The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 418 33. Do you even cheat on brainless skeletons?Warlock, you have done all kinds of bad thi

Chapter 418 33. Do you even cheat on brainless skeletons?Warlock, you have done all kinds of bad things!

Mason quickly completed the blending of this cooperation. He removed a module containing the data signal of Batemos from the photonic computer used by Frogtu.

With this thing as a guide and bridge, Batemos can quietly break through Brainiac's information blockade on the plane and complete the "download".

After this matter was settled, Mason was in a good mood.

He's already got his trump card against Brainiac.

Of course, Batemos alone is not enough to knock the "God of Wisdom" into the dust, but Mason is more than prepared for this. As long as Brainiac is allowed to leave his "Mechanical Throne", he himself is nothing but a powerful billionaire. It's just an alien conqueror.

"When did you hook up with these data lives?"

Ciri stared suspiciously at the relaxed Mason, she said:

"How many things do you keep from me? We are partners, Mason, you can't always hide like old A."

"Not much left."

Mason turned back to the somewhat angry female boss and said:

"This kind of alliance between forces can at most help us solve some difficult problems, but it cannot change the severe situation we are facing right now.

I'll tell you all about it when we're done with Brainiac's punishment here.

I promise! "

"The devil will believe your guarantee!"

Hillary complained:

"Only abnormal people like Harley Quinn will trust you unconditionally"

Having said that, Ciri suddenly closed her mouth, and she glanced at Mason, as if she had found the secret to the sweet relationship between him and Harry.

Perhaps what a person like Batman who has many secrets in his heart desires most is an unconditional trust.

The same goes for Mason.

With his coffee position, he is considered a "Batman reserve" now, right?

When Mason walked out of the palace, he suddenly made a suspicious nasal sound. He frowned and looked at the table at the entrance and exit of the palace. There was something on the edge of the table.

Silver shell, retro design, filled with dark blue energy, the ignition rod has been fixed, just twist the trigger to pop out a stream of sparks to ignite the cigarette, and blow up the whole world dimension by the way.

The Ultimate Eraser!
Why did the thing that Frog Figure was holding for self-defense just now appear here?
"Could be a trap! Don't touch it."

Ciri reached out her hand to suppress Mason's move to touch her, and she said in a serious tone:

"This kind of cosmic-level rule wonder is very rare even in the hands of members of the Council of Hope. As far as I know, this thing will not appear more than three times after the shock event starts.

It is a real treasure.

But I don't think Frog Figure would leave it in the corner of the table so carelessly."

"Don't think about it."

Mason whispered:
"Maybe it's really because Frog is getting old and has amnesia. He is hundreds of millions of years old, and maybe he wakes up more than ten times a night.

A little slow thinking is completely understandable. "

This is of course a bad joke, but it also represents Mason's thoughts.

He let go of Ciri's hand, and reached out to firmly touch the silver retro lighter.

At this moment, the character cards that seemed to be always reliable in front of his eyes had snowflake-like interference similar to information fluctuations, but they quickly returned to normal, and then an information label popped up:

The Ultimate Eraser that Frogtu 'accidentally' lost

Quality: Engineering · Cosmic Artifact · Immortal Craftsmanship
Traits: Cosmic Reality Rewrite · Ultra-rule Erase · Idealistic Object · Biological Lock

Pull the trigger and rewrite everything.


This item is a regular ideal item.

Its destructive power always depends on the willpower of the user, and the release limit of its power is between igniting the flame of paper and erasing ten cosmic dimensions at once.


This item was crafted with a biolock applied to ensure that low-life creatures cannot use the Ultimate Eraser to cause uncontrollable and serious consequences.

Produced by: some asshole behind the fourth wall who always likes to abolish settings
Item description: You'd better return it before Frogtu gets angry. Of course, I can also open a door for you to escape with it as an offering to the guild. After all, I just lack a useful lighter.

The production blueprint of "Ultimate Eraser·Retro Lighter" has been included, and there is no skill requirement for making this item.

The last hint caught Mason's eyes, and he immediately checked the drawings and found that this thing was really just a pattern of a retro lighter, and any experienced craftsman could make it.

But the ingredients needed to make it are pretty scary.

Just the description of needing a Power Gem as fuel and using a Reality Gem as a trigger is enough to make Mason feel dizzy, and this is not counting the weird "rule-level" raw materials used to make its shell.

Come on.

Mason felt that at least at this stage, he was just drooling over the blueprint.

To make this thing has gone beyond the definition of "rich". If you put all of the master's net worth into it, you probably can't even make it with a flint and steel.


The big bald Frog appeared in front of Mason silently, and stretched out his hand towards him expressionlessly. Mason put the Ultimate Eraser he "picked up" into Frog's palm with some regret.

