The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 402 17. The current situation can be summarized by sheep entering the tiger's mouth, mo

Chapter 402 17. The current situation can be summarized by sheep entering the tiger's mouth, moths catching fire and throwing themselves into the net [1720]

I don't know if you have encountered such a person in your life?
They're always mean, always break their friends' hearts with all kinds of nasty jokes, always do all kinds of stupid things to get themselves into a corner, and always need a little extra Energy is like a brat who hates dogs.

They should have died alone.

But he finds friends in all kinds of bloody ways, and hates them at first, but after getting along with him for a long time, you will find that such a bitch brother is actually not bad.

Zha Kang is such a person.

The combination between him and Mason was based on the narrow-mindedness and bad intentions of both parties at the beginning, but now this guy has become an unacceptable member of the K team.

During the period of Zha Kang's disappearance, Mason occasionally felt a little missing, missing his bottomless vulgar jokes and his unserious bastard attitude in most cases.
For a while, Mason thought he was crazy.

"You didn't get tortured or tortured, look at you, he didn't even put shackles on you or write on your face or anything, that's disappointing."

Mason's watery body sat on the ground, looking at Zhakang who rushed towards him with a face full of surprise, he couldn't help complaining:

"If I caught you bastard, I should at least sew your mouth shut or cut off that dirty thing that's always in heat, don't look for it!

It's a doppelganger, idiot!

I can't bring anything in, I'll be found out. "

"Tch, disappointing."

Zha Kang, who was wearing the iconic khaki windbreaker and white shirt with a bit of a beard, was suddenly disappointed. He stretched out his hand to pull up Mason's body, looked him up and down, and said:
"When did you gain this ability that sounds powerful? Is it the trip back home that I was absent from?"

"That's right, it's because you were seduced by your vampire lover and came here to explore. In the end, you were caught and I had to spend time leaving those rookies who were starving for food and came here to save you."

Mason said something expressionless while turning his head to look at the surrounding space.

It's weird here.

It's like a "Crystal Palace" without borders. The reason why it is called the Crystal Palace is that there are weird material barriers similar to broken glass around this strange plane.

The overall tone is gloomy, and the light is dim but not to the point of blocking the sight. Not far away stands a row of quaint bookshelves, and directly in front is a building similar to a meditation room.

Other than that, there's nothing here.

It's like a "fortress of loneliness" built by an isolated and advanced autistic patient.

"Tell me, who caught you here?"

Mason looked at Zack Kang and said:

"Talk about the cause and effect, and then we will discuss what to do."

"Run away! What else is there to discuss?"

Zha Kang rolled his eyes and said:
"Your body is outside, right?
Very good, I can use the connection between this avatar and the main body to open a door to escape. I can actually do this all the time, but if I don’t have a specific beacon, I might throw me into the hell of this world.

The blocking principle of this plane is not difficult. During this period of time, I have almost learned that guy's magic book by peeking at it. It only needs to be cast once.

As for the cause and effect
Didn't my vampire doll tell you all about it?That's about it. "

He rubbed his unshaven chin, sighed and said:
"Hey, the gutter capsized, and I was almost caught by the Skrulls, but how powerful is this uncle? Those alien bastards are no match for me at all, and I dismissed them with the Oblivion Curse.

I wanted to open the door to the world in that basement, but the annoying guy suddenly appeared and dragged me here without saying a word. As you said, he didn't torture me.

Ask me all kinds of things all day long.

What about the situation of world civilization on our side, the specific structure of the Constellation, the truth of the impact incident, etc.

Damn it!
A spellcaster of his level can obviously search my memory directly, but he wants 'talk therapy', and I can't beat him and can only chat with him, I'm almost bored to death. "

"Then what happened to the evil god's sacrifice?"

Mason asked curiously, Zha Kang pointed to the edge of this plane, and said:
"You can see it through there, it is an eternal summoning ceremony, that bastard uses that ceremony to continuously summon evil creatures that exist in all circles of the heavens for his entertainment.

Ordinary summons do not require sacrifices.

But he said he had been hunting some evil god, and to summon that guy would require unique offerings to lure him into the bait.

The outstanding Lord Constantine was chosen in this way, and I deserved my bad luck. It is said that our souls from other worlds are the most capable of tempting that evil god to take the bait. "

"Tsk tsk, it sounds very dark and scary."

Mason curled his lips, and was about to let Zha Kang cast a spell to escape, but in the next moment, he suddenly and belatedly discovered an important point in what Zha Kang said just now.

He suddenly looked up at his unreliable player, and scolded:
"You told him everything about the Stars Club? Didn't trigger the backlash of the soul curse? How did you do it?"

"Hey, that's the second reason why I told you to come in person."

