The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 412 27. You are Thor, I am Brother Hammer, Everyone Discusses Differently

Chapter 412 27. You are Thor, I am Brother Hammer, Everyone Discusses Differently
In this world, the one who can follow the thunder is naturally the god of thunder.

This guy left the meeting a few years ago because of the infighting among the Avengers, and he went back to Asgard to enjoy his life alone, but as Natasha and Hill had full confidence in him and expected, in Midgar Thor was never absent when Te needed Thor.

However, the condition of the other lady who was brought along by Thor through the Rainbow Bridge was a bit miserable. Mason saw the injured person who was sent to him a few minutes later.

Agent Hill by the hospital bed looked at him eagerly, waiting for the pharmacist to show his prowess.

Obviously, it was because the lady in front of her was seriously injured, and her special constitution made it difficult for her to be treated with normal methods.

This is the truth, even if the bloody woman in front of her is already unconscious, the slightly out-of-control energy in her body is still restless, as if it has been stuck in the previous battle and cannot be calmed down.

Let alone giving her an injection, Black Panther's royal physician can't even do a consultation, if you dare to approach her, you will be roasted into carbon by the out-of-control red and blue energy.

"Captain Marvel."

Mason looked at the lady lying on the hospital bed waiting for treatment, and could tell her identity immediately from her iconic dress.

To be honest, this red and blue tight-fitting battle suit is quite awkward, especially the golden star logo on the chest, which makes it difficult to look away from her sensitive parts.

The red ribbon tied around her waist added a touch of heroism to her, but unfortunately the award belt from the Nova Corps has now been completely stained red with blood.

She was badly hurt.

It was almost cut open from the front, and there were still scorched marks from the fire and healed wounds from fractures on his body. The abnormally twisted arc of his left hand made people grit their teeth.

"Obviously, although this powerful lady's body was exhausted to the point of coma, her spirit still maintained the previous fierce battle. It is very likely that some kind of mental disturbance is in effect, preventing her from calming down and healing herself. "

Under the surprised gazes of Agents Hill and Natasha, the hat on Mason's head quickly expressed his professional opinion. After speaking, it also "glanced" at the two ladies agents with the blurred faces of the hat , very politely asked:

"What? Have you two never seen a talking hat before?"

The two shook their heads for a while.

Mason took out the palliative and the gold cup from the bag, intending to purify the medicine for calming the spirit several times, and Harley also contributed the plant spores from her best friend Poison Ivy.

Although this stuff is toxic, it can also relieve the hormonal chaos caused by mental stress.

"She needs to be weakened, otherwise she will not be able to take medicine."

While waiting for the medicine to be purified, Mason called Zha Kang, who was seducing the heroines in the Royal Bar, and asked him to take out the coral trident staff.

This thing can even store divinity, so it is easy to store other powers, and the last time he fought against Heiqi, Zhakang had already used up the energy in the trident, and now he really needs to replenish it in the face of a big battle.

He unceremoniously used the trident staff to drain most of the energy from Captain Marvel, and then Mason used medicine to soothe his spirit, and cleaned the lady's wound with very superb bandaging first aid skills.

Hat's guess is obviously correct, such a powerful female warrior has considerable self-healing power.

As the spirit eased, it took only a few minutes for her badly damaged body to heal itself, saving Mason a few bottles of good medicine.

Although it is not too difficult to make these epic medicines now, Mason, who is proficient in frugal housekeeping, obviously understands the principle of saving money.

"She's waking up."

Mason took off his blood-stained medical gloves and took a step back.

A few seconds later, Captain Marvel on the hospital bed opened her eyes. She tried to sit up, but her weakness caused her to fall down again with an ouch.

Then, looking at the ceiling above her head, which was quite a combination of primitive African style and modern art, she realized that she had been sent back to Earth.

The tense heart suddenly relaxed, but then there was a sadness spreading on the resolute face.

She said to Hill and Natasha:
"The Nova Legion and Xandar are gone, and the southern galaxy is in chaos! The Kree Empire and the Shi'ar Empire have resumed war, and the Skrulls disguised themselves as assassins and assassinated important members of both sides.

The Power Gem went missing in the chaos, and when I got to Xandar there was nothing but ruins.

And the Reality Gem”

"Wait, wasn't that gemstone sent to the collector by the Asgardians for safekeeping?"

Mason interjected:
"What's the matter with your injuries? No matter how powerful the Skrulls are, they can't beat you like this, right?"

"Collectors? No, collectors are long gone."

Captain Marvel rubbed his aching head and explained:

"When Star-Lord was messing around in the Southern Galaxy, he led his Galaxy Guardians to overthrow the Collector's rule over the Void, where a political system composed of exiles of various races is now in charge.

The Collector was their shared prisoner, but the bastard had conspired with the Skrulls, and he gave up the Reality Stone's stash in exchange for the Skrulls' aid.

