The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 415 30. Isn't it normal for the evil group of 6 to have 7 people?

Chapter 415 30. Isn't it normal for the evil six to have seven people?
The troubled New York City has become a mess.

The arrival of the superheroes was faster than the Skrulls expected, and the first batch of raiders headed by Thor and Captain Marvel began to set off a bloodbath.

The Skrulls also knew that now was the most critical moment, so they made preparations in advance. Not only did a large number of elite soldiers gather here, they also specially arranged for the Mark Armor Legion prepared for them by Alpha agents who had hidden the earth for many years.

But the firepower of this wave of superheroes is stronger than expected, so "billion points". At the beginning, the "salvo" of more than a dozen Thor's hammers brought thunder and rolling all over the sky, which really scared the Skrull elite soldiers. up.

What's going on here?

Is Thor being wholesaled or what?

Twelve Thors come together, not to mention the Skrull coalition, even Hulk per capita can't stand it.

However, it turns out that there is still a slight difference between the fake and the original.

Among the twelve Thor's Hammers that were thrown at one time, except for the real Meow Meow Hammer that went straight forward and destroyed the three lines of defense, the other hammers all failed at the second line of defense.

But that's not really a good thing either.

After all, Mason was ingenious, and pioneered the integration of the Isu inscriptions that can absorb energy and the Asgardian inscriptions that can manipulate lightning, so that these hammers can always summon lightning to strike the surroundings as long as they are not broken.

Although the strength is far inferior to the genuine magic hammer, it can't stand the large number of others.

The X-Men angel Warren, who descended from the sky amidst the lightning tumbling, pounced down like a "thunderbolt" with a warhammer in one hand, knocking down a dozen Skrull cannon fodder soldiers in one encounter.

The eyes of the storm girl in the sky behind were filled with white light, and holding a replica version of the trident staff, she made a shameful gesture of "Thunder help me" in the gust of wind, and then there was an even more terrifying thunderbolt mixed with the storm. .

Other flying guys also charged like tigers and wolves with Thunder Light. The teleporters headed by Mutant Nightcrawler, Phantom Cat, and Blink, and the Inhuman Big Dog Tetanus as the main force, continuously sent ground forces into the battlefield.

The Punisher was the first to rush out from the pure human camp, but this dude rushed out with a downgraded version of Fenrir's armor.

It was a "good thing" that Fury and a few guys chipped in to buy him.

Expensive, indeed a little expensive.

But there is a reason why you are expensive. The Punisher, who is proficient in tactics and ruthless, used firepower projection and brute force to clear the way, while the "power armor army" behind also rushed forward screaming.

Norman Osborn, who had been hiding in the Osborne Building to observe the situation, was taken aback by the speed of the counterattackers.

What's the matter with these superheroes?They ate dinosaur whips one by one, so brave?

The "New Evil Six" behind him also looked at each other, the young version of the White Queen and the "Venom Scorpion" Mike Gargan next to him looked at each other, and there was a hint of hesitation in their eyes.

But the lonely blond man standing next to the gloomy Norman Os himself didn't care about everything in front of him. He felt the battle in the city with a look of indifference and contempt, with a kind of "disdain to make a move" "The master temperament.

"I feel like we picked the wrong side."

Sitting in the room eating and drinking, the burly man who didn't pay attention to the changes in the outside world gnawed on the pork leg and said vaguely:
"The balance of the war has tilted unexpectedly, and the stars of the side that was originally in the winning position have become dim. Although they still have an advantage, I think from the perspective of victory, we should perhaps be more cautious."

"What do you want to say? Ares."

The middle-aged version of the Green Goblin sneered, slammed the window shut, turned around and said to the small team he formed called the six-member team but actually only five people were present:

"You're all losers in your field, my friends, including me, and I don't deny that, but our consensus is to let the superheroes and S.H.I.E.L.D. stay in power, and we'll never see the light of day.

