The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 408 23. As long as Mazefak launches an attack, everything will be fine Part 1

Chapter 408 23. As long as Mazefak launches an attack, everything will be fine · Part [-]
"This kind of worldwide power outage seems to have been prepared for a long time. I guess this may be related to the energy modules that Stark Industries has been transforming all over the world in the past few years.

Maybe these bastards have secretly taken control of my competitor's company, well, their stock price will definitely plummet if they do so.

It may be a good choice to buy bottoms or close a hostile takeover now.”

Zhang Parker's voice sounded from the hand-cranked global quantum communication device in front of Mason's eyes, with an urgent desire to find electric poles and the ethics of being an excellent capitalist.

But Mason wasn't asking for investment advice, so he coughed and reminded Mr. Zhang to stop thinking about your unlucky business layout at this time.

If you fail to pass this threshold, your old dream of business empire will also die with the wind.

Mr. Zhang reacted, and coughed a little awkwardly, and then hurriedly reported:
"Wakanda's energy is independent of the world's power grid, and it has not been affected in any way. In addition, Wakanda's military satellites have sent back pictures near the earth's orbit. A large fleet of different styles and shapes It is approaching the earth, and it looks menacing. It should be the Skrull's "made by all nations" fleet.

Seriously, just looking at the patchwork of this fleet, you can tell that they have already wreaked havoc on many worlds. "

"What about Wakanda's military power?"

In his newsletter he asked:
"Isn't that Prince Huabao who was appointed to supervise the country planning to do something?"

"I met Ms. Okoye just now. The general of the Black Panther said that they should give priority to ensuring the security of Wakanda's borders, and the mobilization of the army requires the order of His Majesty the Black Panther."

President Zhang lowered his voice and replied:

"This means that we don't want them to go out to fight for the time being, but thanks to the warning we brought, they completed the defense ahead of time, and this side looks solid.

How about you withdraw? "

"Sweetie! Something is falling from the sky!"

Harry, who had been looking up at the stars, suddenly screamed.

Mason looked up, and a thing as bright as a meteor was falling from the night sky, bringing with it the brilliant fire that rubbed against the atmosphere when it fell at high speed. When it got close to the ground, it was not difficult to find that it was a Skrull ship. warship.

And the place where it fell was just outside New York City. If Mason's space perception was correct, the spaceship was straight and smashed towards the Tricurved Wing headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The Mazefake of this world is really reckless!

"For the time being, Nick Fury is always pinching to complete his hero debut, and the first battle against the Skrull invaders will also start here.

They're heading straight for S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

In a better way, this is called revenge, and the term for low EQ is to give away a head. "

Mason said to Mr. Zhang:

"Wait patiently in Wakanda for us to withdraw, and by the way, strictly investigate the infiltrators, Parker, there must be senior spies of the Skrulls in the court of Wakanda who have not been exposed."

"Understood, be careful."

Zhang Parker cut off the communication, and when Mason put down the phone, he heard a loud bang.

Then there was a soaring flame lit up in the dark night, and the Skrull spaceship smashed into the SHIELD headquarters, turning it into the most dazzling guiding light in the turbulent night.

Mason sighed and glanced back. In Nightcrawler's repeated rapid jumps, all the fighting academic X-Men had been teleported here.

They are led by Logan, Hank, Cyclops, Jean, and Storm, several veteran X-Men, including Agent Brand, who was temporarily appointed as the recruit commander because of her excellent service history.

A group of young people led by Iceman is the first time to officially put on the uniform of the X-Men. They are trying to show a reliable expression, but the eyes are excited or worried, which makes people really express their true fighting power. Suspect.

"We brought this for you."

Cyclops, the leader of the mutants, stepped forward and handed a set of stacked suits made of special materials to Mason. He said:
"You are also one of us, and I invite you to fight alongside us as the X-Men in this war, Mason."

"It really touched me."

Mason looked at the black bodysuit presented to him.

He didn't refuse either, and put his hand on the suit to change into the suit in the form of water molecular reorganization. The big X logo on the chest and back made him look the same as other warriors.


Harry held up his camera to capture the scene.

She felt that this scene meant a lot to the little sweetheart.

"Shirley, take us to the place where the spaceship crashed."

Mason turned to the "new assistant" who put on the mask again and said:

"It's time to meet up with Braised Dan and the others. Only when we unite together can we break through the impregnable defense line seized by the Skrulls in a short time."

"The Helicarrier of S.H.I.E.L.D. is up! Mason, those green bastards are coming this way."

Zakon, who was suspended in the air with a magic levitating cloak, reported:

"It should be that the movement of the X-Men's transfer was captured."

"You don't have to be polite to them this time."

