The track of dawn in the world of American manga

Chapter 423 38. You'd better be prepared when an unreliable guy tells you with confidence that

Chapter 423 38. You'd better be prepared when an unreliable guy confidently tells you that everything is going well
Butmoss disabled the mechanical army on the Exile, which greatly reduced the number of enemies Mason had to deal with.

In the main control room at the rear, Hulk has already entangled Brainiac. Mason's goal for this meeting is to release the powerful heroes who were "sent" into the spaceship in advance before the two decide the outcome.

Brainiac is strong!

Even without the assistance of the exile spaceship, he is by no means an opponent that Hulk can solve alone. There are too many ways for twelfth-level intelligent creatures to weaken or control Angry Hulk, not to mention that guy is wearing an outrageously strong cosmic mask. Active Armor.

But if facing the raids of Thor, Captain Marvel, Black Bolt and good Thanos at the same time, even the mighty Brainiac will lose sight of the other.

At that time, Batemos will personally curb Brainiac's powerful computing power at the data level, which will create an excellent opportunity for the heroes of this world to defeat the enemy.

"Turn left in the third cabin ahead, and you can find the imprisoned heroes all the way forward. I read the logs of the exile spaceship. These heroes were mind-scrambled after being captured. Brainiac intends to make them into Commander of your own mechanical legion, so you may have to 'awaken' them first."

Buttermos reminds:
"I have interrupted the mind-disrupting process, and just use the simplest physical consciousness calibration."


Under his guidance, Mason quickly jumped into the front cabin, only to see his little cutie stepping on an unlucky ghost and swinging a baseball bat.

That's Venom Scorpion, the weakest member of the Sinister Six that was split apart by the terrain. It's not so much an evil villain, it's more like being pulled by the Green Goblin to make up the numbers and beat him.

But it is a pity that he also chose to betray Osborne and join Brainiac.

The symbiote venom suit on this guy wanted to sneak up on Harley, but every time it jumped out with its teeth and claws, it would be grabbed and beaten by the more powerful wasteland venom on Harley.

Although the two come from the same source, the ordinary venom that still needs a host to exert its combat effectiveness obviously cannot be compared with the powerful compatriots who have been promoted to another level.

"What kind of villain are you? How dare you use the same symbiote as me! Still want to attack me? Who gave you the guts?"

Harley had beaten the Venom Scorpion to the brink of death and still refused to let go.

Judging from her position, she must have wanted to carry out Mason's order to rescue the hero just now, and it could be considered that the venom scorpion just picked its "natural enemy" due to bad luck.

"Harry, come with me."

Mason yelled, and the cutie immediately pulled out his pistol with a smile on his face and fired three shots at the downed villain on the ground, then took out the biological containment tank and filled it with the speed-lost venom.

Such a symbiont is currently not used by the main members of the K team, but it is still very fragrant to use to arm the minion army.

"Where's Zack?"

Mason led Harry to the detention area and asked a casual question. Harry chewed gum and pointed to the top of his head. In the raid just now, Constantine faced Ares, the God of War, and this meeting was pulling on the upper floor.

The most dangerous junkie Sentry was thrown from the ship and was about to rush back to finish Mason, but he got an embarrassing backstab.

Dum, who was supposed to guard against Hei Qi, stood in front of him. The battle between the two was at a high altitude. The collision of magic, technology, and supernatural powers made this altitude of about 3000 meters almost a real "forbidden zone." ".

The kind that kills anyone who dares to get close.

"Others in the Sinister Six group have moved, but the Green Goblin Osborn has not been found. I guess that guy is hiding, or was killed when these two or five boys jumped back.

This kind of thing is too common in villain groups. Who in Gotham has never encountered this kind of backstab? "

Harley reported to Mason with the Isu artifact baseball bat:
"But the Norman of this world is inferior. He is not as skilled as our old Green Goblin."

"He does lack time to settle the strategy, but with the character of Norman Osborn, it is impossible for him not to hold back."

Mason shook his head and said:
"Maybe that guy was waiting for the situation to clear up and then jumped out to surprise us. Uh? Why are you here?"

The hatch of the holding area in front of him quickly slid open under the control of Bate Moss. Mason, who was ready for battle, stepped in and saw the released prisoner hero, and the hunter Xi who was sitting in the holding cabin sharpening his sword. inside.

Judging from the traces here, she had just fought with the released but delirious heroes.

And looking at Thor, who was rubbing his head and getting up, with embarrassing panda eyes on his eyes, he knew that Ciri had just completed the "quad kill".

Facing Mason's astonishment, Lord Hunter snorted and said in a bored voice:

"Do you regard me as an immature team member who needs your command to know how to act? Young man, you were still lying in your mother's arms and breastfeeding when I was doing pioneering missions.

Although I am used to sitting in an office these years, I still occasionally come out for activities, and I know when and what to do.

Tell me, the goal of the next stage? "

"Destroying Brainiac, of course!"