If you want to gain power, you must win by surprise!

We've already made a deal with him, haven't we?
Your Excellency Brainiac is not interested in this world. As long as we ensure that he can get what it needs, there will be a whole world for us to rule!

There are no rules, and there is no need to look at anyone's face. Everyone can do whatever they want.

Everyone gets what they want!
What's even better is that we don't even need to be directly involved, we have already lured the hidden heroes here as agreed, and now it's up to us to see if its servants are powerful enough."


A loud bang interrupted Norman's speech to his companions.

He glanced back, the perfect Ultron was flying into the battlefield, the silver-gray robot got himself a red cloak, and four of the six grooves on his chest had been filled.

Majestic and majestic like a god descending into the world, with a wave of his big hand, the blood-red power of reality is seized, turning the pioneer Thor, who killed all directions, into a funny frog squawking in the rainstorm.

Although it was crashed into the sky by the rushing Captain Marvel in the next second, Ultron, who had obtained four infinite gems, was already very close to the real "perfection".

The powerful combination of Thor and the Shocking Team can't do anything about it.

"Look, I said they have an advantage."

Norman pointed to the chaotic city outside the window, where the menacing superheroes were being surrounded by the Skrull elite and mechanical legions that outnumbered them by a hundred times.

They moved towards the guiding signpost in the center of the square, but they seemed to be stuck in a quagmire and were struggling.

Even non-combatants like Nick Fury are standing on the Lizard heavy tank with a gun barrel and shooting towards the sky. Uh, hitting the Skrull aircraft.

"They'll break through the Skrull's defenses."

The White Queen whispered:

"These heroes have been strengthened. The counterfeit Skrulls can't stop them. What's more terrible is that they have courage. I can feel the anger and undying fighting spirit in their hearts. It seems that Skrull People's lack of martial arts really angered them, huh?
what is that sound "

The super senses of the mutant of the perception department allowed her to quickly capture the special howling from a high place, and Ares, the god of war who was eating and drinking behind the scenes, also stopped the knife and fork in his hand.

This descendant of Olympus, who lives in war and can feel the rhythm of war, suddenly stood up, grabbed his black battle ax and shouted:
"Change! The big one is coming!"

"It's a missile."

Norman grabbed a special device to check the sky, and soon found fifteen intercontinental missiles moving at high speed outside the atmosphere, judging from their perspective that the landing point was in New York City.

And the shining Stark Industries logo on it made the Green Goblin's face even more gloomy for a moment.

"Isn't that guy dead? Are these superheroes insane with those missiles falling down and leveling New York? Mutual death tactic?

Are they so great? "

Venom Scorpion, the weakest member of the New Sinister Six, roared loudly, and the lonely man next to Norman immediately got up and flew out to block those missiles, but was held down by the Green Goblin.

The wily guy narrowed his eyes and said:

"Change! Take the cowards down there who are scared to death, and let's join the battle!"

"Helping the Skrulls?"

Venom Scorpion asked stupidly, and then saw Norman showing him a gloomy smile:

"No, the fact that they dare to fire missiles at their own people proves that they are sure that they can defeat the Skrulls with this thing, of course we are going down to help the heroes.

We share their soon-to-be but fleeting victories
Haven't you always wondered who the last of the Sinister Six is?Soon you will see him.

Gentlemen, remember the oath we made when we were united.

We will always only stand on the side of the winner! "


He activated his armor signal, and a set of Iron Patriot suits very similar to Iron Man covered him.

Then the front wall was pierced, and in the bombing scene caused by explosives flying horizontally, the majestic green goblin also joined the battlefield, killing two sneak attackers with one shot, and then there was a blond man in a golden battle suit Falling from the sky like a hammer.

As soon as the guy who was very similar to Da Chao appeared on the stage, he shattered the ground of a block with a terrifying shock and killed a dozen or so elite Skrulls around him.

