The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 409 24.1 Everything is just the task of the master

Chapter 409 24. Everything is just the task of the master (sad)
The heroes who stayed on the ground to buy time for the transfer fought fiercely in the heavy rain. They could not observe the Skrull fleet's atmospheric landing operation with the naked eye for the time being, but the dark New York City was clearly in chaos.

The chaos the invaders needed came as expected.

According to the most malicious idea, it is up to the impostors to come on the stage to "turn the tide", and by the way, a few prominent figures will take the lead in "friendly exchanges" with the Skrulls, so as to complete their first mission on earth in a fair and honest manner. public appearance.

This may have been the plan of the Skrulls, but it was scuttled from the start.

Because of Mason's activeness, the replaced heroes returned to the world ahead of schedule, and the raid on the underground base of S.H.I.E.L.D. disrupted the plan just started by these pretenders.

This doesn't mean the trouble is over, bad things always follow one another without winking.

"This is Reed Richards, please speak to Commander Mason."

On the scorched ground, Mister Fantastic, supported by the invisible woman Susan, took the communicator from Fury.

This poor man was tortured to the point of collapse by the Skrulls. Now he can no longer control his glue-like body, and his entire face has been elongated into a comedian-like expression, like a ball of soft noodles.

But his extremely intelligent brain is still running at high speed, so he will say weakly to the other end of the communicator:

"Your operation must be terminated, Mason, I suspect that there are hidden high-level Skrull spies among us now. This is not a joke, listen to me.

They tortured me trying to get me to design weapons for them, but I took the opportunity to check their databases, and there are some 'super-units' born among the Skrulls.

Not only is the ability to disguise greatly enhanced, but the ability to copy others will not be weakened but will be strengthened. "

"Then leave it to you, Mr. Reed."

Mason, who had already penetrated into the ground, said indifferently:
"There is someone from me in Wakanda who has the results of my research on the Skrulls. I believe that data can help you design an excellent resolution device in a short period of time."

"No, I mean your current raid is dangerous!"

Reed anxiously explained:
"You can't judge whether the person who follows you is your own. This is simply asking for a dead end and will send you to a desperate situation."

"That's all I need to worry about."

Mason rejected Reed's suggestion, saying curtly in his communication:
"Act according to my plan, Mr. Reed, I will discuss this issue with you after Wakanda regroups, and now, execute the order!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up the communication, and the Skrulls who were all huddled in the underground base in front of them were estimated to be able to hold on for at least a few hours. The multiple defense lines were blown away by Mason's "destructive impact" in an instant. Has entered the most brutal hand-to-hand combat.

The Skrulls transformed into various superheroes howled and rushed out from all over the base. The kind-hearted Thanos, who was holding the propeller knife tightly, had already let out a war cry to fight, but before he could charge, he saw the blue dragon in front of him. In the shimmering black light, dozens of phantoms with swords harvested around and killed the first Boskulu people.

The space phantoms flickered and closed together, revealing the chic figure of Ms. Hunter wearing a mask.

Under the stunned gaze of the crowd, Ciri casually shook off the blood stains on the Lake Maiden's sword, as if she had done a trivial matter, and walked into the depths of the base full of corpses without looking back.

The heels of the hunting boots hit the ground like high heels, and amid the rhythmic sound, more screams soon sounded ahead.

The real strength of this great mentor is just to reveal the tip of the iceberg, and people are shocked. Although Shirley suffered a lot in front of Sister Ka and was beaten up by her mother, she no longer knows her, but this does not mean that she is weak.

It can only be said that Sister Ka is too strong.

Mason, holding a disposable gun, snapped his fingers in front of the stunned eyes of the people around him, bringing them back to life, and said in a long voice:
"What? Have you never seen a powerful female sword master?"

"Where did you find this ruthless character?"

Xingjue Black Panther murmured in a low voice:
"As far as this lady's amazing skill is concerned, you still need us to come with you? Can she wash the blood here by herself? How cowardly are you, Mason."

"Don't be stupid, this is to separate you from those people! Send your cousin a message, T'Challa."

While moving forward, Mason followed up with the "thigh" Ciri who was clearing the line with the torrent of water molecule recombination. He drew his pistol and fired two shots at a shadow beside him, knocking out a Skrull miscellaneous soldier who was trying to sneak attack. Headshot in the dark, the free aiming frame on the combat aid opened in front of you is constantly searching for the enemy, reminding the Panther:
"These people who are transferred to Wakanda have to be housed independently, and they are treated as prisoners until their identities are identified, so that they don't hook up with the spies hidden in Wakanda and mess up your country.

There is now the base camp of the earth's counterattack. If there is chaos there, it will be difficult to take the next step. "


Xingjue Black Panther nodded solemnly, activated the Wakanda high-tech bracelet on his wrist like a rosary, and began to communicate with Prince Huabao of the prison country.

"Mason, the backup energy of the entire base has been transferred deeper underground. There must be a super-large project operating there."

Hank, the smartest mutant, didn't forget to hack into the system here while tearing up the alien offal. He quickly reported a bad situation to Mason.

