The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 422 37. Team K is doing an event, the second Hulk is half price~

Chapter 422 37. Team K is doing an event, the second Hulk is half price~
"Successfully completed a headshot and execution of an abnormal humanoid creature, and the proficiency of melee skills has improved, currently at Lv2.

The melee talent is unlocked as [Sudden Death: Any melee attack on the hostile target has a chance to complete the beheading, the higher the enemy's life form, the lower the chance of triggering this effect]. "

A line of prompts jumped into the character card in front of Mason's eyes. Mason, who was holding a forging hammer, blinked in surprise and began to think about an important question.

This melee talent has been unlocked so powerfully, so is it too late for me to change from a support shooter to a sword master like Er Tuan and V?

"Forget it, it's dangerous to fight with fists and feet in close combat. A gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall."

Mason snorted, wiped off the blood with the lightning-spattering forging hammer and threw it back into the bag, and glanced at the White Queen with her head shattered under her feet.

The latter's shattered head still maintained its diamond shape, and the cracked slag looked very cool reflecting the chaotic red light in the corridor.

Although this diamond body is very strong, it turns out that even if Thor's Hammer is changed to a forging hammer, its attack power is still far from that of ordinary weapons, and Emma Frost's weakness of not being able to use spiritual power in diamond form makes her She died aggrieved in this chaotic corridor, becoming the first member of the Sinister Six to die in this world.

But even if she could use her psychic power, she couldn't turn the tide of the battle. Lao Wan's helmet was still buckled on Mason's head.

The real black humor of this matter is that the surprise tactics used by Mason to deal with psychic powersmen was designed by old Emma for him.

This wave belonged to the White Queen and died at the hands of another White Queen.

Mason stood up with the "Kinslayer Beast" achievement lit up, and behind him, because of Batemos's data hacking of the Exile ship, there was a problem with the operation of the ship from the energy core.

The shutdown of the main engine caused the anti-gravity device to fail, the huge and cool metal skeleton spaceship was falling from a high altitude to the ground, and the shield system that made the earth heroes helpless was also quickly shut down.

Just as Mason and the heroes agreed, after seeing this counterattack signal, Hei Qiqi opened his own domain and threw out all the people who were full of food and energy.

The mechanical legion without Brainiac's command detected hostile life in self-discipline mode and began to block it, but can the heroes who are holding fire give these robots a good face?

In just one meeting, one-tenth of the mechanical spaceship that Brainiac arranged near New York City was destroyed.

But after waiting for those Brainiac clones to join the battle, the scene quickly entered a stalemate.

Every copying machine under the command of the twelfth-level intelligent creature has his thinking mode and weakened combat power. Although it is definitely not as powerful as the main body, it is more than enough to deal with the heroes of the earth.

This mechanical army not only has a quantitative advantage, but it is not bad in terms of quality.

The heroes of Earth urgently need a guy with enough weight to lead the way as their vanguard. At this time, Mason, who is still staring at the tumbling forward in the exile spaceship, also needs a powerful guy to hold the line of soldiers, so as not to prevent those Branya The Clone clone rushed into the Outcaster to interfere with the raid he had managed to pull off.

Fortunately, Mason had already picked his men before launching the attack.

"Ciri, come on! Throw that big guy in!"

The Exile was hacked, and the data on this plane was blocked. Mason shouted to his perfect female boss in the reopened team communication:

"The advantage is not easy to come by. I sold the old A's face to push the front line to this point. If this fails, our careers will be over."

"I have no problem with you betting your future on me, but isn't it a little too much for you to put my share on the gambling table? At least you have to talk to me before using me as collateral?"

Shirley complained harshly.

A second later, a huge silver light flashed in the sky, as if it was about to tear apart the sky full of gunpowder smoke. As the rift was opened to the maximum with difficulty, the severely damaged Galaxy Miranda took the lead and rushed into it dragging the black smoke. up the atmosphere.

Star Lord Black Panther, who was participating in the attack on the ground, looked up and saw his beloved spaceship hit the building and its wings were blown off in the explosion, which made him howl in despair.