The White Queen and Ares also rushed in from the flanks, shouting slogans, and bravely opened the way to the center of the square for the besieged superheroes.

This scene was transmitted to the palace of Wakanda through the cobweb monitoring system all over New York City. Mason leaned on the swivel chair and stared at the Green Goblin on the screen and the lonely blond man with fluttering blond hair while holding a coffee cup.

He narrowed his eyes and took a sip of coffee, pouted and said:

"Green Goblin and Sentinel, what a perfect pair. But there are only five of the Sinister Six, where is the last one?"

"I think you should pay more attention to what will happen next than this."

Mr. Zhang, who was manually manipulating the flight trajectory of the missile with his fingers flying like flying fingers on the console next to him, complained:

"Without satellite guidance, the landing points of these missiles will no longer be accurate. If someone is hit on the head by a flying warhead at this speed, something will happen."

"How big can it be?"

Mason, who is used to seeing the big world, rolled his eyes, and calmly inserted a special USB flash drive into the console. In the next moment, dense red dots were projected on the battlefield.

The location of every hero with his weapon and armor is marked in real time.

The locators hidden in the weapons and armor sent out avoidance signals, and after gathering again, Zhang Zong, who was in a hurry, finally completed the final positioning before the missile entered the bombing process.

A few seconds later, the Stark missiles that fell from the sky were like a honeycomb exploding in the air, and the densely packed flying missile explosion parts emerged from the sky above New York City like a goddess, and then headed towards the ground under the blessing of lightning, thunder, and violent storms. fall down.

The next step should have been a violent explosion.

Those Skrulls even opened the battlefield bunkers to resist the fire projection, but no!
There is no dazzling flame, only the muffled sound when the warhead hits the ground, as if hundreds of dud bombs were covered around the combat zone and detonated simultaneously without violent force, throwing the liquid toxin inside in all directions like the classic design of chemical weapons .

Black smoke instantly enveloped the entire theater.

In order to increase the lethality, Zhang always reduced the landing point of these warheads by one-third, which made the concentration of neurotoxins in the theater reach a "choking" level in an instant.

The heroic commanders who had been prepared for a long time were not disturbed at all.

They launched another assault the moment the black smoke dissipated, and the "secret little pill" from Mason was thrown into the mouths of the heroes, making them alive again as if they had taken a stimulant.

However, those deformed pretenders who inhaled the exclusive VIP neurotoxin of the Skrulls fell to the ground coughing in pain.

The camouflage on them was forcibly stripped away.

This is the first phase of entry into force.

Then the violent poisonous gas began to attack their respiratory system and internal organs, causing them to lose their strength in a short period of time. Each of them was so weak that they couldn't even hold weapons, let alone deal with the earth heroes who were like tigers and wolves in front of them.

The effectiveness of biological and chemical weapons in the second stage made the situation on the entire battlefield instantly out of control.

Except for those Stark suits who were still resisting without interference and were commanded by Ultron to try to encircle the defense line, all Skrulls, regardless of age, strength or weakness, were "disarmed" at this moment.

Dr. Reed didn't set the toxin to kill, but Mason had no worries about its effects, as the angry Earth heroes would help him with his "punishment" on the Skrulls.

In just less than 5 minutes, the entire war zone was already bleeding like a river.

There is no need to count how many Skrulls died in the counterattack of the heroes of the earth, that is definitely a terrifying number that will make the Virgins burst into tears.

This is the battle of the world!
Mercy is a crime against one's own people under such circumstances. Even Captain Carter, who has never advocated violent means, has begun to let go. She used acrobatic techniques to throw the three shields continuously, and the sharp shield edge was imposed. Furious and vengeful, those weak Skrulls are almost dead at the touch of a finger.


The watch on Mason's wrist beeped.

He glanced down at the "Sent Completed" sign on it, the three 10-minute footage of what happened in New York City had been sent back to Utopia to prove that he, the X-Knight, had successfully completed his commission as the "Executioner".

