The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 414 29. What?Only you Skrulls can shake people?Watch me shake a big guy to crush you to deat

Chapter 414 29. What?Only you Skrulls can shake people?Watch me shake a big guy to crush you to death!
Mason reminds Fury to watch out for Norman Osborn.

Apparently, in his opinion, the Green Goblin, still hiding in New York City and gathering a bunch of people claiming to "resist the tyranny of the Skrulls," is more dangerous than the Skrulls themselves.

Mason doesn't care if Fury listens or not, as long as he fulfills his responsibilities, it's OK, and he has more important things to do.

Several workshops on the overall tenth floor of the suitcase factory have almost started to turn around at full capacity. The engineering laboratory has begun to produce the Skrull identification beam designed by Dr. Reed, and the alchemy laboratory is conducting research and development of neurotoxins, which are used by Mason. It is the most important thing to deal with the current secret invasion.

Even the Mason subject ran over to help.

Harley, who claims to be Mason's good helper, naturally couldn't be idle. She knew she couldn't disturb Little Sweetheart's work, so she took a big bag and occupied a corner of the Black Panther Palace and started setting up a stall.

The things displayed by Harley quickly attracted the attention of many people. Two mighty Amazon dogs were tied to the booth flags and squatted on both sides. They also felt ashamed and lowered their heads and whined. But Harley Quinn took the opportunity to sell her tongue like a lotus flower.

"Hey, don't miss it when you pass by, the new goods from the 'Mason and Halle' arsenal are of high quality, and are most suitable for those cannon fodder who are about to go out and kill people.

Buy three get one free now!

The promotion will continue until you leave. Considering that this may be the last time you shop in your life, and money is something that you never bring with you, so why are you still hesitating?
Hurry up to buy your hands! "

Engaging in this kind of "performance art" in His Majesty's palace is naturally very eye-catching. Some superheroes who like to watch the excitement gathered and were shocked by the things on the simple stalls.

In the first row from the left hand are three shining Thor's Hammers, followed by a bundle of ebony swords tied up with straps, retractable wolf claws designed to be worn on gauntlets with a Hidden Blade design randomly piled together, all kinds of The cool future firearms were lined up, and at the end were seven or eight captain's round shields stacked like a pile of steamed buns.

On the wall behind Harley are the imitation Thor's Asgard armor, the slim-fit Olympus Goddess of War suit for women, the Kryptonian uniform and cape for easy activities, and the classic "foreign trade" suit of the K team. "Type" bat suits are on sale in batches.

The most outrageous thing is that several personal power armors with different styles are placed on both sides of the stall, ranging from the cheapest biped assault mecha of the violent terrorist mobile team to the exquisite anti-superman armor.

It's like a big arms show.

Those who knew that this was a little "family benefit" provided by Commander Mason to the heroes who went on the expedition, those who didn't know thought it was a certain villain who was displaying his military spoils collection here.

"Hey! What's the matter with your shield?"

Attracted by the noise, Captain Carter pushed through the crowd and saw the disc sold by the pound at a glance. The shape and details were almost exactly the same as those he used.

She rolled her eyes and said:
"Is this a fake?"

"Look at how you talk! What is a fake! Are you here to make trouble?"

Captain Carter's words immediately aroused Harry's dissatisfaction, she put her hips on her hips and scolded:

"These things are carefully crafted by little sweethearts. They are of high quality, fine texture, and have all kinds of magical abilities! Although the materials are still slightly different from the genuine ones, the advantage is that the quantity is large and the price is low.

Not all superheroes are supported by S.H.I.E.L.D. equipment like you. Look at these poor people. They even have to sew their own battle suits.
If the workmanship is so poor, it's like running out with a curtain on.

If it weren't for Mr. K's kindness to see that you ran out to give away heads like naked, how could we sell half of these good things at such a low price?

Alas, what's going on with you Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!They all said that they don’t need money, but exchange your precious things!

Don't take money to humiliate our K-team. "

The reprimanded Agent Coulson held his wallet and the unlimited overdraft credit card of the ninth-level agent that he hadn't taken out and smiled awkwardly. He took a fancy to a super powerful firearms combination bag, but it would be too embarrassing for him.

The main reason is that the base camp was bombed by Mason, and all his "precious collections" were set ablaze by his own chief.

"I'll give it."

Captain Carter snorted, grabbed two round shields and put them under his arms, and threw the combination bag that Coulson had been thinking about into his arms, and then threw a few gemstones of strange colors from his bag and said:
"I took it from Red Skull back then. God knows what it is, but it shouldn't be a mortal thing. Enough?"


Harley took out a special device to test it, then happily put away the few gems, and looked curiously at Captain Carter who was holding two shields, she said:

"Don't you have authentic sound-absorbing steel shields? Why do you need these downgraded versions?"

"You don't care about me, can I hold two shields?"