Mason pointed in the direction of the main control room, and shouted to the four heroic prisoners who had woken up:

"I released the dangerous Hulk and the zombie Scarlet Witch entangled him, you are going to support, but be careful not to be eaten by the Hulk."

"That damned alien actually wants to transform me into his hound, it's unbearable!"

Thor in this world roared and spread his five fingers to summon his own war hammer, and Thor's Hammer, which was stored in Brainiac's arsenal, rushed over with a bang.

While returning to the owner's hands, Mason was precisely guided the route to the treasure house of the God of Wisdom.

He took out the prepared weapons and armed the four of them. While watching them rush towards the main control room aggressively, he winked at Harry and said to Ciri at the same time:
"The ship will be handed over to Data Life as agreed, and before that we have to ensure that Brainiac's dangerous collection will not fall into the hands of dangerous people."

"Search and search, there are so many high-sounding rhetoric!"

Ciri curled her lips in disdain and stood up, saying:

"Everyone is a fox from the Stars Club. What are you singing about Liaozhai? Let's go, the treasure house of a hopeful director must be very interesting. Sixty-four points for everything, I will get [-]%!"

"As you go."

Mason had no objection to this, and then Ciri clasped the wrists of the two of them with both hands and jumped straight over.

However, what they saw made the three of them a little disappointed, because Brainiac's treasure house was "simple" and not as magnificent as imagined.

It's just a small cabin with only a few things in it.

But a small number does not mean poverty. In fact, Mason squinted his eyes when he saw these things.

The most eye-catching thing is a black sphere stored in a precision instrument. Even though the exile spaceship has been hacked by Batemos and out of control, this storage instrument is still operating at full power.

Apparently an independent energy source was placed.

"Help me see the material of this thing, I feel that it has some tricks"

Ciri, who was interested in weapons, took a silver-covered sword from the wall and handed it to Mason. The latter held it in his hand and examined it carefully. The information label popped up:

Origin X Metal Weapons
Quality: Forging Artifacts Immortal Craftsmanship

Affiliation: World Forge Set [Damaged · Missing]

Traits: Spell Immunity · Spellbreak · Energy Absorption · Holy Purification · Reality Distortion · Infinite Possibilities

Manufacturer: World Forge

Item description: The power of this thing is far beyond your imagination after the complete set, but after being paralyzed, in order to allow himself to continue to master the power, Brainiac reshaped the smelting of parts other than weapons and gauntlets into his own power Armor, so in theory this artifact is ruined, what a waste of a good thing, right?

Mason was about to tell Ciri about the power of this thing when he heard a loud noise, as if some kind of heavy object fell, making him feel that the crisis was approaching.

"Put it on!"

He took off the silver gauntlet and threw it to Ciri. The hunter quickly put it on and gripped the X-metal long sword tightly, while Harry grabbed an X-spike metal warhammer, twisting the handle without a teacher to make the morning star A golden streamer danced on the spikes of the war hammer.


After Mason packed all the contents of the treasure room into his bag, the door was blasted open by energy.

Amid the smog, the decadent sentinel dragged Doom, who had been beaten to death, into the room. The pair of eyes under the blond disheveled hair were already shining with chaotic and brutal light.

Obviously, it was because this addict with a very unstable mind could not defeat Dum who was fighting with his brain in a short time under normal conditions, so he chose to use more dangerous power.

"He promised me"

The Sentinel, who was about to lose control, whimpered indistinctly:
"Damn nothingness! He promised me he'd kill nothingness! You're all going to die! Only Brainiac's victorious future will keep me healthy."

"The first thing you need to do is get off the drugs, man."

Mason jumped into Fenrir's armor, and the moment the cockpit closed, he said in a disdainful tone:

"Having the power of a million stars but falling for yourself, Brainiac can't help you, and no one can help you, because you don't even think about living well."

"To shut up!"

The irritated sentinel roared and slammed his fists at the Vibrating Power Armor in front of him. Mason was repelled by the head-on bang, and the airborne AI female Ultron reported the damage.

The outer armor made by Quan Zhenjin was completely pierced by the drug-addicted lunatic in front of him!
This motherfucker is Zhenjin!A super metal with a stable arrangement of internal atoms, theoretically it will not be destroyed like this if it is thrown into a black hole!

So, in a simple conversion, in terms of pure power alone, this guy has surpassed the normal black hole.
He is indeed the most powerful guy Mason has seen so far, even faintly comparable to the pressure brought by Brainiac.

But Mason didn't find him difficult to deal with.

Compared with the strong-willed Clark Kent, Sentinel is a typical example of mud that can't support the wall and dog meat that can't be served on the table. Have you ever seen a big super addicted to drugs all day long?
If you haven't seen it, here it is.

To be honest, even comparing Azu with him is humiliating Azu.


The sentinel's eyes burst out with golden rays and blasted at Mason, but was smashed away by Harry who jumped over and held the X-metal warhammer in his hand!
The supposedly incorporeal energy beam lost all its power in front of the X-metal with infinite possibilities, and Ciri, who flashed past, swung his sword and easily left a bloodstain on the back of the sentinel.

man of Steel?

