The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 411 26. Now you know why we call him "God Stick Virtue"?

Chapter 411 26. Now you know why we call him "God Stick Virtue"?
"Hopefully senior council member Brainiac? Are you sure?"

When returning to the Wakanda border through Ciri's rift, Mason told the hunter the information he had received from the Alpha agent, and the latter's eyes widened for a moment and performed a "pupil earthquake".

She had obviously heard the name before.

And judging from Ciri's performance, this guy seems to be a big shot in the Council of Hope?

"Unless the Skrull who wants to die has the mood to make up a lie before he dies, I can be sure that this is [-]% true."

Mason lit a cigarette, kicked the stone under his feet a little annoyed, and put the unscathed but badly scratched Fenrir armor behind him into his bag.

Feeling speechless about the truth, Ciri asked:

"Should I inform Old A about this? Do you think Old A will make up his mind to go to war with Brainiac at this moment?"

"No notice."

Mason said decisively:

"What Brainiac needs is a perfect body that can carry his heavy soul, in order to ascend as a god in the possible next era, which does not conflict with Old A's goal of controlling the Constellation Society at all.

Once we report the truth about this privateering operation, not only will Old A not help, but he will probably force us to retreat now so as not to disturb Brainiac's affairs.

Although they are not allied, they are definitely not enemies. "

"so what?"

Ciri said:
"Are you going to do this without telling him? But the question is how to do it? Gather heavy troops to raid Perfect Ultron now?"

"Can it be done?"

Mason asked a question, Ciri frowned and thought about the comparison of combat power, nodded and said:
"The effect of the Mind Gem in actual combat is not as strong as you think. The only troublesome thing is the Time Gem, but it is not a big problem to kill Ultron with two gems with the help of Black Strange.

As long as the body is destroyed, Brainiac has no reason to come in person. I heard that guy is an absolutely sane being, and he will abandon this operation.

Even the Skrulls might withdraw, and the world would be preserved. "

"But the crisis isn't eliminated, it's just moved."

Mason thought for a while, then shook his head and said:

"Bryniac won't stop until he finds the perfect body. There is his goal in Minecraft. If he can't fulfill his wish here, it means that he has a great possibility to appear in Minecraft and Stars later. In the face-to-face confrontation.

That's big bad news.

We need to use Perfect Ultron to lure Brainiac over here and finish him off in this world!

Once and for all. "

"You have a good idea, but can you do it?"

Ciri brushed her hair and said worriedly:

"That guy is very powerful, he became the Director of Hope based on his individual strength, even Black Strange can't interfere with his protection mechanism for the birth of Perfect Ultron.

This proves that Brainiac's strength is comparable to that of Black Strange. "

"But it definitely won't be crushing. Black Strange and all the superheroes in this world who will die if they don't fight, we don't have a chance of winning if we think about it."

Mason narrowed his eyes and watched the Wakanda spaceship flying towards them, and whispered to Ciri:

"Don't tell them this in advance, so as not to disturb the morale of the army."


Ciri nodded, and a few seconds later, the royal spaceship hovered in front of Mason with a brisk attitude, the rear cabin ladder was lowered, and Agent Natasha waved to them from the shadows.

When the two of them boarded the cabin, they saw Harry rushing over with a worried face to check whether Mason was injured. This action made Ciri step back a little, half way out of the way.

"All the people transferred here are under separate surveillance, and they are all in the Black Panther's palace."

After the spaceship took off, Agent Natasha reported in a low voice:

"Frey thinks that Dr. Reed's conjecture is correct, there are still Skrulls among us, but the bad news is that the biological booster bait you gave us has no effect on them.

The speed at which these guys fix their own holes is horrific. "

"It's natural, I guess the Skrulls now have a common core of wisdom."

Mason pouted and said something.

After learning that the master behind the Skrulls is Brainiac, he is not surprised by the extraordinary speed of the Skrulls.

A terrifying 12th-level intelligent creature wants to help a race improve its weaknesses, it is simply a matter of grasping.

It is not in vain that he is honored as the "God of Wisdom" by the Skrulls. This guy is already much stronger than most of the indigenous gods.

"The large fleet of Skrulls is entering the atmosphere!"

Agent Brand, who drove the spaceship, reported to Mason:

"Wakanda's military satellite sent back the last picture before it was destroyed. It is conservatively estimated that the fleet contained more than [-] Skrull fighters and an innumerable number of mechanical legions.

Dr. Reed also recognized their empress flagship.

