The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 394 9. Providing the enemy with the best agents is a fine tradition of S.H.I.E.L.D. - for Br

Chapter 394 9. Providing the enemy with the best agents is a fine tradition of S.H.I.E.L.D. - for Brother Rainglass【920】

Mason got help from "family members", and the research results passed to him from Utopia solved the biggest trouble he is currently facing.

But what Mister Sinister sent was just knowledge, and Mason had to do it himself to transform it into something real.

Fortunately, Mason's hands are quite dexterous after a long time of making.

Therefore, when the Star Lord Black Panther's Galaxy Miranda approached the orbit of Mars, Mason left the communication room where he was, and he had already produced the "finished product".

"I call it 'bio-decoy bomb enhanced'."

In front of a crowd of fully armed rescuers, Mason took out his work.

There is no difference from the previous biological decoy bombs, the round and cute still maintains the mystery and elegance of the Isu creations, and the geometric lines on it are extremely simple under the lights of the Miranda during battle.

Mason tossed it up and down and said:
"I won't explain the specific principle. You just need to know that the birth of this thing stems from the selfless dedication of one of my compatriots. After activation, it will apply a short-term mutation to all life within fifty yards, camouflaging the creature's ability to deform Breakthrough to new heights.

It went from a lethal weapon to a buff, so that it could bypass the Skrull's sensitive immune system and enforce it. "

"But you only have this one."

Ms. Nebula, wearing the armor of the Guardians of the Galaxy, plucked her waist-length golden waves. She questioned:

"We will enter the Heavenly Sword in 5 minutes. There are at least a few thousand people there. Waiting for you to make more of these buffs is enough time to hide the Skrull bastards in it and start more shameful plots."

"Stop looking down on Mr. K."

Halle chewed the bubble gum, holding her baseball bat in both hands like a monkey with a stick, and she blew a big pink bubble and said:

"My little sweetheart can make a bunch of finished products for you in the blink of an eye, he is a walking super factory!"


Mason accepted Halle's compliment, he pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose, looked from the window of the spaceship cabin to the huge white space station that was already in front of him, and said:

"Copying this new instrument is not a big problem. What I am worried about now is the situation in Tianjian."

Star Lord Black Panther and Captain Carter, who had changed into a space combat suit, looked at each other.

Obviously, the two of them understood Mason's subtext, so Captain Carter said to the others:

"We need to consider the worst-case scenario, if it's a trap
If Fury and his secretly trained Sky Sword agents have been wiped out by the Skrull attack, and the Skrull left here are waiting for us to come over just to root out the last handful of rebels. "

"Then we're screwed."

Forcibly pulled over to join the team, Zhang Parker, a "conscience entrepreneur" with a face of reluctance, was wearing a space spider suit designed by himself and was testing the flexibility of the octopus' arms. Hearing Captain Carter's description, he curled his lips and said:

"Fortunately, I bought a huge amount of insurance for myself before I left. The beneficiary is Aunt Mei. Even if I die here, she will not be alone."

"You Spider-Man is too pessimistic!"

Harry curled his lips in dissatisfaction and said:

"Our old Peter over there is much more interesting than you. There are endless interesting stories about him. For example, at the age of 34 this year, he has an eight-year-old daughter and a 15-year-old granddaughter."


Mr. Zhang was stunned by these words that sounded illogical, and the eye sockets on the mask were widened. Mason, who had prepared a pile of materials in front of him, glanced at him, sighed and said:
"You think Harley is crazy but it's actually true. Don't ask me the details. I can't explain it in a sentence or two."

After speaking, a red light flashed in his intertwined palms, and he activated it in a formation, and a large pile of materials was transformed into two hundred enhanced biological decoy bombs in the beating of light.

"Cool, magic!"

Wearing a vibrating gold battle suit and holding a vibrating gold propeller sword, Thanos showed eight white teeth, gave Mason a friendly thumbs up and said:
"Very cool, man."

"I get stressed every time I see your friendly smile, Thanos."

Mason complained:
"Please don't show such a sunny smile, remember to be fierce when you cut someone down later to restore your image of the overlord in my heart, okay?

By the way, I have the armor boxing glove in the shape of the Infinity Gauntlet, do you want it?

It doesn't make much sense without this. "

After finishing speaking, a golden Infinity Gauntlet boxer was thrown to Star-Lord's "father-in-law". Thanos took it in his hand and moved it on his left hand, and then expressed his appreciation for Mason's excellent craftsmanship.

This Thanos is really funny and friendly
Well, his luck must not be too bad.

"Docking of the spaceship! The hatch will open in 1 minute! Get ready, guys!"

