The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 419 34. Learned the high-end operation of card bugs at a young age, the future is boundless

Chapter 419 34. Learned the high-end operation of card bugs at a young age, the future is boundless
Brainiac's mechanical army has spread all over the earth, and there are metal skull-shaped spaceships stopping and searching on every big city.

This twelfth-level intelligent creature did not slaughter humans as Mason expected, just like giants who don't care about the ants at their feet.

The God of Wisdom is using all his energy on another thing at this time, that is the perfect Ultron that he has been thinking about.

At this time, the silver-gray robot was in the main control room of the Exile, being tested by the instruments manipulated by Brainiac. Sitting on the "Throne of Wisdom", he frowned, obviously paying attention to the perfect Ultron. The state at this time is not very satisfactory.

Although the latter has gathered the four infinite gems of the original plane to make it have crushing power, but lacks two rough stones to make it a little closer to "perfect".

Such "flaws" cannot be tolerated.

What Brainiac needs is not just a new body that can carry his too large consciousness. The ultimate goal of his painstaking planning of this invasion is to realize his "detachment".

Seeing Brainiac's dissatisfied face on the throne, the Sinister Six standing below exchanged glances, and finally the Green Goblin in armor stepped forward and reported:

"Exalted God of Wisdom"

"Call me Brainiac."

The green cyborg looked at him and said in a low tone:
"Your so-called 'respect' comes from being given by others, but my existence does not require the affirmation of others, Norman Osborn, if you want to ask for rewards, then you can rule the world now.

As I have declared, I have no interest in your world. "

"No, Lord Brainiac, I just want to answer your concerns."

The Green Goblin said seriously:
"About the space gem, my last companion is bringing it to your flagship, and the perfect Ultron you've been expecting will go one step further."

"But there's still one left."

Brainiac's Mechanical Throne rose from its pedestal and floated to the bridge in front of the Outcaster's main control room, from which the world beyond could be seen.

He said blankly:
"The soul stone is still missing, and that is the most difficult rough stone to obtain. What I need is the whole rough stone system, and a single power is meaningless to me.

There are countless rough stones in countless worlds, but unfortunately, only the infinite stones from the same source can be combined into the power that affects the origin of the universe in their respective birth planes.

My crafty companions always like to split them up.

They claim that this is for resource maximization, but its real purpose is just a gimmick to hinder future-seeking people like me from going higher.

They always guard against their own people more carefully than against outsiders.

But it's not their fault either.

Based on the analysis of the current situation, the partners who are still cooperating now will become enemies fighting each other in the near future, and their internal check and balance strategy is correct.

But too short-sighted. "

The Sinister Six didn't have much to say about Brainiac's exclamation.

They don't know anything about the system and truth of the outside world, and naturally they can't understand where the deep sorrow of this twelfth-level intelligent creature comes from.

"The last of your members has arrived."

Brainiac said something softly.

The cabin of the main control room slid open, and Dr. Doom, wearing a green king's cloak and iron armor, walked into the hall full of mechanical styles.The gloomy villain didn't talk nonsense, he raised his hand and summoned the crystal rough space stone suspended in the palm of his hand while the magic power was running.

Under Brainiac's gaze, Perfect Ultron strode forward and reached out to hold the gem and put it in the fifth groove on his chest.

Designed by Brainiac himself and completed by Agent Alpha with the help of S.H.I.E.L.D., there are energy fluctuations caused by the resonance of five rough stones, and the gemstone system is completed within a few seconds without any spillover waves. build and rebalance.

This robot is more powerful.

But the dissatisfaction in Brainiac's eyes has not eased in the slightest, and the five-gem Ultron in front of him still cannot perfectly carry his too large consciousness.


The god of wisdom looked at the last member of the Sinister Six, he examined him, and after a few seconds, Brainiac said:

"Are you observing this spacecraft to find its weaknesses? It does have weaknesses. For example, the shield system of the spacecraft will only be temporarily overloaded when it bears an impact of more than twice the ultimate energy of the core module.

And this energy intensity is enough to shatter your earth in an instant.

I did it this way on purpose, to make the rebels face a difficult choice.

Choose between the worlds that might defeat me and those that must destroy themselves.

There is an 89% probability that they will succumb, and in the remaining 11% probability that even if they adopt the strategy of dying together, it will be difficult for them to really defeat me in the final battle.

Another desperate truth is that my consciousness-preservation program has adopted a decentralized strategy.

The body you see before your eyes is just one of my many spare bodies. For a cyborg life like me, destroying the body does not mean victory or defeat.

I can come back anytime.

So, will you choose to pass on this important news to those heroes in hiding?Or, would you choose to stand with me and share my knowledge and wisdom? "

Facing Brainiac's frankness, Dr. Doom did not answer immediately.

After a few seconds, he said in a low tone:

"I guess you didn't extend an invitation to my 'companions', but I'm flattered that you value me so much, but I would still like an explanation.