Standing in front of the silver rift opened by Ciri, Mason said without looking back:
"Here's the ship to you, John, give them some color."


Zha Kang laughed and threw a black voodoo statue, and the zombie flying dragon Noble, who hadn't appeared for a long time, rushed to the sky with him, and then the dark blue fire ignited the night sky and mixed with Avada Kedavra The green light of the curse shot out, which looked quite gorgeous.

The X-Men on the ground quickly passed through the portal opened by Ciri, and on the other end they landed on the ruins of the Tricurved Wing Building.

Most of the heads of the "hard landing" alien spacecraft have been smashed into the ground, and the buildings on the ground have been damaged even more. It is simply the disaster scene of a magnitude [-] earthquake.

The Iceman, who had been prepared for a long time, gathered the ice when he jumped out, and cooperated with the storm girl next to him to create a sudden storm that swept everything, plus the waterman Uh, no, just decided to change his nickname to "Shuijun" With the superpower blessing of His Majesty Mason, the torrential rain quickly extinguished the burning flames here.

The Skrull troop carrier that fell into three sections in front of him looked like a stranded monster. Its outer armor was full of scars and penetration marks left by the attack. It seemed that it had survived the attack of the Skrull fleet.

Suffering a huge impact, the hatch on the lower deck of the troop carrier could no longer be opened normally. When Mason and the others rushed over in the rain, they could hear the clanging knocking sound coming from inside from a long distance away.


Cyclops used his ruby ​​shock wave to quickly cut through the outer armor to create a triangular entrance and exit. Although it was very similar to Superman's heat ray, his "eye attack" was obviously more powerful. The strength of smooth cutting, it must be a good hand when used as a humanoid laser cutting machine.


An angry yell quickly came out of the triangular opening, and then Ludan rushed out of it grabbing an alien firearm as tall as others.

He looked at the vast water around him and shouted:
"Fighted seven in and seven out on the spaceship of the alien bastard, rescued the rookie heroes, escaped the firepower of the entire fleet, and finally returned to the earth to vent
If this is dropped to death, the whole room will have to laugh out loud. "

"You can still swear, it doesn't seem like a big problem."

Mason whispered to Ciri who was staring at the corned egg and frowning:

"This corned egg is too poor, compared with old A, it looks like a light-packed rough version of Mazefak, but I tried it before, and he does have the same spy thinking as old A.

He can help us. "

"I'm more concerned that he's going to get killed by the old A, or worse, get along with him."

Ciri pouted back.

Under the watchful eyes of the two, a large number of replaced heroes climbed out of the stranded spaceship with hands and feet. There are quite a few of them, including Phantom Cat, Colossus and Beichen who were killed by Mason in the Mutant Academy before. .

Add to this the Fantastic Four, Street Defenders, and a host of heroes from around the world.

Based on a preliminary estimate of this scale, at least two-thirds of the famous superheroes in the world have been replaced, and the remaining group of heroes are also unworthy third-rate heroes.

These Skrulls are really ruthless, but this is not the scariest thing.

After a group of heroes ran out, the last thing sent out of the cabin was a biological cabin escorted by Agent Natasha. Mason stepped forward to remove the stains on the hatch and saw a frozen Tony Starr inside. gram.

"Sure enough, the one in S.H.I.E.L.D. is a counterfeit."

"no, he is not."

Fury explained with a stinky face:

"Look carefully at this Tony, Mason, he doesn't have the iconic energy reactor on his chest, we checked when this bio-cabin took effect, it started working eight years ago.

Tony wasn't a superhero then.

So the one in S.H.I.E.L.D. is the serious Iron Man, who spent a part of his life for this playboy who had been replaced long ago.

If you ask me, I guess that impostor may not even know that he is a Skrull. Do you understand what I mean?If you want a spy to be in the best shape for a long time, let him not know that he is a spy.

In this way, there is no need for camouflage, and it can be perfect enough to deceive everyone.

I suspect they have brainwashed their own people. "

"That would be even better."

Mason complained:
"So all your action planning in the past eight years is equivalent to doing it with the Skrulls. No wonder the S.H.I.E.L.D. has been infiltrated into such a ghost."


A loud noise exploded in the distant night sky, and the space carrier used by S.H.I.E.L.D. to hunt down the X-Men had a big explosion in the air, like a group of dazzling fireworks illuminating the night sky, more like a signal.

Zha Kang perfectly completed his debut in this world, and this big explosion also lit a fire in the eyes of the heroes who were climbing out of the spaceship.

Under the ruins flattened by the falling attack, muffled noises were also heard from the well-known and stable underground buildings of S.H.I.E.L.D. It seemed that the Skrulls who were caught off guard had activated some anti-intrusion equipment.