The first goal of this trip was successfully achieved.

In the current battlefield, the morale of the heroes who have tasted the taste of victory is greatly boosted.

Of course, they didn’t forget the business. Captain Marvel exploded with double-star energy to entangle Perfect Ultron alone. On the ground, the marinated egg who was shooting and executing Commander Skrull yelled at the party king Thor in the air:
"Thor! Go, destroy that beacon! It's activated, quick!"


In the flash of thunder, the unrestrained Thor flashed onto the square full of Skrull's remnants and defeated soldiers. He loudly called out the name of Odin and held up the one-time trial gun in his hand.

Thousands of Isu inscriptions were lit up on it.

It is said to be a throwing weapon, but in fact Mason made it completely according to the indicators of small tactical nuclear weapons.

After all, it is a one-off.

If it is not powerful enough, it will definitely be severely complained by customers.

The golden electric current is activated on the majestic Gungnir Spear, just like Thor is holding a golden lightning, and the towering beacon in front of him has been filled with purple energy, like an energy piercing into the sky The sword is rising.

But before it really touched the height that could open the plane, Thor roared and threw the spear in his hand.

The golden light flashed across the sky as if separating the sky and the earth, and pierced fiercely into the top of the weapon in front of him amidst the roar of Asgardian Thor.

In the next moment, the energy generated by the 24 disposable miniature ark reactors running to the limit was released at once, and a terrifying energy ring exploded in the air.

It was as if a sword in the middle had accurately cut off the call of the Skrulls to their masters.

Thor, who had completed the lore, laughed and opened his arms in the air, making the joyous Thor's Hammer dance around him, and the earth heroes below cheered in unison.

They once again won the battle to defend the earth.

Once again they defended their world.

But this cheering didn't last even ten seconds, and then under the silent gaze of everyone, an identical purple beam of light rushed into the sky at the far end of the sky, dyeing most of the sky into mysterious beauty in just an instant. purple.

It was like some invisible BGM sounded, weighing heavily on everyone's hearts.

Something is coming.
Something dangerous is coming!

At this time, on the terrace of the king's castle in Latvinia, a small country in Eastern Europe, Dr. Doom, the Doctor of Destruction, wearing a green cloak and metal armor, is looking at the energy beams that shoot into the sky from the center of his border with his hands behind his back.

He undoubtedly knew what kind of existence this beam would bring.

But unlike the Green Goblins, who just crave power and run amok, he didn't choose to join the New Sinister Six for the pathetic stuff.

"There is strength in any crisis."

The gloomy king spoke his thoughts in a hoarse voice, and then he stopped looking at the plane channel that was opened above the sky dome, turned around and walked back to his castle.

Before meeting the God of Wisdom, he needs to "prepare".

In the main control room of the palace in Wakanda, Mason reached out and patted the shoulder of Dr. Reed, who was staring blankly, and said:
"Look, that's why I'm not optimistic about the situation of the war, every time in this kind of time, there will be all kinds of people doing all kinds of stupid things for all kinds of reasons.

Don't be sad, I've traveled around the world and seen a lot.

These self-sacrificing wakeners are indeed a social problem that exists throughout the universe."


The door of the main control room was smashed open in the next moment, and a large number of royal guards armed with Wakanda ordnance rushed into it, and they aimed their weapons at the original distinguished guests.

President Zhang obediently raised his hands, and Mason also gave a French military salute.

He looked at the Prince of Wakanda in a leopard-print battlesuit who came from behind the crowd, and said to Dr. Reed next to him with a curled lip:

"Of course, compared to those who wake up, those royal relatives who always want to overthrow the throne of their relatives and sit on it themselves have long been a cliché that is common in royal power countries.

Hello, Eric 'The Leopard', the seventh member of the Sinister Six.

Mind if I ask, does it feel good to bow down to alien bastards for their lives? "

(End of this chapter)

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