The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 395 10. May His Majesty the Great Black Panther let me touch your big baby? -For Rain Mirror

Chapter 395 10. May His Majesty the Great Black Panther let me touch your big baby? -For Rain Mirror Brothers 【1020】

Agent Maria Hill obviously knew something, and it was definitely not just because of the stolen data card that she was kidnapped by the Skrulls.

She told everyone about the content of "Sky Sword Project" and Nick Fury's secret efforts for some "terrible" things, which is basically equivalent to telling everyone that Mazefake actually knows a lot of little-known things.

But she is a well-trained master spy after all.

Secrecy is her instinct, and she can't reveal too much until she gets Nick Fury's permission, but the failure of the Sky Sword project makes Hill can't stand it anymore.

Now is not the time to hide the truth.

Under the strong request of Agent Hill, the bald old man looked dissatisfied, but after hesitating for a while, he still opened a document stored on the main console.

A video material is projected.

A reflection of another world suddenly appeared above the city in the dead of night, but like some kind of strange optical change, the reflection disappeared in an instant, as if it had never appeared.

There are many similar fragments.

They are all collected by astronomy enthusiasts or witnesses from all over the world. As these fragments are constantly beating, Mazefak said:

"Our world has encountered crises. It has happened three times in the past 17 years. The most recent one was just a month ago. It is suspected that there is a tremor in the plane, and unknown energy is transmitted from the depths of the universe and exerted on the earth.

I built the Tianjian not only to train secret agents, but also to better observe this phenomenon.

A month ago, I completely observed the whole process of another world quietly appearing among the stars, but as shown in these video images, other forces would intervene before the reflection of the world fully appeared.

We detected that the energy distortion at that moment has reached the level that can destroy the world, and it all comes from the doomsday natural disaster that occurred due to unknown reasons.

It was blocked three times.

But the saddest thing is that we don't even know why it happened and who came to help us through it. Hill is right, and now I also doubt that the Skrull's secret invasion of the earth is to find out the truth.

But I have no proof. "

"We should break the news to Mason."

Xingjue Black Panther stroked his chin and said:

"He never told us what he came to our world for, but Hill's intuition makes sense, and this should be one of his goals.

At least it was much stronger than the reason that he lied about coming to find his missing friend.

I mean, I will try my best to find my missing friend, but if he has fallen into another world"

"Cough, first of all, I didn't lie to you. I came here to find my lost and unlucky friend. You shouldn't doubt me, T'Challa."

Mason's voice suddenly sounded from Agent Hill's wrist, startling everyone present.

Hill raised his wrist and found that his agent bracelet had been hacked.

That bad guy Mason is operating it remotely, can't confirm when he turned it on, but he must have heard everyone talking just now.

"Okay, don't worry about it so much."

Mason seemed to sense the emotional changes of everyone present, he popped up an optical projection and said:
"You didn't believe me, and I have to take corresponding precautions. This is human nature. Let's talk about the really important things, about what Mr. Nick Fury just revealed.

I have a lot of information here to share with you.

It was indeed a terrible natural disaster.

My partners and I are looking for a way to fight it, and maybe we can get some unexpected joy from you, a "blessed place" that has escaped three disasters.

Now that everyone has clarified their positions, I think we can cooperate further. I will help you kill the Skrulls, and join my resistance alliance when you get back your own world.

I think it's a good deal, what do you guys think? "

"Are you so confident that you can solve the troubles of the Skrulls?"

Nick Fury was skeptical, and Mason was silent for a few seconds, saying:

"You are much worse than the bald black man I know, Fury, how can there be such a big gap in ability when you are both space-time aliens? Because I am dealing with your mess now, so you better give me a little more trust.

After all, the person who needs help more now is not me.

Get down!

Hundreds of Skrulls gathered in the lower cabin of the space station. They seem to be planning to blow up here. I suspect those bastards have the means to survive in space, but you probably don't.

Let's have a good chat after this matter is resolved. "


Captain Carter gave an order.

Everyone, including Fury, grabbed their weapons and rushed out, leaving Agent Hill here to maintain the basic operation of the Sky Sword.

The entire upper floor of the space station has been wiped out, and there are tragic dead bodies everywhere. Those Skrulls not only disguised themselves, but also used their abilities to make the secret agents mess up.

The trust between each other has been completely destroyed. In a state of high mental tension, no one knows whether the friend next to him will suddenly stab himself.

In this case, accidental injury is unavoidable, but the overall situation is actually much better than the worst situation Mason imagined.

At present, four out of five people on Tianjian are real. The small number of Skrull vanguards is their biggest disadvantage. It is impossible for them to deploy a large army in a space station far away from the earth.