This is called returning things to their original owners.

"Can you tell me more about the impact?"

Mason looked at the big bald head full of wisdom in front of him, and said:

"You don't even need to answer, I just want to ask if the shock is inevitable, does it represent a cosmic epoch change, and is there any hope that we can get through this and move into the next epoch with hope?"

Frog Figure remained silent as usual.

This made Mason a little disappointed and he and Ciri left the golden palace, but when they were about to step out of the gap between the planes, a hoarse voice sounded behind them, saying:
"Difficult, but not impossible."


Mason and Ciri turned their heads at the same time.

They thought they had auditory hallucinations, but the fact is that Watu really spoke.

This bald head with a penchant for writing puts the Ultimate Eraser in his arms. His eyes, which have experienced many vicissitudes, are staring at Mason, but the focus is not on Mason. It seems that he is observing something deeper through his body.

After a few seconds, he said:

"Destruction and salvation are both answers, but which one is the right answer will only be known at the end. I can't help you, Mason Cooper, but I'll watch you.

In the next era, your story will also be told, whether you succeed or fail. "

"You are not affected by the impact?"

Mason frowned and asked:
"Can you enter the next era?"

"We can."

Frog Tu nodded, and said with a sense of loss:

"This is the privilege of the observer, but I have lost this privilege when I spoke the first sentence with you."


Mason and Ciri looked at each other.

They didn't expect that the result of letting this big bald man speak would be so serious. Of course, it was definitely not just because of a single sentence.

What really made Watu lose his "privilege" was the help he just gave Mason.

Observers cannot intervene in any state of affairs.

All they could do was observe, and Frogtu himself ended up going from recorder to one of those struggling to survive in the Dark Ages.

Watu didn't say anything more, he glanced at Mason, and left like the old man who turned around like a walk just now, but he was so old that he suspected of suffering from amnesia, he was so careless that he put his equipment warehouse The key was pulled back in place again.

Mason stepped forward and picked up the golden key.

He glanced at Ciri and said to her:
"I'm going to stay here for a while, you go back first, and pick me up in an hour. Frog is breaking his duties, and this will definitely have a terrible and long-term impact on him. We can't drag him too deep into the quagmire.

The fewer people who stay here, the better. "


Ciri also knew the seriousness of the matter and how rare this opportunity was, so she turned around and jumped out of this plane between reality without arguing.

Mason turned around and returned to the golden palace, and opened the observer's equipment library with the key that Frog "accidentally" lost a few minutes later.

The Observer family has collectively been upgraded more than a billion years ago. From the fact that they can be exempted from the restart of the universe and enter the next era, it can be seen how terrifying the power and technology these guys possess.

Although Frog Map is just a personal collection, it is no less than a "sacred land parade" for Mason.

There are not many weapons and armor hanging on the wall in front of you, only a few pieces, and their prototypes are not too "ultra-modern" but follow a simple style.

Mason stepped forward to touch a small black revolver, and its information label popped up:
Observer with a gun [frog figure for personal use]

Quality: Legendary Engineering Creation Immortal Craftsmanship
Traits: Non-Lethal Weapons Karma

Effect: Aim at the target, pull the trigger, and fire a bullet with the "Law of Karma". This attack will give the [Rule·Must-Hit] effect, any life limited by the rules of the universe will be hit and give [Serious Injury· non-fatal] state.

The weapon takes 10 minutes to reload after each shot.

Maker: Observer Frog Figure

Item description: Ten years ago, I shot a gun towards the sea on the pier to express my anger towards the world. Ten years later, when I returned to my hometown, I felt the comfort of the sea breeze. At the moment when I looked back, the bullet flew, bang , right between the eyebrows.


The weapon blueprint has been included, but because it is full of special engineering knowledge "Causality Formula", it cannot be crafted until the understanding of the formula and engineering skills reach Lv10.

"Good guy"

Mason retracted his fingers with great emotion.

He was ashamed of his pathetic imagination in engineering.

The weapons in his cognition have not yet reached the level of rules, but the small broken star pistol that Frog made at random taught him a good lesson.

It's not that the engineering power is not good enough, it's that the creators are too stupid.

And by analogy, similar rule-level gadgets will definitely appear in other branch skills after reaching the full level of Lv10.

This does not prevent Mason from still being a craftsman, but if he can master this skill, then he will also enter a completely different realm due to the accumulation of knowledge.

While roaming in Frog Map's equipment arsenal with a "pilgrimage" mood, he didn't forget the business.

In this place not affected by Brainiac's data blockade, Mason took out his flip phone and made a call, and a very "hell-style" ringtone rang over there.