No, it is meaningless in front of the real magic-breaking blade.

"This thing is amazing!"

Harley waved the weapon in his hand and exclaimed, causing Mason in the cockpit to roll his eyes, nonsense, cutie, what you are holding at this moment is the artifact of origin smelted from the cosmic furnace.

Although I don't know which plane Brainiac found it in, but if something of this level can't even deal with a beam of rays, it would be a bit too cheap.

"Beat that poisonous bug!"

Mason yelled and manipulated the power armor to move forward, followed by Harley. The three of them surrounded the sentry and beat them with the power of the X-metal artifact.

But after all, a man with the power of a million stars is not so easy to be defeated, and with the serious setbacks in the battle, the spirit of the sentinel became more and more unstable.

His shadow twisted and stretched.

Wisps of tumbling darkness also began to cover his golden battle suit.

"Mason! I just threw Ares into hell, but that lunatic will crawl back soon, and the time agreed with the swordsman is up. Will the gate of the world be opened?"

Zha Kang's voice sounded in the team communication, Mason activated the BFG module and fired a devastating energy cannon towards the sentinel, and then responded to Zha Kang:

"Go! Let's see who is the unlucky ghost who was fooled by the swordsman?"

"Hold on."

Constantine responded, and a few seconds later, his screams exploded in the communication, screaming:

"It's not a warlock! The swordsman got it wrong, it's a bastard skeleton who nearly burned me to death and screamed for trouble with you, Mason!

In order not to let it burn me, I told it your location!
Now that bastard is heading your way in a freaking burning car!Be careful, I slipped first. "


Mason also looked shocked.

He did consider that it would be difficult to lure the shady warlock over with the carefree character of the swordsman, but he did not expect that the sister of the hell monarch would actually bring the ghost knight over.

I don't know who it is, if it's the guy who was cheated by me last time.
"Mason Cooper! I'm here to trouble you, don't return my precious motorcycle! Then give me 99 kowtows!"

The yelling in a broken voice caused Mason's complexion to change drastically.


Is it really the lingering Johnny Skeleton who came here?

"Ciri, change of plan! Withdraw."

He yelled, and the hunter who was stabbing the sentry immediately responded, jumped back to Harley, grabbed her and put her hand on Mason's power armor, and led the two of them out of the exile spaceship in a flash of silver light.

In the next moment, a meteor-like space locomotive fell from the sky, burning through the Exile's outer armor with raging flames, and smashed to the place where Mason had just fought.

Holding a large hammer with chains burning and converging, Johnny Skeleton, the head of the Ghost Riders wearing a cool motorcycle leather jacket, rode on his own motorcycle, looked around and found no trace of Mason.

But it caught the breath left by Mason and grinned a very sinister smile.

"Hey buddy."

The very social Johnny Skull lay on the handlebar of his motorcycle, looking at the chaotic sentinel who was beaten up in front of him, who doubted his life, and who was shutting himself up. He whistled at a temperature of several thousand degrees and said:
"You look miserable. You were bullied by that bad guy Mason, right? Don't worry, your brother Johnny will help you out. Come on, tell me, where did that bastard go?"

Faced with his "friendly" asking for directions, the sentinel, whose body was half covered by a strange dark force, raised his head.

There was a fierce and crazy light in the eyes under the messy hair, and a weird smile grinned at the corner of his blood-stained mouth.

The poisonous bug sentinel couldn't bear the pressure anymore.

This is the upper body of the "nothingness" of the dark side of the mind!


Lord Johnny Skeleton didn't get an answer, but the Void Sentinels did respond.

He just swung his fist and smashed the skeleton body and the cool motorcycle of Lord Johnny, while destroying Brainiac's treasure room and nearly one-tenth of the spaceship itself.

The bad news is that Sentinel's so-called "million star" power can no longer be suppressed.

Even worse news is that nothingness has taken over the fight!

This malicious personality born in the dark heart of a drug addict is laughing wildly in the falling spaceship. Its shadow is infinitely stretched into the air and converges into a crazy laughing black shadow, blocking the sun and projecting its malice on everything in front of it. heart.

It doesn't care about Brainiac's promises or the existence of the world, it can live in the sun anyway.

it only wants to do one thing now
God damn it, I just want to see blood flow into rivers now! ! !
But before seeing the blood flowing into a river, the Void Sentinel still had to solve a small problem right now.

Johnny Skeleton, who gathered his body from the flames, stared dumbfounded at his dismantled cosmic motorcycle, and the anger that his beloved thing was destroyed swept his already unstable mind at this moment.

"You can beat me, scold me, dismantle me, even humiliate me! But you shouldn't dismantle my car!"

It turned around and rolled up its sleeves, shouting at the void sentinel:
"Get out of the way, Mason, what's the point of me not teaching you and me a big group leader today? Cubs! Look me in the eyes!"

Damn, Mason's T isn't very good, the hatred of the World Boss that came out suddenly has been transferred.

(End of this chapter)

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