The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 400 15. Mason who is addicted to doing side quests will never have bad luck - monthly ticket

Chapter 400 15. Mason who is addicted to doing side quests will never have bad luck - monthly ticket plus update [1520]

Hope Van Dyne.

The daughter of Dr. Hank Pym and Dr. Janet Van Dyne, in some parallel world, this girl will inherit her old mother's mantle and become the second generation Wasp.

But the girl who is currently undergoing combined Mason and Hank surgery should not have embarked on this path.

She is also much younger than Ms. Hope, the "young woman" of the Ant-Man family rescued by Mason in her hometown world, she looks only seventeen or eighteen years old.

Her waist and abdomen were burned by a strong electric current and failed to be treated well, causing the wound to seriously deteriorate. In her current condition, if everyone came a few days later, they could only harvest one corpse.

But for the master alchemist and first-aid expert, the injury was more than hopeless.

In just half an hour, the operation was completed and Hope's scorching body temperature was also lowered through the "physical cooling" method.

It has to be said that this ability of water control and three-state conversion has also been played by Mason in the field of first aid.

This emergency operation made the furry beast Hank look at this foreign young compatriot with admiration. He is capable of fighting, smart and hands-on. He is simply an all-rounder.

I heard Harley say that Mason only debuted and became a hero three months ago, which made Hank very suspicious that the man in front of him was a genius, otherwise it would be impossible to explain how an ordinary boy could grow into this in three months. Even crazy study without sleep 24 hours a day can't be done, right?
"There are a lot of things that look very sophisticated in it, but it's like a group of Kryptonians are fighting and dating in it!"

Seeing that Mason took off the medical gloves and Hank took over the rest of the work, Harry hurried forward with a delicate but twisted metal device, and told him what she and Old Wolf had seen in the laboratory inside the base. Mason.

She waved her hand exaggeratedly and said:

"There's also a burned-out Quantum Tunnel, similar to the one we found in the wasteland, and a submersible that was used for diving was also blown up.

It must have been attacked. "

"It's also possible that the Pyms chose to blow up the machine themselves in order to prevent something from 'getting out'."

Mason pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose and looked at the metal kit in his hand, which was clearly an internal component of a precision device. He glanced at Hope, who was still in a coma, and walked into the dark laboratory with Harry.

Three drones were released to emit bright light to dispel the darkness, and then saw a scene like a strong wind passing through.

Exploded metal parts are everywhere, and right in front of it, as Harry said, there is a set of quantum tunneling equipment obviously used to enter the microscopic world, but it has been completely destroyed.

Logan walked around looking for clues among the pile of rubbish, holding a set of torn coats and the remains of an explosive detonator in his hands, as well as a burned-out storage hard drive.

"No fourth person has ever come in, I can guarantee that."

He handed the things in his hand to Mason and said:

"The fight here is supposed to be 'family fun' with Ant-Man and his wife. I've always heard that old Pym was a very grumpy guy, and he beat his wife over a decade ago.

At that time, this incident was widely spread in the hero circle, but it became famous, and even their divorce lawsuit once reached the inside of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Since then, Old Pym has gained the nickname of "Domestic Man", but his wife disappeared soon. At that time, some people suspected that the ruthless old Pym had a grudge, so he killed her.

But now it seems that this is not the case. "

"Look to see if there are any remaining Pym particles. We can't make that thing now. It would be a good thing to have more control."

Mason said something to Harry, and she immediately pulled her two dogs to search among the ruins.

The clues in front of me are enough for Mason to deduce the whole picture of the matter. The general plot should be similar to that of a certain movie. Except that there is no second-generation Ant-Man son-in-law who came to disrupt the situation, it is basically old Pym who goes deep into the quantum world to find his wife. Red love story.

Yet something clearly goes horribly wrong in the finale of this supposedly heartwarming story.

"Where does this damn quantum tunnel that old Pym opened lead to?"

Mason frowned and looked at the storage hard drive in his hand, with a question in his mind.

He doesn't know much about the quantum world, but it is already certain that the zombified Wasp is the source of infection of the source zombie virus in this world.

But how exactly did she become infected?Is there a plague of zombies in the quantum world?Or is it that the pollution tactics of the Constellation Society have penetrated into the microscopic realm?
This is not right!

If the technology of the Star Society is really so high, they have already conquered the parallel world, so they still need to recruit cannon fodder everywhere to develop it?
"No contamination left, Mason."

Uncle Wolf walked around the entire base with the detector Mason gave him, and came back with a cigar in his mouth and said to him:
"This damn thing is basically over, right?"