"It's just massacre."

Star Lord Black Panther grabbed his two elemental guns and activated the stepper, and led a team of Black Panther Valkyries to follow Captain Carter to the lower cabin, expressing his opinion on the tragic corpses along the way.

He murmured in a low voice:

"That Mason looked so polite, why did he fight like a lunatic? Look over there, those unlucky ghosts had their heads smashed into their chests with blunt objects."

"The answer is simple."

Captain Carter whispered:
"These Skrulls were not killed by Mason, but the 'cute' next to him! Harley Quinn, her sweet appearance obviously concealed her danger."

"It's a bad habit to speak ill of people behind their backs, Big Sister Carter."

Harry's voice suddenly sounded from above.

Following the falling of the three torn Skrull corpses, the Robin woman in the form of blood splattered with venom grabbed the Isu baseball bat and jumped down like a ghost.

The symbiote suit covered her body like a gel coat, making her look sexy and crazy at the same time extremely scary, especially the venom's chaotic teeth and scarlet tongue, full of the majesty of a top predator .

But when he landed, the suit was recycled, and he turned back into the sweet and lovely psycho girl image of Harley chewing bubble gum.

She waved the baseball bat in her hand, whistled to call for the dogs she was hunting freely, then pointed to the front and said:
"It's all cleared up, sweetheart is waiting for you. He said that if you don't go there, he will activate his big toy, which can dismantle your space station into a garbage dump in 10 minutes."

"The Skrulls are arranging bombs, the kind that can blow us all into stardust. Below is the power zone of the space station. A slight damage will lead to serious consequences.

Nebula and Howard Duck have gone down. "

When everyone rushed to the passage leading to the lower floor guarded by Mason and the Mad Titan, Thanos, who likes to laugh and is very kind but the actual combat power is very terrifying, pointed to the bottom and said:

"We need a powerful but controllable precision weapon now, Star Lord, it's time for you to play."

"I knew it."

Xingjue Panther complained.

The majestic and free-spirited King rolled his eyes, pulled out a unique mechanical hand ring and put it on his wrist, clicked to activate, and then a huge golden mechanical box was summoned to his side in the space distortion.

"This is my 'supreme arsenal'."

As T'Challa unlocked it, he explained:

"It's the secret weapon of the Guardians of the Galaxy. If it weren't for the critical situation this time, I wouldn't bring it. Of course, it can also feast your eyes. I'm serious."


The mechanical box on the back slowly opened, and in the accompaniment of the random light and the weird and piercing BGM, Mason saw a whole box of "special weapons".

First on the left is an upside-down Dragontooth sword from the Valkyries of Asgard.

Then came the storm hammer of the horse-faced Thor, the war ax of the god of war Ares, the symbiotic vine whip of the human body, the lightsaber of the Shia consul of fighting swords, the armed belt of Hyperion, and Malekith, the king of the dark elves. The witchcraft dagger of the Frost Giant, the Winter's Box of the Frost Giant, and the Night Helm of the Death Goddess Hela.

Finally, there is a thunder scepter lying flat on the platform below, which undoubtedly belongs to Odin, the god king of Asgard, just by looking at its appearance.

The must-hit gun Gungnir.

In addition to these well-known weapons in the universe, there are also some not so well-known ones.

For example, the Vatum wand of a certain supreme mage, and a "gadget" like a silver lighter that was placed on the edge, but made Mason's eyes twitch inconspicuously.

Mason is obviously a smart guy.

He could tell at a glance that these weapons were by no means simple replicas, and the light of power shining on them could not be the majesty exuded by fakes.


Seeing Mason's shocked expression, Star Lord Panther's heart was obviously greatly satisfied.

He mysteriously raised his finger and made a silent movement, while picking up Hela's night battle helmet and buckling it on his head, he said:

"Don't let other people know that I have this thing, or there will be no peace in Wakanda. Grab what you like and go with me, everyone."

He was suspended in the air, and with a slight flick of his hands, two shuttle-shaped death blades popped out of his hands.

This is obviously Hela's helmet that gave Star-Lord the power to temporarily manipulate the power of death.

And Thanos next to him grinned, grabbed Odin's Judgment Spear and flicked it in his hand, and then rushed down with his son-in-law amidst the thunder flying in the sky.

Others also armed themselves.

Only Mason didn't care about those eye-catching artifacts from all worlds, and all his attention was focused on this wonderful device called the "Supreme Armory".