Captain Carter rolled his eyes.

As a money lord, she bargained with Harley again, picked out two scandium alloy wolf claws that could be fixed on the gauntlets, and swaggered away with the satisfaction of returning from shopping.

It's not a joke that women love to go shopping.

What they mainly enjoy is the process of shopping and bargaining.

Because the sales at the small stalls were too hot, the Black Panther King and Braised Eggs even came to visit in person.

Nick Fury picked out a set of body armor and two precision kinetic pistols that can be used as snipers. The prodigal son Panther took a fancy to the pendant made of power gems, and secretly bought two for his girlfriend. and my lover.

In fact, according to Mason's original intention, these small gadgets made during practice are not very valuable, so they should be given away, and they should be regarded as clearing inventory.

But Harley considers herself a "big smart" with a business mind, and Mason always tells her that the cost is too high, so there is such a thing as a stall.

However, the one who was most affected by this incident was Thor, the king of the party who returned from his tour half an hour later.

He returned to the palace of Wakanda in a mighty and thunderous manner, only to see three young X-Men talking and laughing in front of him. Thor's Hammer
The bastard who made the fakes imitated the runes of Odin's oracle ingeniously, and added a thunder spell to this disposable hammer to make it look decent.

Even when he made the shameful action of attracting lightning, he could really guide a few thunderbolts from the sky.

And that radiant appearance looks more like an artifact than the hammerhead in Thor's hand that has been scarred by the long-term battle.

"The local craftsmen in Midgard are so rude! They dare to imitate my beloved Hammer without even paying the copyright fee!"

Thor yelled angrily:

"Odin is on top! I should really send down the thunder and kill all of you guys who use fake products!"

After finishing speaking, he himself carried the hammer and ran angrily to trouble the counterfeit dealers.

Ten minutes later, Thor, who had been limped by fooling him, had completed his "major make-up change" with a big smirk.

He wore three disposable Thor's hammers on his belt, clutched a disposable Gungnir Judgment Lance, and carried a scandium alloy buckler and an Isu-style Leviathan battleaxe on his back.

Wearing a replica Hela helmet on his head, he also changed into a golden Isu Odin suit.

By the way, I spent some money to buy a golden Midnight Sun warhorse for local tyrants, and then, like a walking weapon rack, he was flattered by a group of pendants who found their thighs, "Fuge V I 50 to see the strength" I lost myself in the cheers.

The happy king of the party who was licked boldly announced that today the weapon store will be paid for by Mr. Tuo, and he will wrap up all the leftovers and distribute them to the heroes in need.

Afterwards, accompanied by a few sweet and greasy heroines, they ran happily to the bar for a drink.

It is conservatively estimated that the stupid son of the landlord's family spent at least [-] catties of Ulu gold raw ore for these "seiko hand-made", but it doesn't matter, Ulu gold is abundant in the barren mountains of the Nine Realms.

Father Odin's treasury is full of inexhaustible high-grade raw ore, so what's the matter with buying a few toys for his only son?
The future of the entire Nine Realms belongs to you, Young Master!

It is not a luxury to spend such a little pleasure on myself now.

After all, Miss Halle said something well, the money for shopping was not really spent, it was just a different way to stay with me, and let me enjoy the happiness of being a collector.

why not?

After this little episode, three hours later, the heroes who had recuperated and changed their costumes were finally about to embark on the journey. At this time, there was only one hour left before the eight-hour warning issued to the world by the Skrulls after landing Less than time.

In response to the provocation, the assembled superheroes are determined to make a big splash.

Those who can fly fly, those who cannot fly take the spaceship provided by Wakanda, and a group of people lifts off to New York City.

Mason was not with him.

He was holding a bottle of black potion and walked into the royal prison of His Majesty the Black Panther. Zhang Parker and Dr. Reed were already waiting for him here.

In the cage in front of them, there are more than a dozen counterfeit products who were scanned out with the Skrull identification beam. When they were caught, these senior spies were still trying to destroy Wakanda's energy system.

They also plan to blow up the waterfall canyon above the capital of Wakanda to flood the capital, which is really despicable.

"The first test of Skrull's special neurotoxin has begun."

Mason put the warm liquid tube in his hand into the gasification gun in his hand, nodded to Dr. Reed and Mr. Zhang who were wearing protective suits beside him, and then stepped forward amidst the scolding of the Skrull prisoners. One step, align them and pull the trigger.

Black gas was ejected from the muzzle of the gun, and spread all over the cage within a second. Dr. Reed quickly pressed the lock to seal the cage. The screams and howling of pain from inside made him a little unbearable.

But the "conscientious entrepreneur" Mr. Zhang didn't care. He stared at the life detector in his hand and reported:
"The gas is working!

The vital signs of all Skrull prisoners were rapidly declining, and their brain responses were blunted within 15 seconds of inhaling the nerve gas.

