The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 396 11. Now I Specially Invite You to Be a Part of the "Anti-Old A Tactic" - Month

Chapter 396 11. Now I Specially Invite You to Be a Part of the "Anti-Old A Tactic" - Monthly Ticket Plus [1120]

"Those Skrulls are really crazy, my sweetheart and I tried to stop them! But they still detonated the bomb like crazy, blowing a big hole in your expensive space station.

Luckily there are nanobots in Sweetheart's Power Armor to patch it up, otherwise everyone would be floating in space now!

Why don't you hurry up and thank little sweetheart for saving us? "

In the messy bottom cabin of the Sky Sword space station, Harry waved his hands and tried to explain to the gloomy Nick Fury what happened just now.

Her words were sincere and her expression was serious. If it wasn't for the fact that Pooh just checked the surveillance, she might have believed it.

After all, judging from the information collected so far, these Skrulls who invaded the earth are indeed crazy enough, just like a group of brainwashed cultists.

It is not impossible for them to choose suicide and take away the enemy when they are in a desperate situation.

But it's still the same sentence, because the marinated egg watched the surveillance, so...
"Did you do it on purpose? Or was it careless?"

He stared at Mason unkindly, and asked soul-like torture.

The captain who had done something bad shrugged his shoulders and did not choose to deny it. He glanced at the supreme arsenal that was being slowly closed by the Star Lord Black Panther behind him, and turned back to Fury and said:

"I was thinking about a very important thing, to put it simply, trying to analyze that cool mechanical device, because its technological level is at least two generations ahead of my current engineering level, so I was a little distracted.

You won't need compensation from me, will you? "

Seeing that Mason wasn't talking nonsense, Fury snorted.

There must be more than one claim. Anyway, the power unit of this Tianjian was paralyzed by the Skrulls before, and it cannot be repaired in a short time.

Although it might be a waste of resources to just abandon a space station like this, considering the current situation, it is obviously not worthwhile to turn against Mason for this loss.

However, he was a little interested in what Mason said "frankly and leniently".

"Can it be done?"

Nick Fury also glanced at the supreme arsenal that the panther had put away in the folding space, and he asked in a low voice.

Mason frowned and replied:
"It's hard, it's basically impossible to completely replicate, but if you give me some more time to try, maybe I can make a downgraded version. But with all due respect, it's impossible with the current level of technology of S.H.I.E.L.D.

There is as much difference between your engineering skills and my craft as there is between this vibranium power armor of mine and the supreme arsenal. "

"Well, I wasn't expecting much."

With his hands behind his back, he looked back at the mess that was being cleaned up by the Doramiji guards behind him. The corpses of those Skrulls were being thrown into space.
Although it is somewhat cruel to do so, what can Marinate do with these corpses?

Could it be stuffed into the power furnace of the space station as firewood?
"We need to talk."

He winked at Mason and said with emphasis:
"You and me, just the two of us."

Mason nodded and did not refuse the invitation. He followed Fury into the gravity elevator next to him and headed towards the main control room. In the completely blocked elevator, Fury glanced at him and said:
"Are you from the Stars Club?"

"Huh? You know the Stars Club? Have you been in contact with them before?"

Mason raised his eyebrows and stared at Fury, who shook his head and said:
"There is this term in the records of the Skrulls. The language of those guys is difficult to learn, and the writing is even more complicated, but how should I say it? Although I am old, my learning ability has not deteriorated.

I know not only the 'Stars', but also the 'Hope Council' and the 'Cleaners'. From my information, I have guessed that the actions of the Skrulls are a typical 'walking alone'.

They want to fix our world before your organization gets involved.

So, Mason, what do you, a member of the Stellaris, come into this world for? "

"I told you the reason but you didn't believe me. I came to find my friend. He disappeared in your world."

Mason took out a cigarette, lit it with a extinguisher and said:
"But now, I'm rather interested in how your world somehow escaped three shocks. I can confirm that you are 'real', the time axis of this world has not been distorted, and the planes have not been locked.

Therefore, it is simply a miracle that you were sheltered by certain forces into the current parallel world system in the dark age that is now heading towards a zero-sum game without knowing anything.

Is there anything else you can tell me about this other than those videos you just pulled out? "

"If I say no, you won't believe it."

Fury deliberately betrayed.

