The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 401 16. Scumbag!I'm in the Holy of Holies and you're not even here!Where the hell

Chapter 401 16. Scumbag!I'm in the Holy of Holies and you're not even here!Where the hell are you? 【1620】

After all the arrangements were in place, Mason returned to New York alone.

He was brought back by the Nightcrawler just like when he went there. Agent Brand stayed at the Mutant Academy to help relocate and waited for news from Fury. With the X-Men confirming their participation in the war, the forces of both sides of this confrontation are returning to the balance middle.

But that's not Mason's concern right now.

"You can't go any further."

Because of Mason's help to the academy, Nightcrawler kindly sent him directly to a place a few blocks outside the Sanctuary of New York this time.

The two landed on the top of a building in the evening sun. The night walker squatted on the eaves and pointed in the direction of the Holy of Holies, and said to Mason who took out the binoculars:

"The mages have sealed off there, and any spatial fluctuations will be detected by them. When the professor was still there, we still had a certain connection with Karma Taj, but now the two sides are no longer on the same road.

Cyclops told me not to cause more trouble at this time, but I suspect that they have sensed something when they locked down their base in New York. "

This blue devil-like guy moved his flexible tail, turned his head and said to Mason:

"Perhaps Doctor Strange also sensed the Skrull's infiltration and invasion of the earth. A spellcaster like him who claims to be the guardian of the world cannot fail to sense the bad things that are about to happen, right?"

"He has the Time Stone."

Mason used 2077's military telescope to constantly observe the environment around the Holy of Holies, and said calmly:

"For as long as Stephen Strange wants to see, neither the future nor the past holds secrets, and the point now is not whether Doctor Strange has discovered the Skrull plot.

The point was, which side would he be on in the coming war?
Well, the mystics are pretending to be ordinary people patrolling around the Holy of Holies. It seems that they are also under a lot of pressure. Under such circumstances, trying to sneak into the Holy of Holies is simply asking for death. "


Nightcrawler nodded approvingly. As the teleportation master among the X-Men, he also thought it was impossible to sneak into the Holy of Holies.

Fortunately, this is not a problem for him to worry about.

He bid farewell to Mason, then tumbled down the tall building, stretched his body in mid-air and disappeared into the air with a whoosh.

"Advice, hat."

Mason pushed the sorting hat on his head and said:

"You are the most accomplished master in magic that I know, and now Zha Kang is locked in, and I need your help to get him out."

"No, Mason."

The old hat god reminded:

"Zhang Park just told you that the energy signal was found here, but it doesn't mean that Constantine must be here.

I feel a headache here just seeing the criss-crossing magic lines in front of me. This must be the base of a secret organization whose inheritance time is not shorter than Hogwarts, but whose inheritance power is more than ten times stronger than ours.

If you want to sneak in with magical powers, I advise you to give up.

Unless you have the spellcasting ability of Dr. Fate, it is impossible to break through the monitoring barrier of the Sanctuary head-on.

But maybe you can try another way. "

It stopped and said to Mason who put down the telescope:
"Didn't Batman always tell you not to fight in other people's home courts by precepts and deeds? Find a way to turn this place into your own home court. You didn't have this ability before, but now you have it.

This enchantment is only detecting space and the flow of magic power, but it will not hinder the inherent power of nature. These mages admire nature very much, and I can be sure of this from their spellcasting style. "

"I get it, you're such a smart little guy."

Mason nodded, and jumped down from the tall building following the posture of the night crawler.

He split the water molecules in the air and reassembled his body further away. After three "jumps", he came to the mouth of the Hudson River and jumped into the water without attracting attention.

Transformed into a water man, he no longer has to worry about being drowned in the water. After dissolving in the water, Mason also pulled out the Neptune Trident from his bag and stuck it in the bottom of the river. Change the climate around you.

He can violently move bodies of water to unleash a torrential rain that covers the city.

But that approach is too rough, and it can't be hidden from the vigilant mages.

According to the suggestion of the hat, he must make a rain in a natural way. Wherever the raindrops fall, Mason can move freely.

Therefore, in theory, as long as the rain is heavy enough, he can mix in the rain curtain and sneak into it without disturbing the warning magic of the Holy of Holies.

The Neptune Trident's power to control the storm requires the blood of Atlantis to be perfectly controlled. Mason has Namor's DNA on his body. Although it is not enough to unlock all the power of this artifact, it is only used to rain. To be honest A bit overkill.

After several 10 minutes of brewing, the concentration of water molecules above the city has reached saturation.

There was another wind blowing in the dark clouds, and soon a little rain fell into the city, and as time went by, it turned into a downpour, like washing the filth under the brilliance of the whole city.