The stalker Colas who was driving the spaceship shouted, and everyone in the cabin got ready. They queued up to take the things they would use from Mason one by one.

"Throw it out when you see someone, don't care what they say."

While distributing the bomb, Harry exhorted:

"The Skrulls are the most cunning, they will become the people you are most familiar with to interfere with you, especially after they come into contact with you, they will read your memories.

So, if you suddenly see your dead grandpa or grandma or your cheating ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, don’t hesitate to shoot first before questioning!

It doesn't matter if you are accidentally injured, Mr. K has prepared a first aid station!
As long as he didn't die on the spot, he could be saved. "

Mason stood at the cabin door. After the connection between Miranda and Tianjian, he took out a special air tank and shook it in his hand, spraying a little on each person he passed.

This isotopic signature, rubbed out by Firestorm, can only be detected by the instruments in the hands of K-Squad, and is now a central tool in their anti-Skrull tactics.

And there is also a special person waiting on the Tianjian.

Fury's confidant, Agent Phil Coulson, is holding a huge energy cannon, and Agent Brand, the head of the Sky Sword Bureau, is guarding the connection port on the left and right.

They had come to meet the reinforcements.

Coulson and Brand both heaved a sigh of relief when they saw Captain Carter striding forward with the buckler on his back.

The two put down their weapons and went forward to meet them, but unexpectedly, Harry flashed out from Captain Carter's slender back, and threw a ball at the two of them.

When the thing fell to the ground, the invisible energy mixed with the programmed Mystique gene signal hit the two agents. The tall Agent Brand did not respond, but the face of Agent Coulson, who was maintaining a gentle smile beside her, changed drastically. .

But before he could attack the intruders, the mimetic camouflage biological talent that had been "upgraded" into a passive skill was activated uncontrollably.

Under the stunned gaze of the crowd, he twisted his body into something exactly like the huge energy gun in his hand and smashed it to the ground.


Agent Brand exclaimed, she thought it was some kind of evil spell.

But in the next moment, the rescuers walking in front of them pulled out their weapons in unison and fired at the Skrull Lurker who had turned into an energy gun, instantly turning it into a mosaic.

After the latter died, its body also returned to a disgusting mass of rotten flesh, but the true identity of this guy could already be judged from its appearance.

"Fry is still so rough? I don't know what reason he can make up to explain this embarrassing thing in a while, and let the Skrulls be responsible for searching for spies.

I can already imagine how bad the situation on the Tianjian is. "

Captain Carter curled his lips, patted Agent Brand on the shoulder over the piece of minced meat, stuffed a biological bait bomb into her hand, and said:

"We are taking over the Tianjian now! It doesn't matter what faction you were before, or what you are doing! Everyone returns to their cabins for inspection!
Violators will be punished as Skrull spies! "

"Follow orders, Brand."

Nick Fury's exhausted and helpless voice came from the communicator next to him. Obviously, the bald old black and Mazefake in this world have fully seen what happened just now.

He was very tired and said:
"I locked myself in the office, and the Heavenly Sword was taken over by Captain Carter, Mazefak! Now I look in the mirror and wonder if I am a spy sent by the Skrulls."

"let's move!"

The Xingjue Black Panther gave an order, and the well-trained Doramiji guards immediately entered the Tianjian under the leadership of several agents.

Everyone was mentally exhausted by this group of elusive and ever-changing Skrulls, and their hearts were extremely angry. Among other things, there are definitely a lot of Skrull bastards in the space station in front of them.

So the next choice is simple

I want to see a river of blood.gif!

Agent Bland, who had been identified, would feel a little lost. She stared at the minced meat of "Colson" and fell into an unconcealable decadence.

Since my close comrades-in-arms in the past year have always been disguised by Skrulls, it means that Nick Fury's "Sky Sword Project" has failed from the beginning.

The most important year of my life was wasted like this. I thought I had really joined some righteous cause, but it turned out to be a complete joke in the end
She was lost.

This is normal.

People are prone to emo after a major life blow.

Mason walked over with light steps. When passing by the silent Agent Brand, he stopped and glanced at her, saying:


The director of Tianjian Bureau nodded and explained in a low voice:
"Not a mutant from the X-Men, I was born in space and I don't know the mutants on Earth."

"That's daring."

Mason stretched out his hand to her, letting his gloved left hand turn into a flowing water and swirl into a dancing snake, and after a vivid "magic show", he returned to the appearance of five fingers.

He joked:

"I'm still a mutant from another world, and I'm as unfamiliar as the mutants on Earth. Maybe you can show me around here?"