The invasion of the Earth by the Skrulls has officially begun, and on our side there are only a group of defeated soldiers who are in desperate need of training and are indistinguishable from friend to foe. "

"Don't be so pessimistic."

Mason comforted:
"It's not time to despair yet. Send a message to Fury. I need Dr. Reed to report to Zhang Parker's laboratory immediately! Also, is there any news about Agent Hawkeye?"

He looked at Agent Natasha, who shook her head and said:
"The Galactic Miranda has flown out of our existing communication distance, but if all goes well, Ms. Nebula and Clint will bring Hulk back before the decisive battle.

But even the Hulk would struggle against so many aliens who can transform into any superhero at will. "

"There's bad news everywhere, can you give me some good news?"

Ciri leaned on the bulkhead and complained to Mason:
"How about I set up a transfer door here, and you transfer these superheroes and the entire Wakanda to Osborne Tower? When the strength gap is too large, it is a wise choice to preserve the vitality."

"As I said, it's not time to despair."

Mason showed a look of wisdom in his hands, and Halle beside him nodded vigorously. She obviously thought that Mr. K was omnipotent.

"There's good news, too."

As the Wakanda royal spaceship slowly landed on the tarmac of the palace, Natasha pointed to the mutants who were busy erecting a "Storm Altar" in the distance.

She whispered to Ciri and Mason:

"Agent Hill is preparing to summon our Asgardian friends, and if we are lucky, maybe there will be a fully armed Valhalla to support us.

Now that it has been proven that Tony Stark is a Skrull pretending to be, the reason for the disagreement that caused Thor to leave before does not exist.

Thor is a warrior who loves to fight.

He will be furious that the Skrulls cheated on him, and he has no reason to miss this 'party carnival', and Captain Marvel is on his way to Earth with the Nova Corps, she is also a hero strong enough to reverse the situation .

We still have a chance! "

"I hope so."

Mason didn't really care about that.

In the current situation, there is not much difference between one more Thor and one less Thor. The real killer is no longer individual strength, but wisdom

The door of Zhang Parker's laboratory in the palace opened smoothly.

When Mason and Shirley entered the laboratory, they saw Zong Zhang who was busy in front of a large computer, and Dr. Reed Richards who was being guarded by Logan himself.

The latter sat on the chair with a helpless face like a prisoner, but he didn't dare to move around, otherwise Logan's steel claws would be inserted into his neck.

This is the biggest problem with the current situation.

The Skrull's ability to disguise is so evil that the mutual trust between the coalition forces has been completely exhausted. Everyone is wary of whether the people around them are undercover agents. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to achieve unity. Possibility!
"Do you understand where you are now?"

Mason pulled up a chair and sat opposite Dr. Reed in the blue uniform of the Fantastic Four. Facing his question, Mr. Fantastic with gray temples and elegant complexion nodded.

His superintelligence is enough for him to understand the predicament at hand.

"Very well, now you have a chance to prove your innocence."

Mason took the colorfully painted but destructive circus kinetic pistol from Harley, loaded it with a click, and pointed the muzzle at Mister Fantastic in his hand. He stared at him and said:
"Skrulls can duplicate memories and emotions, but they can't duplicate a human mind, especially for someone as smart as you.

So I will ask you something about the Fantastic Four that has not happened in this world but has been verified in other worlds, and you have to use your mind to guess the answer to it.

Are you ready? "

"This is a novel method. It seems that you have indeed studied the Skrull people very deeply."

Dr. Reed didn't think that Mason was embarrassing him. On the contrary, he clapped his hands for Mason's delicate thinking, and made a gesture of preparing to answer the question.

"What will your only son be called in the future?"

Mason stared at Dr. Reed and asked a very weird question.

Dr. Reed blinked, and after a second of thinking, he shook his head and said:
"No, Susan and I will definitely have more than one child in the future. According to the results of the DNA matching test I did secretly before, there is a 68% probability that we will have a pair of twins after DNA fusion.

Even if we don't have twins we will continue to have a second child, the best answer is a boy and a girl, so that the children will not grow up alone.

And according to my superficial research on the X gene, I found that there is an invisible X gene in Susan's gene, so there is a one-third probability that one of my two children will become a mutant after birth.

If I had to guess, I would guess that boys are mutants, because according to statistics on the number of existing mutants, boys are 4.35 times more likely to awaken the X gene than girls.

Finally, if I am lucky enough to have a son, then I will call him Franklin.