The whole void is finished.

My body injury was caused by that bastard with the Reality Gem. He didn't join the Skrulls and disappeared into the galaxy alone, madly saying that he was going to welcome a distinguished guest or something.

There is no dignity that the elders of the universe should have. "

"It's fantastic."

Ciri beside Mason folded her arms and curled her lips and said:
"The Power Gem and the Reality Gem will eventually fall into the hands of Perfect Ultron, and the Space Gem will soon be found by the Skrulls. Even if there is no Soul Gem, it will have enough power to slaughter the world."

She glanced at Mason and whispered:
"The transfer door is in my office, as long as you nod your head"

"If I tell you at this time that Perfect Ultron is not a threat at all, will you think I'm crazy?"

Mason asked her a question.

Ciri froze for a moment, then shook her head and said:
"If you think so, you must have a reason. Although I can't think of an answer, considering that you have escaped death many times, I must admit your strength in this regard."

"Ding~ The domestication is complete! Little sweetheart has made you give up thinking and accept him as your external brain, and now Mr. K lives in your brain."

Harry suddenly reached out and snapped his fingers next to Ciri's head, tilted his head and patted Ciri's head to say hello:
"Hey, hello sweetheart, is it a squeeze to stay in this muscled brain?"

"Take care of your girlfriend, before I beat her up and cry."

Lord Hunter said something expressionless, but Harry didn't care about the threat from Ciri, and just grabbed Mason's hand and blew another big pink bubble.

She was a little jealous of Ciri's silver hair, which looked so cool, but she was born with blond hair, so this was barely a game changer.

"Rest, you need to rest."

Mason ignored the open and secret fight between the two women. Like an old military doctor, he told the ashen-faced Captain Marvel:
"Six hours from the depletion of energy will subside, and by tonight you'll be a superheroine who can blow up the planet with a single charge.

Recharge your batteries, we still need you to charge forward. "

After speaking, he left the treatment room with Ciri and Harry, only to see a large group of people gathered in the open entrance hall of the Royal Bar, where several large screens were playing the Skrull Images of fleets landing around the world.

These shameless intruders have taken over the communication network of the earth, and brazenly demanded that the rebels huddled in Wakanda surrender immediately, otherwise they will launch a devastating attack on Wakanda twelve hours later.

The pictures of these aliens showing off their power on the earth greatly stimulated the self-esteem of the heroes.

They shouted loudly one by one, wishing they could rush out and fight those aliens to the death. Unfortunately, no one was allowed to leave the palace until the suspicion of their replacement was ruled out.

But when everyone in the noisy bar is angrily accusing alien bastards, a real "alien" is sitting leisurely in front of the large and luxurious bar counter, chatting happily with another alien bartender sky.

Lord Thor from Asgard laughed and took a cup of cosmic special brew from the friendly Thanos. After a sip, he smashed the cup on the table and shouted for another cup.

His elated expression contrasted sharply with the heavy sadness of the others.

"The God of Thor in this world is a little too optimistic, right?"

Ciri frowned and said:
"Although Thor's space-time aliens in various worlds are a bit careless, it is rare for Thor to be so heartless. I guess in this strange world, this Thor also has a strange life experience? "

"Hey, he's an alcoholic! When the Avengers were around, he'd have to empty a warehouse every time before he'd stop, and his unscrupulous personality was as strong as his drinking capacity.

The bastard is also a prodigal son, not only chased Natasha, but also gave me flowers.

He nicknamed himself 'The King of Thunder and the Party', and really, he never misses any rave he might attend. "

Captain Carter came out from the passage on the other side with a teasing voice, and she was accompanied by the young version of Black Bolt and his bright and charming Queen Medusa.

"Sweetheart! Look, your father was very handsome when he was young."

Harley shook Mason's finger and pointed at Black Bolt and exclaimed, Mason was so angry that he raised his finger and curled it up and hit her hard on the head.

Lao Wang is not his father, but his adoptive father.
"This Thor doesn't seem to have encountered disputes over 'family matters', so he still maintains the characteristic heroic and rootless character of the Asgardians."

Mason nodded to Captain Carter and said:
"The aliens are ready?"

"Well, there are no Skrull bastards in Attilan."

Captain Carter shook his fist and said:

"They also know the seriousness of the matter, so they can join the war at any time."

"But please understand that my husband and we must first and foremost be responsible for the nation."

Queen Medusa, wearing a purple mask and having the most beautiful and exaggerated hair Mason had ever seen, spoke on behalf of her husband:
"Therefore, once the battle situation becomes irreversible, we will immediately retreat and transfer Attilan to the Moon's Sea of ​​Tranquility."


