The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 407 22. Secret Invasion Stage 1

Chapter 407 22. The First Stage of Secret Invasion
The evil god Big Beholder from the Lightless Sea is very powerful, and this is an enemy that is more difficult to deal with than Black Strange.

But how?

Hei Qiqi, who brought a powerful helper, was obviously more powerful. After a long and fierce battle, he finally harvested the body of an evil god that could be used to complete the final swallowing forbidden technique.

Others didn't do it in vain, at least not Mason.

He was sitting on the main eye of the big beholder that was poked blind by Ciri, and the black death sword suit extending from his left hand had just finished eating the evil divinity, and this meeting was hiccupping and returning to Mason's hands.

"Too sleepy. Sleep. Full and patient"

Intermittent thoughts were transmitted from the black death sword suit to Mason's heart. The divinity from an evil god made it overwhelmed for the first time. After all, it was only a small fragment of the complete black death sword and could not be too demanding.

It was "fed" so well by Mason that it was about to enter a deep sleep to digest the nutrients in its body, in order to complete the complete "evolution".

Mason watched the lazy black death sword battle suit return to his wrist and turned into a black tattoo again, and then looked down. Zha Kang was picking out his "trophies" with a woodcutter axe.

He intends to cut off a tentacle of the evil god from Shuma Golas as a test object for the first stage of his attempt to "swallow the forbidden technique".

For a dark wizard who has a lot of enemies in heaven and hell, if he doesn't study hard when he encounters a master of sorcery like Black Strange, he is simply sorry for the torture he was imprisoned for a period of time in the past.

"Sweetie, look what I found!"

Harry, who was covered in blood, ran to Mason with something in his hands. When he opened his hands, he saw a gem-like eyeball of an evil god being held up by her.

I don't know where she found it, but this thing is really suitable for accessories such as rings or pendants.

"I'll make a ring for you in a moment, you go to pick out the base and pattern first."

Mason smiled at his cutie, who gave a cheer.

He took the picture sample that Mason handed over and jumped down, discussing the shape of his new ring with his two dogs who were hesitating whether to taste the "evil god meat".

"This is the first time I've hunted an evil creature of this level, if the demon hunters organize a hunting contest, then I will accomplish a true lore.

My father would be proud of me. "

Ciri's voice came from behind. The Lake Maiden sword in her hand was still dripping with filthy blood, but the golden light on it danced even brighter, which seemed to represent that this sword of virtue was also singing praises for today's feat. .

"I think your Excellency Geralt should be more grateful that his daughter's illness is finally cured."

Mason lit a cigarette, exhaled smoke rings and said quietly:
"The promise of black singularity will help you unlock the soul fusion with Mephisto, which makes me feel a lot more relaxed, so that we don't have to go through the difficult choice of having to die for the sight of a great goal.

I didn't expect that there would be so many adventures hidden in this seemingly ordinary world. "

"And you found a new backer."

Ciri stepped forward and stood beside Mason holding a sword. She brushed her long hair a little tiredly, and glanced at the black strange not far away that was preparing to devour it for the last time.

She whispered:

"He's the most powerful guy I've ever seen. He's unfathomable enough to earn him a dignified place in the Council of Hope, and now, he's a non-staff member of Team K.

Old A's restriction on you is weakened one more level, even if you turn against him now, he may not be able to do anything to you. "

"No, why now?"

Mason shook his head and said:
"Obviously it's not the time, the value of the old A is very high, and we must use those valuable things properly, but you are right, it feels really good to have such a big guy as a backer.

It's like we used to do things secretly and always feel guilty, but now we have some support, so that we can let go when necessary.

Are you going back? "

He puffed out the smoke ring, looked at Ciri, the hunter hesitated for a moment, and asked back with his silver hair:
"What? You don't want me to go?"

"Well, indeed."

Mason replied frankly:
"The matter of Heiqi is over, but there are still troubles outside. The Skrulls' invasion of this world will start at any time, and I tried my best to create a resistance army.

But I think it is not enough.

Didn't you tell me that the Skrulls are servants of some great man from the Council of Hope?

Although there is no tangible evidence, I can feel that their motives for this secret invasion here are not pure, and they are waiting for a certain point in time.

My uneasiness is deepening.

Experience tells me that if I can have you by my side, my ability to deal with crises will improve a lot. "

"You really just need to ask me to stay."

Shirley said quietly:

"There is no need to say such a long list, well, I can stay, the reason for going out this time is to inspect the worlds, and a longer delay is not a big problem.