The respiratory system is stimulated and the heart rate is disturbed.

Up the dose! "

Mason nodded, and injected nerve gas into the cage again.

"Three times the dose will produce a lethal reaction."

Mason took out the remaining third of the liquid in the gasifier, took off the cap, put it under his nostril and took a sniff, then closed his eyes to analyze its effect.

After a few seconds, he said hoarsely:
"It is confirmed that it is harmless to the human body. Inhalation of a large amount may cause shortness of breath and fainting, but Dr. Reed's perfect design makes it quickly decomposed and excreted by the circulatory system even if it enters the human body.

The most serious result is mild diarrhea. "

"The first experiment is over, and this thing is considered complete, but it will take time for large-scale production."

Mr. Zhang turned off the detector and glanced at the dozens of Skrull prisoners who were no longer breathing in the opened cage. There was no big disturbance in his eyes, only the sense of accomplishment that the researcher had completed a perfect experiment.

He whispered to Mason:
"Stark has modified his weapon design. He plans to use the extreme mode of bombing with 33 fragmented warheads, requiring up to fifteen missiles to cover the entire New York.

However, it takes an hour to prepare the missile over there.

And the heroes will set off a counterattack after going to the front line for at most 10 to [-] minutes. We don't have enough time. "

"It's just a simple copy, don't worry about it."

Mason shook his head, took out various prepared raw materials from the suitcase, made an advanced formation formation on the ground, put his hands on it, and in a flash of red light, thirty neat bottles of liquefied toxin appeared.

He glanced at President Zhang and said:
"Let Stark speed up, the launch must be completed within 10 minutes!"

"Why in such a hurry?"

Dr. Reed felt something was wrong from Mason's interlocking arrangement. He rubbed his eyes and said:

"If all goes well, the invasion will come to an end after the defeat of the Skrull army, but you don't seem optimistic about that."

"The Skrulls erected the instrument to guide their masters into this world, so it seems that the invasion can be ended by destroying the locator, but the crux of the problem is not here."

It's meaningless to hide it now, so Mason took off his frame and explained slowly:

"As long as the perfect Ultron is still there, the master of Skrull will not give up this world, and now Ultron has obtained four infinite gems, which are basically equivalent to immortality.

In other words, it was only a matter of time before that master entered here.

My dear Reed, the alien bastards started this conflict, but it won't end with the Skrulls down, I knew that before I entered this world.

A dynasty destroyed by the enemy can make a comeback, but a world that has been subverted from the inside will have no bones left. There are many "wake-ups" waiting for the opportunity in this world. I reminded Fury, but he didn't estimate it enough.

I'm really not too optimistic about the outcome of this battle.

But don't worry, I'm ready.

We need to solve this problem once and for all, so I would like to ask you to help me improve this drawing. "

He took out the rolled-up blueprint from his luggage and handed it to Reed, who opened it in his hand and took a look, then said with a strange expression:

"A super-powered portable database? This terrifying data redundancy is enough to fit all the data on the network and there is still room left.

What do you want it for? "

"The Skrulls are trying to kill you. I don't want to see you die miserably."

Mason shrugged, put his glasses on again, took out his flip phone and dialed a number, then frowned at Dr. Reed and said:
"So I also plan to shake a powerful guy to come to help. Mr. Zhang, turn off your bug, as a friendly reminder, you'd better not eavesdrop on my next call
Those sneaky guys don't like being spied on. "

After speaking, he got up and walked out of the cage and put the phone to his ear. A few seconds later, John Wick's voice rang on the phone:
"Mason? What's the matter? I'm on the trail of a dangerous Skrull killer who nearly assassinated Queen Hippolyta just now."

"Suspend tracking, and leave that to others."

Mason noted:
"You must relay to Johnny Silverhand everything I say next, without missing a single word."

"Well, you say, Johnny is listening."

Wick replied, and Mason coughed and said:
"I need to talk to the leader of the data life, and ask Silver Hand to help convey this message to his girlfriend Ott, and then Ott will contact Buttermos.

Please tell them that a 'big man' from the Council of Hope is about to enter my trap, but I lack the ability to kill this ferocious prey here.

I need the help of data beings, this is what they do best.

As to what they will gain from this cooperation, and what I will have to give in order to help, I hope to have an interview with Mr. Buttermos.

They will know how to contact me. "

A few seconds later, Wick said with some embarrassment:
"Silver Hand called you a vile idiot, but he promised to pass on your words to his forces, and he asked me to tell you that they are never enemies with us, and the two sides can cooperate.

It's the same model as your cooperation with old A. "

"Sure enough, they're spying on Team K and me, but that's okay."

Mason glanced at the intercontinental missile launcher that was being erected behind the Wakanda palace in the distance, and he responded:
"Hurry up data beings, I'm in Wakanda waiting for the good news."

(End of this chapter)

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