"Well, so far as it stands, we got the zombie apocalypse under control in phase one, and we just saved the world, man."

Mason took the detector and played a joke on Logan.

The latter pouted and said nothing, isn't it just to save the world, it's not surprising that such stories are everywhere in his life as Wolverine.

He went out instead to check on Hope, and a few minutes later, Harry had something to gain.

She pulled out a box from the ruins of the bombed Quantum Tunnel, which was full of Pym particles, and Mason's current consumption was enough for him to use for a long time.

It's amazing how well this stuff works.

After all, with a special time-changing device, it can allow multiple levels of fighters to complete "time travel". In the real world, any item that can be linked to time must be taken seriously.

"Mason, Hope is awake. She is weak but conscious. She wants to speak to you."

Hank's loud voice sounded outside the laboratory, and when Mason walked out, he saw a young girl lying on a makeshift hospital bed wearing an oxygen mask, blinking her eyes and anxiously searching for something.

Harry felt a little uncomfortable seeing this scene.

She hid behind Mr. K as if she didn't know how to tell the cruel reality to the poor girl in front of her who had just lost her parents. Mason sighed, stepped forward and said to Hope:
"The danger is under control, and there are no more casualties except for a few people. Let me ask you, did you blow up the quantum tunnel?"


Hope on the hospital bed nodded.

She is very smart, and she became the experimental assistant of her eccentric father early on, so she can naturally hear the subtext in Mason's words.

It feels bad to lose her parents, but the kind-hearted girl is relieved that the "world-class crisis" caused by her family was ended before it spread.

She whispered to Mason with difficulty:

"I overloaded the energy tube of the Quantum Tunnel, that was an unacceptable wrong operation, the big bang almost killed me, but at least those monsters didn't come out.

This is a mistake.
It was a mistake from the start, ahem. "

"Don't worry, speak slowly."

Mason took out a potion to replenish strength and injected it intravenously into Hope, and then diluted the refreshing potion for her to drink, so that she could clearly speak out what she knew.

After recovering a bit, the girl, who was obviously frightened by the previous situation, explained the cause and effect clearly without the need for a few people around to ask.

"My dad is here to save my mom!
When I was a child more than ten years ago, they started an experiment to explore different worlds through quantum technology with the funding of S.H.I.E.L.D., but the quantum navigation vehicle my mother was riding on crashed unexpectedly.

Since then, Dad has become a little anxious and even crazy.

Although his experiment was suspended, he has been researching in private. A year ago, we conducted an experiment in California that almost caused a quantum collapse. After he was expelled, he restarted here. "

Hope painfully recalled his life in the past ten years, and said rather uncomfortablely:
"He is completely bewildered, I can't persuade him at all, and I also hope to see my mother again, and only she can control my father's crazy behavior.

We have built quantum tunnels here.

After a few successful experiments, he was going to dive into the Quantum Realm himself to bring back my mother.

Everything is going smooth.

I was outside maintaining echolocation, showing them the way back, and I saw them come back, two people sitting in the submersible.

At that moment, I thought I had regained my family and loved ones, and I thought all the suffering was over.


She covered her eyes and couldn't speak anymore.

People around can also imagine that the child went to pick up his parents with a face of joy, and saw the terrifying scene of two zombie monsters. It was even more rare that in that situation, Hope actually gritted his teeth and blew up the quantum tunnel to avoid more zombies Monsters rush out of the quantum world.

"You, my young friend."

Logan reached out and patted Hope on the shoulder, and said seriously:

"You are the real hero!"

"It's inappropriate for you to say this now, Logan, you're really not good at comforting people."

The fluffy Hank had worked with Dr. Pym before, and he could probably guess Hope's desperate and painful mood at this time, so he gave Logan a look and drove him out to explore the way.

Now that his old friend has passed away suddenly, leaving this poor orphan, Hank naturally can't sit idly by.

He intends to bring the weak Hope back to the Mutant Academy, where there are enough equipment and conditions to treat her, and it will also become the child's new home.

But when Hope was put into the Isu biological pod that Mason always carried with him, Mason asked her one last question:
"Do you still remember the phase coordinates of the quantum tunnel you opened?"

"Well, I kept the experimental data, give me a little time and I can extract the coordinates of the microcosm."

Hope looked at the person who saved her, she bit her lip and said:
"But I think it's better for this secret to be forgotten forever!

I don't know what terrible things happened to my mother there, but there is no doubt that the quantum world is not safe and we should not go in there again. "

"No, Hope, I now suspect that there is something wrong with the quantum tunnel your father opened."