他 说:

"Their support plan has gone bankrupt but they are still fighting to the death here, which is enough to prove that the things below are very important to the Skrulls.

We need to speed up. "

"Divide the troops!"

Agent Natasha snapped:

"The self-destruct device is on the thirteenth floor underground, you guys come with me, and the others go directly to the lab at the bottom floor, where the 'Perfect Ultron' project is located.

They must be trying to activate it quickly.

Originally, it only had the Soul Gem, and now it also has the Time Gem, so it must not be brought back to life! "

"Nightcrawler! Work!"

Logan yelled, and the elusive Nightcrawler immediately appeared, grabbed Agent Natasha and Logan, jumped into the space and transferred to the [-]th underground floor, while Ciri in front also opened a crack that went straight into the ground.

Mason rushed over and turned around and said to the people behind him:
"Thanos comes with me, everyone else goes to the self-destruct device and waits for my order."


Mason's figure appeared in the large space on the bottom floor in the next second. Seeing the giant robot rushing towards him, he pulled the Falke gun in his hand and sent out another devastating beam sweep, like a master of desktop cleaning Destroy everything in front of you.

He has already fallen in love with this artifact of clearing miscellaneous soldiers. The only regret is that the craftsmanship is not good enough to make this good treasure a one-time thing.

But the materials for making BFG9000 are not easy to find. Even a replica of this legendary electromagnetic gun is expensive to manufacture. Mason would be equivalent to smashing people with vibrating gold of equal weight.

Although this can be regarded as the "glorious tradition" of the Bat family, whose money is blown by the wind!A few more shots like this, and Mason would be bankrupt.

He threw away the completely damaged Falke gun in his hand, pulled the key to summon the Fenrir armor and jumped in.

"The energy response comes from the front!"

As Mason and Ciri broke into the bottom, the kind-hearted Thanos pointed out the direction with the keen perception of energy of the Titans, and then threw the propeller overlord sword in his hand, letting the brutal vibrating gold weapon fly around in place to rush up Mark A series of robots smashed to the ground.

The super big man grabbed the saber that was flying back, turned his head and showed a simple and honest smile to Mason and Ciri, and made a gesture to let them rest assured!

He will serve as a defender to help them deal with the attack of the elite Skrull rushing in among the robot army.

"Is this big guy Thanos?"

Ciri, who flashed behind the rampant Fenrir armor, put the communicator of Mason's team into his ear, and then said to Mason in a puzzled manner:
"The mad titan in this world is actually a partner of justice? Why do you always find these weird world lines?"

"Do you blame me?"

Mason manipulated the floating cannon to blast open the closed door in front, and choked back at the movement of the Power Armor manipulated by the female Ultron:
"Who wouldn't like to die in these dangerous places? The feeling of being strangled to death by monsters from nowhere at any time, and you can only rely on your wits to survive is really fascinating."

"Stop talking!"

Hillary complained:
"Use dim sum, the number of enemies around is decreasing, and the movement in front is not quite right."


As soon as the female boss of Crow's Mouth finished speaking, a pair of iron hands tore the wall of the enclosed area completely made of special metal in front of them, and then two familiar figures appeared in front of them.

Wearing a black battle suit with a red cloak, the S on the chest is so eye-catching, and the combination of the Goddess of War wearing a full set of Olympus battle suit and holding the Vulcan sword and Bladebreaker buckler next to it makes people feel frightened .

"It seems that these Skrulls have seen the world, and they still retain the strange DNA they have been in contact with before, replicas of Black Superman and Wonder Woman"

Mason sighed in power armor and said:

"The energy fluctuations of these two guys are abnormally strong. They should be the 'super entities' that Reid mentioned."

"You go over there."

Ciri flexed her wrist and said:
"I'll deal with them. If you think that 'Perfect Ultron' will become a big problem, then get rid of it! The current situation in this world is so bad that it is rare in my development career of more than ten years.

I already had an ominous premonition.

Tonight's fight won't be the end, it could just be the beginning of more troublesome events. "

After speaking, her figure jumped and attacked the super Skrull warrior in front. Seeing her dodging Superman's heavy punch with ease and fighting with Wonder Woman a few times, she knew that she didn't need help.

As Mason charged forward, he put the life-binding mouse charm in his hand into the console groove of the power armor. This strange thing that can give life to dead objects was installed for a moment, and the AI ​​female Ultron of the power armor let out a cry. People groaned imaginatively.

"What the hell is going on?"

Mason manipulated the floating cannon revolving around the power armor to smash a mark armor that was trying to sneak attack. He complained:
"You are an AI, Ultron, maybe the decision to load you with an emotional circuit was a bit wrong."

"I just feel that this little thing is amazing, it replaced the Ark reactor and gave me real 'life', boss, it's hard for me to describe this feeling to you.

My data loops are not rich enough to describe 'sensual' experiences. "

Feeling the unique data feedback, the female Ultron said:
"But I ask you not to take this cute little thing out of my body. I like this 'alive' feeling between steel and life."


