The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 416 31. However, all of this is in the plan of Mr. Honor Robin

Chapter 416 31. However, all of this is in the plan of Lord Honor Robin

When Star Lord Black Panther drove the spaceship to take everyone to the Tianjian to rescue the brine, Mason had reminded the prodigal king that it was not a good thing to let a seemingly docile and loyal prince brother supervise the country for him.

Especially since this cousin spent the first 30 years of her life preparing to take the throne.

It was like putting a ticking time bomb under the bed where I slept.

But maybe T'Challa in this world is just playing a thrill, just like he still hooked up with Storm Girl when he had a girlfriend.

Right now, the Black Panther is still in New York City to 'visit' Lord Brainiac who crossed the border. The "bitter fruit" he planted will have to be borne by Mason.

The three researchers were surrounded by kingdom guards wearing armor and holding Wakanda vibrating gold spears, while Prince Eric, the "Leopard" as the master, walked into the main control room surrounded by several tall attendants.

He was very conspicuous in the gradient black panther suit mixed with golden light spots that looked very rich.

And judging from the weird suit styles on the guards beside him, it can be seen that his action this time was recognized by several tribes in Wakanda, and he didn't know that the Star Lord Black Panther was in his own country. When he was the king, what outrageous things did he do to make the clan leaders under his command defect collectively.

"Don't fight and you won't get hurt."

Prince Eric's voice sounded from under the helmet, with a trace of calmness, he said:

"You are still distinguished guests of Wakanda. We are a country that advocates wisdom and do not do unnecessary killing. I need to ask you to go back to your room to rest for a few days. After all the dust settles, you will be sent out of the country.

Brainiac doesn't covet our world.

All he wants is the perfect Ultron, and he will naturally leave after his desire is satisfied.

It's just a deal, and it's not about who bows down to whom. "

"I think you're slightly misunderstanding how the Council of Hope works, Your Royal Highness."

Mason, who was pointed at by dozens of high-energy laser vibrating weapons, was not flustered. He maintained the most standard French military salute and said to the leopard in front of him:
"It is true that Brainiac is not interested in your world, but his way of letting you go will definitely not be to leave quietly without incident.

This is a privateering operation that is not allowed by the council. Guess what kind of 'silence' method will the World Collector take to you in order to prevent his actions from being discovered by his colleagues?
I'm not talking about you"

Mason sighed and said:
"You dare to stud without even knowing the details of each other before making a deal. You are all real gamblers. The risk of dealing with you is too great."

"This is the risk we need to consider, Your Excellency Mason."

Eric's tone softened.

This is normal.

No matter how sensible a person is, he would not like to be blamed for his actions, especially when the other party said something so reasonable that it was impossible to refute it.

This is not leaving any steps, how can you be so incapable of being a human being?

go with!
Go to the small dark room to calm down for a few days, and reflect on how you should talk to a king!
The leopard waved his hand, and the palace guards stepped forward to imprison the three researchers, but suddenly a violent explosion sounded outside the door.

Several fear grenades painted with clown patterns were thrown into the room, and at the same time, a wide range of Cytorak scarlet chains were summoned from all around.

Mason turned around and put the breathing mask on Dr. Reed's face. In the green smoke of fear, Zhang Parker also completed the change of clothes. Harley and Kang Zha, who had been ambushing for a long time, rushed in.

With the sound of ping-pong-pong fighting, the entire main control room was in chaos.

Wakanda's vibranium armor and advanced weaponry were troublesome, but Mason had long studied the metal's properties.

The most important thing is that his full-vibration golden power armor rarely showed up after entering this world, and he kept pretending to be a scientific researcher. It was obvious that Leopard had an undeserved "misunderstanding" of his true strength.

In short, a few minutes later, after the air circulation system in the main control room sucked out all the fear gas inside, the menacing palace guards were already lying all over the floor.

And Harley was pulling out the armor and weapons on them to take back to the servants of the K Legion.

Standing behind Fenrir's battle armor, Mason returned to the console with a blank expression and resumed remote communication. While fine-tuning the angle to observe what was happening in New York at this time, he looked at the man who was tightly bound by the scarlet chain behind him. Prince Eric of the Air says:
"In this world, you were brought back to Wakanda to be trained as the heir to the throne since you were a child. If you didn't have the opportunity to live the life of a mercenary licking blood, you would naturally not be able to practice a powerful martial arts comparable to the black panthers of the past. Even if you eat a heart-shaped Grass doesn't really make you a good fighter either.

I don't know how Norman convinced you to jump back at this time.

But I can be sure that you are just being used as cannon fodder to delay time, but don't worry, Your Excellency, I have no interest in judging your betrayal, and leave this matter to your prodigal brother. "

"The throne is mine! I've been preparing for it for 20 years!"

The leopard that was hoisted broke through instantly, and he shouted:
"T'Challa should honestly stay in his southern galaxy as his free and happy cosmic prodigal son, that is the life he yearns for just like my desire for the throne.