A few seconds later, Swordsman's sleepy voice rang on the phone, and she yawned and said:
"Do you have a sense of public morality! Don't even look at what time it is? Anyone who dares to call the hell lord at this evil time will be dragged into the tongue-pulling hell by the devil and put in the frying pan!

Mason Cooper!

Speak quickly before I send a devil stalker to pluck out your tongue! "

"Ahem, I just want to tell you that I want to do something big in the world I'm in now."

Mason reached out and picked up a "digital rate" bomb for Frogtu's own use, and put it in his hand to record the blueprints. While tilting his head and holding his mobile phone, he said to his companion on the other side:
"You can act now. Just as we imagined, find an excuse to lure the warlock here. If he can really be brought here, I guarantee that he will have ten lives and don't even think about escaping back!"

"Are you serious?"

The swordsman suddenly became interested.

She is a mutant, a narrow-minded hell lord, and a woman. These triple buffs make her unfriendly to those who have provoked her.

She knew the cause and effect from Mason, and after a little thought, she replied:
"It's very difficult to cheat on this matter. Warlock is a cunning guy, and he won't be fooled when all cards are up against him. So my idea is that we go through formal procedures!
Just say that you found a new world that needs to be developed urgently. I will transfer this matter to the warlock. When a Transcendent A-level world is registered, it must be registered by a member of the Great Mentor level.

Then you seize the opportunity to give him a sneak attack!
Perfect, the plan works! "

"He may not be fooled, especially when the plan is carried out by you, but it doesn't hurt to try."

Mason complained, then thought for a while and said to the swordsman:
"Control the time well and let him or his important dog come over in 8 to 12 hours. At that time, the counterattack will start here."

"Well, leave it to me."

The swordsman agreed confidently, and then cut off the communication.

In this "evil time", she didn't have any sleepiness at all, and she happily put on her armor and jumped from her demon palace into the Fort of Stars.

Going through the formal process, Mason's current world level is a Transcendent A Grade world that needs to be entered urgently. By the way, he took the hell lord's cleverness to write a sick note for himself, and then signed it by himself.

In this way, the work will not be assigned to him.

Liana sent the two documents into the Destiny Machine in the Great Library of Starsburg, then went back to the border of hell humming. After the editing of the input instruction was completed, the staff sent it to the office of the great warlock instructor according to the workflow.


When the warlock returned to his office after finishing today's meditation and evil thinking, he saw the instruction at a glance.

Then the gloomy fellow frowned.

It seems that there is no problem with the work tasks assigned by the normal process, but at this juncture, the hunter went to inspect the world and the swordsman suddenly asked for sick leave.

There's nothing wrong with a hunter patrolling the world, that's the job of exploring the great master, but swordsman, you, a hellish monarch, can actually get sick?

Just kidding it is!
If you want to trick me into stepping into a dangerous place, please make up a better reason, okay?You said that your relatives coming are much better than you being bedridden suddenly, right?

"whispering sound"

The warlock master curled his lips.

It is absolutely impossible for him to step into the so-called "unknown world", but this assigned daily instruction must be completed by someone.

The three eyes rolled at the same time, and soon a sinister idea came to mind.

After thinking for a few seconds, the warlock picked up the exquisite skeleton on the table, injected magic power into it, and made its eye sockets burn, and said to the other side:
"Brother Johnny? Are you recovering from the injury? I need your help to replace it. The entry process of a discovered new world will not take up too much of your time.

Don't be in a hurry to scold me, because I have received gossip that a guy suspected of Mason Cooper has appeared in that world.
While there isn't much evidence for this, I think you should definitely check it out. "

This is obviously a warlock talking nonsense and trying to trick people into topping the tank.

He has been planning the infiltration and invasion of Mason's Transcendent A Grade world for some time recently, and he is confident that the Skrulls he "rented" from Brainiac have successfully penetrated into the K team, and he didn't make a fuss. Keep track of Mason.

He didn't actually know where Mason was right now.

But he knew that Johnny Blazer had a deep grudge against Mason, and he was a good top tanker.

However, Lord Johnny Skeleton, the head of the Ghost Knights, didn't know this, and he was very satisfied with the news.After being "destroyed" by Mason last time, the death metal-loving Burning Skeleton is struggling to find his way back.

It is rare that the warlock actually sent the information on his own initiative.

"Okay, then I'll take the time to go there."

Johnny replied like this, and Warlock nodded in satisfaction.

He glanced at the time on the instruction and said:
"The door to the world leading there will open in 8 hours, don't miss it, I guess there will be some 'surprises' waiting for you, please be prepared in advance."

(End of this chapter)

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