"Can you still fight?"

In the rain, Mason felt that a lot of life was coming here, and a big battle was about to break out, so he turned around and shouted.

Few people answered.

But those heroes who still had traces of torture and malnutrition caused by long-term imprisonment stood up silently.

They responded with action.

"You come?"

Mason glanced at the marinated egg and made a gesture of "please", but Mazefak waved his hand very modestly and said:
"You obviously have a complete plan in this matter, so you come here, professional people do professional things, this is my consistent policy. So, please issue an order, Commander."

"Then I'm welcome."

Mason let out a sigh of relief. He threw out several boxes of refreshing potions and healing potions, and said to the hundreds of people bustling behind him:
"You are moving to Wakanda with our young X-Men, and I understand your desire for revenge, but this is a long-term confrontation that won't be won in one or two fights.

The best time for you to show your strength is when the large Skrull fleet is approaching the earth and a large-scale invasion occurs.

Those who are in good condition stay here to stop the siege of the Skrulls!
But please keep in mind that this is a raid, and our first goal is to get rid of the spy chief Skrull placed on the earth, that is, Tony Stark, the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D., who is hiding under our feet. Destroy the materials they have prepared for the large fleet and the secret plans that will affect subsequent operations. "

"Blow up the 27th floor base directly!"

Fury said with a gloomy face:

"Secret project bases are scattered all over the world, but their main control rooms are all underground in the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, and blowing up all of them can effectively delay progress.

The rest will be solved one by one after we regroup in Wakanda. "

"There is a self-explosive device here."

Agent Natasha says:

"I'm going to start it."

"Fine, that's our plan."

Mason opened his arms and shouted:

"Now the Guardians of the Galaxy and the veterans of the X-Men come out to follow me, and the rest are here to stick to it! Captain Carter has already contacted the Inhumans to support us, and the gate of Attilan will open on the battlefield in a while.

That is your line of retreat.

Don't worry about us breaking into the ground, we have our own way to evacuate!Now, let's fight! "


In an instant, many heroes with the ability to fly took off from the heavy rain and rushed to all directions to stop the surrounding Skrull soldiers and the S.H.I.E.L.D. robot army controlled by them.

Under the leadership of several leaders, the heroes on the ground also set up a defense line in the ruins. Mason contributed his arsenal so that they would not lack "handy weapons".

It's just that most of the heroes are quite weak, and they probably won't last long, especially after Mazefak chose the genius tactic of "blossom in the center", which made them unable to even break through the encirclement.

Zha Kang, who had destroyed a space carrier, came quickly on his flying dragon, and was arranged to open the portal to send these remnants who had just escaped from prison back to Wakanda, while Mason, Ciri and Twenty Under the leadership of Natasha, two heavily armed raiders rushed into the military tunnel that broke into the underground base.

Unexpectedly, a battle has already begun here.

In the magnificent flying magic, a large number of Mark series robots were cut and destroyed, and a group of Karma Taj battle mages were storming the SHIELD headquarters under the leadership of their supreme mage.

"What are they doing here?"

The Xingjue Black Panther in the team said in surprise:

"The group of mages looked very angry, as if their home had been stolen."


The revolving door of light opened before everyone's eyes, and the world's supreme mage Strange, who was carrying a severed robot head, fell down expressionlessly.

He looked at Agent Natasha, Cyclops and Logan in the team, and after confirming that these people were "genuine products", he whispered:

"The Skrulls disguised themselves as my assistant, Old Wang, and stole the Time Stone from the Holy Land."


Mason, who was behind the crowd, suddenly raised the muzzle of the electromagnetic gun in his hand, and pulled the trigger to let a green arc blast out from the muzzle of the "disposable" BFG9000, covering the Supreme Mage who was caught off guard in the devastating beam. By the way, all the guys blocking the way and the closed gates in the passage in front of him were cut off instantly.

It is conservatively estimated that this blow killed at least more than 100 Mark armors and seven blocked all-steel gates, and the road to the underground base has been unimpeded.

Mason threw the scrapped electromagnetic gun that was emitting black smoke on the ground with a blank expression, and casually took out a new Fark from his luggage and grabbed it.

He looked at the corpse of the "Supreme Mage" who had melted most of his body and only had a burnt head. That guy's charred skeleton obviously didn't look like a human from Earth.

"How do you know it's a Skrull? Doctor Strange isn't on that ship."

The black widow next to her asked in astonishment, and Mason pouted and said:

"I knew that before, and even if I didn't, a Sorcerer Supreme who loses the Time Stone under such dire circumstances really deserves to die, doesn't he?"

(End of this chapter)

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