He has told me many times that the kingship is just a heavy burden to him.

Do you think he doesn't know what's on my mind?

No!It is he who is indulging me to carry out today's plan, and he is begging me to give him a legitimate reason to give up his responsibility.


I am only the executor of this rebellion.

The real planner is my bastard brother who plans to marry a female robot and treats the important task of inheritance as nothing! "

"As I said, I'm not interested in the affairs between you brothers, Your Royal Highness."

Mason waved his hand.

The smirking Zha Kang immediately stuffed a ball of stinky socks into Eric's mouth, and then used a spell of "disarm you" to take off the expensive-looking Zhenjin King's battle suit of the leopard .

"Mason! Wakanda's border barrier has been opened, and a strange mechanical army is rushing here."

Mr. Zhang checked the information on the console and shouted to Mason. Dr. Reed stepped forward anxiously and tried to restart the barrier to protect the last piece of pure land in this invaded world.

"It's useless, the leopard opened Wakanda's network to Brainiac, with that guy's terrifying intelligence and almost unlimited manipulation of data, this place will soon be completely taken over.

The Skrull's strategy of global blackout is also for this purpose of taking over service. "

Mason pointed to the screen and said to the two:

"Look! The Vault ship is coming."

At this moment, everyone in the main control room looked at the optical screen projected onto the wall in front of them, where everything that was happening in New York City was broadcast live.

The sky dyed purple by special energy is like an undulating mirror, and also like a portal to another world, and a huge silver spaceship the size of a city is slowly penetrating from the sky into this material world.

Its shape is very attractive.

The overall shape is a metal head magnified thousands of times, with complete eye sockets, nostrils and mouth, which looks like a dissimilated "human head balloon" from a distance.

Around the hundreds of propulsion devices below, there are silver mechanical tentacles like octopuses dancing in the air, very thick like a tower crane, but compared with the size of the skeleton spaceship, it looks more slender, like a pulled out head extending out same blood vessels.

Evil, powerful, and infiltrating.

It was Brainiac's Wanderer ship.

It is his vehicles, laboratories, residences, collections, and arsenals that he uses to navigate the universe.

At this time, it wasn't just this solitary spaceship that crossed the border. Around the huge Exile spaceship full of deterrence and oppression, densely packed small skull spaceships followed like a swarm of bees.

The shape of the big spaceship and the small spaceship are exactly the same, almost equivalent to a perfect replica except for the difference in size, and each spaceship also has an operator who is exactly the same as Brainiac.

This is not cloning.

This is the unique "conscious copy" of intelligent data life, and the mighty skeleton fleet descending on the earth in front of us is the frightening Brainiac Legion of the "conqueror of the universe".

A mechanical army created in the form of an ant colony!
Earth heroes in New York City are dumb.

They just overthrew the Skrulls with the help of Mason, and they saw this mechanical fleet that was definitely ten times more dangerous than the Skrulls from all angles.

Queen Skrull, who had been beaten by Captain Carter with blood all over her face, raised her hands to the sky frantically. She shouted in Skrull language:
"He loves us. High Brainiac, the great god of wisdom, he loves us."


Team Shock and Thor, who reacted the fastest, rushed towards the Brainiac Legion that was crossing the border. Those small spaceships tried to stop them, but they were knocked over by the hammer.

In a series of explosions, the two powerful heroes headed straight for the largest Exile spaceship. Thor, holding Thor's Hammer, shouted the name of Odin to call for Thunder, and the shock team directly entered the double star form to prepare for a wave. The classic "flesh dry spaceship".

This scene looks cool.

In the advance of Thunder rolling as a precursor, Captain Marvel swung his fist and slammed into the spaceship. It seemed that the huge skeleton ship would be completely pierced in the next moment.

But unfortunately, a layer of purple energy matrix suddenly appeared and enveloped the entire spaceship. Whether it was Thor's Thunder or the shocking energy of the team, it would only splash weak ripples.

It's like ants gnawing on giants.

"Kinetic energy stagnation and energy neutralization are invincible black technologies."

Mason in the main control room of Wakanda shook his head when he saw this scene. Brainiac's high profile was exactly the same as the stories about the conqueror of the universe in his memory.

No matter which world this guy is in, he is one of the most powerful enemies of the Justice League. He has tortured Master and Da Chao to the point of collapse several times, but now he is still calm when facing the Avengers.

The reaction of these guys who can only fight by brute force when facing the unique twelfth-level intelligent creature in the universe is as ridiculous as the stupid primitive man trying to attack the spaceship with a stone spear.

Just like Mason who was shaking his head at this time, in the control room of the Exile, Brainiac, sitting on the extremely advanced mechanical throne, made a nasal sound of disdain.

The conqueror of the universe, the god of wisdom and the director of hope even lazily took care of this group of "rebels" in person.