Zha Kang showed a treacherous and sinister smile, and said:

"That horrible bastard has a way to cut off my divine connection with Your Excellency Fate, isn't it amazing? The first time I saw him cast a spell, I was dumbfounded, and he can still do this!

But he just did it.

Probably because dealing with these monsters for many years gave that guy a very rich anti-curse experience, voila!He helped me out a bit. "

Constantine opened his left sleeve.

Mason saw that part of the devil tattoo on his arm was covered by red runes, making the overall black tattoo look much thinner than before, as if part of it had been brushed off.

"That's my next plan."

Zha Kang said confidently:

"Let's escape first, and then find a way to get in touch with him to make a deal or something. If you can learn this method of restraining the curse from him, then you are a fart, Destiny!

Without the constraints of the curse, we can safely and boldly find a way to kill it. "

"But you have to consider a problem."

Mason was not so optimistic, he frowned and said:
"Being able to suppress the soul curse left by a godhead devil so easily shows that the owner of this place is at the same level as the upgraded Mephisto.

We have no way to please such a big man. "

"What are you thinking so much about?"

Zha Kang didn't care.

He patted Mason on the shoulder and said:

"Escape first. As long as we two use our brains, there are more ways than difficulties. Are you ready? I'm going to cast a spell, so your body doesn't move. I need an accurate phase coordinate for a star world walk.

This is a very dangerous spell.

Once I lose my guidance, I will immediately get lost in the astral world, and my life is now in your hands. "

"bring it on."

Mason's water body stood in place and said:

"But I want to tell you that even if you escape, it will not be a blessing. I have established cooperation with the resistance organizations in this world, and we will help them fight against the invading Skrulls."

"Now I'd rather launch an onboard charge against 1 Skrull bastards with a small table knife, than stay here and face a bastard who makes me unable to resist at all."

Zha Kang made a harsh remark.

Then he began to cast spells.

His ability to cast spells was not restricted, which is enough to show that the person who caught him was very confident. Perhaps it was true as Zha Kang himself said, in front of that guy, he was almost like an ant who couldn't resist.

Let's not talk about those who are not powerful, this kind of contempt alone is enough to hurt people.

But Zack did learn something new.

His hands were kneaded into a very special handprint, and he spread out after a deep breath. The dancing starlight followed his spellcasting and converged on Mason's clone, making him feel like a lock trapped the clone's body body and consciousness.

It was like being placed in a cage, and in the next moment, the avatar seemed to be swallowed by starlight.

Mason at the bottom of the Hudson River lost control of the water body, and then behind him opened a star-studded arc, like a triangular holy emblem spinning, and "vomited" Zack Kang out of it .

Before this guy had time to cheer, he was nearly choked to death by a mouthful of river water. It was Mason who raised his hand and put a fish tank-like breathing mask on him to filter the oxygen in the water so that he wouldn't flop around.

"Excellent, Mason!"

Zha Kang swayed in the water, patted Mason's shoulder with a big laugh and said:
"It's just that I haven't seen you for ten days, and I've become a powerful spellcaster. Although we use different energy methods, I, Constantine, would like to call you a powerful water mage.

Let's run now.

That guy ran out to meet the mysterious big bald head. Based on my observations during this time, it will take at least three hours for him to come back.

do not worry.

I've learned from his spellbook how to evade his search and capture, just give me a little time to set up a beacon for us to conceal interference. "

Mason nodded, put away his trident, and followed Zha Kang ashore from the river in the heavy rain.

The two hid in an alley, Zha Kang impatiently took the cigarette offered by Mason and took a strong puff, letting the rich smoke out from his nostrils and mouth at the same time, as if returning to his soul.

With a cigarette in his mouth, he began to cast spells to shield the two of them. Mason's mind was still on his other eleven avatars. They were all put into the suitcase factory, and their "hard work" was also rewarding.

In just a few 10 minutes, Mason's inscription and tailoring skills have been upgraded by one level respectively, but that is only a bonus at a low proficiency level.

Any skill is more and more difficult.


Constantine was relieved when two cover spells were cast on the two of them during Starlight Fragmentation.

The encounter during this period of time caused him a great psychological shadow, and he kept urging Mason to leave this unlucky city as soon as possible.

"You haven't told me the identity of that guy yet."

Mason and he walked out of the dark alley, held up the penguin umbrella and rushed to the church where the night crawler was, and asked again:

"Did Doctor Strange of this world catch you?"


Zha Kang waved his hands, exhaled smoke rings and said:
"The Doctor Strange in this world has been captured by the Skrulls, that guy said it himself.

And if it's genuine Qiyi, although I might not be able to beat him, the gap between me and him is not so big that I can't even fight back.

It was another guy who caught me.

He is very similar to Doctor Strange.

