The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 406 21. Your tragedy is all the fault of this world!So let's create a universe without

Chapter 406 21. Your tragedy is all the fault of this world!So let's create a universe without sadness

Hei Qiqi was not surprised when Mason said that he wanted to negotiate.

But Mason's next sentence hit Hei Qiqi's soul directly. He put down his teacup and said:
"Do you still want to save your Christine?"


Those eyes covered with dark circles were raised up, staring at Mason, and there was a throbbing killing intent in them, obviously because the young man mentioned the taboo of Hei Qi.

Some things can be written in a diary and read by others, but they cannot be taken out.

Especially when using it as a bargaining chip.

"If you're going to use that topic as a conversation starter, it sucks."

Hei Qiqi put down his teacup and said quietly:
"But if your purpose is to annoy me, then congratulations, your attempt was very successful. Let me say a few more words, Mason Cooper, I suddenly feel that maybe summoning the evil god doesn't have to wait until six days later."

He flicked his fingers, and the domain that belonged to him changed in an instant, allowing everyone to come to the depths of this secret place.

An eternal summoning ritual is glowing evilly in the darkness.

Under Mason's gaze, Hei Qi stretched out his hand into the space and grabbed it casually. Harley, who was attracting the attention of the wizards of the Sanctuary outside, was brought here out of thin air, and was placed above the summoning ceremony while dancing.

Perhaps it only takes Hei Qiqi's thought, and Mason's cutie will be thrown as a sacrifice into the preheated ritual formation.

"You seem to lack understanding and empathy for what happened to me, Mason."

Hei Qiqi was hanging in mid-air while his cloak was swinging, he looked down at Mason and said:

"Maybe I should let you experience what I used to feel, like a hollowed out heart, a void that will never be filled, and it will drive you crazy to lose, and she will die before your eyes every day for the rest of your life the face of time."

"Sweetie! Run!"

Harley who was caught here was still struggling in the air.

She waved a baseball bat indiscriminately, trying to hit the invisible energy that bound her, but the magma-like lines of the increasingly hot sacrificial ceremony below seemed to open a hell gate in front of her eyes.

The hair that let her hang down was almost burnt.

There was still not much fear on Harley's face, she was just worried that if she died here, what would happen to Mr. K if no one took care of him in the future?
"She has you in her heart, and even the threat of death can't shake her desire to protect you. It's really touching."

Hei Qi said sarcastically:
"The purer it is, the more painful it will be after losing it. Harley Quinn's life has been put on the balance, which makes me look forward to your next speech even more."

"Absolute time!"

Mason stared at him and said seriously:
"I read your diary repeatedly and carefully figured out that there is an absolute time between you and Christine being rescued."


Harry exclaimed, and she descended for a while in the air, getting closer to the burning ceremony, which meant that Black Strange was not very satisfied with Mason's answer.

他 说:

"Tell me something I don't know, thank you, you are wasting the little cutie's little time left. If you really have nothing to say, why not say goodbye to her.

I can give you a few minutes. "

"The absolute time point is the support of the time network. When a timeline is determined, it is also determined. Any error in any point will cause the collapse of the entire timeline, which in turn will affect the complex time network and cause a chain reaction. "

Mason's tone remained unchanged, and he spoke calmly.

Behind him, Harley's position continued to fall, and the sacrificial ceremony was activated, and a strange phantom sound sounded from the lightless sea at the other end of the ceremony, lingering in everyone's heart like a thousand people talking at the same time .

The sword of the lake girl held tightly by the hunter shone with golden light to protect her and the two people around her. Zha Kang also cast a spell to release the spiritual protection to ensure that they would not be affected by the evil god's words.

Harley, who was the closest to the ceremony, also showed a puzzled expression on her face. She was the one who reacted the least of all, and even thought the depraved sound coming out of the ceremony was a bit pleasant.
This is normal.

She is crazy.

Madmen are naturally immune to most psychic magic and confusion effects.

"That's what I wrote in my diary."

Hei Qiqi sneered and said:
"I don't need you to remind me that research on absolute points of time is irrevocably stalled and in conflict, Mason, stop stalling.

Shuma Gorath has floated from the Sea of ​​Darkness and is approaching the plane of reality. Your little girlfriend is the best bait to lure him into the bait.

I suggest you think about her. "

"There's a big black squid jumping out."

Harry's exclamation made Zakon and Ciri turn their heads at the same time, and they saw dark tentacles emerging from the ritual formation.