His tall, semi-mechanical body is covered with energy rings full of technology, and the mind reader extending from the throne is connected to his brain like tentacles, manipulating himself with his wisdom and thinking as the main body of the legion the power of.

It is worth mentioning that although Brainiac is very tall, he still maintains a humanoid life in appearance and is not very scary, and he has green skin and pointy ears.

If you don't distinguish carefully, it does look like a large Skrull.

Maybe this is one of the reasons why Brainiac took the Skrulls as servants?After all, no matter how indifferent and ruthless people are, they will have some different emotions towards creatures that are naturally similar to themselves.

In the next moment, under the indifferent gaze of the big green man, one-fifth of the miniature skeleton ships of the Brainiac Legion accelerated away from the fleet and swept across New York City at several times the speed of sound.

All kinds of rays, force fields, and weapons bombed in turn, which looked chaotic but in fact they were scheduled in an orderly manner.

Brainiac's database contained all the weaknesses of the heroes in front of him, and his ship's arsenal contained enough weapons to use.

If these savage guys think that they can wrestle with the Skrulls as servants by defeating them, then Old Bu doesn't mind opening their eyes to let them see the majesty of a "twelfth-level intelligent creature".

At this time, Dr. Reed was already chilling just watching the live broadcast of the optical projection.

His super wisdom to judge the situation on the battlefield told him that the super conqueror in front of him was extraordinary, and one-third of the heroes who had been targeted by rounds of targeted bombings were already lying down.

The Sinister Six hidden in the crowd completed a sinister backstab here, Captain Carter was knocked out, and Cyclops was disturbed.

Black Bolt was covered with a very special "silent" force field, and the kind-hearted version of Thanos ate several quantum bombs and was entangled by Ares, the god of war.

Even the mightiest Thor and Team Shock have been captured by the Wanderer's mechanical tentacles.

If no help is given, a mass destruction is imminent.


The doctor looked back at the outsider beside him who was frowning and analyzing the situation, and he shouted:
"I don't know what you want to do, but you've seen this happen before! You must have a backup plan, quick! Help them!"

"Oh, wait a minute."

Mason nodded and looked away from the screen.

The punishment of the Skrulls is completed, all the twenty-five boys in this world have appeared, Brainiac has been introduced into this world, the perfect Ultron is only two gems away from being truly formed, and he has sent a message to potential allies .

All of his goals for the first half of the current covert invasion had been accomplished, and now it was time to turn strategically in order to counterattack.

"Strange, help me."

He whispered something.

A few seconds later, the shadows cast on the ground by the people in the main control room turned upside down strangely, covering their bodies like boiling mud, and pulling them out of the material plane while dragging.

Amidst the weird arc flashing, Mason and the others were brought from Wakanda into the black and strange dark realm.

And the cold-faced magic powerhouse suspended above his cushion in a meditative posture at this time. He closed his eyes and said in a bad tone:
"The next time you bother me with these little things, I'll stuff your consciousness into a rotten worm and throw it into the Aphotic Sea."

"It's the last time, boss, I promise."

Mason said something soft.

But from Hei Qi's expression, it can be seen that he doesn't believe in Mason's promise at all. Dr. Reed next to him wanted to say something but was held back by Harry and Jarcon.

Shut up now!
If you offend this boss, everyone will be finished.


The weak vibrating sound reverberated like the undulating strings of a piano string. Under Dr. Reed's gaze back, the earth heroes who had been driven into extermination by Brainiac were pulled into the dark realm one by one.

"Leave the best people there."

Seeing that Black Strange was about to pull the captured Thor and Captain Marvel into the dark realm, Mason stopped him in a low voice:

"Let them stay in the heart of the enemy, and save them from having to send them in again when they counterattack."

"They will be manipulated."

Black Strange says:

"You're asking for trouble."

"It's hard to explain my thoughts to you, but listen to me, yes."

Mason waved his hand.

Black Strange snorted and terminated the magic operation, which directly led to the capture of several of the most powerful Earth heroes by Brainiac in the Exile spaceship.

A few seconds later, everyone who was sent into the dark realm woke up one after another. Captain Carter stood up with a face full of shame. She looked around and saw that most of the people were there, and a few unlucky ones were seriously injured.

Thor, Carol, Black Bolt, and Thanos, the strongest, have disappeared.

"Okay, don't be so sad."

Mason stepped forward.

He clapped his hands to the disgraced loser heroes in front of him, making them look at him, and then he announced:
"Facts have proved that your counterattack plan is not enough to deal with the current situation, so now I will continue to take over the defense of this world. Does anyone have any opinions?"

He looked around, but no one answered, even the marinated egg whose leg was broken remained silent.

"very good."

Mason nodded and said:
"It's time to plan a counterattack. Don't be afraid, everyone, Brainiac is indeed strong, but we are not without chance."

(End of this chapter)

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