He glanced at Mason with one eye, changed the subject again, and said:

"But we are going to divide our forces next. Star Lord and I are going to raid the Skrull's troop carrier to rescue our captured heroes, and by the way, contact his past predator friends in the southern galaxy.

Captain Carter is going to contact the aliens. I heard that you volunteered to contact the mutants. The concentration of so many forces can already deal with the full-scale invasion that the Skrulls will launch next.

This is going to be a tough fight, and we need allies.

A steadfast, magical, and powerful ally. "

"Tell me what you need me to do."

Mason was impatient to play riddles with a thoughtful guy like Fury. He flicked the soot in the extremely clean gravity elevator and said:

"I'm very busy, Fury. In the next period of time, I will overcome engineering problems. There is not much time left for you and your world."

"Before we get back, help keep an eye on Earth."

Fury didn't delay either, speaking his mind, saying:

"We will speed up, but it's hard to guarantee that those Skrull bastards will do something crazy, especially the current situation of S.H.I.E.L.D. is not optimistic, plus the horrifying conclusion you raised.

If Tony Stark is also one of them, things will be too troublesome. "

"I want to mobilize the S.H.I.E.L.D. satellite to help find my friend."

Mason made a small request, and the marinated egg agreed without any hesitation. Then he leaned against the elevator bulkhead, and finally told Mason the news he had:

"The power that protects us really exists. Although I don't have any evidence, I can say with certainty that it is hidden in New York! During an accidental observation by the Fantastic Four more than a year ago, they detected the Observer Frequent haunts in New York”

"Frog picture?"

Mason froze for a moment, then described to Fury:

"That taciturn big bald head, wearing a very religious gown, with two shining eyes, will always appear in places where many big events happen inexplicably.

But don't do any interference just quietly watch everything happen, is it the 'observer' you said? "

"It seems that you also know something about him, yes, it is him."

Fury said in a deep voice:
"If it wasn't for the bald watcher protecting us, there would be very little to do for a man of his stature to make several trips to New York, right?"

"This is very important information, thanks, Fury."

Mason felt himself grabbing a clue.

Although it is only in the category of "clues", it does prevent him from wasting time in other parts of the world.A few minutes later, the two walked into the main control room, where several commanders were already waiting.

Ms. Nebula, representing the Guardians of the Galaxy, flicked her long hair and said to Fury:

"The Galaxy Miranda is ready to go at any time. Our spaceship has been expanded to accommodate your elite soldiers, but you must bring your own weapons."

"Don't worry about weapons, logistics and armor, I will provide them. If you give me enough materials, you can get the support of two hundred individual power armors when you set off."

Mason, who was tumbling his thoughts in his mind and thinking about the blueprints of the supreme arsenal, said something in a low voice. Fury nodded with satisfaction at this level of support. Then he looked at Captain Carter and Agent Hill and said:
"I will personally lead the Tianjian agents and the Guardians of the Galaxy to rescue our heroes. I will leave the matter of the earth to you for the time being, and Mason will also join in.

From now on, he is our trusted ally.

If we haven't come back before the Skrulls start the next step of the war, then we will unite mutants and aliens and rely on Wakanda as the last circle of defense. "

Fury paused, the spy chief who had a big picture but always had bad luck looked around and said:
"Anyone have any good advice? Guys, we need useful wisdom right now."

"You still have to pick up someone."

Mason said without raising his head:

"A person who can reverse the situation on the battlefield where numbers are king, the big guy who was supposed to be the guardian force of this world but was banished to the universe by a group of arrogant bastards.
That's right, I'm talking about the Hulk.

And, I must say, the Illuminati of your world, like all the Illuminati I have seen before, are a bunch of bugs that only cause trouble. "

"I absolutely agree with you on that, Mason."

Mazefak scolded another curse word, and it could be seen that the spy chief was quite dissatisfied with the existence of the "illegal organization" of the Illuminati.

If it weren't for the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s all-out force, they wouldn't be able to beat them, so would the character of Braised Eggs be able to tolerate their misconduct?
Tch, give them face!
However, when Mason suggested that Hulk should be retrieved, Agent Hawkeye touched his mechanical arm unnaturally, and Agent Natasha hesitated.

They were both victims of Hulk's last disturbance. In the matter of exiling Hulk, these two actually tend to choose the Illuminati.