It's like a monster gushing out of the deep sea from the burning magma, and the corrupt language that attacks the soul is suddenly strengthened by more than ten times when the evil god's body is about to emerge?
The incantation of the Sword of the Lady of the Lake shone like a badly connected light bulb, and the hat on Zha Kang's forehead also let out a low whistle, which reminded Mason to speed up.

"I have to say this first to get what I want to say."

Mason's fists were already clenched.

It would be defamatory to say that he doesn't care about Harley's life, but he is very clear that at the moment, only if he is calm enough can he reach some in-depth cooperation agreement with Heiqiqi.

He wasn't trying to provoke this dangerous guy on purpose, but he got to the heart of the matter in the first place.

He raised his head and said to Hei Qiqi:

"In the existing universe, countless absolute time points support the sacred timeline that runs through countless parallel worlds! It is the embodiment of the concept of 'time' in the entire universe system. You have broken through the absolute time point in your world It wasn't your fault that caused the world to collapse, Strange.

It's just that your strength is not enough, and if you can't shake the sacred timeline, you can't talk about truly reversing the future. It just gives you a lesson that will never be forgotten if it trembles a little because of your actions.

You are too far away from the level that can distort the sacred timeline, and you know this, so you hide here and keep researching to make yourself stronger.

Isn't devouring the evil god also to advance to a higher life form?
But you are wrong from the beginning! "


After hovering above the square formation, Harley, who was sacrificed, swung a shining Isu baseball bat and knocked out a tentacles that were protruding towards her, but soon more tentacles rushed towards her.

It's like a hungry monster finally found a delicious bait, and it's not willing to go back honestly until it's a good day.

"I can hold on! Keep talking, sweetheart! Leave me alone."

Halle has absolute confidence in her Mr. K.

She yelled and waved her weapon, knocking back those tentacles one by one, and the waste soil venom that co-existed on her body also opened its teeth and claws and transformed into more biological blades to chop down more and more large and small evil god tentacles below.

This is a serious evil thing.

Harley has no divinity and cannot resist the erosion of this thing on the existential level. If Black Strange really intends to use her as a bait, then the moment the evil god Shuma Goras appears, the little cutie will be distorted into a weird thing .

She is still full of energy now, it must be Hei Qiyi who has cast some kind of resistance magic on her.

This was enough for Mason to breathe a sigh of relief.

He stared at the dark Doctor Strange floating expressionlessly above him. He knew that the game between himself and him had reached the most critical moment, so he paused, organized his tone, and said:
"This cosmic system is too old.

The sacred timeline it derived has continued from the beginning of the era to the current era of era destruction. It is impossible to overthrow this timeline with your own strength, even if it is only the small node where Christine must die.

You shouldn't try to fight it, Strange.

It's like Sisyphus pushing the stone, because you yourself are part of the divine timeline and you can't fight yourself, which creates a horrific time paradox.

You cannot explain yourself in a paradox, and the result is that your existence collapses.

Christine was a victim of the fate of the Mage Supreme, and she died because of you, which may explain why you would rather give up the whole world to bring her back.

Not just out of love, but also regret and self-loathing.

A friend of mine who studies timing described this situation to me, and his exact words were as bad as throwing shit into a fan. "

"Very vivid description. Although a bit disgusting."

Hei Qiyi stared at Mason with eyes full of dark circles, and he said:
"The reason is finished, I expect you to tell me the method instead of just picking my thorns. Let me remind you again, because your little girlfriend is too active, so Shuma is very interested in her.

In a maximum of 30 seconds, it will float up to the material world at the risk of being caught by me. It has always been greedy and cannot resist its deadly curiosity. "

"The solution I gave is to give up this universe, there is no chance."

Mason exclaimed:
"You don't need a shock event to sense that this cosmic epoch has come to its end, that the tremor from the depths of the universe is its dying twitch.

All the evil and bad things are caused by this, and only my companions and I are a clear stream among all kinds of doomsday thoughts.

We will not be committed to continuing the last life of this old universe. We want to take everyone across the singularity of destruction and enter the time when the next era opens.

And this is your last chance, Strange!
Even if you shake the sacred timeline and bring Christine back, you can only welcome the end of the era with her, but if you walk with us, if we can step into the beginning of the next era.

In that singularity at the beginning of all things!
Strange, in this singularity where one sacred timeline has just collapsed and the next sacred timeline has not yet begun, at a moment when the concept of an absolute time point does not exist!
You don't even need to pay more, just simply go back in time and bring back the Christine you miss!Then take her into the starting point of the next sacred timeline, let her enter the next era in a living posture, and make her existence enter immortality just like you.
There is no time paradox!
There is nothing self-contradictory!
There is no need for a logical and self-consistent existential explanation.