In your eyes, is life also divided into high and low? "

"All beings are equal? ​​So, what you want to talk to me about is the first question, which is the illusory will that all beings of flesh and blood use to paralyze themselves? Do you think true equality will exist?
Do you think a giant is equal to an ant that doesn't even understand its existence?

If you think so, you are absolutely crazy.

As for how much I value you, there is one of my outstanding companions who makes me feel threatened and pressured. He calls himself 'God Lord'. "

Brainiac stared at Doom and said:

"You are his space-time alien, but you are much inferior to the other you in every aspect, but you have the same starting point and the same potential.

I long for that power to be at my command to accomplish great things.

Now you are just a seed, I can help you germinate, absorb nutrients and grow quickly.As for your companions they are inferior.

Investing too many resources in them is a waste."

"Hey! We're listening!"

Ares, the god of war next to the Green Goblin, couldn't bear it anymore, and the grumpy old man roared:
"There must be a limit to looking down on people!"

"Sorry, but the truth always hurts."

Brainiac replied without sincerity.

He didn't seem to regard excessive confession as a mistake, but seriously reminded:
"Each of you has terrible weaknesses that are visible to the naked eye, but you don't realize or don't care about them, which dooms you to greatness.

King of the world is the best ending you can get.

For your aptitude, it is too difficult to go further.

Give up your idle ambitions.

Letting go of wild, unattainable ideals will make you feel relieved. "

God of War Ares was undoubtedly provoked again, but when he wanted to speak, he was stopped by the Green Goblin. Five people left the exile spaceship and headed for New York City. Halfway through, Ares couldn't help complaining:

"Look at his arrogant posture sitting on the throne, I really want to give him two axes!"

"It's not like he doesn't want to show his humility by getting up and greeting you."

The Green Goblin shook his head sullenly and said:

"He just can't get up!

The oppression of too large consciousness made him a disabled person who could only sit on a chair and slap Fang Qiu. He clearly longed for a new body, but he insisted on pretending to be calm and in control of everything.
The self-respect a crippled god of wisdom possesses is terrifying.

Sad guy. "

"what should we do?"

The White Queen asked softly:
"Obey? Or"


The Green Goblin closed his mask with a click, and said in a low voice:

"Wait until the situation is more clear, remember, everyone, we are only on the side of the winner."

"Dom will betray us!"

Ares said:

"He'll accept Brainiac's invitation, it's a mutual attraction between two arrogant guys!"

"No, he won't."

The Green Goblin kept receiving all kinds of information quietly sent back from Dum in his battle armor.

Including the parameters of Brainiac's mechanical throne and the internal structure and weapon module information of the exile spaceship that the guy did not know how to collect.

He blinked and said:
"Dom won't be subservient.

You'd have to believe that guy's pride wouldn't allow him to call another man 'Master', and I guess Brainiac's compliments and invitations were nothing short of the most horrific humiliation for Doom.

Don't worry, he's the most determined of us.

Now we have to find a way to contact our compatriots in hiding, everyone, we have to learn to be prepared. "
"beep, beep"

On a rather unfamiliar land, the communicator in Nick Fury's hand hummed continuously, and various data were transmitted and summarized into general information about the Exile spacecraft.

Agent Hill and Captain Carter beside him were a little worried about the authenticity of the information. After all, the Green Goblin who sent the news jumped back and betrayed them.

"It might be a trap."

Captain Carter said:
"We should notify Mason."

"When he comes back, the information will naturally be submitted to him. There is nothing to expect at the moment."

Braised Egg shook his head and said:
"The Exile's shield system alone is enough to cause headaches. If it doesn't break our will, it will be a waste of effort, but Norman Osborn has at least expressed an attitude.

That guy wasn't tied to Brainiac either.

A standard opportunist cannot use loyalty as a bargaining chip. He is using us to achieve certain goals, and we can also use him to complete the counterattack.

It is nothing more than to see who has the higher means.

Haven't done it yet? "

Fury raised his head and looked a little irritably at the black mountain standing in the dark place in front of him, which is where the soul gem is now hidden.

These people have just been teleported by Heiqiqi.

The good news is there's no Brainiac minions interfering, the bad news is they'll have to get the gem on their own.

"They are discussing who should be sacrificed."

Agent Hill rubbed his forehead and said in a painful tone:
"It's almost impossible to negotiate a result. No one wants to sacrifice the person they love the most. Even if they really want to sacrifice themselves fearlessly, they must have someone to accompany them.

But look at us here, there are almost a bunch of lonely stars. But think about it, which person with a happy family and no regrets would choose to be a superhero? "

"I'm not afraid of dying here."

Captain Carter sighed and said:
"But Steve is dead, and my heart is so empty that I don't know who I will fall in love with next. I can't force myself to fall in love with someone suddenly, can I?"

The current situation in the crowd over there is indeed as Agent Hill complained, and the heroes who were sent here are all frowning.