Mason took out a badge given to him by the old Black Bolt King from his arms, and showed it in front of the two alien royals. The royal pattern, which was so familiar that it could not be faked, made Black Bolt King and his beautiful wife stunned at the same time.

They don't remember giving the emblem representing the title of "Count" to Mason, who is obviously not a foreigner.

"My life experience is more complicated, but the two can understand that I am the Earl of the 'Guardian of Attilan' from another world, which was gifted by another Black Bolt King himself, with his sonic energy on it. "

Mason explained:
"Thus, I hope that Attilan can be used as the last retreat of the coalition forces, and take away the rest of the people when nothing can be done."

Black Bolt didn't immediately agree.

He stretched out his hand to touch Mason's emblem, and the sound waves from the emblem made him squint his eyes, and it was indeed of the same origin as him.

But his strength has weakened a lot, as if he was getting old.

He and his wife looked at each other, and the next second, Queen Medusa, who had a tacit understanding with her husband, nodded to Mason and said:

"Since His Excellency the Count 'Guardian' has spoken, the royal family will naturally consider your opinion, and we will make a formal response later."

Mason withdrew his emblem, and bid farewell to the two members of the royal family with a perfect alien etiquette while the others stared in amazement and astonishment.

"When did you become the earl of a foreigner?"

Ciri felt that she didn't know Mason, she whispered:
"Aren't you a mutant? When did you get so close to other people? These guys are ten times more difficult to deal with than mutants in the Hope Council. They are closed and stubborn, just like stubborn stones."

"Of course it's because Little Sweetheart found a great Daddy~"

Harley snorted proudly, and took out her Inhuman Yi emblem and shook it. Although it was only the lowest knightly medal, it also meant that she had become a good friend of Inhumans.

"Okay, I'll tell you when I'm free."

Mason waved his hand and said to Ciri:
"Take your sword and go to my studio. I'll help you maintain the weapon and let me know a few things."


Ciri nodded and followed.

But in the next moment, there was a flash of thunder in front of the two of them, and the "Party" Thor, who was holding a beer mug, appeared in front of them, leaning against the wall with the chic posture of a prodigal son, and said to Mason:

"Hey bro, there's something about you that attracts me."

"Sorry, I'm not gay."

Mason replied blankly, making the people around him stunned and then laughing wildly.

Lord Thor of the Party was also left speechless by this unreasonable answer, but he drank all the beer and wiped his mouth, then reached out and grabbed it seriously, and hung it full of garlands and various Thor's hammer, which was still stained with cream cake crumbs, whizzed into his hand.

Thunder light splashed around the hammer head, but the thunder, like iron filings attracted by a magnet, was vigorously drifting toward Mason.

At this moment, even Captain Carter could see that Thor, the God of Thunder, was not here to cause trouble. He told the truth that there was indeed something about Mason that was attracting his own Thunder.

For a god with the godhead of thunder, this is a really big event.


Mason sighed.

He took out his Thunder Hammer from his luggage.

That's why he doesn't get in touch with this party Thor, it's too hot to explain.

The thunder resonance caused by the simultaneous appearance of the two Thor's Hammers swept across the surrounding corridor bars almost instantly, causing bursts of exclamations.

"My God! Two Thors!"

A shrill voice cried out:
"We have two Thunder Gods to assist us! We will win this battle!"

The crowd suddenly became restless, and then cheered again.

Mason turned his head and glanced at Nick Fury, who was walking away from the crowd with his throat squeezed, and the braised egg gave him a proud look, and then turned and left to hide his merits and fame.

"I'm definitely drinking too much!"

Party Thor was also stunned, and the Thor's Hammer in his hand was also stunned. Even the dancing thunder around him danced in a dazed line. A second later, Thor patted his cheek and said:

"I have to drink some more to clear myself up. Why do you have a handful of Mjolnir in your hand? It's definitely not fake, I can feel its breath is real.

Ah, hell, why do I feel like I'm a fake being disguised by a Skrull?
Wait, there's something wrong with your hammer head!
What are these inscriptions on it?Why do I feel the breath of the frost giant?It feels like my good friend Rocky, hey, don't go, make it clear, okay? "

Party Thor followed Mason toward his workshop, and he asked:
"Let me touch your hammer, brother, maybe it can recognize me too, alas, I'm talking, you Midgard people really have no manners at all!"

He stretched out his hand to grab Mason's shoulder, but at the moment of contact, a black sticky object rushed out and "bited" Thor's finger.

With a strange cry, the latter turned into a thunderbolt and flashed more than ten meters away, looking at the strange black thing on Mason's shoulder that was staring at him like a snake in amazement.


Mason sighed a second time.

This is the second reason why he doesn't want to get in touch with this Toldo. Doesn't this idiot really know how "delicious" he is in the eyes of Black Death Sword?

Fresh Thunder Sashimi.
Tsk, it smells delicious.

(End of this chapter)

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