I suspect that it might be a space-time variant of Doctor Strange, but the temperament is completely different, gloomy, wearing a black spirit king cloak, with thin cheeks and no smile all day long, as if the whole world owes him money.

That madman doesn't sleep as much as you do, Mason. "

Constantine enjoyed the feeling of freedom, and comfortably threw the cigarette butt into the puddles in the street, and complained:

"You haven't seen those two dark circles. It's like staying up late to practice immortality. I'm really afraid that he will die suddenly sometime. Uh? What's wrong with you? Why is your face so ugly?

Did something bad happen? "

Zha Kang noticed the strange expression of Mason beside him, as if he was uncomfortable after eating more than a dozen catties of lemons. During his questioning, Mason asked in a low voice:

"Does that guy have a goatee? The collar of his mullet cloak is folded back like a batwing?"

"how do you know?"

Zha Kang widened his eyes and asked.

Mason, who was holding an umbrella in the heavy rain, sighed, grabbed the Johnny gun on his waist, and said:
"On the one hand, I already knew him.

On the other hand, that guy is damn right in front of our eyes right now!John, he let you go on purpose, just to catch me, a self-inflicted fish. "

Zha Kang suddenly raised his head and looked forward.

A slender and gloomy figure is descending from the sky amidst the rain that covers the city ahead and makes the sky and the earth look gray.

Just as Mason described, the gloomy and luxurious Soul King cloak decorated with bloody gold trim was swaying in the rain, and the eyes with dark circles stared at them like two little loach jumping into a fishing net.

There were almost no special spell-casting actions, and everything on the whole street was "frozen" when he landed.

The pedestrians on both sides, the shops on the street, the beating neon lights and even the ripples of every drop of rain falling from the sky hit the ground, as if the pause button of a movie was pressed.

Time has stopped!
Everything on this street becomes the background.

On this stage, only Mason, Jack Kang and this gloomy guy in front of him who seems to be in control of everything are left to move freely.


Zha Kang cursed, grabbed Slytherin's locket with both hands and held it forward.

He broke the seal recklessly, and in an instant, four dementors were released, followed by the huge mountain monster and the dark thunderbird, howling and rushing towards the enemy in front of them.

The last to be released was an adult Chinese Fireball Dragon.

This vicious creature like a long snake raised its head and spit out scorching dragon breath, almost obliterating everything in front of it.

Throwing forward together were several killing curses released by Kang Kang, and the gloomy green beams hit the opposite side, but the latter was not upset and even his expression didn't change much.

He just took a deep breath.

Then dazzling light burst out from his eyes and mouth, involving all kinds of monsters and dangerous soul magic released in front of him.

Swallow them all into the body like swallowing fresh "magic sashimi".

With a flash of light, Mason saw that the strange black cheek on the opposite side suddenly turned into the face of a fireball dragon, and then returned to that gloomy cheek in the next instant.

"A bit spicy."

He pursed his lips, and made a very precise and scalp-numbing evaluation like a damned abnormal creature gourmet.


The sealed artifacts in the Slytherin pendant in Zha Kang's hands were mostly released, and most of them were helpless against opponents, but this unreliable guy was rarely hardened for a while.

Probably because he felt that his mistake caused Mason to fall into the tiger's mouth, and he was a little sorry brother, so he grabbed the coral trident staff and wore a red magic floating cloak, and stood in front of Mason bravely.

In the light of the dancing magic, he said without turning his head:
"Go now! Don't come back again, tell Xiao Zha that I love her for me"

Then the shining purification magic was released like a bomb, and Mason didn't choose to retreat. After all, the one who accompanied Zha Kang was just a water body that was quietly replaced when the two came ashore from the river.
The real him, this club has already activated the speed ring and ran out of the city.

He knew who this was in front of him.

At this moment, he finally understood why this world would silently escape the impact three times in a row, and the earth that was smashed into this world was eaten by this guy!
Not a metaphor!

Not an exaggeration!

It literally means "eat"!
"Doctor Dark Strange, personally destroyed the gluttonous demon that caused a plane to collapse at an absolute point in time, the only black-hearted bastard who can compare his appetite with Uncle Tun."

Mason, who was running at the speed of light, complained incoherently and frantically:

"No. Can I meet a hidden boss of this level by just going out to save someone? This is not the level of the heavenly father, is it?

What the hell is going on in this bloody world?
With so many major incidents piled together, it's a miracle that it hasn't finished yet. Hey, compared with the current troubles, even the impact incident seems so insignificant. "

"Stop running, stop trying, your time is rewinding"

The hat sighed and said:
"It's not your fault, Mason, think about the good, this guy who almost scared me out of my wits probably doesn't want your life, so let's capture it with nothing.

No shame. "

(End of this chapter)

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