Mason, holding a trident, can easily feel what is happening in the whole city through the raindrops. A car lost control and crashed into the roadside in Manhattan. There is a gang fight in a dark alley in Brooklyn. The small piece of Parker Industrial Park in Queens that was purchased also had S.H.I.E.L.D. agents pretending to be fishing.

This was the first time he had expanded his ability to this point. A large amount of information was transmitted to Mason's brain under the rain cover generated by nature, but it didn't make him feel panicked.

With his brain running at high speed for a long time, he can accept and analyze these situations.

"You can create water bodies, Mason."

Beneath the river, the hat projected its voice into Mason's mind, saying:
"The water flowing in the entire city is under your control. Try it and let yourself appear in several places at the same time."

"Won't this really make me schizophrenic?"

Mason murmured in a low voice.

"No, no."

The Isu ghost Consus also appeared on Mason's shoulder, and he said softly:

"The extra senses brought by the Isu blood have changed you, my brother, this change is subtle, and your thinking is different from ordinary people so that you can control this clone mode.

Like several threads running simultaneously in a computer, you are used to doing several things at the same time in the manufacturing process. In theory, this is no different from the way you control several clones at the same time.

Of course, you will always be in a hurry the first time, but with your current learning ability, I think."

"and many more!"

Mason suddenly shuddered.

He interrupted Consus's description, and while trying to conjure up several water bodies in the rain-shrouded land, he said to the hat and Consus:
"Your wonderful analogy! The connection between the water body and the manufacturing process suddenly gave me an inspiration. I used to wonder if I could achieve some kind of qualitative change through the accumulation of quantities if my personal time could not be extended. .

You say, if I make twenty water avatars to try ten categories of manufacturing techniques at the same time, then huh?Why don't you talk anymore? "

Mason's two "carry-on grandfathers" fell silent. After a few seconds, the hat and Consus cursed in unison:
"Curly dog!"

"Hehe, feel free to ridicule me, I just feel that I finally found the correct use of my mutant ability."

Mason was amused by the reaction of the two guys, and he grinned and said:

"I think it's doable, let's try it."

He closed his eyes and began to perform "supernatural powers" on the bottom of the Hudson River. In a few minutes, twelve "Masons" emerged one by one around the city.

Just like the posture of the ooze monster Kevin, twisted and twisted, and after adapting and trying, he transformed himself into Mason Cooper in different costumes and began to move freely.

He can transform into more clones, but currently manipulating twelve water clones at the same time is the limit of his good control.

Mason in Manhattan ran to the out-of-control car on the street to help, dragged the seriously injured driver out to give first aid on the side of the road, and Mason in Brooklyn's bat suit hid above the dark alley, collecting rainwater and turning it into "water molecule bat darts" "He made a shameless sneak attack on the gangsters in the fire below to practice shooting.

The three Masons that appeared in the Parker Industrial Park did not disturb the patrolling agents, but ran into Zhang Parker's blocked laboratory during the water body conversion and began to tinker with engineering, trying to get the BGF9000 before the end of the rainstorm. The prototype was produced.

The remaining Masons found places to do other things, such as forging, tailoring, inscriptions, and jewelry for it.

The simultaneous operation of twelve "sub-threads" in Mason's brain made him dizzy at first, but soon Mason got the hang of it.

To put it bluntly, this is not new.

Ordinary people can go to the toilet while taking a shower at the same time, what's so difficult about doing two things at once?
He was just trying to focus on twelve tasks, but it was a little bit harder than the behavior of ordinary people hiding in the bathroom while washing their bodies and peeing secretly.

Mason, who was in the "private room" at the bottom of the river, looked at the reminders of the improvement of the number of manufacturing skills of each branch that appeared on the translucent character card in front of him, and was a little bit happy from ear to ear.

He felt that he had finally found his way to the "full-professional master" again.

"cough cough"

I really can't stand the hat.

It made a faint voice and said to the flying Mason who was collecting experience:
"Business! Do business! Mason, you didn't come here to kill other people. Poor Constantine is still waiting for you to save him. Your teammates in distress are eager to see through."

"I think he can wait a little longer. Anyway, he will be sacrificed to the evil god in nine days."

Mason pouted.

But that's all.

With some regret, he transferred the "Bat Mason clone" who killed a group of gangsters in Brooklyn, and kept approaching the sanctuary shrouded in heavy rain during the water body transition.

As expected by the hat, the exquisite detection barrier covering the Sanctuary block in New York did not stop the natural heavy rain from falling.

The pattering water splashed on the ancient buildings, washing the symbol of Kama Taj's magic eye extremely clean.

In the cloudy torrential rain, Shui, wearing a bat suit, stood on the eaves of a block away, letting the black cloak cover his body.

The black bat helmet is covered with raindrops and the gloomy sky behind it, just looking at the appearance can make people exclaim that Batman is coming!

"Then it will be a little more difficult."