And my daughter will be called Valeria. "


Mason's finger didn't leave the trigger, but asked a question, even though Harry beside him had already widened his eyes, looking at Dr. Reed in front of him with a "magic stick" look.

What the hell is science?

This is metaphysics.

Do you also work part-time as a dance master besides your main job as a scientist?

"There is no reason."

Dr. Reed frowned and said:
"When I think of my son's name, the name Franklin comes to mind and it's the right name for my son.

But such an emotional reaction is obviously not normal, so I guess, my son must have invented something similar to a time machine in the future, saw me at some time in the past, and deleted my memories.

But I still feel for him
My son's name is Franklin, right? "

He looked at Mason, who unloaded the pistol and returned it to Harry, then stretched out his hand to Dr. Reed, and said:
"You are serious, the brains of Skrulls will not be so easy to use, in fact, completing such complex thinking in a few seconds is enough to overload their pig brains.

Also, your son's name is Franklin, and your daughter's name is Valeria, but they are in another world and desperately need parental care.

Terrible things happened to them.

But that's for later. "

Mason pointed to the Wakanda supercomputer behind him, and he said to Dr. Reed who had verified his identity:

"It stores the research results of my compatriots and I on the Skrulls, including their original gene sequences and the principle of deformation imitation, but our research in this area has fallen into a bottleneck."

"So you need me to help you overcome difficulties?"

Dr. Reed took out a pair of glasses and put them on his face, walked to Zhang Parker and tapped his fingers on the keyboard like flying, all kinds of data on the screen flashed past his eyes.

Ten seconds later, he said:
"This kind of research has entered a very deep field. You are only one step away from the final result. Give me some time. I can make an instrument that temporarily disables the Skrull's camouflage based on these gene sequences."

"No! I need you to go one step further!"

Mason said emphatically to Dr. Reed:

"I need you to develop a virus weapon aimed at the genetic weakness of the Skrulls, a weapon that only works on the Skrulls and will not affect human health.

Or called the plague. "

"I can not do it!"

Dr. Reed's expression changed, and he immediately refused.

Seeing his decisive look, Mason knew that it was not impossible for this guy to do it, it was just that the Madonna's disease had struck again.

He shook his head, and said to Dr. Reed:

"The best biologist among the mutants told me that this is absolutely feasible, you can't do it, you don't want to do it! But whatever you want, my compatriots are doing the same research, just wait a while thing.

I can afford it, Reed.

But your world doesn't necessarily have so much time. "

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Logan who was listening to the scriptures behind him, and motioned to him:

"Help me contact Latvinia. I believe His Majesty Doom has seen the Skrulls landing, and he may be willing to help us develop this virus that can kill all Skrull bastards overnight.

Oh, right.

By the way, Lord Doom, Dr. Reed is struggling with an ethical dilemma and doesn't know whether to proceed with this. "

"Leave him alone! Doom will use this invasion to do terrible things, and his mercy is limited to his people and not to the world."

Dr. Reed's expression changed drastically, and he grabbed Mason's wrist, saying:

"I'll help you! But time is running out. Viruses developed for weaknesses can only make them enter a period of absolute weakness, which will effectively reduce the difficulty and development time.

I've seen databases of Skrulls, Masons, they are controlled by a consciousness called 'Master'.

They are guilty.

But genocide is too much. "

"Well, up to you, but their 'master' is coming soon."

Mason stared at Dr. Reed and said:

"Get what we need as soon as possible, doctor, may your wisdom be as strong as your conscience. Mr. Zhang, are you here to help?"

"Of course, I'll stay."

Zhang Parker still had that annoying attitude of complaining, he curled his lips and said:

"As a conscientious entrepreneur, fighting and killing is too incompatible with my identity. By the way, I called Tony Stark over. If we want to complete the weaponization of the virus as soon as possible, we need his conscientious head. .”


The thunderous explosion interrupted the discussion of everyone in the laboratory.

They rushed to the window and saw a dazzling rainbow of light falling from the sky, and then a big blond man walked out of the rainbow bridge carrying a woman covered in blood and with her limbs hanging down.


The big man with chic and fluffy hair shouted towards the square in front of him:

"Someone take her to the treatment room! This poor guy was drained of blood and fell on the Golden Palace Square. I thought she came here to touch porcelain. It's so miserable. Also, can someone give me a glass of wine ?

The long journey is exhausting me.

Odin, is the etiquette of the Midgards so bad? "

(End of this chapter)

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