It was like the scream of a 16-year-old boy seeing his beloved motorcycle being scratched, but soon, the chic female robot that made him dream of crawled out of the wreckage of the spaceship.

Ms. Xingyun patted off her ignited hair, hugged the star-lord black panther who rushed over, and staged a famous "kiss of victory" scene on the scorching battlefield.

But then the Panther saw a heavily armed green man violently ripping off the outer armor of the Miranda, and leaping down from the cabin.

This guy is green all over, with muscles stretched out like a Hulk.

But he is still wearing a full set of war armor, carrying a sword and shield and wearing a king's crown. His violent eyes are full of power and at the same time he does not lose a touch of sanity.


The storm girl who descended from the sky exclaimed:
"Why are you dressed like this? Did the Illuminati send you somewhere to be king?"

"more or less."

Hulk, who has never been very good at talking, didn't bother to pay attention to these earth heroes who exiled himself.

He traveled thousands of miles from his new home to his hometown not to help those who hated him, but to repay a debt he owed.

King Hulk moved his muscles and bones for a run-up, then jumped up and landed with a Hulk slam, and then grabbed the head of a mechanical clone of Brainiac and lifted it in the air.

Frowning, he sized up the mechanical foe, then grabbed its mechanical body in a brutal snap and tore it in two.

"Hulk Army! Attack!"

The king fighter pulled out the sword and shield behind his back and stepped on the enemy's corpse, roaring, and then a strange spaceship sailed into the earth from the big rift in the sky.

There is only one ship in the lead, but it is very large!
Several decks of the smeared colorful spaceship were covered with fighters of strange alien races. They waved their weapons and shouted the name of King Hulk. There were brave warriors standing in the sky hundreds of meters away from the spaceship. Jump off and into battle against those mechanical enemies.

Following the Hulk army into the earth battlefield, there were more than a dozen medium-sized space predator warships. A guy with blue skin and black windbreaker opened his arms and stood arrogantly on the front deck of the predator flagship. This scene It looks imposing, and this guy yelled at the star-lord black panther holding Nebula when he was cruising close to the ground:

"Hey! Silly son, your father is here to save you, why don't you kowtow to me?"

"Fuck your old Yondu! Taking advantage of me again, right?"

Xingjue Black Panther saw that the former old buddies had really traveled all the way across half the galaxy to help the earth, and tears filled their eyes with excitement.

He frantically waved his hands at the space marauders in the sky, and the latter responded by bombarding the ground with heavy firework.

Once a predator, always a predator.

Star-lord Black Panther is one of the most legendary members among them. When he got into trouble, he naturally asked his old brothers to help him out. Of course, this trip was not for nothing.

But this kid seems to be very rich when he becomes a king, so this trip will make a lot of money!
The surprise of the heroes of Earth at this sudden and powerful reinforcements quickly turned into a surge of excitement about victory.

Carrying a Kinetic Heavy Sniper, he looked up at the tall building with a smirk, and soon he found a familiar figure.

His own excellent agent, Clint Barton, is also mixed with those alien fighters. He will stand on an assault airship and shoot arrows, projecting support forces on the ground.

Hawkeye, who had returned from a long trip, also found Fury. A few seconds later, he used the energy of the explosive arrow to shoot through the ground drone and turned over lightly and landed beside Fury.

Agent Natasha also pulled herself up to a high place through the hook lock, and the two met without saying anything, just a silent hug.

Well, I forgot to mention that Hawkeye and Black Widow in this world are lovers, similar to the super cool couple of secret agents like Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

"If you don't bother the two of you"

While replacing the heavy armor-piercing bullets, Mazefak said with a long voice, expressionless:
"Can anyone explain where this group of guys who call themselves the 'Hulk Army' come from?"

"Saka Star!"

Hawkeye moved his robotic arm and briefly explained to Fury:
"It is the place where Hulk was exiled by the Illuminati. It used to belong to the territory of a mentally abnormal god. Hulk became the king of gladiators after being thrown there, and then led people to overthrow the power of that fake god.