"I don't know you well, do I?"

Agent Brand took a vigilant look at the approaching Mason.

The latter pouted, took out the "X Knight" badge granted to him by Utopia from his pocket, waved it in front of the agents of the Heavenly Sword Bureau, and said:
"It doesn't matter whether we are familiar with each other. The mutants in the world are one family, and the mutants in the entire multiverse are one family. I can take a few minutes to introduce 'Utopia' to you.

Trust me, you will be interested.

And the compatriots of this world also need a representative when they join the 'big family'.

I think you are quite suitable.

By the way, I'm in need of some help as I run 'Operation Retribution' for our extended family. "

"A disciplinary action across the world?"

Agent Brand asked in surprise:

"Who is the target?"

Mason pulled out the pistol at his waist and aimed it forward. Amidst the chaotic fighting sound, a Skrull who was seen through was shot and shot in the head while he was fighting and retreating as he passed the fork.

The gunpowder smoke from the muzzle was still flying, and the headless corpse fell to the ground amidst blood splatter.

Mason spun and retracted the pistol in a cool posture, glanced at Agent Brand, and made a "please" motion forward, with clear meaning in his eyes.

And the Director of the Heavenly Sword Bureau, who had just had his career ruined by the Skrull bastards, was taken aback for a moment, and then a vindictive smile appeared on his face eager to try.

She took the Tactician Kinetic Shotgun from Mason, loaded it with a click, and said:

"Very well, I joined."
"The entire Tianjian currently has 3754 people, 2500 combat troops, and the rest are logistics and command personnel."

In the main control hall of the Tianjian space station, Nick Fury, a bald old man wearing an iconic leather trench coat with his hands behind his back, introduced the current situation to Captain Carter and the Star-Lord Black Panther.

他 说:

"These 2500 people are carefully selected by me to prepare for possible crises on the earth. Most of them are fighters who were taken in by me after the Brotherhood of Mutants disbanded. I think this is a surprise soldier at a critical moment."

"It is."

Captain Carter said sarcastically:

"The premise is that if it has not been infiltrated into a sieve by the Skrulls from the beginning, don't cover up the situation! Tell me clearly, how many people do you think can be used by us in this space station now?"

"Half? One third?"

The bald old black shook his head. He reached out to light up the monitor of the space station on the main console. Seeing the confrontation and chaos happening everywhere, he said with a headache for a while:

"Carter, the number of people is not the main issue in the current situation. The Heavenly Sword plan failed, and I am responsible, but the signal from the Skrull captive ship that we intercepted was not fake.

It's now approaching the edge of the solar system, and the grand fleet of those bastards is heading for our galaxy.

We must bring back all the captive heroes, and return before the Skrull fleet reaches Earth and gather more men to prepare for the counterattack.

I know you and Tony Stark are at loggerheads over the Superhero Registration Act, but this is not the time to split. "


The door of the main control room was opened, and Agent Hill, who was still weak but insisted on coming, walked into the control room and strode towards Fury, whose expression changed slightly.

Without giving the other party any chance to explain, he waved his hands and slapped him across the face.

"This is your response to leaving me your mess!"

Hill pointed at Mazefak and shouted:

"It's over between us! Fury, don't even think about the child, I won't give you visitation rights! And you thought the situation too well, Mason talked to me on the way here, and he proposed A rather horrific guess.

If everything that happened in the past two years was dominated by the Skrulls"

Agent Hill glanced at the group photo of the Avengers placed on the main console. At that time, she stood beside the expressionless Fury and smiled brightly like an idiot.

The ninth-level agent sighed, she turned to Captain Carter and the Black Panther and said:
"One very important point that we've been missing is that we've always thought Tony Stark, the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D., is credible, but what if he's also replaced by a Skrull?
That damn 'Perfect Ultron' project should have been stopped in the first place!But the Superhero Registration Act has stalled everyone and created dire divisions.

All this is arranged by them.

Just to keep us on our toes, and those of us who are supposed to protect the world have to rely on an explorer from another world to remind us of these horrific details.

Abandon all illusions, the war has already begun! "

Agent Hill clenched his fists and said to several people in the main control room:
"We're at an absolute disadvantage. But luckily, we now have a friend of mysterious origin we can count on. Fury, it's time for you to tell everyone what you've been hiding.

About how we inexplicably escaped the end of the world three times
I know this has nothing to do with what's going on with the Skrulls, but you trust my female instincts!

Mason will be interested in the news, and if we need his full assistance, telling him these concerns will win us a solid and reliable ally.

We need friends now!
Whether it's from another world or not, we all need it! "

(End of this chapter)

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