Mason is an outsider, and he has no obligation to be considerate of the specific circumstances of this world, but the fact is that every time the Hulk has been unstable for the past ten years, he has caused quite a terrible loss every time he went crazy.

Like a double-edged sword, while deterring the enemy, there must be a sharp side facing oneself.

"Do you know where the Hulk was exiled?"

Ms. Nebula didn't know the story of Hulk. When the big guy was exiled, she was still living a good life of wandering around the South Galaxy and Star Lord, beating, smashing, looting and burning.

She asked, and Agent Hill reported a complicated coordinate.

Nebula calculated with a portable instrument, nodded and said:
"That location is still within the range of the Galaxy Miranda's extreme jumping star sea. If you go there quickly, a week is enough. But do you confirm that a big guy can deal with the Skrulls all over the world?

You also saw just now that when those guys transformed into frost giants, they really had the brute force and magic of frost giants. "

"Hulk can!"

Hawkeye agent raised his head and said actively:
"If you've ever seen him go crazy, you know that when facing the Hulk, the Skrulls need a few more vanguards to keep the war fair.

And I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be able to replicate Hulk's abilities, that would just piss him off. "

"Then it's settled!"

Fury didn't waste time, he said with a final word:
"Take a break, we will set off in four hours, and when we grab the Skrull spaceship, the escort will pick up Hulk.

Then we beat up these shameless alien bastards in our world, on our land. "

"I need a workplace where I won't be interrupted."

Mason, who seemed a little indifferent in his thinking state, raised his head and said to Fury:
"Give me enough materials. I will give you two hundred personal power armors to make up for my previous mistakes. I have kept other individual weapons in my suitcase. Cutie will put them into your weapons Curry.

Also, I'm seconding Agent Brand.

She is a mutant.

Her relationship with the mutants in this world is closer than mine, and some things are better for her.And, Fury, if you don't have anything urgent to do, I have a few more questions for you.

A more personal question. "

This statement made Marinate raise his eyebrows. He followed Mason to a corridor outside the main control room. Mason rubbed his brows, and after hesitating for a few seconds, he asked a very strange question:

"Fury, let's assume a situation. If you want to stabilize a capable subordinate who has different goals from yours, and hope that he can perform tasks according to your ideas, would making a verbal contract be your choice? "

"Is this some kind of strange psychological test? I feel like a strange question like 'job assessment'."

Mazefak was a little upset and said something weird. He felt that Mason was wasting time, but Mason repeated the question seriously and stared at Fury.

The director thought for a moment and said:
"Not the optimal solution! If possible, I would be more inclined to subvert his plan to cut off his retreat, or even adopt threatening tactics.

Such as finding his weakness!

To coerce him into joining me by finding something he must not give up.

But such behavior must have hidden dangers, especially if the disobedient subordinate is really capable, so a verbal contract that can stabilize him is really useful."

Having said that, Fury took a meaningful look at Mason and said:
"But don't ever expect me to abide by a contract that is not binding in any way, and even if it is, then by the time I propose it, I must have a way to evade supervision.

I'm a stop-and-go guy, Mason.

If the 'very capable' subordinate in your analogy is you, then you probably have to be prepared in advance for 'dead fish and broken nets'.

Because the more you show your ability, the more dangerous you are out of control in my eyes.

Maybe because the short-term interests of the two parties are the same, I will endure your going alone, but I believe that once the overall situation is settled and your value is not so prominent, it will definitely be the time for me to choose to do it.

So, you also met me in your magical system, right?
Or your boss? "

Mason did not deny the speculation.

From Fury's answer, he verified some of his guesses, reached out and patted Fury's shoulder, and whispered:

"If your world also wants to join the known parallel world system, then remember to choose a cemetery for yourself in advance. I heard from another friend of mine that Old A has personally killed several of his own space-time aliens.

I thought it was just an accident.

But after listening to your provocative analysis, I realized that he is consciously clearing himself out of other worlds, lest people find out his ways and ideas and use them against him.

What a ruthless guy, he won't even let him go. "

Braised Egghead's expression changed a bit, and when Mason turned to leave, he took the initiative to say:
"I can help you analyze him and give me some information. I may be your think tank in this regard. I don't want to die, Mason, I haven't lived enough.

Being chased and killed by myself in another world is too frighteningly frightening!

Especially when I'm very aware of the limits of my own abilities, it's chilling to think about. "

(End of this chapter)

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