The swordsman has been secretly instructing the dead servant army to make troubles in the resource world under the command of the warlock. This action seems to be supported by Utopia, which has exhausted the servants of the warlock.

He doesn't have that much energy to monitor my movements.

But I can't stay for too long, if it attracts Your Excellency Fate's attention, the loss outweighs the gain. "

"It's okay, listen to me."

Mason shook his head and said:
"Just let it pay attention. Hei Qiqi is confident to resist it. By the way, you can also see the limit of our new friend's ability. I always feel that he still has reservations."

"You two should go to a more secret place when you talk about this kind of secret."

Hei Qi's voice faintly rang in the ears of Mason and Ciri, and he said:
"Such a blatant discussion of using me, is this the style of your Stars Club? It's really eye-opening. In addition, I want to remind you, Mason.

Just because I'm interested in what you propose doesn't mean I'll join you.

Devouring the body of Shuma's evil god is a long process, and I don't have much time to spare. I can help you with some small things, but you'd better not disturb me too often. "


Mason called the magic fire to burn off the cigarette butt in his hand, and said to Hei Qiqi:

"Where's Frog? Could he be a problem?"

"Frogtu and his people are observing, that is their mission.

They are very interested in everything that can be observed. Although he does not want you to interfere with what is going to happen in this world, if you insist on doing it, he will not interfere. "

Hei Qiyi turned his left hand into the tentacles of the evil god and pierced into the evil body in front of him, squeezing out the remaining strong power like fusion and growth.

He said without looking back:
"Don't provoke him, and he won't be your trouble."

"But observers seem to be very strange beings."

Mason frowned and said:
"Does our world also have observers like Frog Map? Are they not limited by parallel worlds and have no space-time aliens?"

"They are plural and unique."

Hei Qiqi explained a little impatiently:

"The civilization where the frog map is located has achieved the ascension of life forms through technological means a long time ago. They have the ability to travel freely in parallel worlds. I guess after the birth of your organization and every outbreak that impacts every plane They all watched silently from the sidelines.

They won't get involved in anything, unless it's something as peculiar as me, a monster?

All right.

If it is not intrusive, I will ask you to leave now, the next scene will be a little bloody, in order to take care of your poor sanity, you'd better not stay here. "

"How can I contact you?"

Mason stood up and asked a question.

Black Qi said in a low voice:

"Call my name and I will hear you.

Last but not least, Mason, I'm not interested in what's going on outside, don't call me when you're in trouble here, unless it's something you think I'd be interested in."


Mason nodded, and led his companions towards the exit of this dark field, and sent them out of New York City without disturbing any members of the Holy of Holies in the black strange spellcasting.

And after sending off the "guests", Hei Qi twisted his body to completely release his evil spirit, just like an ant devouring a giant began to drive the tentacles and those weird heads to bite the evil god's body.

Sure enough, as he said, this process was too bloody.

"The New Age Singularity is a place where there is no concept of time. Ah, my Christine. This may be the last chance and only chance. Another end game"

The chaotic voice whimpered in the darkness, without sadness or joy, and even made people feel chills.

Even longing seems so distorted.

But you can't deny it.

This World Destroyer who charged for love is indeed a model in this aspect of emotional persistence.
"Ah, it feels so good to be free!"

On a wilderness outside New York City, Zha Kang knelt down on his knees and opened his arms towards the moon in the night, posing a classic scene of the redemption of the kidney-cutter.

But he was mad here but no one paid any attention to him, after all, the two girls in the team were going around Mason right now.

Needless to say, Harley is so cute, she is pestering Mason to help her make a more beautiful tail ring, and engrave some patterns she likes on the ring.

Xili, a great mentor with rich pioneering experience, is also very busy.

She took out a very sophisticated instrument and buckled it on her wrist, and began to connect to the world network and automatically hack into communication satellites to search for all useful information.

Because she was in an unexplored different world and everyone around her already knew her identity, so Ciri didn't hide anymore and showed her true colors openly.

That pair of perfect legs with the classic shape of riding boots provoked Zha Kang to look here frequently.
Well, she has a great figure, an exquisite face, and her natural silver hair is a big plus. The scar on her face is not a problem, but it adds a bit of bravery and chic to her as a female warrior.

There are no major disadvantages other than the small breasts.

Mason's taste is fine!
Zha Kang thought of Xiao Jiujiu in his heart.

Of course, he is a self-aware scumbag, so he won't go to tease a shrew he can't afford, and Xili's swordsmanship in attacking the evil god just now is enough for scumbag to have some vital organs cut off by her before he does bad things.

The lady with the sword. Tsk, I can't afford to provoke you.