Mason squatted beside the biological cabin and explained softly:

"I suspect that Dr. Pym made a mistake in his calculations and opened a quantum tunnel to another world by accident, and the failed experiment to explore another world more than ten years ago was actually successful.

Your mother was the first hero to set foot in another world.

It's a pity that her luck is not very good, and she is catching up with a plane disaster.

Can you understand the concepts of phases and parallel worlds?Hope.

If you can, you can see what I'm talking about.

What I want to tell you is that I have seen this zombie virus that infected your parents before, and I am sure that the dangerous plane where zombies are rampant has been completely sealed by my organization.

It cannot be leaked through normal channels!

And you
Your father's actions may have opened a 'second door' beyond the seal that is still very strong. Can you understand the danger of this action? "

Hope's expression changed drastically.

She understood Mason's description, nodded without much hesitation and said:

"Let me take a break, and then I will help you extract the coordinates of that quantum world, but you must have professional equipment and have sufficient attainments in quantum theory to do it"

"You don't have to worry about that, I have another 'Pym family' over there."

Mason comforted:
"I will take you there to meet you and your mother in a different world. Although this cannot make up for your psychological shadow, I feel that you will get along well with them.

Rest now, boy. "

He closed the Isu biological cabin with his own hands, activated the biological monitoring and healing functions, and glanced back at Hari.

Robin had a lot of questions to ask, but Mason shook her head.

About the main body of the World Gate and the 2149 Zombie Universe are absolute secrets in the stars, it is better for Harley not to tell her, and Mason really has no confidence in his little cutie's ability to keep secrets.

I'm afraid that if she has a good time tomorrow and talks about it with a loudspeaker, it will be over.

However, after the gate of the world sealed the 2149 universe, Mason actually found a way to get to that plane again in this unknown world.

It's also hard to say whether this is good or bad.

But knowledge is neither good nor evil, and if used properly, perhaps this clue can help in the future as well.

"The Ant-Man family and their little sister from another world will be busy afterwards."

Mason released two sentinel robots to lift up Hope's biological cabin, and followed Hank out of the base. He looked at the white snow and the endless virgin forest outside, and thought in his heart:

"The rebuilding of the Quantum Tunnel at Osborne Tower is also on the agenda. I hope the old Green Goblin is ready to bleed his wallet. Building a complete Quantum Tunnel is no small project."

"Beep, beep"

Just as a group of people got on the dog sled and were about to return to the Mutant Academy, the flip phone in Mason's pocket suddenly vibrated.

This crap looks useless, but Mason has modified it to make its communication untraceable, so the old cell phone can continue to glow in the other world.

Of course, in order to avoid embarrassing phone scams or bombardment of harassing information, Mason's phone number has always been given to those who have important tasks.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang?"

Mason answered the phone and greeted Zhang Parker in Wakanda:

"I'm going to be a little busy, what can I do?"

"What else can happen?"

Mr. Zhang's resentful tone can be heard across the phone to hear his displeasure, and he said angrily:
"That energy signal! The one you asked me to track, it appeared, in New York City, the exact coordinates I sent in the text message, and the energy signal flashed twice 10 minutes ago.

The person who took your friend is suspected to be out.

If I were you, I would hurry up and save the unlucky guy.

Also, that signal is located near the Holy of Holies, which has been blocked by Karma Taj mages for a long time, so if you want to sneak in, remember to keep a low profile.

I mean, don't fuck me up if you get caught!
A conscientious entrepreneur like me can't afford to mess with a guy at the level of Doctor Strange. That's it. Aunt May is going out for a walk. She is very interested in the customs and customs of Wakanda.

According to Aunt Mei, I think I will spend a lot of money to build a nursing home for her here.

What the hell, sure enough, it would have been better to push this troublesome old woman into the river. Hey!Aunt Mei, don't move there, I'll help you walk.

God, you walk slowly, you are too old to fall down. "

Mr. Zhang hung up the phone. Mason looked at the phone in his hand and then at Harry and the two X-Men beside him. After thinking for a moment, he took off the emblem of the Witcher Cat School on his neck and stuffed it into Harry's mouth. hand, told her:

"I'm going back to New York. I won't take you this time, but you have to be on guard as my support plan. If I haven't contacted you within three days, use this thing to call the hunter to save people."

Seeing that she had become a backup plan for Little Sweetheart, Harley nodded vigorously, but asked worriedly:

"Will it be dangerous to go this time?"

Mason shook his head and replied:

"I guess what I will encounter is not only danger, but also opportunities, if I can survive."

(End of this chapter)

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