The hat will be taught almost hand in hand, it prompts:
"You have to integrate your avatar into the rain screen to maximize the dilution of the water molecules you can manipulate, so that your breath will also be dispersed, as long as it is fine enough, it will not trigger the alarm.

This is how all enchantments work.

It is like using a net to isolate obstacles, but as long as it is smaller than the mesh, your fish can escape the fisherman's eyes. "


Standing in the rain, Master COS Mason's avatar moved his shoulders, and after taking a few deep breaths, he jumped down from the eaves, let the bat cloak unfold behind him, and glides close to the Sanctuary area, and the body made of water molecules Bang it to the limit.

It is no exaggeration to say that Mason himself felt a pain of "out of control" and "tearing".

But a few seconds later, the figure that shattered his avatar into tens of thousands of raindrops along the three drains of the Holy of Holies and reunited in the sewer stood up in the water, representing that he had crossed that troublesome barrier .

"Very good! You are very talented."

The hat praised in a "children can teach" tone:
"The rest is up to you, I'm not familiar with the terrain here, but I don't think they'll keep Zack Kang in the material world.

Pay attention to those devices that connect to the demiplane. "


Mason's water body nodded and reached out to the fence of the sanctuary's sewer, turning his body into a winding stream of water, carefully avoiding those energy nodes, and arrived at the quiet hall of the sanctuary a few minutes later.

No one is here.

It seems that the supreme mage of this world is not here either.

This is normal. There are three such sanctuaries in the world, but they are all outposts.

The mages usually gather in the Kama Taj Headquarters to practice martial arts and practice magic. They are essentially a group of ascetics, and they will not come to New York to hang out in this seductive and depraved world if they have nothing to do.

"Let me see what's good here?"

Mason's watery body emerged from the hall, and he looked left and right, looking for a possible entrance to the demiplane, while "tasting" back and forth in Doctor Strange's collection.

He put his hand on an antique oriental black cauldron, and soon an information label popped up:
Mother of All Things Cauldron Alchemist's Secret Treasure

Quality: Alchemy/Forging Artifact·Immortal Craft

Special effects: smelting all things, extracting essence, improving drug efficacy, removing impurities

Producer: Supreme Mage Agamotto
Item description: Be bold!How dare you put your dirty hands on the cauldron of the mother of all things?Be careful that it swallows you up and simmers it slowly. After 49 days, it will be refined into a "mutant elixir", just like the Monkey King in the Eastern Heaven. That's right, there is also that monkey here, but it It's unlikely to happen.


The blueprint for making the Mother of All Things has been included. You can try to make it after forging and alchemy skills reach Lv7. Perfect production requires forging and alchemy skills to reach Lv10.

"An alchemy artifact! An upgraded version of the Hufflepuff gold cup, cool!"

Mason's watery body gave a sigh of admiration, and at the same time had a direct understanding of the quality of the Supreme Mage's collection. How could this be Zhakang's cage?
This is clearly a treasure trove full of artifacts.

Although one or two items cannot be taken away, for a craftsman like Mason, blueprints and recipes are enough, and sooner or later he will be able to make the real thing with his own hands.

After 10 minutes, Mason, who got a lot of legendary blueprints, was at a loss.

He has searched the upper and lower floors of the Holy of Holies, but found no trace of Zha Kang at all, and the hat also said helplessly:

"It seems that only some dangerous things can be used. Do you have the extinguisher with you?"

"How do you bring this?"

Mason's water body complained:

"I can't turn it into water molecules to smuggle in together. If you have a way, use this avatar to show it. We stayed for too long, and I'm a little panicked."

"Then bear with it."

The Hat gritted his teeth and said:

"I use your avatar as a carrier to release a detection magic, and I should be able to find the hidden plane."

"bring it on."

Mason said something.

In the next moment, a heavy force was released through the connection between the main body and the clone, causing Mason's wet body to collapse into a water stain in an instant, and it took more than ten seconds for it to close again.

The clone's energy was almost drained, but the hat's attempt succeeded.

"At the top! Under the relief of the magic eye, there is a hidden spot, go and have a look."

Under the instructions of the hat, Mason's water avatar quickly found the hiding place, suspended in the air like a black eyeball.

"Why do I feel a little panicked?"

He complained:

"Isn't this normal at first sight?"

"Think about it, if you encounter danger, you just lose a clone."

The hat urged, and Mason thought about it for the same reason, so he put his hand over the black eyes, and the next moment, his whole body disappeared into the material world as if sucked by a storm.

Before Mason regained consciousness from the dizziness, he heard a familiar voice with surprise:
"Ah, Mason! Your mother is finally here! Do you know how hard I have been waiting? Quick! Take me away, that terrible madman will be back any minute
Did you bring cigarettes?
Smoke me one, my God, I'm going to be tortured to death. "

(End of this chapter)

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