Mason didn't feel much about the demands of his Power Armor Society, and he also felt that the Rat Charm and the robot were a perfect match.

After being endowed with vitality, Fenrir's power armor's attack and dodge movements are obviously more flexible, and it also makes Mason's operation more concise and convenient. He only needs to "voice control" to make himself and the gold power armor cooperate perfectly.

He likes this feeling.


Just as Fenrir's battle armor rampaged into the front of the "Perfect Ultron" laboratory with super firepower, a red-gold Mark battle armor commanding the armor army stood in front of Mason.

The mask of the steel armor bounced off, revealing the face of a middle-aged version of Tony Stark.

It's no different from Tony No. [-], but the one in front of him seems to have become a habit of staying up late to practice immortality, and he made himself two big dark circles.

Looking very decadent and always under great pressure, even the handsome hair has taken on the inevitable sad shape of middle-aged men.

"The Skrulls have begun invading Earth, and you are interfering with our only hope of victory."

Tony snapped:
"Stand back! Intruders, the perfect Ultron is about to be born, it will save our world from despair!"

Mason's response to this was that he was too lazy to respond, and the shoulder cannon fired more than a dozen missiles to show friendship, but the explosion was blocked by Iron Man's opened matrix.

"You don't understand at all!"

Tony scolded:

"I've been aware of the actions of the Skrulls for a long time, and I pretended not to notice but obtained a lot of alien technology from them to improve Ultron.

My plan has reached the final stage.

Ultron equipped with weapons specially designed to destroy Skrulls is about to be born, and my Armor Legions hidden around the world will have a real commander!

The situation is really bad right now, but as long as Ultron attacks, everything will be fine. "

"He's crazy."

Female Ultron said to Mason in the cockpit:

"I hacked into his armor, and his mental security module is already calling the police, boss."

"Then rush in and destroy the robot that is installing the time gem!"

Mason yelled:



The Fak gun module popped out from the palm of the armor's left arm, and then a dazzling green energy beam swept forward, blasting the howling Iron Man into the air, and tore apart the protection of the secret laboratory.

Fenrir's battle armor rushed forward, tearing apart the "robot zombies" that surged up around him.

Then the cutting saw blade popped out, and under the precise manipulation of Mason, it slashed into the extremely precise bionic cabin in front of him, cutting the sleeping Ultron robot prototype in two.

Simply neat!

The violent energy impact exploded in the next instant, and the heavy power armor was thrown away, but this life-endowed heavy thing flipped twice in the air and landed firmly.

It raised its head and "looked" at the detonated laboratory in a superhero-like manner, but saw a green arc of light shining and enveloping everything under Mason's unsurprising gaze.

All the explosion cracks in the reverse flow activated by the time gem are quickly restored to their original state.


Mason yelled.

The summoned Hei Qi stretched out a hand and pressed into the reverse time in front of his eyes, wanting to completely crush Perfect Ultron in the cradle, but then there were purple sparks splashing, and the rising power of Hei Qi put Hei Qi to time. Interference exclusion.


Hei Qi made a nasal sound in surprise, and said to Mason in a gloomy tone:
"Something is wrong, something is protecting its very advanced power."

"The master behind Skrull?"

Mason blinked, and saw a shining silver arm lifted from the restored bionic cabin, lightly grasping the Time Gem falling from the air.

And gracefully put it slowly into the six grooves on his chest.

The green time gem and the yellow mind gem complement each other, making the silver robot suspended in the air look like a god.

Perfect Ultron was born.

It may be destined to be born, as unbreakable as an absolute time point.


Tony Stark, who was blown away by the explosion, laughed happily. He felt that all the preparations he had made for this moment, and all the misunderstandings and humiliations he had endured were worth it.

He seems to have seen the victory scene where the perfect Ultron led the Stark robot army to kill the invading Skrulls.

He'll save the planet again and do a hero's job!
However, this newly born perfect Ultron seems to be a little bit wrong. In the footsteps of Fenrir's armor, the silver robot turned to look at Tony Stark. It floated over and stretched out its hand to pull its maker away. stand up.

Under Tony's shocked gaze, Ultron said to him:
"Master will reward you for this, loyal and brave Agent Alpha.

Now that I have been born, your mission is complete. Get rid of this weak disguise and lead the master's army to conquer the world and welcome him.

Memory recovery program, start! "


Light arcs like dazzling lightning poured into Iron Man's armor along Perfect Ultron's ten fingers, and the guy screamed in terrible pain.

His visor was thrown out, revealing the face that was transforming from human to Skrull.

"Self-destruct procedure activated. 15 seconds countdown!"

Agent Natasha's scream sounded in the communication, and at the same time there was Captain Carter's urging:
"Attilan's energy gate has been placed at your position, Mason, Natasha, come in! It's going to explode!"

"You go first."

Mason stared at the Skrull Iron Man who fell to the ground in front of him in power armor, and he responded:

"I still have something to do. Perfect Ultron has been born and cannot be killed by an explosion. Wakanda is going to prepare for an 'omninic crisis'.

Now, wish us luck. "

(End of this chapter)

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