He reached out and touched the mechanical edge of the summoned supreme arsenal. After a few seconds, the information label popped up:

Collector's Favorite Supreme Arsenal Classic Collection
Quality: Engineering Artifact Immortal Craftsmanship
Traits: Reality Rewriting (Advanced) · Continuous Energy · Indestructible · Autonomous Memory

Special effects:

[-]. A knight does not die with his bare hands

According to the weapon information entered in the database, every time the supreme arsenal is opened, 33 pieces of equipment with the highest quality [cosmic artifact] and the lowest quality [artifact] will be randomly provided for use.

All weapons and armor simulated by the rewritten reality have exactly the same attributes, powers and related divine powers as the real items during the effective period.

The Supreme Arsenal can be opened once every 24 hours, and each time lasts for 60 minutes.

The supreme arsenal draws energy from the source of the universe, and does not require external supplementary energy in the complete universe.

Once the supreme arsenal is completed, it will be indestructible, and it can be used as a temporary shelter when necessary, and it can be exempted from all attacks not higher than [Galaxy Destruction Level].

[-]. The lifelong enemy of the frog in the well

The supreme arsenal can customize equipment according to the user's needs, but the user needs to master all the details of the equipment.

The supreme arsenal needs to constantly update the database information to ensure accurate calculations. When the information of artifacts and legendary weapons and armor stored in the database is less than three rotations (99 pieces), the item cannot be crafted or opened.

The current number of legendary weapons and armor blueprints mastered by users is: 47 pieces.

Maker: Collector

Item description: I know what you're thinking, but give it up, you can just drool and enjoy this level of stuff now, it's good for young people to have ambitions, but you have to be self-aware of the limits of your abilities, understand? --Love comes from someone big who likes to see your jokes

The blueprint of this item has been included, but you can check and make it when you need engineering to reach lv10. The blueprint of the downgraded version [Fake Dealer Arsenal] is unlocked, and you need engineering Lv8 to craft.

"I thought I had nothing to pursue in the field of engineering, but the truth is that you never know what you really want until you step out of your comfort zone."

Mason sighed.

Looking at Harley, who was holding two witchcraft daggers of the king of dark elves and dancing the sword dance, he patted the mechanical shell of the supreme arsenal and said:

"It's decided! It's the next target!"

As he spoke, he put his hands on the shining golden light-shaping platform of the supreme arsenal, and went through the details along with the blueprint of a certain legendary weapon that had been included in his mind.

In the next second, Mason's hand sank, and an electromagnetic gun with an unremarkable appearance fell into the palm of his hand.


He stroked the real Falke gun in his hand, loaded it casually, felt the terrifying energy reverberating in it, turned his head and said to Harry who was choosing a "weapon" for his dog:
"Take it easy, cutie, these things only last 60 minutes, they're not real, but on the bright side, at least 60 minutes.

It's as comfortable as being able to prostitute Huo Qilin for free without charging money. "

"You're saying weird things again."

Harley grabbed two Shi'ar Consul lightsabers, and flicked out the dazzling red light blades with a bang, she said:

"Are we going down to help with the fight, sweetheart? They seem to be advancing well."

"It's okay to stay here anyway."

Mason shrugged his shoulders, and rushed down with Harley in his hand, a team of Skrulls who had escaped Thanos' mad slaughter rushed out like wild dogs, and ended up fighting Mason. had a face-to-face meeting.

These guys who are already above are not cowardly at all.

In a blink of an eye, it transformed into three Wolverines, two Cyclops and one Thor, basically making up an Avengers lineup and rushing towards Mason shouting.

Mason whistled, raised the BFG9000 that roared with energy, and aimed at them.

But in the 0.05 seconds when he pulled the trigger, his head, which was a little dizzy from seeing the real engineering artifact for the first time, suddenly realized a rather serious problem.

Now I hold a super gun in my hand that can "destroy the world" in every sense, and the result of firing a shot in a place full of sophisticated equipment like the space station is

One-fifth of the lower half of the Tianjian was shattered by a brilliant green laser. The disaster-ridden S.H.I.E.L.D. property still had a nightmare of being destroyed by "our own people".


Mason looked at the gap in the space station that was shot through in front of him. He released the Fenrir armor and pulled Harry into the cockpit to prevent her from being sucked into outer space, while quickly trying to repair the terrifying hole in front of him.

Of course, he didn't forget to throw the Falcon in his hand into the gap leading to outer space in front of him to "destroy the corpse and wipe out the trace".

"If they ask after a while, you can say that the Skrulls started the bomb, and we didn't stop it, you know?"

In the cockpit, Mason said to Harry who was tired in his arms:

"We can't afford to pay for such a big space station, but it's no wonder that Captain Morgan has always wanted a Falke gun. Isn't this power a bit too much?
I didn't have any energy at all just now.

Well, it seems that it's time to try to challenge the limit and make the finished product of this thing. "

(End of this chapter)

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