', then the overly sensitive camouflage power will also make them invisible.

Functional loss of control due to inability to master mutant powers.
You are a true genius. "

"No, I'm just a little sharper than my countrymen."

Mister Sinister declined such praise.

After seeing that Mason had understood his thoughts, he talked about another matter. He took out a small bottle that was undergoing a certain reaction, shook the gurgling liquid in it, and said to Mason:

"The Skrull's genetics are being analyzed, and it will take a few days to produce a complete map. This process is not difficult, but it is only the first stage compared to the terrible results you want to achieve.

Mason, I understand your idea of ​​developing a 'civilization-destroying' weapon against the Skrulls. I think this idea is very bold and courageous.

I just doubt your ability. "

He narrowed his bloody eyes and said to Mason:
"Can you really do this on your own? Your communication coordinates are from an unknown world. I guess you have encountered the 'Skrull Dilemma'. Do you really need assistance from your hometown and fellow countrymen?

We are family."

"You always send shivers down my spine when you pretend to be a kind elder and talk like this. We all know this is not your persona."

Mason replied frankly:
"I'll need help from Utopia, but not right now, I can handle that right now. As for developing the 'Skrull Plague' thing, I don't think it's going to bother me.

After all, in some world backgrounds, the profession of alchemist is always associated with plagues and horrors.

I have no intention of reversing this stereotype.

Please tell the Supreme Professor and the X Council who feel the pressure from the Skrulls' malicious provocation and declaration of war for me. As the honorary X knight of Utopia, I will help my fellow citizens solve this trouble.

Since the X royal family advocates blood for blood, then I will execute the punishment of tooth for tooth! "

Mister Sinister nodded.

He replied with a serious and meaningful expression:

"It is admirable that you took the initiative to apply to become an 'executor' to take responsibility for your hometown, so one day in the future, when someone provokes you, we will also regard it as a declaration of war against all mutants.

The aid you can receive depends on your demonstrated worthiness.
Mason Cooper.

We have kept our eyes open and sat in the front row. Now, let the family see the 'miracle' you have promoted. "

(End of this chapter)

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