Mason didn't pick a place, and he was happy to solve the problem of black singularity. He simply set up the alchemy table on the spot and helped Harry polish the evil eye gemstone to make accessories.

Taking this opportunity, he can finally ask the question that he has been curious about.

"Shirley, do you have your own pioneering team?"

"Yes, the three major mentors all have their own private teams, but the composition of your pioneering team is different. Ours is called the guard."

While browsing the important information of this world, Ciri explained casually:

"The great mentor always has privileges, just like the Ghost Knights you saw in your hometown before, all members have the gift of power from Lord Fate, and our mentor guard is the same.

The number may not be many, but all of them are elite.

As far as I know, the swordsman's guards come from the border of hell that she rules, because she has a good compatibility with the power of the devil, so she has a hell army under her command.

As the most powerful force in the Constellation, her guards can defeat several Cleaner legions head-on, but because hell creatures are brutal and difficult to control, she rarely uses her guards.

as for the warlock
That guy's guards are taking the elite route, and no one knows how many people they have been hiding all the time, but they are definitely not weak.

As for my guard.

Keep it a secret now, and when I really need them to appear, I will notify you to watch the excitement. "

The hunter flicked his long silver hair, looked at Mason with a smile, and said:
"It's sure to drop your jaw."

This scene fell into the eyes of the vigilant Zha Kang, and the black wizard couldn't help curling his lips and cursing "dogs and men and women" in his heart. He was hesitating whether to go to Harley's place to light a fire
Well, it'll be interesting to see how Mason's rear is on fire.


Just when Zhakang was thinking about doing something bad, the hunter who was retrieving information frowned at the instrument in her hand that suddenly lost signal. She looked up at the sky and said to the people around:
"There is clutter in outer space that is interfering with satellite communications. From my experience, this is likely to be the start of a large-scale information war. Something is about to happen."


As soon as the crow-mouthed female boss finished speaking, a loud noise exploded not far away in the center of New York City.

The flames soared into the sky, causing Zha Kang to immediately put on the magic floating cloak and take off to have a look.

It was midnight at this time, and under Zha Kang's gaze, the lights of thousands of houses in the city seemed to be covered by a black curtain. In just a few seconds, the city of night, which was originally extremely bright, was instantly darkened.

"Big blackout!"

He shouted in the team communication:
"Super power outage, the whole city has lost its energy, no, not just the city, it is very likely that the whole world has been attacked, and those Skrulls hiding on the earth have done it!
But why now?

Does this point in time have any special significance? "


Mason stretched out his hand and spread out the S.H.I.E.L.D. ancestral BB machine given by Agent Maria Hill when he left the Heavenly Sword. This thing that has been transformed by the technology of the Kree Empire has a S.H.I.E.L.D. emblem on its worn-out display is shining.

"Boiled eggs and the others are approaching the earth."

The captain looked up at the night sky, and said:

"I guess they are not the only ones here, the large fleet of Skrulls is also approaching this world, and this blackout is their cooperation with each other.

Harley, activate the special communication, gather the X-Men, and contact Mr. Zhang to see what's going on in Wakanda. "

"Roger that!"

Cutie gave a standard military salute on the spot, touched the heel of her shoe, and then took out a device from the luggage that can maintain communication without relying on external energy.

From Judy's design and Barbara's transformation, Harry squatted there, grabbed the waist pole and turned it around a dozen times, just like a fucking tractor.

Then, amidst the hum of built-in energy, she cameo as Mason's signalman, issuing orders to the two forces.

Mason wasn't very anxious.

He had long expected that this scene would appear sooner or later, and he had already made sufficient preparations. He would still be making that evil eye bead ring for Harry in front of the alchemy table.

The so-called gods are made naturally, this thing does not require too much jewelry processing skills to embellish, only needs to be inlaid with the base and lettering.

A few minutes later, amid President Zhang yelling about the invasion of Wakanda, Mason handed the finished ring to Harry. The latter took a peek at Ciri next to him, coughed deliberately and stretched out his fingers to make a gesture. Waiting for the action to wear.

Mason pouted, knelt on one knee and put the tail ring on her finger in response to the cutie's desire to show off.

Zha Kang, who would not miss any gossip, had a panoramic view of this scene, and it also pleased the wicked black wizard.

Ha, you don't have to go out and fight the fire yourself!It turned out that Harry knew about Ciri's potential threat, tsk tsk, Mason didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the problem yet.

Zha Kang rubbed his fingers excitedly.

Oh oh oh, this wave of swearing in sovereignty is well done, cute Harley!There is a good show to watch next.

(End of this chapter)

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