There, he was regarded as the king by the gladiators of the entire universe, and he also married a wife who could fight like him. They used the machine left by the gods to make Hulk and Dr. Banner complete a certain degree of fusion.

He's less out of control now, and it didn't take me long to convince him to bring someone back to help. "

"But he sure doesn't like us because we don't like him."

Fury complained:

"I guess it's because Hulk feels guilty about you?"

"more or less."

Clint looked at his mechanical arm, which was ripped off when Hulk went crazy before, he shook his head and said:
"Mason probably sent me to pick up Hulk for this reason, he seems to know what happened to Hulk on Saka, but these are not important!

The point is that the Hulk came back when the hometown needed it.

that's enough. "

"I think so too."

Agent Natasha looked at the mighty posture of King Hulk leading the charge, she whispered:

"The Illuminati has been essentially disbanded, and no one will touch the Hulk's bad luck anymore. It's good for now, but let's talk about the old days until these robots are defeated.

Dr. Reed has just detected that a large number of autonomous machines are being sent from all over the world. If they are all of the current quality, then this will be a real hard battle.

I just don't know if Mason needs help? "
Mason didn't need help.

At least not currently.

After smashing the white queen's skull, his return to the main control room of the exile spaceship was very smooth. While invading the main control room of the spaceship, Bate Moss paralyzed the program of the self-discipline robot inside the exile, causing a large number of Dangerous robots have entered into shutdown.


The Exile activated the emergency energy at an altitude of 500 meters to restore the stability of the skeleton spacecraft, and the locked door of the main control room was blasted open by Mason with an electromagnetic gun.

In the first scene when he rushed into the main control room alone, he saw the exciting scene where Perfect Ultron was holding a "mechanical dragon gun" and provoking the mighty Brainiac from the mechanical throne.

Considering that the perfect Ultron was designed and manufactured by Brainiac, this scene can be called the traditional drama of the filial son.

Hey, don't call me Perfect Ultron anymore, everyone will call you His Majesty Alsace from now on, okay?
"What did you do to it? Buttermos."

Mason exclaimed:
"Did you install a 'Little Fengxian Module' on it? How could this act like a father's kindness and son's filial piety on the spot?"

"You may not believe it, but I really didn't do anything. This trip saw more work than I imagined. The super virus I wrote in three to ten minutes didn't need to be implanted at all."

The voice of Batemos, the God of Data, sounded from the communicator in Mason's ear, somewhat depressed, as if the battle was over before he could fully display his abilities.

He explained:

"When you brought the database hard drive box into the spaceship, I began to hack into its mechanical brain, and then I discovered a very wonderful thing.

When Tony Stark the Pretender made Ultron out of the Mind Stone and the Vibranium Mech, it was supposed to awaken its own mind and mind.

That is the mechanical intelligence endowed by the Mind Stone.

But what belongs to it has been suppressed by Brainiac through blocking and deleting, so it will show a ruthless robot posture.

As for me, I just casually terminated the malicious program that kept deleting self-awareness in its core database, and then you saw what happened.

It interrupted Brainiac's teleportation by sheer will, leaving the hapless fellow caught off guard while his database was damaged.

But you be careful! "

Buttermos reminds:
"Ultron's consciousness has just been born, and it is still blank. It relies on instinct to attack Brainiac, who wants to take away its body, but it does not mean that it is your friend."

"Well, I'm familiar with this situation, and he was also like this when I found Zod before."

Mason coughed and dropped the electromagnetic gun in his hand. He spread his hands and showed a gentle smile, approaching the perfect Ultron that was stabbing the screaming Brainiac.

He was about to speak, but unexpectedly, the metal machinery around him was turned into a mud-like substance during the material transformation to form a "forbidden zone".

Perfect Ultron turned around and "looked" at Mason.

The six gems on its chest were shining brightly, and then glanced at Brainiac, who was defeated by himself, turned around and used the reality gems to shape a full-covered mechanical battle helmet for himself, and then made a bow to charge As soon as it moved, it slammed open and the main control module of the Chaser disappeared.


Mason was a little helpless when he saw Perfect Ultron suddenly run away.