Most of those who can become superheroes have a tragic life experience, either their parents died, or they lost their loved ones. To be honest, without enough pain and refinement, it is really difficult for a normal person to make up his mind to take the road of no return as a superhero.

There are quite a few people who have love in their hearts, but few have a happy family.

After counting and counting, there are only a few people who meet the harsh "soul-for-soul" requirements of the soul gem, and the only ones selected are Cyclops and Jean Gray, Mister Fantastic Reed and Miss Susan the Invisible .

Agent Natasha leaned on one side of the rock and complained to Wolverine beside him that Agent Hawkeye would not be here, otherwise she could give it a try, while Queen Medusa was sad and thankful.

Her husband, Black Bolt, was captured by Brainiac, so she couldn't challenge the limit of true love.

"I think, in fact, gender can't be too stuck."

Harley, carrying a baseball bat, blows bubble gum and says to the others:
"Maybe it's okay for boys and boys. Uh, I mean, isn't there affection besides love?"

She pointed to the Star Lord Black Panther who kept hiding in the crowd, and said:
"T'Challa and his younger brother who just launched a rebellion, anyway, he did something wrong and defected to the enemy, why not let the Black Panther throw him down and try, maybe it will work.

And Mr. Zhang! "

Harry looked at Zhang Parker, who was wearing a black spider suit, and complained:
"Didn't you always complain that Aunt Mei is holding you back? You also secretly call her an old woman all day long. Why don't you take this opportunity?"

"To shut up!"

Mr. Zhang suddenly became excited.

He popped the spider light knife from his wrist and waved it, screaming:

"Whoever dares to suggest that Aunt Mei jump off, I'll give him a knife! No kidding!"

A group of people are noisy here but can't come up with a plan.

The survival of the world and the personal situation are fiercely confronted at this moment. In the depressing atmosphere, Mr. Fantastic began to say goodbye to his wife, and Jean and Cyclops kissed each other tearfully.

Perhaps a victim is on the horizon.

But in a place where no one was paying attention, the young girl Hope, who was sent over by Hei Qiyi, walked alone to the cliff of soul-for-soul.

She has just recovered from her injuries and is still a little weak, holding two magic glass bottles in her hands, her father Hank Pym in her left hand, and her mother Janet in her right hand.

Both of them are now zombie players, and they are still barking their teeth and claws in the bottle, screaming and screaming.

Hope's expression was very painful.

She has been like this since Mason rescued her from the underground base. She is still young and has no experience of talking about sex, but this does not prevent this girl from experiencing the despair of her family being separated.

She half-kneeled on the edge of the cliff, looked at the zombie parents in her hands, took another deep breath, kissed the two bottles one by one, and placed them on her forehead as a final farewell.

"I hope you still have souls, Dad and Mom."

Hope whispered:
"Our family almost ruined the world, we should make amends, maybe the rotten soul is not enough to win the favor of the soul gem.

It just so happened that I lost both of you and the courage and desire to continue living.

I heard from Dr. Dark Strange that this ritual sends our souls into another dimension.

Maybe we can be reunited there.

Bye now.


After finishing speaking, the tearful girl jumped off the cliff holding two bottles containing the parents of the zombies. This scene happened to be seen by Harley who was arguing with Mr. Zhang.

Robin exclaimed.

The whole person ejected and ran out, completed the venom possession in the air, his legs firmly grasped the ground, his whole body was elongated, and he frantically shot out the bat claw gun, which was able to entangle the feet of Hope, who had already fallen into the air. .

The vibration of this pulling made Hope, who was waiting to die with his eyes closed, forcibly pulled back, but the two jars in his hand fell to the bottom of the cliff.

"No! Dad, Mom! Don't!"

Hope screamed in the air and wanted to get back the fallen jar, but Harley held her tightly to prevent her from making unnecessary sacrifices.

The other heroes were also alarmed, and Wu Yang Wu Yang ran over to save them. They rushed the young Hopla up the cliff. At this moment, Zha Kang looked down the cliff.

The Pims, who had turned into zombies, fell under the cliff and were completely silent.

"Oh, it failed."

The black wizard exhaled the smoke ring, sighed and said:

"This BUG is not such a good card. Uh? What the hell?"

An orange light bloomed in the hands of the crying Hope.

It was like a shining beam of light penetrating the sky and covering everything here, enveloping the stunned heroes and sending them away from this hidden area in the next instant.

Hei Qiqi, who witnessed all this in the dark realm, also blinked his eyes. Afterwards, the big spellcaster grabbed his notes casually, turned over the page of the soul gem, picked up the pen and changed it to:

"The soul-for-soul exchange of the soul gem may be a symbolic ceremony, what it needs is not a real soul but the pure love and cherishment of the beloved thing.

Well, this explanation seems to make sense.

But there is another more terrifying possibility that the life infected by the source zombie virus did not lose its soul, but was trapped in a decaying body.

The change of life form does not affect the existence of the soul.

So if you find the right way, maybe you can reawaken their consciousness?
Hmm, interesting find. "

(End of this chapter)

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