In a singularity where the concept of 'time' does not even exist, time itself is a building block toy that you can play with, and you can completely spell out a perfect Christine for yourself.

But only if we get to that singularity, we have to defeat the people who stand in our way, and most importantly, put the fuck my girlfriend down!

I have given you a way!

Your wife is dead but everyone else's lover is still there, do something nice for Dr. Christine, bastard! "

Under Mason's near-screaming scolding, Hei Qiyi threw it away, and the screaming Harley was pulled out from the wolves surrounded by the tentacles of the evil god, and landed precisely in Mason's arms with outstretched arms.

She wasn't too frightened, but found it really exciting, and even had a smile on her face.

But in the next moment, Mason hugged her tightly, and the strength of his arms entwined even made Harley feel suffocated, making her aware of the fear in Little Sweetheart's heart.

Just now, Mason had almost lost her forever.

"Oh, it's okay, I'm back."

Harley patted Mr. K on the back lightly, comforting him in return as a victim. This scene fell into the eyes of Shirley next to her, which made the old aunt quite helpless.

She probably realized how much worse she was than Harley.
Although Mason has always maintained a fairly independent personality and style, in fact, he may also be a deeply hidden "uneasy person". He also needs unreserved attachment and companionship like Harley to comfort him deep in his heart. Some kind of uneasiness hidden deep inside.

Tsk, Mason's emotional requirements are really harsh.

He, Catwoman, and Barbara are really not suitable, only Harley Quinn, a Robin girl, is a natural match for him.

"You gave me a way. Although the probability of success is very small, it is at least a little comfort for a person in desperate situation. But now, I still need you to do one last thing for me."

Hei Qi crossed his hands and turned into a dark ring of Raggador in front of him, and grew more eight arms in the illusion of the shape of Aikon. At the same time, he cast more than a dozen arms All the protective magic and protective magic were thrown on the four people in front of them.

At this time, his dark territory has been shaken.

The big-eyed evil god crawling out of the summoning ceremony was roaring and wanting to destroy this place. By the way, he pressed his old opponent to the ground and beat him hard, in order to avenge the "evil deed" of this bastard who ate his tentacles a few years ago.

In front of the evil gods, all kinds of gorgeous or evil magic on the four of Mason were beating coolly. With the blessing of these magic power increases, Mason felt that he could have a boxing match with Da Chao with his fists without drinking superhuman medicine.

And it wasn't until this time that he finally realized why Hei Qiyi wanted to imprison Zhakang
This guy needs help!
He alone is not an opponent of the evil god Shuma Goras, he needs some collaborators who will not hold him back, because Zakkang was imprisoned and he and Ciri were both "take the bait" fish.

Since then, the five people have finally formed an "evil god crusade team".

"You really catch a good fish!"

Mason unscrewed the bottle cap of the improved superhuman medicine, and complained to Hei Qi, who had turned into an evil god around him:
"But I'm curious, if we don't fall for it, if we don't come to save Zhakang, how are you going to deal with this evil god you have attracted?"

"Oh, look at your poor questions and poor wit."

Hei Qiyi's distorted seven eyes showed a frightening smile on the terrifying face on his forehead, and he said in a low voice:
"You may wish to guess why I hide my domain in the sanctuary of this world? The Karma Taj here is not as strong as my hometown, but the good news is that they have some power, although not much.

It may not be so qualified to be a teammate, but it is more than enough to be cannon fodder.

I have a chance of devouring Shuma Goras, it’s nothing more than paying the price of casualties. You see, Mason, as I said at the beginning, whether the outside world is dead or alive really has nothing to do with me.

I gave all my enthusiasm to Christine, and I gave no other warmth. "

"But we can't help you work for nothing!"

Zha Kang realized that Hei Qiyi had changed from an "enemy" to a "temporary companion", so he boldly complained:

"You get paid for work, old man."

"Then how about I dig out all the magic you stole from me? All it takes is a small craniotomy."

Hei Qiyi glanced at Zha Kang, who immediately gave up.

"As for you, my friend."

In the background of the evil god Shuma Goras from the lightless sea completely jumping into the dark realm, and in the background of the terrifying phantom waving thousands of tentacles in this dark place, Hei Qiqi looked at the hunter Ciri again, and looked her up and down ,explain:
"You sold your soul to the devil. This is not a good deal. You are hopeless, just like me back then, but you see, as a senior who has embarked on the path of evil, I may be able to give you a crooked path.

how about it?
Is the price right?everyone. "

(End of this chapter)

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