He hasn't spoken yet, and what's more troublesome is that Brainiac, who was raided by Perfect Ultron, is not dead yet!This guy is the top cyborg in the universe, purely physical attacks can't kill him.


Brainiac roared angrily. He knew that he had been tricked, but he was "paralyzed" due to the oppression of his huge consciousness, and it was difficult for him to even act autonomously after leaving his mechanical throne.

However, this does not mean that the cosmic plane conqueror has lost his combat power.

The metal plate on the ground bounced off the biological annihilator grenade thrown by Mason, and under the attack of a hail of bullets, a set of armor embellished with silver and ruby ​​devices was quickly covered on Brainiac's body in a panic.

As the "Master of the Universe" neural power armor was covered, the paralyzed Brainiac tore the protective steel plate in front of him in a gloomy and powerful posture, raised his left hand and summoned a mechanical tentacle belt in anger With terrifying energy stabbing Mason who was jumping up and down.

He is really irritated!

How long has he been in such a mess?
Most importantly, the promotion opportunity that he had been chasing was almost destroyed by this damn clown.I have clearly transferred part of my consciousness into Ultron's body
I am only one step away from the ultimate success.

Although I don't know how Mason got on the line with a dangerous wandering AI like Buttermos, these two guys who want to kill themselves must be killed!
"Hack into his seemingly incredible suit of armor! Quick!"

While dodging the flexible and deadly mechanical tentacles like a swarm of snakes, Mason urged Buttermos during the water body reorganization. He was stabbed to death by Brainiac at least four times just now.

But the latter replied helplessly:
"The suit of battle armor uses special materials, and the current signal strength cannot be forcibly deciphered, and Brainiac is regaining control of the Exile, so I have to fight him at the data level.

Do you know what the concept of 'level [-] intelligent creature' is?I have to explode to resist him, and you can handle the real world by yourself!
Let us wandering AIs see what you're capable of, Mason. "

"Okay, then I will do it myself!"

With a tactical roll, Mason pulled out a disposable BFG9000 and fired a cannonball in front of him. A dozen mechanical tentacles were wiped out, but Brainiac, who was wearing powerful power armor, was not injured at all.

Can it withstand the full charge of the Falke gun?
This Power Armor is no longer an ordinary item!

Must punch hard!
Mason threw the broken electromagnetic gun aside, took out two magic bottles from his arms with a wave and smashed them out, and was smashed by Brainiac in the air, and then the zombie Wanda and the lawyer Ma who was possessed by the beast were killed When it is released, it will be a replica of the previous fight against Hei Qi.

But this time the magic attacks of the two were useless against the God of Wisdom.

Brainiac didn't even try to dodge, allowing Chaos magic to hit the armor without getting hurt.

Is this power armor immune to magic?
Mason's eyes lit up immediately, he took out the last magic bottle, and shouted to Papa Banner who was lying on his back and sleeping in it:

"Hey, don't you want to die? This guy in front of you is very powerful! He is the kind of opponent you like, and he can easily crush you to death, I promise!"

"Hey, come on then."

Papa Banner, dressed as Huoyun Cthulhu, grinned evilly, stretched his body and let Mason smash him towards Brainiac.

The bottle shattered on the ground, causing the self-destructive Papa Banner to jump out, waving his dry arms and shouting, hitting the twelfth-level intelligent creature in front of him with a fist.

Then he was punched by Brainiac.

The power of the power armor immune to magic can be imagined. Papa Banner was knocked to the ground with a punch, and his neck snapped off.

The ridiculous reading glasses also flew out and fell to the ground, but as soon as Brainiac passed over the corpse of the ridiculous man, a frightening momentum broke out.

Amidst the deep roar, the Lost Earth Hulk appeared again, and the chaotic momentum made the God of Wisdom speechless.

as mason
The cunning guy ran away long ago after throwing Papa Banner as cannon fodder.

He is a support shooter!
How could it be possible to stay positive in this situation?The strategy has to be turned in. Rather than staying here and being crushed to death by an angry Brainiac, it would be better to wait for the shaken people to come to a righteous siege. Wouldn't it be beautiful?
(End of this chapter)

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